View Full Version : Help! - Quick Question

08-29-2016, 07:01 PM

I just installed a new clutch into my ATC200M. I put the side cover back on and torqued it up, and then attempted to adjust the clutch. However, I have the clutch adjusting screw set right I think (all the way in, then 1/4 turn out), but there is still a few inches of play in the shifter lever. If I hold the lever up with the side cover off, and push in on the clutch lifter cam, and the ball is lined up between the 2 grooves, it will adjust fine. But if I try to hold the lever so the ball is set correctly, and put the cover back on, it seems to work, until I tighten up the adjusting screw lock nut and try and shift the gear. When I push down to shift, then raise it up, it goes back to having 2-3 inches of play. Any ideas on what could be wrong? I double checked that everything is all together properly, and have no parts left over. I am not sure why it is doing this. Hopefully its something simple.


08-29-2016, 08:55 PM
Counter clockwise until you feel a resistance and then a quarter turn clockwise , tighten the lock nut .

Sounds like you did the adjustment backwards .

08-30-2016, 06:47 PM
Whoops, yeah, I was doing it backwards. duh. Ok, now I think it is ok. Its only got 1/2 inch to an inch of play, and it shifts tight. I dont think its dragging. Just feels tighter because its a new clutch thats adjust properly, right?