View Full Version : 1985 250sx disc brake conversion

08-13-2016, 12:39 PM
Hey guys. Looking to do a disc brake conversion on the front of my atc. I've read about it and just can't find a solid answer. A buddy of mine a while back was lucky to get the WHOLE front fork off a 200x so he just swapped that over. But now we can't seem to find any. What I have found is plenty of hubs and seperate parts. My question is can I put a 200x Hub on to my axle? And what wheels can I use, I would imagine it can't be very wide? My plan with the bike is to get the brakes working, and get some different rims and throw some 26-27" tires as I have some deep mud down here in Florida.

08-13-2016, 12:41 PM

Here it is btw

08-13-2016, 12:50 PM
Most times the reason for not finding concise info on a mod is because it either never got finished or didn't work right. There's a lot of speculation on the internet.

I'd post an ad for a 200x front end. It will be the cleanest swap to get what you want, and the narrow front will push less mud.

Remember that bigger tires will likely offset any gains in braking.

08-15-2016, 02:57 PM
I recently bought a basket case (runs great but is full of creative redneck engineering)250sx it has the sx front end but what looks like an x tire with the disk on it there are no breaks however I have not gotten to breaks yet if this would love some direction on breaks

08-15-2016, 04:27 PM
I just did a 200x front end swap a couple weeks ago threw my shop , I see your in Miami , your close to me :)

Hey guys. Looking to do a disc brake conversion on the front of my atc. I've read about it and just can't find a solid answer. A buddy of mine a while back was lucky to get the WHOLE front fork off a 200x so he just swapped that over. But now we can't seem to find any. What I have found is plenty of hubs and seperate parts. My question is can I put a 200x Hub on to my axle? And what wheels can I use, I would imagine it can't be very wide? My plan with the bike is to get the brakes working, and get some different rims and throw some 26-27" tires as I have some deep mud down here in Florida.

08-16-2016, 02:14 PM
You have to remember too is its not just as easy as putting on the right hub/wheel to get the disk brake, the caliper bolts to the fork so even if you got the disk on there you would have to modify your fork with a tab that the caliper can bolt to.

My 86 250sx came with a 86 250r front end on it but it didnt have any neck bearings in it at all, the only thing it requires is that you replace the ball bearings in the neck (or in my case the lack of bearings) with roller bearing that i got from Bike Bandit:

I know that they work for the 250r forks, im not sure the best way to swap to the 200x front end.

09-07-2016, 11:35 AM
hard to do with shaft driven bikes