View Full Version : 3 out of 4 TOP posts about pistons and such:

04-02-2016, 11:29 PM
I'm not trying to start a battle, my posts in the last 2 years have dropped significantly and I don't need any trouble.

I won't include myself at all. However, when the long time or intelligent people post here, LISTEN and LEARN. Put every service manual you can get your hands on your toilet including ones for a YUGO.

How DARE!! ANYONE criticise John Tice (and numerous others), but he's new here. He is here to help us!! If I need work, it's going to him.

All he has done is to come here and contribute. 99% of us don't have his tools, and 75% of us don't have his knowledge.

He is a new member that I like many others want to learn from. I like to learn new things and outside the box.

You wanna piss on me, have a ball. Yaeger, Onformula1, atc007, ElCamexican, Wonderboy, Kasey, DOHC, triple dog, Scootertrash, the real good 350X members and a bunch of other guys that are pretty damn good, have a ball, I think they can deal with it. But don't screw it up with a NEW guy like Mr. Tice. All he's done is shown us how to do things right!! Maybe WE can learn something new. It's a damn internal combustion engine, read a book!

Seems like another system should be implemented for newbies under a certain condition.

I've NEVER in 18 years of being here seen so many damn problems with pistons, rings, cylinders etc etc

04-02-2016, 11:48 PM
Mr. Tice is a fantastic guy, we have chatted many times. I am very happy that he is posting here, I am a fan of his work here and before on E2S. I agree with him 99% of the time which is excellent odds considering my wacky, out of the box engine tactics at times. The members on this forum have been blessed with his presence & experience!

Where can use ask any question to a top industry professional and get the answers and secrets??? The answer is MR. John Tice, right here on this forum.

04-03-2016, 12:06 AM
I'm not trying to start a battle, my posts in the last 2 years have dropped significantly and I don't need any trouble.

I won't include myself at all. However, when the long time or intelligent people post here, LISTEN and LEARN. Put every service manual you can get your hands on your toilet including ones for a YUGO.

How DARE!! ANYONE criticise John Tice (and numerous others), but he's new here. He is here to help us!! If I need work, it's going to him.

All he has done is to come here and contribute. 99% of us don't have his tools, and 75% of us don't have his knowledge.

He is a new member that I like many others want to learn from. I like to learn new things and outside the box.

You wanna piss on me, have a ball. Yaeger, Onformula1, atc007, ElCamexican, Wonderboy, Kasey, DOHC, triple dog, Scootertrash, the real good 350X members and a bunch of other guys that are pretty damn good, have a ball, I think they can deal with it. But don't screw it up with a NEW guy like Mr. Tice. All he's done is shown us how to do things right!! Maybe WE can learn something new. It's a damn internal combustion engine, read a book!

Seems like another system should be implemented for newbies under a certain condition.

I've NEVER in 18 years of being here seen so many damn problems with pistons, rings, cylinders etc etc

Agreed, anyone who frequents in researching small engine problems has come across a JT thread. If you haven't, well, sounds like you need to do some reading.

04-03-2016, 01:24 AM
I wanna be in a power clique. That's all I ever wanted. It would be so kewl and ppl would drink Haterade to quench the jealousy. The like button is the secret handshake.

Vato Loco forever

Try to catch me riding dirty

3Masons Ho!

Sent from my Z998 using Tapatalk

04-03-2016, 01:28 AM
Mr. Tice is a fantastic guy, we have chatted many times. I am very happy that he is posting here, I am a fan of his work here and before on E2S. I agree with him 99% of the time which is excellent odds considering my wacky, out of the box engine tactics at times. The members on this forum have been blessed with his presence & experience!

Where can use ask any question to a top industry professional and get the answers and secrets??? The answer is MR. John Tice, right here on this forum.
You surely didn't contact Mr Tice without the full disclosure of this forum and their expressed written permission right? That's three wheeled espionage right there and just proves you're the ringleader of the power clique what with your secret pms and phone calls.

Sent from my Z998 using Tapatalk

04-03-2016, 01:55 AM
I wanna be in a power clique. That's all I ever wanted. It would be so kewl and ppl would drink Haterade to quench the jealousy. The like button is the secret handshake.

Vato Loco forever

Try to catch me riding dirty

3Masons Ho!

Sent from my Z998 using Tapatalk

Now that was funny!, I just shot green tea out my nose...The last time that happened I was talking or reading something from El Camexican or Tripledog.

I am thinking you have been reading too many glamy posts. (Mr. glamy is funny too)

3Masons is classic, I wish I was that bright to come up with something sooo witty. :lol:

04-03-2016, 02:02 AM
You surely didn't contact Mr Tice without the full disclosure of this forum and their expressed written permission right? That's three wheeled espionage right there and just proves you're the ringleader of the power clique what with your secret pms and phone calls.

Sent from my Z998 using Tapatalk

I don't think I violated the TOU agreement by contacting Mr. Tice, I have also contacted a Incredible Machinist who's initials are D.H. :lol:

04-03-2016, 07:26 AM
It aint gonna change. It is a product of upbringing or lack of it. This is the future. Impatient, know it all, condescending, snot nosed punks too stubborn to shut up and take advice, and too proud to learn.

You used to come here and get a damn answer and progress by post 6. I Have posted builds and how to threads with less pages than we see anymore about a damn bearing..
It is either 2 or 3 guys that know everything, or 1 guy that wont listen going on 20 pages deep or combo of both. Not to mention the whole internet hero persona and undying plea for group acceptance.
Then the poor unsuspecting people that are told certain people are some kind of expert, that really has no credentials or accomplishments other than a big mouth are built up and followed on here like some messiah, just because they have a big mouth. When did stuffing chinese engines in spraybombed mad max creations qualify people as expert builders? When did bending rods over and over in the same trike qualify someone as pro engine builder that people look up to?
When did wrecking race after race qualify someone as a pro racer? When did a dusty picture from 1983 qualify someone has a former pro racer ? When did google searching propel someone to the status of factory engineers?

I mean hell if half the people believe this nonsense as fact, send me 500$ money order and I will ship you a 750cc 2 stroke injected modern trike..

It is no wonder these kids don't listen. They don't know who is full of trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro and who is blowing smoke up there ass til they find out the hard way.

None of it is what it used to be like. This place has gotten ruined. Ruined by facebook, ruined by disrespectful punks shitting on people who have dedicated time, and money and info to this site and TF, and ruined by no moderation or very large lack of it both at the administration level and even the members themselves for not protecting the assest that used to be here, and falsely building up self proclaimed experts based on popularity contests..

And it is just about everywhere. Look what one or 2 guys can do to a forum. It has happened to many forums.

It is unfortunate.

04-03-2016, 07:50 AM
Seeing that a bit of this is obviously directed at me, i'll respond. You guys are beating a dead horse. Its already been established that it was simply a misunderstanding on my part and that its already been apologized for. I personally never once questioned his knowledge on anything, AT ALL. I dont know him or know anything about him. So i dont have that right. I simply misunderstood the way he said one particular thing, and i took it the wrong way. Thinking he was putting down some of us that have little to no knowledge on this subject (piston/bore). I was mistaken and apologized shortly after. Whats funny though is, he handled the entire miscommunication with class and integrity, unlike the way a few of you have done. But hey, thats life. Cant teach an old dog new tricks ya know. No big deal. I got over it in about 5 minutes. Instead of talking about it for two days. 3 wheelers, 4 wheelers, dirtbikes whatever have been a part of my life, since i was 4 or 5 years old, but as far as taking engines apart and all that, its relatively new to me. Thats why i'm here. To learn from you guys. So i have no right to insult or question any of yall's knowledge on the subject.. which is why i havent, and wouldnt. I can only speak for myself as one of the "top 3 posts" about pistons, anything they have said is not related in any way shape or form to me. And as far as my power clique comment, i suppose i couldve chosen a better word. Not so much a clique, just the main group of gentleman that post more regularly and help people out the most. That also seem to jump on people the most, all together when something is said they dont agree with. Thats all. Seriously not a big deal. So lets all be adults here, and get over it. And talk about ATC'S. You guys have a blessed day. (I'm spending the next 12 hours at work).

04-03-2016, 08:09 AM
I agree with mosh, this site blow. I only stop by out of habbit. It went down hill 3-4 years ago and gets worse the the year. Prob wont see me post by end of this year. I think I've had enough of giving helpful advice no one listens to or have $50 to spend on toy.

04-03-2016, 11:27 AM
It aint gonna change. It is a product of upbringing or lack of it. This is the future. Impatient, know it all, condescending, snot nosed punks too stubborn to shut up and take advice, and too proud to learn.

You used to come here and get a damn answer and progress by post 6. I Have posted builds and how to threads with less pages than we see anymore about a damn bearing..
It is either 2 or 3 guys that know everything, or 1 guy that wont listen going on 20 pages deep or combo of both. Not to mention the whole internet hero persona and undying plea for group acceptance.
Then the poor unsuspecting people that are told certain people are some kind of expert, that really has no credentials or accomplishments other than a big mouth are built up and followed on here like some messiah, just because they have a big mouth. When did stuffing chinese engines in spraybombed mad max creations qualify people as expert builders? When did bending rods over and over in the same trike qualify someone as pro engine builder that people look up to?
When did wrecking race after race qualify someone as a pro racer? When did a dusty picture from 1983 qualify someone has a former pro racer ? When did google searching propel someone to the status of factory engineers?

I mean hell if half the people believe this nonsense as fact, send me 500$ money order and I will ship you a 750cc 2 stroke injected modern trike..

It is no wonder these kids don't listen. They don't know who is full of trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro and who is blowing smoke up there ass til they find out the hard way.

None of it is what it used to be like. This place has gotten ruined. Ruined by facebook, ruined by disrespectful punks shitting on people who have dedicated time, and money and info to this site and TF, and ruined by no moderation or very large lack of it both at the administration level and even the members themselves for not protecting the assest that used to be here, and falsely building up self proclaimed experts based on popularity contests..

And it is just about everywhere. Look what one or 2 guys can do to a forum. It has happened to many forums.

It is unfortunate.

First of all, thanks DC for starting this thread. Mosh, I've gotta hand it to you for sticking it out here for so long. You pretty much nailed it down. I don't know if I totally agree with the part about Facebook ruining this forum, however, it has played it's part. Most of damage done here and on other forums and groups is done by just a small number of people out for notoriety. They just seem to go for the negative type of attention and instant gratification. For them, it takes too long to try to learn and contribute something positive. Nothing worthwhile will ever become of that type of behavior. You are right, it is everywhere. It is sad.

04-03-2016, 11:38 AM
It's not a forum thing. I don't listen here and I dont listen irl. Reason being that too many times I've came across old guys that have been doing x thing for a long time and claim to know everything about it, and I show them a new idea or method, and they blow it off. News flash; it doesn't matter how old or young you are or how experienced you are, you don't know EVERYTHING, you can still be introduced to new methods.

I don't care about 3wws opinion of the tools I use. Hell you can rebuild a briggs and Stratton in a field with just a pair of vice grips and a crescent. Someone who's really gifted could probably get away with never touching a torque wrench, or doing cylinder/case work with a drill and a file.

It's really petty when you look for things to nitpick about so you can insult ones intelligence. I hate to admit it but i have in fact learned things from this place, and I know for a fact I could teach everyone here something. I'm not going to change my methods just because someone on a forum thinks that it's impossible to build an engine correctly unless you spend $4k in snap on tools

It's equally sad and hilarious when a group of "power members" thinks they're hot trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro when they team up on someone.

04-03-2016, 02:18 PM
I've made plenty of mistakes but I also have nothing to prove. 1 mistake is just that, a mistake. A 2nd mistake, makes it a bad habit.

Learn your limitations. Too much self confidence can result in a stubborn, unwilling to change or learn the correct way. If I couldn't fix something, I'd learn how to or I'd bring it to a dealer.

All the "power members" have very very good running and performing trikes. Plenty of them (me too) did and still do learn new things from thread topics.

Quote "It's equally sad and hilarious when a group of "power members" thinks they're hot when they team up on someone." these members have so much information to offer anyone. They reply, ask what steps got someone to this point and try to give them good advice; And the other member never listens and at some point others give up trying to help. No worries, it won't last because that member who refuses to listen to others will end up being ignored.

And I don't use vice grips and crescent wrenches...

04-03-2016, 03:12 PM
Sounds like a resignation announcement. With all due respect, it sounds like some of you need to move on. Start a new chapter in life. I doubt anyone is forcing you here. I'm sure 3ww will survive. If you don't like something, what's wrong with saying "go find someone else". Rather than 5-10 members ganging together for some tongue lashing & insults. To me seems like that will put an end to this site. You guys aren't the only ones that know anything about 30 y/o atc's.
Your scaring off new members from asking anything. People won't want to tip toe here long. If you don't get your standing ovation or a bow-WATCH OUT-it's like a kid at Wally World that isn't getting what he wants. Get off your high horse now, why you can still help around here. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Peace out. Newbies: to avoid your demise, no secret handshakes

Still don't get it do ya?

04-03-2016, 04:17 PM
I'll be mean if I feel the need to. I've been here ten years and watched so many ppl come and go. Good and bad.

I'm sure some folks, as I've been told, either dislike me or think I'm a bully sometimes. I don't care. I gave up on the feel-good utopia idea a long time ago. I used to stay pretty quiet. Lurked before joining and after that, I kept my ears open and my mouth shut.

A few years ago I quit coming by here as there were TWO self proclaimed superstars who were jamming themselves into every goddam thread in this place. One had some knowledge and the other made lots of claims that were never confirmed and weren't even true. This didn't stop the online fanboys in here from thinking that copy-pasting from Google searches constitutes real and learned knowledge. Sorry to disappoint some of you but you've been duped by a Google search. Plagiarized DAILY from other articles on the net. I thought after three years, some ppl would figure it out but these SAME TWO guys started this whole "secret clique" bullshoot because their panties were in a wad over the possibility that their monopoly of thread advice might be threatened. I watched for two years as these two made post after post of passive-aggressive BS pertaining to other threads. I saw a lot of the ppl complaining about this "clique" now were liking that passive aggressive school kid crap back then. But I just stayed quiet and waited for someone else to fix the problem for us through moderation.

One day I just decided that if that's what some ppl want, then I'll make sure they get what they want. .....so I called out people. One was a fake the whole time and the other styled himself as some sort of bully fighter. He liked to stick up for the kids because they were kids. Meanwhile he's hypocritically bullying other people. Next thing I know these kids were hiding behind their internet big brothers and making smart passed passive aggressive remarks themselves on here all the way up until their protector got banned.

I made all my smartass "power clique" comments because I'm tired of the accusations and feel the need to correct these paranoid lies. If that's too much for some I would apologize except that I'm not going to. I meant every word I said. I'm also not going to stop liking things people say because even that gets twisted into whatever someone else wants to perceive it as an attack of some sort.

I say what I say because I feel that way. I could not care less if anyone else agrees or what bandwagon you think we all jump on. Maybe if three ppl yell at you online, it isn't because they're kissing anyone's hind end. Maybe its just because more than one person thinks your being a dick or any idiot and maybe more than one person prefers to speak for themselves.

If I make a general passive-aggressive statement, its just general. If its about anyone personally, they will know it quick as I like to go straight to he source.

I'm actually quite surprised that so many people were duped into thinking that those two were even CLOSE to having anywhere NEAR the knowledge they claimed to have and ESPECIALLY considering they were very low on the knowledge totem pole. Apparently people think post count equals knowledge.

I'm also confused that so many people watched quietly as their two internet heroes trash talk and bully people left and right for two years and yet liked their posts and worshipped them as if nothing they could do or say was wrong. Now folks are butthurt that those two got outed and are pointing fingers at everyone else calling "bully".

Well I'm not sorry everyone's two false idols ran off or got banned or whatever.

Follow whomever you want. Just don't expect me to respect your choice enough to sit by and watch two klowns dupe everyone and ruin a forum I've loved for ten years now. That also goes for the real life racer who was always trashing this place publicly over Facebook while half of you sat quietly because "He's a god". Its called LOYALTY to my friends and my community. I dont give a damn how many trophies he has. This place has done way more for me than he has and i would defend 3WW over a Facebook page any day. Too bad a lot of you don't understand that but I wont tolerate something Zuckerberg built ruining something Golighlty built.

Oh and since I'm familiar with these two old superstars I also know they like to email and PM people outside of the forum running their mouths about people in here. Know how I know? Because one of them used to message and email me too just to bash others. Imagine my surprise when these very two are accusing others of doing exactly what they've been doing for years....claiming they were the sole reason for all the traffic on 3WW. I know they still message people on this forum running that mouth like cowards so you can be certain that its no longer your little secret.

Sent from my Z998 using Tapatalk

04-03-2016, 04:23 PM
It`s like watching pro wrestling.......wer`re talkin Rolex watches ....... we`re talkin beautiful wemen ....... we`re talkin Lear jets.......WOOOW ! The four horsemen ..... Kasey , Mosh , Scootertrash , oldskool83 they`re coming for ya......look out !! ......you don`t know .....jack......WOOOOOOW !

Quite the contrary. I am not coming for anyone. My wife and I have all but stopped trying to do anything to help with extra curricular activities. Particularly since we have been the target of bombardment by others, particularly you have been one of them. As I stated a few weeks ago. You pose..that is all you do. Your afraid to ride around any trees, you claimed you go to every imperial invasion that is in your backyard, you purposely put down the fact that I built the 2013 raffle trike for Trikefest, and all you offer here is trolling and lude behavior. You think its a joke and to you it is. To others that put forth effort to try to make something better for others, it is offensive and appalling.

It makes no consequence to me anymore whether I am accepted or declined here. I quit trying to make people happy a few years back. I try to help when I can, have stated the obvious when it needed to be stated and that is all i can do. Personally I have more important things to in life anymore than try to impress or gain acceptance from people that live to cause strife for others.

It is nothing personal, people dont like me, like you, fine. Tellya what...How about you pay thousands out of your pocket to have plastic remade. Or maybe you can offer to head up the 2017 TF raffle trike and "adorn it with special colors and your companies stickers" since you were so disapproving of my efforts for trying a few years back with those exact words.

That was the thanks I got from you..And all the 100s of people that appreciated that effort were great, however it is the few negatives that can wash all the positives away. Perosnally had it been my forum and I watched someone get crapped on like that you would have been booted for life...And even as my wife and I were both admins and mods, we chose to let you walk, even after you trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro on us...yeah we are real unfair assholze arent we now?

04-03-2016, 04:25 PM
If a trike "performs as good as it looks" then it's probably not ridden hard, or anywhere close to its limits. I've seen one, MAYBE two people go big on trikes. How come all the "pro" mx racers on trikes are afraid to hit any of the jumps? There's a lot of speed to be had there.

I'll tell you why, because all the fast guys went to quads or dirtybikes. Which is why if you claim to be a "pro" trike racer it doesn't mean anything, cause amateur quad and bike riders will still lap you. And if you claim to have a trike that "performs as good as it looks" you're full of trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro, cause you've never pushed it to the limit.
Allen knowles said it in an interview somewhere, he knew trikes were done when he found out how much faster he could be on a quad. They have their place as cool vintage equipment, but that's about it. Trikes are inherently single-minded.

Edit: there is no clique or secret circle, just a bunch of old guys with a single minded approach to everything. I have seen old guys who have been doing something for years spread loads of misinformation on the subject. I know BS when I see it, and it takes a lot to earn my respect nowadays.

Mr. Clean
04-03-2016, 04:30 PM
It's not a forum thing. I don't listen here and I dont listen irl.

This should serve you well, I assume irl = in real life. Do some research on communication, 90 percent is non verbal and listening is more important than speaking. Live your life your way but be prepared for the consequences of ignoring the value of how to listen. You may miss out on a dream job or someone who will love you eternally because you do not listen.

In my humble opinion........For me an internet forum is what you make of it.

Interpretation and word/sentence comprehension is a hard thing to do in this environment. They used to teach this in school, but it has been a long time since I was in school, here is where I blame common core. :Bounce

How you react whether either agreeing or getting offended or what you infer from what you read is entirely on the user.

It is possible for two people to disagree and both still be right.

I have not seen nor do I believe this site is going downhill.

I have no data for this but it appears traffic is down but that does not deter me from frequenting the forum and reading new posts as well as researching old threads. This is the same as discussing how fast a trike is post mods, its seat of the pants as I have no data to support that traffic is down.

I have no clue about the clique or the secret club or inner circle, this is all fantasy and someones incorrect interpretation or what they read. People do not secretly get together and conspire to do anything. It is merely coincidence, if two people agree on something and the third person does not that does not mean the two are conspiring with each other. It may be simply from having done something in the past and sharing their experience.

I will be a member of this forum and will frequent this place until they turn the lights out and everybody takes their ball home.

Have a great Sunday and remember to keep things in perspective, or ignore everything I say and do your own thing, in the end that is all that matters.

My 200R "performs as good as it looks"

El Camexican
04-03-2016, 04:39 PM
After reading the first post in this thread, I am left wondering if I am part of the problem. I joke a bit, but I try not to be mean spirited. I am grateful for all of the help this site has provided for me over the years.

I was thinking exactly the same thing. I read it and thought; He's talking about Trip Dog!!!:lol: Seriously though. Your Avatar is your protection against hate. No one can stay mad at that cute little doggy!

El Camexican
04-03-2016, 04:46 PM
My 200R "performs as good as it looks"

Wow! That thing looks great! :beer

Now how about a close up shot of that filler neck?;)

Red Rider
04-03-2016, 05:13 PM
My 200R "performs as good as it looks"Indeed it does! Perhaps it looks so good because, you the owner, take care of it, and wrench on it with the proper tools, instead of settling for a pair of vice grips & a crescent wrench.

04-03-2016, 05:29 PM
Indeed it does! Perhaps it looks so good because, you the owner, take care of it, and wrench on it with the proper tools, instead of settling for a pair of vice grips & a crescent wrench.

Please point out the post where I said I wrench on my r with vice grips and a crescent. I was making a point. Mr. Clean could use vice grips instead of stud pullers and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. He could use a bargain bin Walmart set of sockets and wrenches and still, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

Why would anyone spend $100 on a stud puller they're going to use ONCE.

Billy Golightly
04-03-2016, 05:34 PM
Hoosier Daddy After being on this forum nearly 20 years (17...) The one thing that seems to consistently trace back to nearly every single piece of drama and conflict;

Peoples egos and self righteousness.

Imagine that.

04-03-2016, 05:42 PM
The cream always rises to the top, the riff-raff comes and goes, and all hell breaks loose when Fabio goes absent for a spell.....

Anybody here into porting their saws?? ;)

04-03-2016, 05:59 PM
First off it`s your demeanor thats the problem ......you`re wrong on 2 counts ....it was Mymint87 that criticized your Tri-z and i`ve only been to one Invasion 2011 when it was Sprocks ride ......i can be there in a couple hours and ride with people that i enjoy any time i want ! And actually i agree with alot of what you say i just don`t like the way you say it ....thats all ! .....dig up my post from back then maybe i`m mistaken
***Demeanor warning***

My mint purposely withheld info about RexKars with the assistance of some .org people so that we would make a mistake on the tribute seat. It required a recall of the seat over the whole deal. He did apologize for it on the back end to which we forgave him for it.
It is trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro like that the people saw. They saw how effd up it was..It ruined the integrity of the whole purpose of that build. Posting dropped off dramatically directly after..Was it because of that? Who knows, but I find it strikingly odd, that people made a mockery of the tribute Tri-Z, saw a website admin win the thing,(Which was all legit BTW for what it is worth) then all the ensuing events thereafter, and posting died down...

As if it was not hard enough to just build the dang thing, people had to add to the strife with nonsense..

This stuff was posted by YOU..As far as the "poser comments I have made" towards you...

Directly after I handed over the TF trike in 2013. You posted this ( quoted below) in 2014. You were egging on someone else for pushing us out of the plastic gig. Dohc Bikes was leading the charge... You were loving it.. YOU WANTED TO SEE US FAIL....Guess what TF never got their plastic donations..We however donated stuff every year. Does anybody realize, that ZM called not only us, but another mold holder for another trike *demanding we sell them stuff for pennies on the dollar*..WTF? I called ZM out for it and they with DOHC bikes pushed the issue..

We took thousands out of our pockets to make molds for trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro nobody cared about 10 years ago, and dealt with crap like that from outsiders, that just wanted to jump in on a hot commodity, to pad their own pockets, and loudmouths come on here and promote that crap and then we had to watch people back that trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro up...So we said Eff it, sold all molds and canceled doing short track shrouds through Maier and quit donating to TF, because we were all assured ZM and DOHC bikes was gonna carry the torch..

So of course I post in a pissed off demeanor after all that.

I think they should donate a completely built custom trike ! They could adorn it with they`re company graphics and logo`s and plastics so the consumer can really experience how good they`re products are ! Like maybe a 310r or a 400x or a banshee trike or a kxt 500 ya know something ordinary !:naughty::naughty::Bounce:naughty::naughty:


No sir you are wrong. On Both accounts..

You posted 3 weeks ago you have been to every invasion..Not true. You were not there in 2010 when I was there. Sprock actually hosted 3 rides there, 2009 2010(When he flew Roger Sandpuppi out on his dime because he wanted him to see the dunes before he could not because of his cancer) and 2011. But yet you posted here, that you have been to every one..WTF?

I quit doin everything 40 yrs ago and i`m a much better person then you .......especially you DohcBikes these are the children of the Korn that you warned me about !!! And now from over birthing .....over breeding .......butt faacking if you will ......we have the skullfaacked morons of the so-called off road community ! Look how Mosh bends and twists in order to support his self promotion trip ! I`m always at the invasion and have been since `83 it`s the ONLY place to ride !!!!......My dick ....is bigger than yo dick......yo dick ain`t bigger than my dick ......how far can you piss ? GOOD i want you to be annoyed !


04-03-2016, 06:08 PM
Thanks to all the friends we made and the support we gained over the years...
No taking the ball and going home..We are just done here...There is nothing left but insults and we have put up with enough for far too long..

Over and out...

04-03-2016, 07:49 PM
.... Dohc Bikes was leading the charge... You were loving it.. YOU WANTED TO SEE US FAIL....Guess what TF never got their plastic donations..We however donated stuff every year. Does anybody realize, that ZM called not only us, but another mold holder for another trike *demanding we sell them stuff for pennies on the dollar*..WTF? I called ZM out for it and they with DOHC bikes pushed the issue..

We took thousands out of our pockets to make molds for trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro nobody cared about 10 years ago, and dealt with crap like that from outsiders, that just wanted to jump in on a hot commodity, to pad their own pockets, and loudmouths come on here and promote that crap and then we had to watch people back that trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro up...So we said Eff it, sold all molds and canceled doing short track shrouds through Maier and quit donating to TF, because we were all assured ZM and DOHC bikes was gonna carry the torch..

I had NO IDEA about ANY of this.

I recall that thread but didn't know you guys threw in the towel over it nor did I know that they never fulfilled their promised donations either. 2014 TF I think?


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Red Rider
04-03-2016, 08:05 PM
Please point out the post where I said I wrench on my r with vice grips and a crescent.Please point out where I said you use the aforementioned tools on your R. Also, when speaking about the mighty 250R, it should be in an upper-case "R", not a lower-case "r". :D

I was making a point.As was I.

Why would anyone spend $100 on a stud puller they're going to use ONCE.Uh, hello? To make the job easier, and to do the job right. You're looking at it all wrong. Any reason to go buy a new tool should be embraced. :w00t: Also, I've bought lots of tools, thinking they were so specialized, that I'd only use them once. Then I find myself using them several times down the road. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with improvising a tool to get the job done, but it's also nice to be able to reach into one's toolbox, and have the appropriate tool to get the job done quickly & efficiently.

El Camexican
04-03-2016, 10:28 PM
Dad always said: "If you're sure you'll only use a tool once in your life, buy the cheapest one. If you think you might need it again buy the best one you can afford".

I've yet to regret following that advise, I just wish I could afford better ones.

04-03-2016, 10:37 PM
Dad always said: "If you're sure you'll only use a tool once in your life, buy the cheapest one. If you think you might need it again buy the best one you can afford".

I've yet to regret following that advise, I just wish I could afford better ones.

I have spent tens of thousands on tools over the years and I love every single one of them, for me there is no better feeling then to work on something with the proper tools.

The one thing my wife never complains about is my tool collection, since I have never taken a vehicle into a shop for work she knows they have paid for themselves in Spades.

04-03-2016, 10:41 PM
[QUOTE=El Camexican;1408397]

Dad always said: "If you're sure you'll only use a tool once in your life, buy the cheapest one. If you think you might need it again buy the best one you can afford".

Now your avatar makes sense to me.

04-03-2016, 10:47 PM
[QUOTE=El Camexican;1408397]

Dad always said: "If you're sure you'll only use a tool once in your life, buy the cheapest one. If you think you might need it again buy the best one you can afford".

Now your avatar makes sense to me.

And he's playing here all week- folks!

04-03-2016, 11:20 PM
Can you guys advise on a 2 stroke oil for my Hondaster??


El Camexican
04-03-2016, 11:27 PM
I have spent tens of thousands on tools over the years and I love every single one of them, for me there is no better feeling then to work on something with the proper tools.

The one thing my wife never complains about is my tool collection, since I have never taken a vehicle into a shop for work she knows they have paid for themselves in Spades.

So true. Once I met my wife and decided to move down here I flew back to get my truck, sell off all but one bike and drove back South. When I arrived and started unpacking the wife (GF at the time) noticed only 2 of the boxes had clothes and the rest were full of tools. She said; "These are all tools, where's all your stuff?". I said; "This is all my stuff". Whatever I'm missing like clothes and furniture I can buy here, but I need THESE tools. She's always happy when something breaks and it can be fixed without calling a repair man.

04-03-2016, 11:48 PM
So true. Once I met my wife and decided to move down here I flew back to get my truck, sell off all but one bike and drove back South. When I arrived and started unpacking the wife (GF at the time) noticed only 2 of the boxes had clothes and the rest were full of tools. She said; "These are all tools, where's all your stuff?". I said; "This is all my stuff". Whatever I'm missing like clothes and furniture I can buy here, but I need THESE tools. She's always happy when something breaks and it can be fixed without calling a repair man.

Great story.

I have a rack in my shop that has 116 different screwdrivers, the other day I came home and a bunch were missing, my wife bought a shelf for her project room and was trying to find that perfect fit, I was proud of her.....but then had to tell her it was a Allen....The training continues. :lol:

El Camexican
04-03-2016, 11:59 PM
Great story.

I have a rack in my shop that has 116 different screwdrivers, the other day I came home and a bunch were missing, my wife bought a shelf for her project room and was trying to find that perfect fit, I was proud of her.....but then had to tell her it was a Allen....The training continues. :lol:

My wife had a small metal tool box in her apartment when I met her. It had a claw hammer, Vice Grip, 2 screw drivers and some plastic and wood inserts and some sheet metal screws for hanging photos. I asker her where her drill was and said that if she needs to hang a picture she calls a contractor.:lol:

I try to teach her, but she's too smart for me, does that; "oh but you do it so good baby" woman crap on me and convinces my ego that I should drill all the holes for her. Never did met her contractor:wondering

04-04-2016, 12:02 AM
Can you guys advise on a 2 stroke oil for my Hondaster??


Yes, STP- It makes it run leaner! :lol:

04-04-2016, 12:03 AM
So true. Once I met my wife and decided to move down here I flew back to get my truck, sell off all but one bike and drove back South. When I arrived and started unpacking the wife (GF at the time) noticed only 2 of the boxes had clothes and the rest were full of tools. She said; "These are all tools, where's all your stuff?". I said; "This is all my stuff". Whatever I'm missing like clothes and furniture I can buy here, but I need THESE tools. She's always happy when something breaks and it can be fixed without calling a repair man.

I can't help but ask, are you a mail order husband?

04-04-2016, 12:12 AM
I can't help but ask, are you a mail order husband?

I think he falls into the "Exotic" category.

El Camexican
04-04-2016, 12:53 AM
I can't help but ask, are you a mail order husband?

LOL! The guys have a saying down here when they find out you married a Mexican woman. They say: "You robbed us!" I always respond: "No, I did you a big favor".

El Camexican
04-04-2016, 07:48 AM
Met my wife when she was on vacation `76 in Fla. she went back to MTY (sad) .....hit a 9-7-5 tri-feckta $475 at the track !..... hopped a jet ....got lic. in Laredo........ball & chain ever since !......just celebrated our 40th. yeah i`m that evil !

Cool! We did Vegas. Mexican marriage licenses take forever to get. Did you at least spring for a room at the La Posada?

John Tice
04-04-2016, 08:57 AM
For you folks who aren’t afraid to take a leap; Purchase a cylinder boring machine. You’ll never regret your investment. Give me a call, I’ll help you with the purchase & if you’re not a knucklehead I can teach you how to use it $$$$$$$$$$$.

John Tice

04-04-2016, 09:33 AM
John, I'm curious about how much $ a guy is looking at to get started.
BTW, thank you for your knowledge and your willingness to share it here. Trust me it doesn't go unnoticed or unappreciated!

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

John Tice
04-04-2016, 08:29 PM
Crag's list & EBay are good places to look. An FWS is the best bet for starters. 1-3/4” to 3-½”; 2-3 grand with a stand. I should have something put together in a couple of weeks.

04-07-2016, 02:43 PM
What an interesting thread. I'm not yet familiar with what has transpired to incite all of this so I will only respond to what I see here. Speaking freely, I am completely convinced that the younger generations are getting dumber as time passes. This is from my own real-world (or rw for you lazy kids I guess?), first hand experience. I am not the one leaving the impression in this scenario, I am the one to be impressed upon. Growing up I always left the best possible impression I could upon someone who's been there before and expected nothing in return, however most times I got a lot back. I like knowledge. Before there were cell phones I would call the parts guy down the street when I was in a jam and he would tell me what to do or if he didn't know he'd recommend someone who did. It doesn't work that way any more. These days the people are dumb and the phones are smart. Every little answer is in that phone, everyone already knows everything, and if they don't know you'll never hear them say that. Many people would rather give you an incorrect answer than say I don't know. My buddy that lived with me for about two years, he's about 7 or 8 years younger than I am (I'm 36 now), I never once heard him say "I don't know". He absolutely has an answer for anything and he is never wrong. He's considered a "mechanic". When I met this kid he hadn't picked up a wrench in his entire life, five years later he's in the union working on heavy equipment. When I tell you this kid doesn't know his arse from his elbow I mean it. I've attempted to work with him in the past side by side on things, actually we have spun a lot of wrenches together, and it's frustrating to no end how this kid works. He's completely backwards. He just destroys things and I had to give up trying to teach him. I am not exaggerating when I say that he will do the job any other way than the way I suggest, even if it takes longer and things get broken. I watched him spend an extra 20 minutes removing a part that I could have had off in 3. I stopped him, I told him he was doing it wrong, I told him the right way to do it, then he stopped what he was doing and took a different approach which was STILL THE WRONG WAY and still took way too long. He eventually succeeded in removing what it was he was trying to remove but it took way longer than it should have and was not the correct way to do the job, and this was a paying job on a customer's vehicle. Upon "succeeding" at removing the part he said "Ha! See?" I couldn't believe it. His drive for doing the job completely wrong was to show me he could do it his way. He was SATISFIED IN NOT LEARNING FROM ME! I started a thread a long time ago, "When did learning become insulting". The answer to that is, most likely within the last ten years. Everyone gets a trophy, nobody is wrong, you are always right, and if you're offended someone else must be doing something wrong. Children raised by TV's and computers, handed every little thing and never punished, no threat of retribution and no understanding of how it works if you attempt to dish it to them. Fawk, our gall-danged language is quickly turning into a lost art (or la for you kids). Now seeing as I don't have any children the fault is clearly not on my hands, but to every one of you breeders out there shame on you! Of course your kid has ADD and won't shut the frig up at school because there are NO CONSEQUENCES if he/she doesn't. Put them on drugs and take them to the doctor for hang nails. Drive your car 1/32nd of a mile up the road and wait every morning with them at the bus stop and then hold their hand as you walk them across the street to the bus. We live in a nation of pussies my friends (or for the retards that keep making the shirts, "pussys" I guess), and it is going to get worse. Our people are soft. Encouraged to hold yourself in high regard with no reason at all, encouraged to get fat and accept those who choose to balloon as well, encouraged for "just trying" and turning that into a success, and not allowing individuals to soar, to succeed truly and be an individual, to be better than everyone else at something. These people are raised to be stupid, and it is working. I know very few young people that can look you in the eye and have a true back-and-forth without looking at their phone every 30 seconds, and god forbid you take it from them. You're liable to get arrested and then hit with charges these days. This is what is to be expected of the generations to come, so you all should get used to it.

Now the flip side of that coin is, we're codgers. We're balding and grey and shaking our fists in the air at the audacity of these kids who refuse to listen. To them I say, fack you. You have two ears and one mouth so use them proportionally. I have been everywhere you have plus many, many more places and I'll learn from you clowns any day. I'll gladly take your knowledge happy that you refuse to take mine in return. Knowledge is power, and what do you think is going to happen to someone who enjoys taking knowledge as opposed to someone that doesn't?

It's no secret that the forum has much lower traffic these days. I don't come on enough now to be familiar with the current "crew". I saw a big change in the kinds of people posting on here and found less people posting who I can relate to. Someone had said they didn't think Facebook has had a huge impact on the forum traffic and I wholeheartedly beg to differ. Facebook has thousands of trike groups and they all have one thing in common. All of those fools posting in those groups are experts, every one of them, just ask them. For those of you who haven't yet taken notice, our formerly dorky and outcast machines are now chic. Trikes are en vogue all of a sudden. There has been a massive influx of people jumping into the community and I for one do not like it. What they have managed to do is drive the prices of our machines through the roof via facebook and Ebay. Because Billy Bob Bozo sold his SX for $1500 then my SX must be worth $1500. That's just how it is now, and the battle is over, they've already won! They've successfully made it so a $700 machine is now worth $1500 because they see someone else's machine go for that so they stick to their guns for months until some other nitwit is willing to give them what they want, essentially and literally making their bike now worth $1500. I know because I've been looking for an SX for my brother in law for months now and I am blown away by what these nikkas want for their turds.

So to my fellow codgers, get used to it. This is who we're going to be taking care of when we're older because they sure as shite won't be taking care of us. They don't know how to take care of themselves and aren't interested in learning so I'm sure the future is going to be interesting. To touch very briefly on a subject that may seem very far removed at this point, if there were ever to be an uprising we're screwed. If someone were to try to lead a group of younger people in a military style situation it's just not going to work. If you can't tell someone how to install a piston without insulting them, how could you expect someone to react any different after being told to "flank the rear from the left". And who do you suppose might benefit from a general public who is just that soft?

04-07-2016, 04:21 PM
Nice to see you around Fab. Did you get the Tri Moto sticker?

04-07-2016, 04:37 PM
Drive your car 1/32nd of a mile up the road and wait every morning with them at the bus stop and then hold their hand as you walk them across the street to the bus.

I last week saw a school bus stop and hold up 8am traffic on a smaller (yet still fairly busy at 8am) road to pick up a jr high aged kid. No big deal except his school was directly across the street from his house. 50 yards away. A generous 50 yards away. Maybe 50 yards from his bedroom to his locker. I couldn't believe it. This kid had no mischief to get into. And it was worth it to him to be ready at the same time, to stand outside every morning waiting on a bus. Would his life not be simpler if he just got ready when he got ready and walked 5 minutes to school? I'm young myself but that blew my mind wide open. I'd be walking, it would be quicker and easier if i had lived that close to school. Plus think of all the gas that is wasted every school year by stopping all the traffic for 30+ seconds everyday, not to mention the taxpayer dime for the bus fuel, all those people cutting it close to work, maybe even late, all waiting on lazy ass little timmy to kiss mama goodbye and get on the bus to go to the school he can see from his front porch.

04-07-2016, 07:02 PM
I got into an argument on facebook with a kid on facebook who criticized a tecate owner for painting his frame. He said he should have powdercoated, like it came from the factory. All hondas, yamahas, and kawasakis came with powdercoated frames. He knows this from experience working in an atv shop. If I could have traveled through the I tenet connection and punched him, his mom and his dad I would have.

04-07-2016, 07:07 PM
I got into an argument on facebook with a kid on facebook who criticized a tecate owner for painting his frame. He said he should have powdercoated, like it came from the factory. All hondas, yamahas, and kawasakis came with powdercoated frames. He knows this from experience working in an atv shop. If I could have traveled through the I tenet connection and punched him, his mom and his dad I would have.

Thanks, I just shot mango Iced tea out my nose.

04-07-2016, 07:42 PM
I'm currently trying FB again...
I've had an account two weeks and on numerous trike pages.

I just don't see the fascination but these guys are right, ALOT of people I haven't seen posting here for years are active there on FB pages. AND I've also noticed the niche is way more popular now and I'm also shocked at the stupid prices for junk parts. Blows my mind but it HAS to be affecting traffic here.

Remains to be seen if I stay on FB but I still prefer this place and this format.

Sent from my Z998 using Tapatalk

04-07-2016, 07:44 PM
Nice to see you around Fab. Did you get the Tri Moto sticker?

That was you! Haha! The kid told me Bill said to send one to you. I was like OK... Haha, fantastic Bill! Thank you!

I'd also like to add, in reference to the kid who lived with me that thinks he's a mechanic; He would determine what the problem was ahead of time on a hunch, then manufacture reasons as to why his guess was correct. That's what I meant by "he works backwards". Now, any monkey can swap parts around and guess, but if that's how you work don't refer to yourself as a mechanic. Diagnostics is what makes a mechanic. Having logical reasons, proof, an experienced hunch, anything more than a random guess, that's what makes a mechanic. I watched that kid rip into trucks and replace parts that didn't need to be replaced on more occasions than I can even remember, with the owner of the vehicle paying for these parts to be replaced when they didn't need it!! I once worked for hours with him in a miserably freezing unheated garage removing a cab from a 6.4 diesel Super Duty to replace the water pump only to find it didn't need one after we got the cab off. Ended up truck needed a heater core after everything was said and done. All that work wasted because he doesn't know how to diagnose and refuses to learn from anyone else. I could go on, he's had multiple gems like that one, including a truck that got botched so bad it got traded in.

04-07-2016, 10:36 PM
Hey DC!! "I've neva seen a tree-fidy-X shear a flywheel key!!!" Lmao! :beer

04-08-2016, 01:09 AM
Times are changing. Always have, always will. I got that from my folks when Mtv came out back in like '85. Or when we'd spend hours on the corded phone. They would say "where do kids get the money for atc's & mini bikes? We had to work for everything."
I'm sure the kids are fine. It's their parents! I see too many kids ignored for the parents gadgets. It's different now. I agree with a lot of what you said. But I see a lot of good kids, with good parents. Thank god.

04-08-2016, 12:19 PM
Everyone has the same avatar .........it`s like a Slipknot concert ........maybe you guys miss Barnet 469 or was that 467 or Dohc ? ........you`re all clones !........all in one and one is all !......Alice Cooper ....thank you ! ....oh why do`nt like me on Facefack ? ........IDK dudlies you have a dick an all .....kind of deal breaker.......maybe i could like myself on Skullfack ?........never mind !:Bounce:p:Bounce:p:Bounce:p:Bounce:p:Bounce

We are seven of nine. Resistance is futile. You will assimilate.

Sent from my Z998 using Tapatalk

04-08-2016, 02:27 PM
Hey DC!! "I've neva seen a tree-fidy-X shear a flywheel key!!!" Lmao! :beer

I STILL haven't. That disaster was the larger ID 350X flywheel on a smaller stator/lighting coil. I got spark, had to leave it home and finally figured it out.

I found 2 different stator/flywheel set ups in my 5 350X crate motors. I was STUMPED!!!!!! Figured all 86 were 86 setups.

Also waiting for 86/87 200X square frame breaks?? Anyone? Bueller?.......................

04-08-2016, 05:24 PM
You did once!!! Lol!

Just goes to show ya, even us old dogs can still learn something new. ;)

04-09-2016, 09:02 AM
The general audience of the Facebook groups are the blind preaching to the deaf.

And nobody has any idea what their or a potential machine is worth.

04-09-2016, 11:28 AM
I last week saw a school bus stop and hold up 8am traffic on a smaller (yet still fairly busy at 8am) road to pick up a jr high aged kid. No big deal except his school was directly across the street from his house. 50 yards away. A generous 50 yards away. Maybe 50 yards from his bedroom to his locker. I couldn't believe it. This kid had no mischief to get into. And it was worth it to him to be ready at the same time, to stand outside every morning waiting on a bus. Would his life not be simpler if he just got ready when he got ready and walked 5 minutes to school? I'm young myself but that blew my mind wide open. I'd be walking, it would be quicker and easier if i had lived that close to school. Plus think of all the gas that is wasted every school year by stopping all the traffic for 30+ seconds everyday, not to mention the taxpayer dime for the bus fuel, all those people cutting it close to work, maybe even late, all waiting on lazy ass little timmy to kiss mama goodbye and get on the bus to go to the school he can see from his front porch.

Believe it or not, some schools don't allow children below middle school (so 6th grade and below) walk to and from school anymore. They must all be picked up by the schools transportation. Liability reasons. Our elementary school was like this. So you may see it as "lazy", but parents see it as their child being safe and so does the administration who enforces it. So many things could be going on, he has a strict parent, the school forces him to do it, he may have appeared to be older than he actually is, and so on.

But man, this thread makes me laugh. Kinda wish I never read it. I'll leave it at that.

04-09-2016, 11:52 AM
Yet here you are posting in it. Makes me laugh.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-10-2016, 07:16 PM

04-10-2016, 09:38 PM
I'm not yet familiar with what has transpired to incite all of this

A burned piston thread involving a textbook display of the first sentence in your sigline link. ;)