View Full Version : weird issue, mikuni vm606 blaster carb

07-02-2016, 02:04 PM
so working on a Yamaha with a blaster carb, used to work just fine. Now its fine putting, but runs stupid rich, no power, and smokes up a storm anywhere past that. no issues with flooding, or the usual signs of a messed up carb. cleaned the carb a bunch of times, seat, and float are good. then it hit me looking at the parts diagram, the washer between the main jet and the carb body is missing, wtf? I know it was there, but what ever, anyhow, without that sealing washer what would it do? it looks like there's a 2nd passage off to one side, that does go through to the throat, is that to supply the idle jets etc? or does the washer completely seal off that passage? I had to grab a brass washer from lowes, so im sure its not quite the right size, if someone could share a pic of the main jet and washer on a vm606 that would be great! it would make sense, that that would cause that issue, as theres no fuel flow from the main jet with the main needle all the way down, but once its picked up off fuel flow would be too much, thus causing this issue. anyone ever see that happen?

07-02-2016, 04:28 PM
found a picture, still can't tell if that washer is supposed to sit flush on what the main jet screws into. ignore the idle circuit question, that's what the pilot jet is for. (dur!)

07-02-2016, 08:54 PM
That washer sits flush on top of the needle nozzle under the main jet.

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07-03-2016, 09:19 AM
so I couldn't find the actual washer, so I had to file down a #8 brass washer. and lo and behold, it works! lol.. its amazing how well they work when they're assembled correctly :rolleyes: