View Full Version : 3 Wheeler of the Month

05-07-2016, 01:24 AM
Good idea? Bad idea?

I know we have a Top Tier section but not everyone has the scratch or the skill to join those ranks. We could have a nomination process and voting each month, maybe banner could even reflect the winner after the vote. Any documented and completed 3WW build past or present could be nominated and seconded for any good reason. Once the ballot is full voting would begin. Got this idea from a bike site. Could be motivation for some to finish or even start build threads, and might raise the level of workmanship that goes into a build. Might place more focus on what we all joined the site to see and share, cool three wheelers! I would be willing to create and manage the threads each month if the membership thinks it would be a positive addition to the site.

Just a thought. Thanks in advance for input!

05-07-2016, 01:39 AM
It's been brought up several times since I've joined and has yet to happen. I don't remember why it didn't happen. Anyone can create a thread, people can submit their builds, and you can have a poll for all of 3ww to vote. This doesn't have to be a 3ww sanctioned event.

And if you change the banner people cry.

05-07-2016, 01:55 AM
I do have to say the banner has a very wide spread of different people...

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05-07-2016, 01:57 AM
It's been brought up several times since I've joined and has yet to happen. I don't remember why it didn't happen. Anyone can create a thread, people can submit their builds, and you can have a poll for all of 3ww to vote. This doesn't have to be a 3ww sanctioned event.

And if you change the banner people cry.
So? Its billy's choice if he wants to change the banner. I vote yes to this idea that doc has suggested

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05-07-2016, 08:49 AM
I think it's a great idea

Joseph Farrow
05-07-2016, 03:05 PM
Good Idea.

05-07-2016, 03:39 PM
yup. good idea. life support for those of us who didn't/won't go to Facebook.

05-07-2016, 04:40 PM
Good idea.

Trx250r.org does a quad/trike of the month and they even got Eddie Sanders to sponsor is by providing a $100 credit to ESR for each monthly winner. I won it once and the ESR credit plus my 38mm AS got me an ESR bored 41.2mm PWK. :)

I agree that it could certainly help spur some nice builds.

05-07-2016, 05:52 PM
Let's do it man!!!

05-08-2016, 01:40 AM
If there`s prize money you`d get a lot of attention !...... or gifts or shwagg or stickers .......something or chicks .....nevermind !
Stickers maybe?

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05-08-2016, 02:33 PM
Wait is this a facebook thing or a forum thing?

05-08-2016, 02:44 PM
If yall decide to do this would you submit a picture through facebook or the forum?

05-08-2016, 03:23 PM
I say keep it right here.

05-08-2016, 03:33 PM
I say keep it right here.

X2....if it's 3ww trike of the month it stays on 3ww. 250r.org had good success because of the cash involved. Billy, got a good way to hand out some prizes?

05-08-2016, 03:52 PM
Last time this was brought up there was something about the quality of the pictures submitted not being up to par.

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05-08-2016, 04:45 PM
I say keep it here too. Just wanted that to be clear.
for the bad quality thing, maybe set a minimum resolution aloud to be uploaded.

05-08-2016, 05:19 PM
Don't you think the admins need to be the ones asking and pushing? Considering you have been on time out and put on probation I don't think it is acceptable for you to be making ANY sort of ideas.

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05-08-2016, 05:34 PM
As much as I agree with you, Damon still has good ideas and can build a trike. I am hoping he has seen the error of his ways and is ready to turn over a new leaf.

I can't argue with his rationale. I have been wanting a trike of the month on this site for years and it has never happened. It's good to keep the ideas flowing for the sake of the site.

05-08-2016, 05:59 PM
^ i hear ya. yea i jsut hope the mods think about this stuff.

05-08-2016, 08:21 PM
All differences aside concerning the OP, I think it's a good idea. We all don't always agree on everything, especially when we get yammering about politics as so many of us often do. I feel that most of us can disagree on a thing and still respect one another. So with that said, I appreciate a good idea from anyone, previous disagreement notwithstanding. But of course, ideas are just ideas. It is up to the site owner and staff to decide if they wish to endorse/implement it.

And I also think that this is good for 3ww. Not that I think we should be in a peter measuring contest with FB groups, but I am most fond of this site over the FB scene and I don't want to see it whither away because of FB. FB groups have their purpose, I am on several myself but don't comment much. THIS is my 3-wheeling home, always will be.

I hope my comments here do not turn this thread into a FB vs 3WW topic as it is not my intent.

Ol Deuce
05-08-2016, 08:33 PM
Ya For sure it needs tobe a Forum thing!!!!! Every time pick a trike to ride in my Barn ....It has tobe the "Trike of the Month":Bounce:Bounce:Bounce:Bounce:Bounce

05-08-2016, 09:42 PM
Fun and cool idea! How many months will it take before we get through taking turns handing the award out to the top builds by talented or financially blessed members though? I suggest having a "theme" every couple months. Such as best restoration, resto mod, full blown mod, race trike, utility trike, muddiest trike, etc.

I enjoy observing the great builds by members, there is some truly great talent and skills here. But let's be honest, anyone that has been here for awhile knows who has the sweet trikes and who can build them. These folks do deserve the recognition and award, don't get me wrong! I feel that having different themes would help diversify the inputs and give more people options to submit.

Joseph Farrow
05-08-2016, 09:50 PM
All good suggestions and ideas. I like the different themes or catagories. That will give everyone the chance to participate. Hopefully the mods will take notice. I agree it does not need to have anything to do with FB. 3WW is not FB. Lets do it!!!

05-17-2016, 02:24 AM

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05-17-2016, 11:40 AM
yep, most model specific sites have "bike of the month" or "quad of the month". we have different themes for the entries each month which gives everyone a chance to enter throughout the year, and keeps voting balanced. i won on .org last year and got the $100 esr cred.

its great to have a sponsor for it so there is some incentive. odd there isnt really any "site sponsors" here, but i know there is several members in the industry on here that perhaps could do something to donate to the monthly winner pot.

it just adds another aspect to help the community grow and bring us together. find an incentive, have a mod create a trike of the month section and dedicate a mod to managing it, and were off to the races. lets do it!

05-17-2016, 12:37 PM
yep, most model specific sites have "bike of the month" or "quad of the month". we have different themes for the entries each month which gives everyone a chance to enter throughout the year, and keeps voting balanced. i won on .org last year and got the $100 esr cred.

its great to have a sponsor for it so there is some incentive. odd there isnt really any "site sponsors" here, but i know there is several members in the industry on here that perhaps could do something to donate to the monthly winner pot.

it just adds another aspect to help the community grow and bring us together. find an incentive, have a mod create a trike of the month section and dedicate a mod to managing it, and were off to the races. lets do it!

Is .org still alive? Seems dead to me.

05-17-2016, 01:06 PM
yep, most model specific sites have "bike of the month" or "quad of the month". we have different themes for the entries each month which gives everyone a chance to enter throughout the year, and keeps voting balanced. i won on .org last year and got the $100 esr cred.

its great to have a sponsor for it so there is some incentive. odd there isnt really any "site sponsors" here, but i know there is several members in the industry on here that perhaps could do something to donate to the monthly winner pot.

it just adds another aspect to help the community grow and bring us together. find an incentive, have a mod create a trike of the month section and dedicate a mod to managing it, and were off to the races. lets do it!

what's your user name on .org?

05-17-2016, 01:21 PM
Is .org still alive? Seems dead to me.
I think he means trx250r.org not 3wheeler.org.

05-17-2016, 01:23 PM
Good idea. trx250r.net has a quad /trike of the month aswell. BDT puts up the cash. Both sites have a format that you click on so you can tell what you quad /trike has. Like gearing,tires,aftermarket or stock,ect,ect. I think it should be on this forum . Some of the themes are best dune setup,best winter riding setup. They had a kinda radrod/rider theme a month or 2 ago.

05-17-2016, 02:18 PM
@atc300r they had, they dont anymore at .net. that site has fell off.
and yes sorry i meant trx250r.org and it is alive and well.

bump for TOTM