View Full Version : '83 Tri-Z - Air Filter Setup

11-07-2016, 12:55 PM
I have to replace my air filter.... it is bad. I got to looking at replacements and nothing looks like what I have. I am convinced that my current air filter was somebody's hack job sometime in the last 30 years. There is no airbox... this piece just slides up under the front cover where it looks like an airbox would have mounted. I found a K&N filter at the local autoparts store that would replace the entire mount and it will barely fit but it is about twice as big as this filter. Any reason not to go with a bigger filter?


11-07-2016, 02:36 PM
Yeah, that is definitely a hack job. I use a K&N filter made for the TRI-Z and it works great. You will need to get the stock airbox to make it work, which you can probably find on ebay.

11-07-2016, 02:37 PM
lol.... i figured! Ok I will start looking for a stock airbox.... do you happen to have a picture of yours so I know for sure what I am looking for... looks to be several variations on eBay that all claim to be for the 85 tri-z

11-07-2016, 05:33 PM
I don't have a picture of mine readily available--it's an 86. The main airbox of the 85 and 86 are the same, it's the down tube portion (which you have) that differs. They moved the overflow reservoir from the 85 to the 86 and had to change the down tube. I think the 86 breaths better too--it's larger. If you stick with the 85 system, it looks like you will need the airbox itself and the oval shaped rubber coupling that connects the airbox with the hard plastic down tube. You will also need the filter cage if you go with a foam filter, but not if you go with the K&N. In stock form, the airbox comes with a metal lid, although the ones on ebay are often missing them. I ride without one to get better airflow anyway.

11-07-2016, 07:17 PM
Ok thank you for the description... yea all of them are missing the lids but running without one sounds like a plan to me