View Full Version : Finally! Good advice from You Tube

08-18-2016, 10:53 PM
Here are some words of wisdom I just saw in a You Tube video. This is a slight paraphrase. I'm changing the words motorcycle and bike to trike.
Every die hard trike enthusiast needs exactly the same number of trikes: one more!
You may have a wife that says "it's either me or that trike!" That's a tough choice, I know.
Now some tips on how to get another trike without her knowing.
Everyone needs a good riding buddy. A good riding buddy is someone who will let you keep your new trike in his garage so your wife doesn't find out.
How do you buy a new trike without her knowing? You need an executive account. That's one that she doesn't know about. Just direct deposit your paychecks and put $20 or $25 dollars in every week. The good thing about an executive account is that when you get a pay raise, you get a pay raise! Now eventually, she's going to find out about your new trike, but she'll never find out about your executive account!
After a while, you can bring your new trike home. She'll ask "what the hell is that?" You say "it's my new trike." She'll ask "when did you get that?" You should say "hell, I've been riding it for two years now. I guess you don't pay enough attention to me!"
Finally, brand loyalty. If you've been riding a 200s and bring home a Tri-z, she's going to notice. If you bring home a 250sx, all she'll know is that you have a red trike! It helps even more when you keep the first red trike in your riding buddy's garage.

Hope you enjoy these words of wisdom as much as I did.

10-17-2016, 08:33 AM
This works.

pipeline triker
10-17-2016, 10:19 AM
OR, you can just be honest and have her involved in trikes as well. My wife loves her trikes and the time she spends as a family or out for a ride by herself with the three wheelers.

10-17-2016, 08:56 PM
I usally give my wife a lil cash and take her shoping then have a friend call and tell me he knows a guy hurting for money really bad and that i can get a 2500 dol trike for 500 convince her its a money maker take her with me to buy it then after i ride it tell her somethings wrong and cant sell it like it is and get to keep it lol

Rob Canadian
10-17-2016, 09:06 PM
Had a wife. She left.

Now I have a 200X...