View Full Version : Restore 1984 Honda 125m

10-10-2016, 10:40 PM
I'm planning to completely restore a 1985 Honda 125m. I'm thinking I might like to change the color scheme on it. Anyone have any suggestions?

10-11-2016, 12:29 PM
If you plan to restore it, you don't change the colors. Restore means original. You can do what ever colors that you would like, want pink then do pink.

10-12-2016, 09:10 AM
My fault I should have been more clear. The current 84 125M I would like to restore, has been assembled from many parts machines. Some of the parts have been repainted in the past(Odd colors). I would like to change the color scheme from what it is currently to what its supposed to be. As I reread above it does sound like I wanted to color it something other than what the original was(Again, my fault). Anyone know what the original paint colors were and where I can find them?

Thanks guys!

Big G
10-12-2016, 01:43 PM
There are many posts this site about paint options that are a very close match to the Honda red. From what I remember, the difficult part is finding a match for the grey/silver Honda used on the rims...Lots of variations - everything from too shiny of a silver to too dark of a grey.