View Full Version : Our next President?
01-31-2016, 12:28 AM
God help us all...
01-31-2016, 08:06 AM
Meh, no different than any other candidate, they all flip-flop.
The media likes to point out the inconsistencies and flaws of the right, but when it comes to the left? Crickets.
Where's Mr. Colbert when it comes to Hillary's recently revealed TOP SECRET emails from her private server?
Bottom line? ALL OF THE CANDIDATES ARE RICH, UPPER CRUST ELITISTS! Yup, even Ron and Rand Paul. They ALL claim to want to "Make America Great Again!" None of them give a flying f**k at donut hole about the citizens. It's all about money, ego, self image, Sociopathic Narcissists, the whole lot of them.
I'm seriously considering sitting this one out. Why not? I'm surely not gonna vote for the Hildebeast or Stalin, errrr, I mean Sanders. There's not a third party candidate that will garner enough votes to win. I like Rand Paul, but I just don't see him getting elected. I may be wrong, it happened once before.
Hell, half of the country is on some sort of government subsistance, welfare, disability, etc. Hell a hangnail can get you on disability now.
Maybe it's time to just let it burn down and get it over with. :wondering
Sorry I blew up! I'll try not to let it happen again!
01-31-2016, 09:18 AM
I'm sitting this one out..... I haven't voted in many, many years...Even though I fought and served for the right. I just haven't seen anyone I'd vote for. I don't understand politics and don't really want to. It's all bs smoke and mirrors.
01-31-2016, 09:24 AM
Part of me wants him to become president...why because hes blunt about some things no one will touch. Part of me does not want him to become president...why because he will not listen to the pannel of men trying to tell him what is the correct thing to do.
In all honestly it does not mean anything what 1 person says they can do, because in the back round there are hundreds of men and women i think they are going to sit there and all him what to do.
Why we have a president to represent us when there are so many internal people who end up telling you to do this or what just blows me away.
We are too deep into modern civilization or civilization for anyone one person to change something drastic. I could become president if I had enough money and support from people...does not mean I would get to do what I want. Those internal people will just propose ideas or changes to me.
I think america the of the free was a good idea...problem is we are very very removed from what was started hundred of years ago.
I wish everyone luck...but I think once you are there after a month you are gonna wish you never did this at all....
01-31-2016, 09:44 AM
Even if SHTF, Let it burn down, or whatever you want to call it happened, you know who would rise to the top and rule? The rich and educated. Also, in the beginning of the "rebirth of our country" it would be a ruthless and blood thirsty, no holds barred free-for-all. There are many who think they could deal with the mayhem and chaos, but I'm pretty confident that it wouldn't take long for many to wish for the "old days". ;)
01-31-2016, 10:08 AM
God help us all... So who do you want as the next POTUS?
Glad the comedians and SNL can laugh it up:wondering This election should be serious business. Talk about flip flops on positions. Both Clinton and Sanders can run their mouth about gun control, health care, the borders, etc saying they have made a difference in their time served. Colbert could make a whole show about HRC and her flip flops on these issues and Benghazi:rolleyes:
IMO Hilary should be at the very least disqualified or better yet locked up! Bernie will probably croak the first term if elected POTUS - being a senator and running the US as president at 76 years of age is an apples to oranges comparison.
So Americans face a tough decision. Either vote for someone who has worked outside of govt and can show a list of real accomplishments and bring a new mindset, or hire another person who has been living it up off the tax payers for decades via the US political system with nothing substantial to point to for accomplishments.
For me very few opponents of Trump have anything to really point at that would make me consider voting for the other team if he does become the Republican nominee. So he bad mouths his political opponents and wants to keep Syrian refugees out of the US temporarily. Trump makes fun of Rosie O'Donnel and Megyn Kelly, he may wear a toupee? This is what many face bookers and so called journalists think are legitimate disqualifications to one of the most important jobs in the free world.
If America elects another career politician from the left its citizens will soon be using another currency to buy stuff. We can't keep growing the deficit without our creditors finally pulling the plug on the petrodollar. Please explain how $15 an hour minimum wage and free college will help this country compete globally? These ideas touted by Democrats to gain popularity from naive and first time voters will be the last nail in the coffin for manufacturing in the US. There are not enough tax dollars that can be collected or debt ceilings raised to pay for these 'ideas' especially when this country needs to tighten its belt and whack away at the deficit not attempt to double it!
When enough other nations stop using federal reserve notes as the world currency all our senior citizens who rely on social security or their stock portfolio to last their retirement will be BROKE. Americans will start buying petrol by the liter like other countries.
It will be a trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro show if we elect another Democratic politician but who knows maybe their will be an event in 2016 to keep BHO in office indefinitely?
01-31-2016, 12:09 PM
Everyone should be VERY worried that the Smoke & Mirrors Show has turned the election from Clinton and Bernie versus Bush and Cruz into The Forces of 'Good' versus Evil Trump. Nobody makes sound voting decisions when faced with such emotional blackmail, a tactic they've used to influence Democrat voters and Republican evangelicals BOTH for decades now. Pull the heart string, score the vote.
I keep hearing "anyone but Trump" from the media, comment sections, and conversations in person and knowing how superficial and low-information a large percentage of American voters can be, I'm real concerned.
Economically speaking we are screwed anyway. We collectively passed the Debt point of no return long ago. The only two things ANYONE could do right now economically speaking, is to stem the hemorrhage of printed debt until it all crashes (and it will) completely and we live like third worlders until recovery some decade or so after if we're lucky.
There is so much bigger picture going on than our election. We have sold our manufacturing jobs to overseas laborers. We have passed 'free trade agreements' and smashed the tariffs that used to protect the American worker and it was all with the support of politicians who were financed by the American Labor Union lobby. Ironic? Disgusting!
Our currency, which is a GLOBAL standard, is being plotted against by the Chinese and Russians both. They are also stockpiling gold to back it with. Foreign countries are pulling their gold out of the NYC vaults. Our "stock market" is micro traded by computers so excessively that the game is entirely slanted to huge insider banks. Our currency is worthless as Obama has allowed 8 trillion more fake bills to be printed since he was elected and now he recently pledged, what was it, another trillion a year? This money isn't existing cash sitting on a shelf. This money was totally created out of thin air and YOU are expected to make it good. Then entire investment spectrum is based on a giant ponzi scheme including such things as monetizing debt and debt packages to the derivatives market. Legalized gambling. That's where your 401K, pension is invested and if you think you or your financial adviser can out gamble a computer algorithm that makes trading decisions and takes action every few MICROSECONDS and be able to keep your nest egg safe, you are in for a nasty surprise.
I refuse to even consider national debt in my choice because its already too big to EVER be paid back by even two or three generations (this is by design) and all the money was fake anyway. Why should we pay back fake money? That's like getting a credit card in your kids name, maxing it out, and then leaving him in debt and poverty to pay back your benefit? Why do we tolerate this from our ELECTED leaders?
There is no politician alive who can prevent the inevitable collapse of the US dollar and all the horrific things that are going to result. I think a lot of Republicans know this but they believe that socialism has crept in an is accelerating this collapse. I tend to agree that when you ignore econ 101 and keep printing to 'help the helpless' that those ends don't justify the means nor do they justify the consequences of printing massive amounts of fiat currency. Its suffering the masses as a way to lessen the suffering of few. Our healthcare system is now based on that entire principle.
Back on point, there are WAY bigger global forces involved in our domestic policies both internal and external. No politician will ever be able to do much to change this. You have to find a way stop these folks. You can't scream about the Saudis, Koch Brothers, Christianity, and the NRA funding conservatives while you ignore Soros, China, Saudi Arabia (yep) funding liberals.
Our leadership is chosen by global elites and they have zero nationalism which means they care not for America, its people, or its ideals. This is the hardest realization we have yet to achieve.
We are in the beginnings of dangerous times I think.
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01-31-2016, 12:41 PM
I think "attempting to pull out" may be what you meant. There seems to be a scandal in the works on that topic.
Yes that's what I had going on in my head but there's a whole other rabbit hole to fall into with THAT particular fact. I try not to overwhelm the uninitiated reader.
It would really blow peoples minds if they realized the US took gold for safe keeping from other countries and now flat refuses to give it back or even let them physically see or audit the gold that belongs to them
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01-31-2016, 01:50 PM
Trip,I like you a lot,and I'm really jealous of your life lol..Try not to stress too much over the Don. Seriosuly... Because I care, do you have anyone better in mind,or do you not vote like my buddies? I am very simply,,,,,ready for A N Y O N E other than a POLITICIAN! And oh yes, he is a devout family man, has raised incredible children,and does have a great heart. He also imho,,,would run dc like a business and God help us how AMAZING thinks would have a chance of getting. Or,,maybe not Either way, he is heads and shoulders above ANY politician in my simple mind :) I won't address how much LOL was in that video,just because they play the audience clapping,does not come close to making it true :(
01-31-2016, 06:04 PM
Anyone that I would like to see as the next President has already responded to this thread. I am painfully ignorant when it comes to politics (and perhaps life in general). I think that Trump may have good intentions, but his delivery seems a bit skewed. Belittling people and bragging about one's accomplishments, imho, is not the path to American greatness. I shouldn't have started a thread on a topic that I know very little about. Seems I agitated some folks here, and that was not my intent. As far as being jealous of my life; where does that come from? I am just living to get it over with, and taking an early out is not my choice to make.
01-31-2016, 06:49 PM
Lol, you sound exactly like my buddy lol. You get up every day and do what you want :). I have 4 kids, what I want to do ended a LONG time ago,mainly because of a lot of disabilities in our house.. My Dad HATED Trump. So,with me, you are in good company! I must confess I have followed Trump for about 17 years. I invested in his DJT Trump Casinos....guess how that ended for me? I Lost my ass,and it was not a small sum. I have also watched every episode of Celebrity Apprentice,and know a few who were on the show. Every account said, he will treat every person in the mailroom,exactly the same as the board room.Gets his coffee out of the same machine the workers use etc. He is a brilliant man, that cannot be denied by anyone. I think the brashness simply comes from not wanting to waste time. But he is in a race with thieves,liars and murderers and worse! If he doesn't toot his own horn he wouldn't get far. I completely understand where you're coming from, the less you see of him,I think the scarier he is. Actually, I know that for a fact. I think it's a great post :) We all have an opinion :)
01-31-2016, 06:57 PM
Is it too late to get scooter, el, or ironchop into the race? I am getting an education here...
01-31-2016, 07:55 PM
And then there were two...
01-31-2016, 09:12 PM
Is it too late to get scooter, el, or ironchop into the race? I am getting an education here...
While I appreciate the sentiment T-dog, from my sophmore year in high school until about 35 (1975-95) my, ummm, shall we say "extracurricular activities", would pretty much eliminate me from the race. In an interview before he died, Glenn Frey reportedly said his health problems were caused by "Booze, burgers, blow and broads". I represent that remark. Maybe if I admitted to inhaling, indulging my alcoholic tendencies, and turning my headboard into toothpicks from notching it so much, I could get elected for being honest. :naughty:
But Meghan Kelly wouldn't like me because of my womanizing ways. Or would she? :naughty:
01-31-2016, 09:51 PM
Our next President.
.................................................. Free Cheesy Poofs for everyone!
01-31-2016, 10:04 PM
I'd be Chop's VP. We could ride to rallys and debates on our Harleys!!
01-31-2016, 10:18 PM
Dude my past is quite colorful as well. The only thing I achieved was no felonies by the grace of god. Took me a long time to grow up.
I have no idea how to run a country. I've been elbow deep in politics for 25 yrs thanks to my love of firearms and I'm just now starting to understand politics myself. People wear lots of disguises, ya know. All I am absolutely sure of at this point is what DOESN'T work. I don't really know too many solutions.
Scooter, I get Billy's bike when we go.
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01-31-2016, 10:44 PM
No felonies here either, looks like we're good to go!! Grow up?
Works for me! As long as you let me take it for a spin once in awhile!
02-01-2016, 01:03 AM
And now on this special late nite edition of I'm a Fox News, I'd like to expose something I've been keeping under wraps until the time was just right...Do you know how many men have erec...
02-01-2016, 01:47 AM
Saudi prince I am not, but I have a net worth of over 17 dollars (once I take my bottles and cans back).
02-01-2016, 08:39 AM
I only drink water. And I can still bend down to the crick :) No cans for me lol.Now we're gonna trust what the prince says El? ......It's gettin deep in here lol. The day after Trump raised 6 million + for our vets,,,I know,I know,,, the Liberals even spun that ,,,,so sad. On Megyn Kelly's show. She had a interview with a guy,my Sister watched it. Kelly was asking away about the Donald. He said, we were in a very important meeting many years ago,in the boardroom. Over 20 investors and dignitaries. BIGTIME people, HUGE deal. Someone came in,whispered in Dons ear,and he excused himself. He was gone just over 20 minutes. Upon his return, one of them spoke up,,,, sure hope that was important!. Trump looked at the table,it sure was. Evanka was having trouble with her homework. And this story again. Was on Megyn Kelly's show :) That doesn't make the reels though....Carry,
02-01-2016, 08:57 AM
And now on this special late nite edition of I'm a Fox News, I'd like to expose something I've been keeping under wraps until the time was just right...Do you know how many men have erec...
I'll be in my bunk
02-01-2016, 05:47 PM
Post #30 hit it right out of the park! My sentiments exactly.
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02-01-2016, 07:08 PM
I will humbly bow out. Lots of reasons lol.Trump seems to be loved or loathed! I in no way think he is a angel. I would wager I have far more reasons to HATE him than everyone combined that will ever read this. I invested extremely hard earned blood and sweat soaked money into DJT, he " under the laws that existed" Legally got out from under a mess, that the dirty guys NEVER should have put him in. And I lost my ass. BAD. A lot to me. I simply KNOW, beyond any shadow of any doubt. Any politician that gets in there is bad news. This country cannot take many more years of where we're going.It simply can't. I see things through very different eyes obviously. I don't have the energy to try and debate politics lol. The more I know, the worse it is.Carry on :)...A gallup poll today said Trump is the most hated candidate in the last 64 years I think it said? Guess I'm crazy ;)
02-01-2016, 07:41 PM
Thank you El, for articulating what I could not. I don't hate Trump either, but I think he is lacking the tact and communication skills that are necessary to be a world leader. I think Billary scares me more than Trump... I just don't trust her. Guess we know who wears the pantsuits in the Clinton family. And 007, nobody here is taking shots at you, just expressing opinions. Keep posting... I'll keep reading.
02-01-2016, 07:58 PM
I am voting for TRUMP. Yes, he is just baiting us with promises.
The only difference I see is Trump knows how to make money; He knows how to delegate the right person for the right position.
As it is; We DOOOOOO make terrible deals and our military looks weak and screws the Veterans.
The healthcare OBAMACARE was helped to be written by Sanders. I do not want him in office.
Cruz or Rubio may be better but they are still politicians, and they give each other position/kickbacks for people that donated to his campaign.
Trump is self funded.
A Republican can steal more than a Democrat gives away.
IDK about your state, but Massachusetts is already giving everyone EVERYTHING!! We do not need to give more from a Democrat.
Just recently, they want people to work 20 hours a month for their food stamps, FANFRIGGENTASTIC!! Now, DRUG TEST THEM.
Get these needed pricks out of the system, make them work. If they can roll cigarettes, clean their apartment, do dishes, get the mail then THEY CAN WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are so use to all these programs, they're gonna beg their doctor to sign them off for work. FINE!!; Now, drug test them!!
Most of my tenants now and 5 years ago get food stamps and claim they live alone, then their boyfriend get's it also.
My insurance sent me a letter to sign up for disability. Just because I have a very bad right arm with tennis elbow?? That.s all that qualifies me?? F that, I want to work, build, ride and race 3wheelers!!
Give a non-politician self funded vote a shot!!
Huckabee is a smart man but no one recognizes it unfortunately.
This is for YOUR KIDS and GRANDKIDS.
If Trump sucks, 4 more years won't kill us!!??
02-01-2016, 11:44 PM
The caucus has spoken. Huckabee is out (not that there is anything wrong with that).
It will be interesting to see how Trump handles this defeat. I don't really have a problem with him other than he started out this whole campaign as being an outsider/non politician, then when Cruz started climbing in the polls, he slammed him for not getting along with anyone in Washington and now claims he can make deals with the likes of Pelosi, Reid, Schumer. So which way is it? Are you an outsider, or someone who can get along with anyone and "Make Deals"?
02-02-2016, 12:27 AM
Good to see Dems fighting. [/QUOTE]
In da hood.
02-02-2016, 12:59 AM
Stop making me learn, dammit!
In da hood.
Anchor baby in da house!:Bounce
El Catexican.
02-02-2016, 08:33 AM
Anchor baby in da house!:Bounce
El Catexican.
Didn't catch that the first time I read it...
02-02-2016, 09:16 AM
I have to say this is the only forum I frequent that folks can have an open political discussion that doesn't result in bans and locked threads Lmao.
By god we will fist fight over oil choices, frame gussets, cool heads, TPC, repop dunlops, or anything else up in here but we're politically civil for the most part......fascinating.
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02-02-2016, 09:43 AM
I have to say this is the only forum I frequent that folks can have an open political discussion that doesn't result in bans and locked threads Lmao.
By god we will fist fight over oil choices, frame gussets, cool heads, TPC, repop dunlops, or anything else up in here but we're politically civil for the most part......fascinating.
Sent from my Z998 using TapatalkIve been think the exact same thing.....
02-02-2016, 09:59 AM
That harmony may change if Barnett starts posting semi-nudes of Hillary up.
And there goes my appetite...
02-02-2016, 12:40 PM
This was a very good read. No one ever gets nasty and that makes this site enjoyable. I'm a Trump voter. I hope to have a good life the next 40 yrs and not end up poor or fighting for freedom here. I don't have kids or married, but have a good GF who has the same views I do. Dirtcrasher: I agree with what you wrote.
02-02-2016, 01:00 PM
I've said it before - I'll say it again. Trump might not be the best guy for the job of POTUS, BUT he is the best guy to break down the status quo of establishment politicians running this country into the ground and doing what is in their best interests, not OUR best intersts. Now if they would just make lobbying illegal, we would have a great start. I think Trump will shake it up because the repubs don't want him in, the dems don't want him in, but the people do! The media is all against him and look at last nights caucus - 3% points behind Cruz. It's all good. I want him to shake up DC in a way we have never seen or read about in history books.
02-02-2016, 06:29 PM
I just got in and don't even want to go anywhere else on the net to look at what's going on lol! I saw this am Trumper said it was a "honor and privilege to take second place in Iowa" I was glad to see that. I am afraid however. The Canadian thing is REALLLLLYYY gonna get loud now.. Just a guess,and I have zero knowledge of the real story.. I heard they FLIPPED COINS to award the dems their electorates! Too bad it wasn't Paul that beat Trump,,jmho..
The whole birther thing is nothing more than a smoke screen to latch on to low information voters. If it was an issue, Trump would be suing Cruz himself, yet he's not. Alinsky tactics, nothing more, nothing less.
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02-02-2016, 10:29 PM
Wow, I had completely forgotten about that!! Thanx for the great memories Glamy lol!...Freaking sheeple....
02-03-2016, 09:25 AM
Mine already charges me 8 dollars a month if i have less than a thousand dollars in my account...i'm taxed for being broke. I'm completely against banks but unfortunately now my company has moved from either direct deposit or a prepaid debit card.
I do like trump for the simple fact that he knows the ins and outs of making and losing money and he's not a lifetime politician.
Personally I'd like to see Ben Carson be our first black president but is he firm enough to be a world leader?
Will any of these people be what they say they're gonna be in office? Doubtful.
02-03-2016, 11:29 AM
I would vote for Lt. Co. Allan West (retired) as our first black president. He's not running though so there goes that idea
And yes, I support him despite the fact that he was mean to some Iraqis and was court martialed for strongarm interrogating insurgents. I like our military to be serious about their mission and not so much hipsterism. You don't go to war to plant flowers and kiss booboos.
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02-03-2016, 05:49 PM
And from what i remember of that incident it stemmed from a threat on his own life as well; they're lucky he didn't just outright shoot the guy...'
All this makes me wonder what the outcome of this election would be with the same candidates, if we hadn't endured 8 years of the Obama regime first.
02-03-2016, 07:41 PM
Huckabee,Santorum and Paul are out. Trump says Cruz pulled some pretty shady crap in Iowa, at least 3 different things. One is on Cruz's letterhead signed by his camp...I'm sure Cruz has denied it on all levels by now.
02-03-2016, 10:35 PM
Huckabee,Santorum and Paul are out. Trump says Cruz pulled some pretty shady crap in Iowa, at least 3 different things. One is on Cruz's letterhead signed by his camp...I'm sure Cruz has denied it on all levels by now.
Alas, as the herd thins, the plot thickens.
02-04-2016, 01:06 AM
And now on this special late nite edition of I'm a Fox News, I'd like to expose something I've been keeping under wraps until the time was just right...Do you know how many men have erec...
We may all be well advised to seek medical attention, as it appears that this will be an election lasting more than 4 hours.
02-05-2016, 12:30 AM
A picture says more than you can ever describe. It does not matter who is selected.
We have false choices. Its not your vote that counts its who counts the votes.
Whoever gets selected will always have to answer to the banks that funded them.
Even Donaldo will have to take marching orders from the bank of London Wall street.
The President is a puppet just like Pinocchio. Look at the picture then read this as many times as you have to until it registers in your brain. They are all FOS they will always be FOS and every 8 years they hope you forget how you got screwed over.
If it was good for the people you would not hear about it.
So......are ya gonna "vote" now ?
02-06-2016, 02:27 AM
Something about Cruz scares me.
Trump isn't the best speaker on the planet, but he'll get there and his head will grow, grow, grow.
Huckabee is one smart mo fo, he's just too low in the polls.
I hope that if Trump wins he is taught not to make fun of people with disabilities or how they look. Who the FK is he, Rock Hudson??
Forget Hillary and all her lies that deepen every day; She better hope OBAMA gets her settled before this all comes out and he gets out. She is a typical lying politician, "here for the middle class!!!!!!!!!!!!" FU. And Bernie is a BOZO; That's a word from an old friend and so suiting.
Bernie says "I don't wanna stop OBAMACARE, I wrote allot of that.....", lol lol Glad we know before voting!!
Trump will delegate the right person for the task at hand. You better bet your ass he wins or it's another 4 years minimum of a political BOZO.
But, quite a challenge to sway the typical American Voter for sure......
02-14-2016, 08:20 AM
All of these politicians sling sh!t at each other. Just because some varnish their turds (Everybody knows you can't polish a turd) before they throw them doesn't make them any different than Trump.
It's about time someone stands up and starts saying what needs to be said.
Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.
More importantly, I will be watching Obamas appt of a new Supreme court justice.
If you have not heard, a 30 year Justice died yesterday. He was stedfast on the policies of the Constitution and ammendments, a hard core conservative that was instrumental in keeping the liberal ways in check.
The supreme court was made up of 4 democrats and 5 republicans, which kept the liberal policies in check. Many believe, that Obama and the democratic ticket have been wanting to appoint a democrat justice to sway the balances into twisting the laws of the land to enforce democratic policies and squash the laws set forth in the original writings of the Constitution. Particularly, enforcing new gun restrictions all the sudden could be more easily done if the balance shifts further left with the new appointment. Granted the senate has to approve the potus selection, but these days when the democrats say they nominate " a centered republican or democrat" it seems it is code for a left liberal.
02-14-2016, 10:35 AM
Scalia was the last REAL Constitutionally-minded SCOTUS judge we had.
There are very dangerous times and precedents coming.
It will be interesting to see if McConnell's promise to block any Obama nomination is just another Republican empty promise like the promise to shut down Gov to prevent more massive debt or the empty promise to gut/ repeal/ defund the ACA.....or Planned parenthood. Today's neocons are just cucks looking for a liberal to bang their wives because they suffer from a lack of masculinity and a whole lot of self loathing.
This is why Trump is so popular. The RNC is in denial that their own constituents see them as talking pussies. They prefer to blame it on hatred of immigrants but the truth is Repub voters hate their own party leadership. A truth lost on the likes of Bush/Cruz/Rubio.
In my opinion, Scalias death is the WORST thing that could happen to Conservatism and the Constitution and at the WORST possible time.
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02-14-2016, 10:44 AM
Scalia was the last REAL Constitutionally-minded SCOTUS judge we had.
There are very dangerous times and precedents coming.
In my opinion, Scalias death is the WORST thing that could happen to Conservatism and the Constitution and at the WORST possible time.
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This X1000
When this came on TV last night, I told the wife "This is NOT good."
The report said that Scalia was in "robust" health a day or two ago according to friends he had dinner with, yet he died suddenly in his sleep. :wondering:wondering:wondering How convenient.
Can you say "conspiracy"?
02-14-2016, 05:43 PM
He'd be the expert since he's full of it and had plenty of practice polishing it here ;)
02-15-2016, 12:40 AM
^^^I say you take a page from the CIA....after Kim Dung Spill dies in an American Urology lab getting kidney treatments just send Seal Team Deep Six to murder his doppelganger ten years later and then claim you 'buried the body at sea on the way home' in observance of north Korean religious beliefs, shoot the witnesses out of their transport chopper, and declare "what does it matter?" when Congress started asking questions.....worked for obama , right?
"Mission Accomplished!"
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02-15-2016, 09:50 AM
I Vote Dr. DRE for president...............
02-15-2016, 10:43 PM
Trump and French women are just raciss's's
Nothing to see here or there
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02-15-2016, 11:00 PM
Darth Vader Ginsberg.
3 Wheel Drive
02-15-2016, 11:13 PM
Trump and French women are just raciss's's
Nothing to see here or there
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02-15-2016, 11:29 PM
So the French should stop complaining on youtube because "native american"( Siberian immigrants) said so?
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02-15-2016, 11:58 PM
Come on climate change, come on tectonic shift, come on tidal wave. Hurry UP.
Learn to swim.
02-16-2016, 01:13 AM
One great big festering neon distraction,
I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied.
Learn to swim.
02-16-2016, 07:27 AM
Cause I'm praying for rain
And I'm praying for tidal waves
I wanna see the ground give way.
I wanna watch it all go down.
Mom, please flush it all away.
I wanna see it go right in and down.
I wanna watch it go right in.
Watch you flush it all away.
Time to bring it down again.
Don't just call me pessimist.
Try and read between the lines.
I can't imagine why you wouldn't
Welcome any change, my friend.
02-19-2016, 08:04 AM
Trump actually succeeded in pi$$ing off the Pope...
02-19-2016, 10:22 AM
Trump actually succeeded in pi$$ing off the Pope...Sweet, The Pope is nothing more than the highest ranking altorboy molesters anyway.
02-19-2016, 11:15 AM
Politics locks threads? It does, I tried to chat about Flint water on a stream and the people started using words like a conspiracy theory. Huh? There are documents and proof. That is fact. They didnt want to talk about it anymore after being confronted with facts that did not fit their news media brainwashed narative. I basically told them having 2 different opinions and arguments is Democracy and hence politics. So WTF shall we all talk about that no one can argue about? The weather? What a bunch of weak minded people there are out there who cant handle a logical discussion or disagreement.
Even though I skimmed the thread mostly, I would like to point out 2 things- THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE AND SUPER DELEGATES.
If people think votes count, then they ought to look into how super delegates and the electoral college can vote however they want. And the penalty for casting a contrary vote, at least for the electoral college people, is a misdemeanor. Not treason, but a misdemeanor. The founding fathers did not trust the popular vote to the people, and the electoral college has been in place since the beginning.
So Sanders could be the most popular voted person, and who all the people of the nation want. But, if the Super Delegates pick Hillary, then that is who you get to vote or not vote for.
But, really there is no point. The foxes have been allowed to guard the hen house long ago.
02-19-2016, 11:47 AM
@ nd4speed....I was wondering when someone was going to point that out
Our votes mean nothing in the grand scheme if they don't support the Quo. This election cycle (Erection Cycle) is the most blatantly fixed and biased I have seen in 25 yrs.
I can't believe there are ignorant ppl who believe Flint is a conspiracy theory. These are the folks who only read clickbait headlines and the streaming ticker underneath Lara Spencer's piehole on Good Morning Proletariat.
I'm losing faith in democracy because it displays the collective stupidity of large groups of people. Mob Rule by Morons.
As for the "Pope" a guy who lives inside giant walls is going to chastise Trump for wanting a wall similar to Vatican City?
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02-19-2016, 09:14 PM
Too much fear mongering.........
02-19-2016, 09:16 PM
I'm not afraid. Is anyone else?
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02-20-2016, 12:02 PM
The facetiousness in this thread is staggering
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02-20-2016, 01:38 PM
Sorry, I tripped while I was looking at my Obammyphone
02-29-2016, 10:28 PM
As a man of few words lately, I feel this sums it up rather perfectly....
03-01-2016, 12:04 PM
Yep he's an idiot. 4 years he gone.
03-03-2016, 07:12 PM
Boy is Mitt Romney a little jealous or what? Where was this side of Mittens in 2012? Oh yeah kissing the Donald's ass sucking up to whoever would donate! Can't wait to see how embarrassing tonight's debate will be from the world's P.O.V. the last debate was WWE live on CNN.
03-04-2016, 09:29 AM
At least Elmo is somebody I can trust more than any of these people.
07-21-2016, 11:27 PM
Trump kinda killed it tonight.
07-22-2016, 06:44 AM
I've tuned in around 10 the past few nights. Yes,,,I actually watched tv..If only people could understand..Watch and LISTEN to his Children. Don,Eric,Ivanka. Literally some of the worlds most amazing minds. How did that happen?? Babbysitters,private schools? No. Hands on LOVE and parenting. These people could have coasted out the entire rest of their freaking lives sitting on and churning more BILLIONS of dollars. Instead,they choose,,to put their very lives on the line,their families lives. Everywhere they go,everything they do,at home or traveling. Knowing the absolute worst of the worst,,,Hillary's suicide squad,is after any slight chance they can get to make them dead.But for the Love of this country,for us. They choose public service. I keep wishing to Christ someone would vote from the rooftops . But that seems like my little dream. How anyone on Gods Earth could vote for such a upside down inside out ,100% Murderer and criminal as Killary is completely beside me, they'll still get their welfare under Trump. It is going to get very very ugly. By far and away, the worst this country has ever seen. And I just mean the ads, lies and propaganda.
07-22-2016, 10:19 AM
trump will win.. Why...because he is going after the Walmart people of the world. uneducated easy to persuade. I'm tell you he will win. To that I do not give a trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro who wins but don't be supersized when he does. It could be good for us and it could be bad for us. only time will tell. He cant be worse then Kanye in 2020 however....
07-22-2016, 10:58 AM
Yes the wal-mart people and the uneducated.
The irony in your post is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
Never mistake education for intelligence.
07-22-2016, 11:42 AM
I'm voting Trump,,,,and I shop at Wal Mart....Today was my Epiphany !! It all makes sense now. Glamy,if you missed Erics speech the night before. Google it,everyone should.Make your own decisions from there. I would never bet against Teflon Don. But when your roots run as deep into the sewers that you can have the FBI director testify that Yes,,,,you are absolutely guilty,but we're not bringing charges,,,After a 4th of July meeting and a "mysterious death" of the man who's gonna seal your fate with testimony,,,,the very morning he is to testify?? Her tentacles are world wide. Make no mistake,world wide. The Trumps have literally thousands of people who want them gone,and they are all scum have absolutely zero problems doing the deed. I have no clue how their security team keeps them safe.
07-22-2016, 01:14 PM
07-23-2016, 08:37 AM
What if it's all just a big conspiracy to try to convince people that their vote doesn't count?
I mean really. If the Bilderberg/Illuminati/Global Capitalist Empire has all the money and power that some claim, why waste all the time and money it would take to fiddlefvck around trying pretend that they actually care about us peasants? Why not just say "Screw it!" and take over? It's not like they're going to stop making money or controlling everything, right?
The left has effectively convinced minorities that the white man is responsible for all of their problems, but yet they need the Progressive white folks to make things right and fix it. It all sounds rather insulting to me to keep telling a certain group of people that they aren't smart enough to figure it out on their own and do it themselves. Isn't that racist?
It doesn't matter if you vote or not, everything that happens in this country affects everybody eventually. Laws passed, taxes levied, rights taken away, etc.
07-24-2016, 07:02 PM
"Concentration of wealth yields concentration of power, particularly so as the cost of elections skyrockets, which kind of forces the political parties into the pockets of major corporations. Then this political power quickly translates into legislation that increases the concentration of wealth, so, fiscal policy like tax policy, deregulation, rules of corporate governance and a whole variety of measures. Political measures designed to increase the concentration of wealth and power, which in turn yields more political power to do the same thing, and that's what we've been seeing."
-Noam Chomsky-
08-10-2016, 06:50 PM
At this point I dont think I know any person that will be voting for Hillary Clinton.
roostin atc
08-10-2016, 07:50 PM
At this point I dont think I know any person that will be voting for Hillary Clinton.
She will win cause of how crooked she is. And that's how crazy politics are. Money power and conspiracy is all you need to win. I'm not a Hillary supporter at all. It's a shame she was even able to run. She should be at least on trial or even better behind bars. I'm leaving on that not she makes my blood boil. Carry on gentleman.
Mr. Clean
08-10-2016, 08:15 PM
I am voting for Deez Nutz.
08-14-2016, 10:42 AM
She will winYes, I know. That's why i wanted to record the fact that I honestly don't know a single person that is going to vote for her.There's no damn way she could possibly get the most votes by citizens, yet she will likely be the winner. It proves that we never had a choice.
08-14-2016, 10:46 AM
I am drooling for the debates !! Bullshlt 3 ring circus sideshow of freaks.
Even a black sheep is still a sheep.
I saw a meme on Twitter that abouyt sums it up for me... it said something like: "I'm more afraid of what Hillary might do as President than I am of what Trump might say!"
08-16-2016, 09:41 AM
Maybe Evan is your guy Glamy? He knows he can only be listed as a choice on a handful of state ballots, but this rocket scientist thinks his entering the race will make DJT or HRC not reach 270 electoral votes so the choice of President is decided by the House of Representatives!
Is he a winner or what? Evan is ex CIA and he traveled the world to convince people to be traitors to their home country and work for the US. Wow imagine Evan and the Donald tag teaming the refugees via EXTREME vetting!!!!
08-16-2016, 11:48 AM
He had a lot to say.
He had a lot of nothing to say.
We'll miss him.
We're gonna miss him.
Yeah, so long.
We wish you well.
Told us how you weren't afraid to die.
Well, so long.
Don't cry, yeah,
Or feel too down.
Not all martyrs see divinity.
But at least you tried.
Standing above the crowd,
He had a voice that was strong and loud.
We'll miss him.
We'll miss him.
Ranting and pointing his finger
At everything but his heart.
We'll miss him.
We'll miss him.
We're gonna miss him.
Yeah, no way, yeah, to recall
What it was that you had said to me,
Like I care at all.
But it was so loud.
You sure could yell.
Took a stand on every little thing
And so loud.
Yeah, standing above the crowd,
He had a voice that was strong and loud and I
Swallowed his facade 'cause I'm so
Eager to identify with
Someone above the ground,
Someone who seemed to feel the same,
Someone prepared to lead the way, and
Someone who would die for me.
Will you? Will you now?
Would you die for me?
Don't you trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro lie.
Don't you step out of line.
Don't you step out of line.
Don't you step out of line.
Don't you trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro lie.
You claimed all this time that you would die for me.
Why then are you so surprised when you hear your own eulogy?
He had a lot to say.
He had a lot of nothing to say.
Come down.
Get off your trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro cross.
We need the trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro space to nail the next fool martyr.
To ascend you must die.
You must be crucified
For our sins and our lies.
08-16-2016, 02:33 PM
Funny Eulogy started up on Pandora as I was reading the thread:beer
08-16-2016, 05:37 PM
Google (Funny Eulogy) blessed me with this:
08-16-2016, 05:57 PM
HA!! sledcrazy was reporting a "coincidence" (there are none). Eulogy is the title of the song, to which the lyrics I posted belong. :)
08-17-2016, 12:42 AM
Donald Trump 8/16/16
It’s so great to be here tonight. I am honored to also be joined this evening by Governor Scott Walker, Chairman Reince Priebus, and Mayor Rudy Giuliani
We are at a decisive moment in this election. Last week, I laid out my plan to bring jobs back to our country. Yesterday, I laid out my plan to defeat Radical Islamic Terrorism. Tonight, I am going to talk about how to make our communities safe again from crime and lawlessness.
Let me begin by thanking the law enforcement officers here in this city, and across this country, for their service and sacrifice in difficult times. The violence, riots and destruction that have taken place in Milwaukee is an assault on the right of all citizens to live in security and peace. Law and order must be restored. It must be restored for the sake of all, but most especially the sake of those living in the affected communities.
The main victims of these riots are law-abiding African-American citizens living in these neighborhoods. It is their jobs, their homes, their schools and communities which will suffer as a result.
There is no compassion in tolerating lawless conduct. Crime and violence is an attack on the poor, and will never be accepted in a Trump Administration.
The narrative that has been pushed aggressively for years now by our current Administration, and pushed by my opponent Hillary Clinton, is a false one. The problem in our poorest communities is not that there are too many police, the problem is that there are not enough police.
More law enforcement, more community engagement, more effective policing is what our country needs.
Just like Hillary Clinton is against the miners, she is against the police. You know it, and I know it.
Those peddling the narrative of cops as a racist force in our society – a narrative supported with a nod by my opponent – share directly in the responsibility for the unrest in Milwaukee, and many other places within our country.
They have fostered the dangerous anti-police atmosphere in America.
Everytime we rush to judgment with false facts and narratives – whether in Ferguson or in Baltimore – and foment further unrest, we do a direct disservice to poor African-American residents who are hurt by the high crime in their communities.
During the last 72 hours, while protestors have raged against the police here in Milwaukee, another 9 were killed in Chicago and another 46 were wounded. More than 2,600 people have been shot in Chicago since the beginning of the year, and almost 4,000 killed in President Obama’s hometown area since his presidency began.
How are we serving these American victims by attacking law enforcement officers?
The war on our police must end. It must end now.
The war on our police is a war on all peaceful citizens who want to be able to work and live and send their kids to school in safety.
Our job is not to make life more comfortable for the rioter, the looter, the violent disruptor. Our job is to make life more comfortable for the African-American parent who wants their kids to be able to safely walk the streets. Or the senior citizen waiting for a bus. Or the young child walking home from school.
For every one violent protestor, there are a hundred moms and dads and kids on that same city block who just want to be able to sleep safely at night. My opponent would rather protect the offender than the victim.
Hillary Clinton-backed policies are responsible for the problems in the inner cities today, and a vote for her is a vote for another generation of poverty, high crime, and lost opportunities.
I care too much about my country to let that happen.
We all care too much about our country to let that happen.
Good policing saves lives. My dear friend, Rudy Giuliani, knows a thing or two about this. The policies put into place by Rudy ultimately brought down crime by 76 percent and murder by 84 percent. Think of how many families were saved, how much heartache was prevented, when police were put into communities and criminals were removed.
Imagine how many lives could have been saved, all across this country, if Democratic politicians hadn’t blocked in their cities what Rudy did in New York City? I’ll make sure we deliver safe neighborhoods here in Milwaukee, and all across this country.
It’s easy for Hillary Clinton to turn a blind eye to crime when she has her own private security force. I believe all Americans, not just the powerful, are entitled to security.
Hillary Clinton has had her chance. She failed. Now it’s time for new leadership.
The Hillary Clinton agenda hurts poor people the most.
There is no compassion in allowing drug dealers, gang members, and felons to prey on innocent people. It is the first duty of government to keep the innocent safe, and when I am President I will fight for the safety of every American – and especially those Americans who have not known safety for a very, very long time.
I am asking for the vote of every African-American citizen struggling in our country today who wants a different future.
It is time for our society to address some honest and very difficult truths.
The Democratic Party has failed and betrayed the African-American community. Democratic crime policies, education policies, and economic policies have produced only more crime, more broken homes, and more poverty.
Let us look at the situation right here in Milwaukee, a city run by Democrats for decade after decade. Last year, killings in this city increased by 69 percent, plus another 634 victims of non-fatal shootings. 18-29-year-olds accounted for nearly half of the homicide victims. The poverty rate here is nearly double the national average. Almost 4 in 10 African-American men in Milwaukee between the ages of 25-54 do not have a job. Nearly four in 10 single mother households are living in poverty. 55 public schools in this city have been rated as failing to meet expectations, despite ten thousand dollars in funding per-pupil. There is only a 60% graduation rate, and it’s one of the worst public school systems in the country.
1 in 5 manufacturing jobs has disappeared in Milwaukee since we fully opened our markets to China, and many African-American neighborhoods have borne the brunt of this hit.
To every voter in Milwaukee, to every voter living in every inner city, or every forgotten stretch of our society, I am running to offer you a better future.
The Democratic Party has taken the votes of African-Americans for granted. They’ve just assumed they’ll get your support and done nothing in return for it. It’s time to give the Democrats some competition for these votes, and it’s time to rebuild the inner cities of America – and to reject the failed leadership of a rigged political system.
I’m not part of the corrupt system. In fact, the corrupt system is trying to stop me. I’ve been paying my own way. The voters in the Republican Party this year defied the donors, the consultants, the power brokers, and choose a nominee from outside our failed and corrupt and broken system.
The other party – the Democratic Party – nominated the personification of special interest corruption. The Democratic Party rigged the nomination to give it to Hillary Clinton, thus giving the soul of their party this year to the special interests.
I am running to listen to your voice, to hear your cries for help. The quiet voices in our society, not the loudest demonstrators, need to have their demands heard.
Jobs. Safety. Opportunity. Fair and equal representation.
We reject the bigotry of Hillary Clinton which panders to and talks down to communities of color and sees them only as votes, not as individual human beings worthy of a better future. She doesn’t care at all about the hurting people of this country, or the suffering she has caused them.
The African-American community has been taken for granted for decades by the Democratic Party. It’s time to break with the failures of the past – I want to offer Americans a new future.
It is time for rule by the people, not rule by special interests.
Every insider, getting rich off of our broken system, is throwing money at Hillary Clinton. The hedge fund managers, the Wall Street investors, the professional political class.
It’s the powerful protecting the powerful.
Insiders fighting for insiders.
I am fighting for you.
When we talk about the insider, who are we talking about? It’s the comfortable politicians looking out for their own interests. It’s the lobbyists who know how to insert that perfect loophole into every bill. It’s the financial industry that knows how to regulate their competition out of existence. The insiders also include the media executives, anchors and journalists in Washington, Los Angeles, and New York City, who are part of the same failed status quo and want nothing to change.
Every day you pick up a newspaper, or turn on the nightly news, and you hear about some self-interest banker or some discredited Washington insider says they oppose our campaign. Or some encrusted old politician says they oppose our campaign. Or some big time lobbyist says they oppose our campaign.
I wear their opposition as a badge of honor. Because it means I am fighting for REAL change, not just partisan change. I am fighting – all of us across the country are fighting – for peaceful regime change in our own country. The media-donor-political complex that’s bled this country dry has to be replaced with a new government of, by and for the people.
The leadership class in Washington D.C., of which Hillary Clinton has been a member for thirty years, has abandoned the people of this country.
I am going to give the people their voice back.
Think about it. The people opposing our campaign are the same people who have left our border open and let innocent people suffer as a result.
The people opposing our campaign are the same people who have led us into one disastrous foreign war after another.
The people opposing our campaign are the same people who lied to us about one trade deal after another.
Aren’t you tired of a system that gets rich at your expense?
Aren’t you tired of big media, big businesses, and big donors rigging the system to keep your voice from being heard?
Are you ready for change?
Are you ready for leadership that puts you, the American people, first? That puts your country first? That puts your family first?
Let’s talk about what this means for the inner cities of America. It’s time to break through the television noise, the entrenched interests. I understand that a lot of powerful people in our political system – a lot of people who’ve created our problems – will lose a lot of their contracts, and their special gigs, if African-American voters, and all minority voters, support my campaign.
It’s time to stop making the special interests rich. It’s time to make the American people rich.
I am going to Make America Wealthy Again.
The Democratic Party has run nearly every inner city in this country for 50 years, and run them into financial ruin.
They’ve ruined the schools.
They’ve driven out the jobs.
They’ve tolerated a level of crime no American should consider acceptable.
Violent crime has risen 17% in America’s 50 largest cities last year. Killings of police officers this year is up nearly 50 percent. Homicides are up more than 60% in Baltimore. They are up more than 50% in Washington, D.C.
This is the future offered by Hillary Clinton. More poverty, more crime, and more of the same. The future she offers is the most pessimistic thing I can possibly imagine.
It is time for a different future.
Here is what I am proposing.
First, on immigration. No community in this country has been hurt worse by Hillary Clinton’s immigration policies than the African-American community. Now she is proposing to print instant work permits for millions of illegal immigrants, taking jobs directly from low-income Americans. I will secure our border, protect our workers, and improve jobs and wages in your community. We will only invite people to join our country who share our tolerant values, who support our Constitution, and who love all of our people.
On trade, I am going to renegotiate NAFTA, stand up to China, withdraw from the TPP, and protect every last American job.
On taxes, I am going to give a massive tax cut to every worker and small business in this country, bring thousands of new companies and millions of new jobs onto our shores – and make it very difficult for our businesses to leave.
I am going to reform our regulations so jobs stay in America, and new businesses come to America to hire workers right here in Milwaukee. Every policy my opponent has sends jobs overseas. I am going to bring trillions in new wealth back to the United States.
On education, it is time to have school choice, merit pay for teachers, and to end the tenure policies that hurt good teachers and reward bad teachers. We are going to put students and parents first.
Hillary Clinton would rather deny opportunities to millions of young African-American children, just so she can curry favor with the education bureaucracy.
I am going to allow charter schools to thrive, and help young kids get on the American ladder of success: a good education, and a good-paying job.
On crime, I am going to support more police in our communities, appoint the best prosecutors and judges in the country, pursue strong enforcement of federal laws, and I am going to break up the gangs, the cartels and criminal syndicates terrorizing our neighborhoods. To every lawbreaker hurting innocent people in this country, I say: your free reign will soon come crashing to an end.
On healthcare, we are going to get rid of Obamacare – which has caused soaring double-digit premium increases – and give choice to patients and consumers. Aetna, just today, announced they are dropping out – as are many of the major insurance companies.
On government corruption, I am going to restore honor to our government. We’ve seen the corruption of Hillary Clinton, the mass email deletions, the pay-for-play at the State Department, the profiteering, the favors given to foreign corporations and governments at your expense. We’ve seen a former Secretary of State lie to Congress about her illegal email scheme, risk innocent American lives, and bring dishonor onto our government.
In my Administration, I am going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information. No one will be above the law.
I am going to forbid senior officials from trading favors for cash by preventing them from collecting lavish speaking fees through their spouses when they serve.
I am going to ask my senior officials to sign an agreement not to accept speaking fees from corporations with a registered lobbyist for five years after leaving office, or from any entity tied to a foreign government. This is all just the beginning.
We are going to make this a government of the people once again. This is our chance to take back power from all the people who’ve taken it from you. The reason you see the establishment media lining up behind my opponent is because they are scared that you, with your vote, can take away their power and return it to your family and community.
These are tough times. But I know we can make American Greater Than Ever Before.
To do this, we are going to need a fighter in the White House.
I will be your fighter.
To defeat crime and Radical Islamic Terrorism in our country, to win trade in our country, you need tremendous physical and mental strength and stamina. Hillary Clinton doesn’t have that strength and stamina. She cannot win for you.
Most importantly, she has bad judgment. Bad judgment on terrorism, bad judgement on foreign policy, bad judgment on trade.
The only individuals she’s ever delivered for is her donors – not the people.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. My opponent asks her supporters to repeat a three-word pledge. Her pledge reads: “I’m With Her”
I choose to recite a different pledge. My pledge reads: “I’m With You – the American people.”
I will fight to ensure that every American is treated equally, protected equally, and honored equally. We will reject bigotry and hatred and oppression in all of its forms, and seek a new future of security, prosperity and opportunity – a future built on our common culture and values as one American people.
I am asking for your vote so I can be your champion in the White House. We will once again be a country of law and order, and a country of great success.
To every parent who dreams for their children, and to every child who dreams for their future, I say these words to you tonight: I’m with you, I will fight for you, and I will win for you.
Together, We Will Make America Strong Again.
We Will Make American Safe Again.
And We Will Make America Great Again.
Thank you, and God Bless.
08-17-2016, 02:43 AM
Donald Trump 8/16/16
It’s so great to be here tonight. I am honored to also be joined this evening by Governor Scott Walker, Chairman Reince Priebus, and Mayor Rudy Giuliani
We are at a decisive moment in this election. Last week, I laid out my plan to bring jobs back to our country. Yesterday, I laid out my plan to defeat Radical Islamic Terrorism. Tonight, I am going to talk about how to make our communities safe again from crime and lawlessness.
Let me begin by thanking the law enforcement officers here in this city, and across this country, for their service and sacrifice in difficult times. The violence, riots and destruction that have taken place in Milwaukee is an assault on the right of all citizens to live in security and peace. Law and order must be restored. It must be restored for the sake of all, but most especially the sake of those living in the affected communities.
The main victims of these riots are law-abiding African-American citizens living in these neighborhoods. It is their jobs, their homes, their schools and communities which will suffer as a result.
There is no compassion in tolerating lawless conduct. Crime and violence is an attack on the poor, and will never be accepted in a Trump Administration.
The narrative that has been pushed aggressively for years now by our current Administration, and pushed by my opponent Hillary Clinton, is a false one. The problem in our poorest communities is not that there are too many police, the problem is that there are not enough police.
More law enforcement, more community engagement, more effective policing is what our country needs.
Just like Hillary Clinton is against the miners, she is against the police. You know it, and I know it.
Those peddling the narrative of cops as a racist force in our society – a narrative supported with a nod by my opponent – share directly in the responsibility for the unrest in Milwaukee, and many other places within our country.
They have fostered the dangerous anti-police atmosphere in America.
Everytime we rush to judgment with false facts and narratives – whether in Ferguson or in Baltimore – and foment further unrest, we do a direct disservice to poor African-American residents who are hurt by the high crime in their communities.
During the last 72 hours, while protestors have raged against the police here in Milwaukee, another 9 were killed in Chicago and another 46 were wounded. More than 2,600 people have been shot in Chicago since the beginning of the year, and almost 4,000 killed in President Obama’s hometown area since his presidency began.
How are we serving these American victims by attacking law enforcement officers?
The war on our police must end. It must end now.
The war on our police is a war on all peaceful citizens who want to be able to work and live and send their kids to school in safety.
Our job is not to make life more comfortable for the rioter, the looter, the violent disruptor. Our job is to make life more comfortable for the African-American parent who wants their kids to be able to safely walk the streets. Or the senior citizen waiting for a bus. Or the young child walking home from school.
For every one violent protestor, there are a hundred moms and dads and kids on that same city block who just want to be able to sleep safely at night. My opponent would rather protect the offender than the victim.
Hillary Clinton-backed policies are responsible for the problems in the inner cities today, and a vote for her is a vote for another generation of poverty, high crime, and lost opportunities.
I care too much about my country to let that happen.
We all care too much about our country to let that happen.
Good policing saves lives. My dear friend, Rudy Giuliani, knows a thing or two about this. The policies put into place by Rudy ultimately brought down crime by 76 percent and murder by 84 percent. Think of how many families were saved, how much heartache was prevented, when police were put into communities and criminals were removed.
Imagine how many lives could have been saved, all across this country, if Democratic politicians hadn’t blocked in their cities what Rudy did in New York City? I’ll make sure we deliver safe neighborhoods here in Milwaukee, and all across this country.
It’s easy for Hillary Clinton to turn a blind eye to crime when she has her own private security force. I believe all Americans, not just the powerful, are entitled to security.
Hillary Clinton has had her chance. She failed. Now it’s time for new leadership.
The Hillary Clinton agenda hurts poor people the most.
There is no compassion in allowing drug dealers, gang members, and felons to prey on innocent people. It is the first duty of government to keep the innocent safe, and when I am President I will fight for the safety of every American – and especially those Americans who have not known safety for a very, very long time.
I am asking for the vote of every African-American citizen struggling in our country today who wants a different future.
It is time for our society to address some honest and very difficult truths.
The Democratic Party has failed and betrayed the African-American community. Democratic crime policies, education policies, and economic policies have produced only more crime, more broken homes, and more poverty.
Let us look at the situation right here in Milwaukee, a city run by Democrats for decade after decade. Last year, killings in this city increased by 69 percent, plus another 634 victims of non-fatal shootings. 18-29-year-olds accounted for nearly half of the homicide victims. The poverty rate here is nearly double the national average. Almost 4 in 10 African-American men in Milwaukee between the ages of 25-54 do not have a job. Nearly four in 10 single mother households are living in poverty. 55 public schools in this city have been rated as failing to meet expectations, despite ten thousand dollars in funding per-pupil. There is only a 60% graduation rate, and it’s one of the worst public school systems in the country.
1 in 5 manufacturing jobs has disappeared in Milwaukee since we fully opened our markets to China, and many African-American neighborhoods have borne the brunt of this hit.
To every voter in Milwaukee, to every voter living in every inner city, or every forgotten stretch of our society, I am running to offer you a better future.
The Democratic Party has taken the votes of African-Americans for granted. They’ve just assumed they’ll get your support and done nothing in return for it. It’s time to give the Democrats some competition for these votes, and it’s time to rebuild the inner cities of America – and to reject the failed leadership of a rigged political system.
I’m not part of the corrupt system. In fact, the corrupt system is trying to stop me. I’ve been paying my own way. The voters in the Republican Party this year defied the donors, the consultants, the power brokers, and choose a nominee from outside our failed and corrupt and broken system.
The other party – the Democratic Party – nominated the personification of special interest corruption. The Democratic Party rigged the nomination to give it to Hillary Clinton, thus giving the soul of their party this year to the special interests.
I am running to listen to your voice, to hear your cries for help. The quiet voices in our society, not the loudest demonstrators, need to have their demands heard.
Jobs. Safety. Opportunity. Fair and equal representation.
We reject the bigotry of Hillary Clinton which panders to and talks down to communities of color and sees them only as votes, not as individual human beings worthy of a better future. She doesn’t care at all about the hurting people of this country, or the suffering she has caused them.
The African-American community has been taken for granted for decades by the Democratic Party. It’s time to break with the failures of the past – I want to offer Americans a new future.
It is time for rule by the people, not rule by special interests.
Every insider, getting rich off of our broken system, is throwing money at Hillary Clinton. The hedge fund managers, the Wall Street investors, the professional political class.
It’s the powerful protecting the powerful.
Insiders fighting for insiders.
I am fighting for you.
When we talk about the insider, who are we talking about? It’s the comfortable politicians looking out for their own interests. It’s the lobbyists who know how to insert that perfect loophole into every bill. It’s the financial industry that knows how to regulate their competition out of existence. The insiders also include the media executives, anchors and journalists in Washington, Los Angeles, and New York City, who are part of the same failed status quo and want nothing to change.
Every day you pick up a newspaper, or turn on the nightly news, and you hear about some self-interest banker or some discredited Washington insider says they oppose our campaign. Or some encrusted old politician says they oppose our campaign. Or some big time lobbyist says they oppose our campaign.
I wear their opposition as a badge of honor. Because it means I am fighting for REAL change, not just partisan change. I am fighting – all of us across the country are fighting – for peaceful regime change in our own country. The media-donor-political complex that’s bled this country dry has to be replaced with a new government of, by and for the people.
The leadership class in Washington D.C., of which Hillary Clinton has been a member for thirty years, has abandoned the people of this country.
I am going to give the people their voice back.
Think about it. The people opposing our campaign are the same people who have left our border open and let innocent people suffer as a result.
The people opposing our campaign are the same people who have led us into one disastrous foreign war after another.
The people opposing our campaign are the same people who lied to us about one trade deal after another.
Aren’t you tired of a system that gets rich at your expense?
Aren’t you tired of big media, big businesses, and big donors rigging the system to keep your voice from being heard?
Are you ready for change?
Are you ready for leadership that puts you, the American people, first? That puts your country first? That puts your family first?
Let’s talk about what this means for the inner cities of America. It’s time to break through the television noise, the entrenched interests. I understand that a lot of powerful people in our political system – a lot of people who’ve created our problems – will lose a lot of their contracts, and their special gigs, if African-American voters, and all minority voters, support my campaign.
It’s time to stop making the special interests rich. It’s time to make the American people rich.
I am going to Make America Wealthy Again.
The Democratic Party has run nearly every inner city in this country for 50 years, and run them into financial ruin.
They’ve ruined the schools.
They’ve driven out the jobs.
They’ve tolerated a level of crime no American should consider acceptable.
Violent crime has risen 17% in America’s 50 largest cities last year. Killings of police officers this year is up nearly 50 percent. Homicides are up more than 60% in Baltimore. They are up more than 50% in Washington, D.C.
This is the future offered by Hillary Clinton. More poverty, more crime, and more of the same. The future she offers is the most pessimistic thing I can possibly imagine.
It is time for a different future.
Here is what I am proposing.
First, on immigration. No community in this country has been hurt worse by Hillary Clinton’s immigration policies than the African-American community. Now she is proposing to print instant work permits for millions of illegal immigrants, taking jobs directly from low-income Americans. I will secure our border, protect our workers, and improve jobs and wages in your community. We will only invite people to join our country who share our tolerant values, who support our Constitution, and who love all of our people.
On trade, I am going to renegotiate NAFTA, stand up to China, withdraw from the TPP, and protect every last American job.
On taxes, I am going to give a massive tax cut to every worker and small business in this country, bring thousands of new companies and millions of new jobs onto our shores – and make it very difficult for our businesses to leave.
I am going to reform our regulations so jobs stay in America, and new businesses come to America to hire workers right here in Milwaukee. Every policy my opponent has sends jobs overseas. I am going to bring trillions in new wealth back to the United States.
On education, it is time to have school choice, merit pay for teachers, and to end the tenure policies that hurt good teachers and reward bad teachers. We are going to put students and parents first.
Hillary Clinton would rather deny opportunities to millions of young African-American children, just so she can curry favor with the education bureaucracy.
I am going to allow charter schools to thrive, and help young kids get on the American ladder of success: a good education, and a good-paying job.
On crime, I am going to support more police in our communities, appoint the best prosecutors and judges in the country, pursue strong enforcement of federal laws, and I am going to break up the gangs, the cartels and criminal syndicates terrorizing our neighborhoods. To every lawbreaker hurting innocent people in this country, I say: your free reign will soon come crashing to an end.
On healthcare, we are going to get rid of Obamacare – which has caused soaring double-digit premium increases – and give choice to patients and consumers. Aetna, just today, announced they are dropping out – as are many of the major insurance companies.
On government corruption, I am going to restore honor to our government. We’ve seen the corruption of Hillary Clinton, the mass email deletions, the pay-for-play at the State Department, the profiteering, the favors given to foreign corporations and governments at your expense. We’ve seen a former Secretary of State lie to Congress about her illegal email scheme, risk innocent American lives, and bring dishonor onto our government.
In my Administration, I am going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information. No one will be above the law.
I am going to forbid senior officials from trading favors for cash by preventing them from collecting lavish speaking fees through their spouses when they serve.
I am going to ask my senior officials to sign an agreement not to accept speaking fees from corporations with a registered lobbyist for five years after leaving office, or from any entity tied to a foreign government. This is all just the beginning.
We are going to make this a government of the people once again. This is our chance to take back power from all the people who’ve taken it from you. The reason you see the establishment media lining up behind my opponent is because they are scared that you, with your vote, can take away their power and return it to your family and community.
These are tough times. But I know we can make American Greater Than Ever Before.
To do this, we are going to need a fighter in the White House.
I will be your fighter.
To defeat crime and Radical Islamic Terrorism in our country, to win trade in our country, you need tremendous physical and mental strength and stamina. Hillary Clinton doesn’t have that strength and stamina. She cannot win for you.
Most importantly, she has bad judgment. Bad judgment on terrorism, bad judgement on foreign policy, bad judgment on trade.
The only individuals she’s ever delivered for is her donors – not the people.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. My opponent asks her supporters to repeat a three-word pledge. Her pledge reads: “I’m With Her”
I choose to recite a different pledge. My pledge reads: “I’m With You – the American people.”
I will fight to ensure that every American is treated equally, protected equally, and honored equally. We will reject bigotry and hatred and oppression in all of its forms, and seek a new future of security, prosperity and opportunity – a future built on our common culture and values as one American people.
I am asking for your vote so I can be your champion in the White House. We will once again be a country of law and order, and a country of great success.
To every parent who dreams for their children, and to every child who dreams for their future, I say these words to you tonight: I’m with you, I will fight for you, and I will win for you.
Together, We Will Make America Strong Again.
We Will Make American Safe Again.
And We Will Make America Great Again.
Thank you, and God Bless.
Jesus this is gunna take awhile to read
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08-17-2016, 07:13 AM
I sure hope all you trump backers are ready to accept it when he does nothing. Y'all are getting all hyped up over this supposed superhero, better hope he changes the world.
None of this matters. A better life starts in your home.
08-17-2016, 07:53 AM
Another quality deviant post. Don't know what we'd do without you.
08-17-2016, 08:44 AM
Jesus this is gunna take awhile to read
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
Yep I started to delete the double spacing but I wasn't going to finish
08-17-2016, 11:09 AM
Yep I started to delete the double spacing but I wasn't going to finish
Rhetoric. It's all a steaming pile of rhetoric.
So who do you want as the next POTUS?
What about Dannel Malloy? Wouldn't he make a wonderful President? And he can have his buddy Dick (less) Blumenthal as his VP. lol,lol,lol,lol...
this way we can all go down in flames together, as a nation! lol
Even a black sheep is still a sheep.
GASP!!! that's Racist... I think. isn't it?
I think it may now be illegal to call a Black sheep a sheep. if not, it soon will be, don't worry!
08-17-2016, 11:29 PM
What about Dannel Malloy? Wouldn't he make a wonderful President? And he can have his buddy Dick (less) Blumenthal as his VP. lol,lol,lol,lol...
this way we can all go down in flames together, as a nation! lol
No thanks......ol Dannel needs to go now!!
08-17-2016, 11:59 PM
GASP!!! that's Racist... I think. isn't it?
I think it may now be illegal to call a Black sheep a sheep. if not, it soon will be, don't worry!
It's okay, wool get over it.
08-18-2016, 01:49 PM
That comment is shear genius!
08-19-2016, 08:41 AM
I saw this yesterday
08-19-2016, 10:54 AM
What about Dannel Malloy? Wouldn't he make a wonderful President? And he can have his buddy Dick (less) Blumenthal as his VP. lol,lol,lol,lol...
this way we can all go down in flames together, as a nation! lol
Tell me how did Dannel get reelected?
08-19-2016, 10:26 PM
08-24-2016, 05:51 AM
What if it's all just a big conspiracy to try to convince people that their vote doesn't count?
I mean really. If the Bilderberg/Illuminati/Global Capitalist Empire has all the money and power that some claim, why waste all the time and money it would take to fiddlefvck around trying pretend that they actually care about us peasants? Why not just say "Screw it!" and take over? It's not like they're going to stop making money or controlling everything, right?
The left has effectively convinced minorities that the white man is responsible for all of their problems, but yet they need the Progressive white folks to make things right and fix it. It all sounds rather insulting to me to keep telling a certain group of people that they aren't smart enough to figure it out on their own and do it themselves. Isn't that racist?
It doesn't matter if you vote or not, everything that happens in this country affects everybody eventually. Laws passed, taxes levied, rights taken away, etc.
Here’s how the Electoral College could prevent a Donald Trump presidency, even if he wins the popular vote
I mentioned the electoral college earlier in the thread. There was a conspiracy by the founding fathers to create the electoral college.
Would also like to point out the law that made PROPAGANDA illegal in the USA was struck down and removed in July of 2013. So, if you feel like they are just flat out lying all the time and pissing in your face, you are right.....and now it is legal to do so.
08-24-2016, 05:55 PM
you elected Mr. Fibb twice !Who did?
Even the perception that SOMEBODY must have voted them in so that means all of YOU are responsible for his election, is a way for the corporations to get what they wanted while turning citizens wrongfully against each other. It has been repeatedly expressed throughout this thread that the popular vote is not a significant part of the "election process" [corporate installments]
Mr. Clean
08-24-2016, 06:11 PM
Who did?
He was referring to fabio :lol:
Mr. Clean
08-24-2016, 06:46 PM
Did you get your shock back Milner ?......Mr. clean
Yes I did, last Monday.....
08-24-2016, 08:57 PM
Now that's shocking news.
08-24-2016, 09:32 PM
Now that's shocking news.
I swear I could write a book called "Quotes From The Tripledog"........and make some money.
08-24-2016, 09:56 PM
Now that's shocking news.
That sprung up quickly. You need to take some time to rebound and decompress......
08-25-2016, 12:03 AM
I swear I could write a book called "Quotes From The Tripledog"........and make some money.
Hasn't worked for me, but who I am I to squash another person's dream?
It's okay, wool get over it.
Baa Daaa... BINGGGG! lol
No thanks......ol Dannel needs to go now!!
You'd think that with a 20 some odd percent rating, He would have been gong long ago! I swear, I cannot find one person who admits to voting for his second term... how did he win again? lol
Its sad that CT is such a nice place to live yet our own politicians not only make living here unbearable but then they go and try to make it too expensive. So now we are way overpaying to live in a state where its lawmakers make it damn near unbearable to live in! lol... I wanna kick my dad in his nuts for keeping us here and not moving us to the south!! lol
08-31-2016, 03:58 AM
from US news:
"There's nothing in the Constitution which requires a popular election for the electors serving in the Electoral College," says John Nagle, a law professor at the University of Notre Dame, meaning the body that officially elects presidents could convene without the general public voting.
Seems they are preparing people for the fact their votes do not
09-03-2016, 09:55 AM
If we want to fix our country there is only one thing that will work. And it is very simple.
We have to ban lawyers. Take a few top ones out and have them guillotined.
09-03-2016, 10:09 AM
This thread is pretty rambling and hard to read. I see a lot of comments about Trump or whoever making up ting or speaking half truths. Well I hope everyone realizes that that is how you convince the public to do your will. The fact is that most people will pick up on that lie or half truth and believe it without checking. Even if they redact a statement or apologize, the number of people who will not see that part is high because the media will likely not show the redaction. Even if they do show it it won't be the main story so most people will go on believing the lie.
So to convince people of thing all you have to do is say want you want people to believe. For someone as special as Queen Killary, well they don't even have to worry about changing the story. She can just keep up the lies and the illuminati controlled media will keep right on backing her.
09-05-2016, 01:23 PM
Let us interview RamsesRibb ....... at 40 yrs. old it would seem logical that you would have better clue`s about life ..... detective ?
Yes I have come to realize great many things
.........unless your family tree has no forks in it .......detective ?
My family tree is just that, a tree with plenty of branches. Unless of course you meant that I am inbred, but that would just be a personal insult now wouldn't it.
....are you sure you passed the bar .....detective ?
Why would you even question my intelligence?
We would love to hear more of your insight about THING you are trying to convince us of ! ....detective
I am only stating that politicians lie on purpose because they know that they will convince the uninformed who will never fact check. Also it is just like when an attorney makes a statement in court before the jury that is completely false and the judge redacts the statement. It is not in the official record but the people of the jury cannot I hear it and it sticks in their minds.
This thread is pretty rambling and hard to read.
:Bounce:rolleyes::Bounce:rolleyes::Bounce:rolleyes ::Bounce:rolleyes::Bounce:rolleyes::Bounce:rolleye s::Bounce:rolleyes::Bounce:rolleyes:
Case in point
09-12-2016, 11:51 PM
09-12-2016, 11:53 PM
Hillary pulled a Romney over the weekend.....she stepped in it and I hope it sinks her
09-13-2016, 09:56 PM
^^^ BTW, dude, it is (or soon will be) known as Hair Farce Won. Shouldn't you be devoting your energy to completing an OCD Duck restoration?
09-13-2016, 11:21 PM
It's all I can get on the news. I'm still waiting to wake up and realize the whole thing is just a bad dream and that the Duck is really a Suzuki.
In my perfect world, you complete the resto, deliver it to me, and construct a wall to prohibit "take backs".
09-14-2016, 07:00 AM
"Build a wall" is hyperbole and propaganda. A hot button issue that has no chance for any outcome at all.
09-14-2016, 07:42 AM
You guys a quacking me up.
What did the duck say to the prostitute?
Put it on my bill
09-14-2016, 08:07 AM
That's about enough of the fowl language, mister.
09-14-2016, 10:46 AM
Sorry, I was winging it.
09-15-2016, 10:19 PM
"Build a wall" is hyperbole and propaganda. A hot button issue that has no chance for any outcome at all.
Building a wall along our Southern border has been voted into law decades ago and millions allocated to fund this project by the last three presidents.
Give Trump a chance to finish the job :naughty:
09-15-2016, 10:21 PM
Now the flood gates are open .......Obummer approved 100K Syrian refugees to come before the end of the year .......there are 5k Haiti refugees in Tijuana waiting to cross for humanitarian aid ......3.1 Bill. per year for 10 yrs. for military aid to Israel 38 Billion dollars total .......and Ford is moving to Mexico ...all done by your best buddy Obamshit !Still eating that racial religious shlt with a spoon eh? 3ring circus sideshowof freaks
09-15-2016, 10:24 PM
Building a wall along our Southern border has been voted into law decades ago and millions allocated to fund this project by the last three presidents.any mass media link is immediately ignored.
09-15-2016, 11:38 PM
any mass media link is immediately ignored. No mass media here......
09-16-2016, 05:07 PM
09-18-2016, 12:47 PM
"Build a wall" is hyperbole and propaganda. A hot button issue that has no chance for any outcome at all.
I think it has a lot of potential. Trump is planning on taking the money that we normally give Mexico and setting it aside to hire Americans that need work and put up a national monument that will actually serve a function. The Great Trump Wall of America.
09-18-2016, 01:02 PM
If it were up to me I would just meet with el presidente de mehico and inform them that ever soul who illegally crosses or has crossed is an act of aggression and that if they are all not taken back within the next 6 months I would be forced to annex all of of Mehico as a US territory and proceed to clean house. I would take all US forces and station them in Mexico. All Mexicans would be given a chance to leave if they want with those remaining then eventually made citizens. Resistance leaders would be taken into custody and kept in a deep dark hole.
09-18-2016, 01:11 PM
I think the world should be free of borders. We are all humans.
09-18-2016, 01:30 PM
09-18-2016, 02:53 PM
I think the world should be free of borders. We are all humans.
When the world was free of borders people might have wandered around into an unwelcome territory and be attacked. Yes I see your point and it would be great in a perfect world but nothing can be perfect because there can be not good without evil.
09-18-2016, 03:19 PM
When the world was free of borders people might have wandered around into an unwelcome territory and be attacked. Yes I see your point and it would be great in a perfect world but nothing can be perfect because there can be not good without evil.What? I've never heard any more rhetorical b.s. in my life. None of it pertains to political borders. Why should anyone be attacked? I thought there was enough room and resources for everyone... oh that's right I remember now, only if you were born in the right house.
09-18-2016, 04:40 PM
I've never locked my doors. People in my area know who I am.
I know how to produce concrete and electricity, neither of which I consider a necessity.
09-18-2016, 04:47 PM
People that talk like you bleed ignoranceYessa dere massa you sho got me drinkin dat purpa koo laid i'z sho i'll come round ta yo way thinkin' soon massa
09-18-2016, 05:33 PM
Ok, you're right we should all live off the grid. You should lead by example and pull the plug on your Internet MorphiusNo thanks, Oracle. I didn't say we should all live off the grid. Didn't say anything like that. You should do whatever you wanna do.
09-18-2016, 05:39 PM;_ylt=A2KLqITCCN9Xs14AoWz7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBsO WdjMmRnBHNlYwNzZWFyY2gEdnRpZANWSURDMQ--;_ylc=X1MDOTY3ODEzMDcEX3IDMgRiY2sDNGFxbzJrbGJyZTVt cyUyNmIlM0Q0JTI2ZCUzRDJ2U3JiT3BwWUVKSEtrSy5rVEQ0T0 I2ZWE1a0JUVlhaTnRxWXhnLS0lMjZzJTNEam4lMjZpJTNERmlH QUwxbVVxa01QWVI1Qnd1MGcEZnIDeW15eS10LTk5OQRncHJpZA NObkd1RTJtaFJDT2p2Lm9SNzJyYUxBBG10ZXN0aWQDVUkwMSUz RFZJREMxBG5fcnNsdAM2MARuX3N1Z2cDMgRvcmlnaW4DdmlkZW 8uc2VhcmNoLnlhaG9vLmNvbQRwb3MDMARwcXN0cgMEcHFzdHJs AwRxc3RybAMzMQRxdWVyeQNTdGV2ZSBtYXJ0aW4gdGFoYXQncy BhbGwgSSBuZWVkBHRfc3RtcAMxNDc0MjM0NTkzBHZ0ZXN0aWQD VklEQzE-?gprid=NnGuE2mhRCOjv.oR72raLA&pvid=OHJ6zzk4LjFFawKlV7cW3AGoMTA4LgAAAAD7Zfd0&p=Steve+martin+tahat%27s+all+I+need&ei=UTF-8&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Av%2Cm%3Asa&fr=ymyy-t-999#id=5&vid=31fd0b26c729eca4e06018cc24f49992&action=view
09-18-2016, 06:02 PM
without laws we're just a bunch of hairless monkeys fighting for scraps.
That's all we are now. There are too many people.
09-18-2016, 06:07 PM
I agree with you that we should all do what we want to do. Some of us are and some of us just seem to talk about it.I'm trying to decide on a tent that will last a year but not break the bank. Any suggestions?
09-18-2016, 06:12 PM
I'm trying to decide on a tent that will last a year but not break the bank. Any suggestions?
Avoid purchasing one that involves an erection lasting more than 4 hours.
09-18-2016, 07:12 PM
sooooooo,, trump? i guess trump.
09-18-2016, 07:39 PM
sooooooo,, trump? i guess trump.
Look at you getting back on topic. Just when things were getting interesting.
09-18-2016, 09:01 PM
What will happen if Trump wins?
09-18-2016, 09:16 PM
WW3, most likely.
09-18-2016, 10:28 PM
Count on a new AG indicting hildog
09-18-2016, 10:31 PM
WW3, most likely.
Nah we will be just fine having a president actually focusing on updating infrastructure.
09-18-2016, 11:19 PM
What will happen if Trump wins?
hillery will be sad. the first daughter will be a smokeshow. the cartels will take notice. clooney will be pissed. maybe dudes won't be allowed to shite in the ladies room. the doj will go back to work. nafta will be adjusted. nintendo will be accepted as the greatest gaming system. etc, etc, etc
09-19-2016, 07:45 AM
She's a 6.
09-19-2016, 09:37 AM
whats with these bombings? must be a tough week for the illuminati. They're blowing up garbage cans. I gotta say, for an all knowing, all powerful organization, they've really let themselves go. One bomb with no fatalities in NYC, one at a 5k race that was postponed, and another that didn't even go off??? Someone is gonna get fired over there. Also, the media sucks so bad. They trip over themselves to say "we don't have any link to terrorism yet." And you can hear it in their voice that they hope its just some white hillbilly nut-job that planted the bombs. They want it to not be muslim terrorists. Because they KNOW this is the issue that will drive this election. And they know that fat, old, corrupt, lying, sick, ugly Hillery doesn't have the chops to fight these bastards off. OF COURSE ITS TERRORISM!! ITS ABSOLUTELY YOUNG MUSLIM IMMIGRANTS THAT DID IT. NBC can't stand it that the facts are SO apparent that they can't even twist the story Hillerys way. God help us. This country is in bad shape.
09-19-2016, 09:37 AM
She's a 6.
If she does a headstand she's a 9.
09-19-2016, 01:07 PM
She's a 6.
I don't want to be her 9
09-19-2016, 01:35 PM
This is by far the best thought out immigration plan I've seen so far. What would your economic policy be?
That was really a joke you know. The current system can't be fixed because it is corrupted to the core. If it where up to me I would set just about everything back to around 1800 but place safeguards to insure no permanent welfare systems be put in place and mandatory term limits which apply cumulatively regardless of federal elected position.
09-22-2016, 11:43 AM
Nice interview......
09-22-2016, 01:05 PM
yeeeaauup. Total set up. Zach the Sack is a flaming libturd.
09-22-2016, 04:52 PM
More mass media propaganda distributing evil rich folk Illuminati distractions......
09-29-2016, 02:56 AM
Quick question ..... maybe RamsesRibb can tell us mere mortals how this happens ......if it means nothing to be the president of the United Snakes .......How does Obumsh!t decide to give 38 billion dollars to Isrihell ? :shiftyeyes: don`t Muslims hate Jews ? Trump Trump Trump ........STOP making dumbarse deals with our so called friends .......and den we decided to PULL building 7 we pulled it ........they blow their load in your mouth ....and you swallow ?rtfm
Some things mortals are not meant to understand. Don't you see?
A little insight though. Israel is not really Israel. The Torah says that God took Israel away from the Jews for their disobedience and they would never have it back. Therefore by the Jews own holy book Israel is not really theirs. The Muslims know this and that is why they fight constantly over a tiny piece of land. The new Israel itself is a Zionist government which put in place as a base of operations in the Middle East. Did our government put it there. Sure. Does our government's sponsors want it there? Sure. Everything has been carefully played like a chess game taking place over the last couple hundred years if not longer than that.
The same people who own the banking system owns the media outlets, pharmaceuticals, insurance companies, oil and gas suppliers, and transportation systems. They have the monopoly on everything because they find the government who makes the regulations that plays to their favor. This is an elaborate ruse that is layer upon layer and shall not be undone without tossing the entire onion into my trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro Blendtech Blender!!!
In other words Obama, Hitlery, Bush or whomever sends the gift of fake money where ever their masters see fit.
09-29-2016, 09:04 AM
This picture was taken on I 80 in Iowa.....Wonder who will make that into a bumper sticker to start selling
09-29-2016, 03:27 PM
And now .......RamsesRibb RamsesRibb ........will tell us who was responsible for 911 ......and the nerve of Obumpiss to say after all this time .....oh it`s ok to sue Saudi Arabia .........WTF WTF WTF WTF is wrong with you people ? ......i know what it is 99% retard in this country ...... FA-Q
Obama vetoed the bill, congress overrode the veto. Put down the pipe dood
09-29-2016, 05:43 PM
Hillary Clinton supporters..... (probably)
This is what Hillarys America looks like.
This was during the protest of an El Cajon police shooting of another person who wouldn't follow orders. This guy was wearing a "make America great again" hat. He sure has more guts than me to show up to this crowd wearing that.
He was beat down but rescued by the now timid and scared El Cajon police. God bless them.
10-09-2016, 10:40 AM
I want to take a moment to thank America. Your Presidential candidates have provided me with the most entertaining news year on record. It's made even the best soap opera writers blush with envy.
I'm looking forward to the next debate more that I did the "Who Shot Mr. Burns?" episode!:Bounce
Who will America choose to be the next puppet of the Fed? Will it be the pu*** grabbing, wife raping, daughter coveting, dead beat, egomaniac, or the two faced, murdering, orally inept, favor selling, socialist c*nt?
God I wish I could vote in this election... so that I could say I abstained.[emoji38]
Bill's not in this election. Why are you bringing him up?
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
10-09-2016, 10:59 AM
so, in light of the latest, can this guy win? The right wingers wanna toss him off the ticket. That would be party suicide. Is it even an issue? Is she walking into the white house unchallenged? He's not getting any votes that aren't from white men. Are there enough white men in this country, in the states that control the votes, to win this election?
10-09-2016, 11:30 AM
He's not getting any votes that aren't from white men. Are there enough white men in this country, in the states that control the votes, to win this election?
False. Not just white men.
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
10-09-2016, 12:17 PM
so, in light of the latest, can this guy win? The right wingers wanna toss him off the ticket. That would be party suicide. Is it even an issue? Is she walking into the white house unchallenged? He's not getting any votes that aren't from white men. Are there enough white men in this country, in the states that control the votes, to win this election?
He's done.
Too close to November plus there's probably a lot more.
10-09-2016, 01:24 PM
The only thing this election is about is to see whether or not there will be a woman's image on a worthless piece of currency. That is right after they put a half white guy on one.
Own commodities., silver, and land, real estate...........anything to offset the worthless devaluation of u.s. paper that this puta will unknmowingly encourage in our economy.
At the rate it's going..... I'll bet they put Trayvon Martin on the C note before El Presidente.
10-09-2016, 01:41 PM
Welcome to the result of a few decades of the dumbing down of America.
The best part of this last whole bunch of B.S. is that if ANYBODY really believes what he said was anything more than male "all wimmenz want me" braggadocio/ locker room talk, they're a fool. Does anybody really think that ANY man can walk up to most hot babes, let alone hot celebrity babes, and start kissing and fondling them? Seriously? And the accusations haven't been brought to light previously? For a multi-million dollar lawsuit? Of course there are A FEW women that allow themselves to be objectified by rich men and don't have a problem with it.
Trump is a blowhard who desperately wants to be liked by everyone for something other than his wealth.
And, for Hitlery to try to use this against Trump is ludicrous, considering she attacked the women her husband fondled, assaulted, and possibly raped, yet she claims to champion women's rights?
Yea, we're screwed alright.
Here's some really nice Hillary quotes from the past:
ETA: If women find what Donald Trump said offensive, who bought those 80 million copies of 50 Shades of Gray?
Is it out of line that I sort of find it appalling that American women rocketed to best seller status a poorly written book that started as twilight fan fiction and contains a bunch of rape fantasy nonsense where a woman is forced to submit sexually to a man of power and status, and then those same women profess to be gasping in disbelief at real life locker room talk?
10-09-2016, 02:05 PM
I wish I could resurrect George Washington...
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10-09-2016, 02:38 PM
Stop up for a beer or three when ya get here El!
10-09-2016, 06:35 PM
Who gives a crap about what Trump said when he boasted about fondling some whore a decade ago? Women who try to go anywhere near money are for sale to the highest bidder. I have spent plenty of nights watching some guys skank wife getting whiplash in some old ass rich guys lap for the chance to get fancy meals and extravagant gifts.
Whores just the same.
I don't care if Trump requires all immigrants to produce gay porn wearing Bill Clinton masks while he gets to test out the women personally. There's no way in hell Hitlery Killton needs to be in charge of the administration.
10-09-2016, 07:44 PM
Yea, but...
The difference is you're not an American. Stay out of American politics. Or we'll put a huge wall on the south boarder. That's means your trike won't make it through customs when you come up for TF17
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
roostin atc
10-09-2016, 08:38 PM
The difference is you're not an American. Stay out of American politics. Or we'll put a huge wall on the south boarder. That's means your trike won't make it through customs when you come up for TF17
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
Said from someone who isn't even old enough to vote. How old are you 16?
10-09-2016, 08:39 PM
Said from someone who isn't even old enough to vote. How old are you 16?
Least I'm an American. I don't go off on how sukky crapixco is. Or Russia? El acts like he's a know it all on American politics.
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
10-09-2016, 08:59 PM
El has probably already FORGOTTEN more about American politics, or world politics for that matter, than you could ever hope to learn. If you wish to start a battle of wits, I would suggest that you refrain from bringing a pea shooter to a gun fight.
10-09-2016, 09:02 PM
I would suggest that you refrain from bringing a pea shooter to a gun fight.
That's why I didn't bring a pea shooter.
Now ya got me thinking of showing off my AK and 300.
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
10-09-2016, 09:10 PM
That's why I didn't bring a pea shooter.
Now ya got me thinking of showing off my AK and 300.
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
My point Ed Zachary.
10-09-2016, 09:15 PM
My point Ed Zachary.
How would I even be out gunned? I thought guns were illegal in crapixco
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
10-09-2016, 09:41 PM
Now you guys see why i like Cody so much ?
Aww I'm so flattered
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
10-09-2016, 10:01 PM
What are you doing posting on a Canadian formed website IDK?
PS I oversee the imployment of over 30 tax paying Americans. Now meditate on that while you wait for you balls to drop.
10-09-2016, 10:16 PM
What are you doing posting on a Canadian formed website IDK?
PS I oversee the imployment of over 30 tax paying Americans. Now meditate on that while you wait for you balls to drop.
Canadian formed? Where is the server located???
Check mate!
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
10-09-2016, 10:28 PM
I would whip out that "Irish thing", but it would be a short story.
10-09-2016, 10:35 PM
Holy trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro AK47, when I support building a wall it's because I want to stop the flow of drugs and have their law abiding citizens enter the Country legally like everyone else. You are spouting off like an elitist A-hole who thinks because you drew a lucky straw and happened to be born here that people born elsewhere are somehow lesser than you. I'm proud to call EC my friend and appreciate his humor and intelligence. Plus last time I checked the Kalashnikov wasn't designed or made in the USA…but it seems you got the "kid" part right...
A word of friendly advice: Don't show up at TF with that attitude. We may disagree at times, but we're [mostly] all friends here. Also, don't talk like you're hot trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro because you have a gun…because I guarantee you're on the low end of the pecking order on here when it comes to armament, training, experience, and hand-to-hand combat.
That being said, no hard feelings and let's be a little better than this.
10-09-2016, 10:50 PM
Holy trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro AK47, when I support building a wall it's because I want to stop the flow of drugs and have their law abiding citizens enter the Country legally like everyone else. You are spouting off like an elitist A-hole who thinks because you drew a lucky straw and happened to be born here that people born elsewhere are somehow lesser than you. I'm proud to call EC my friend and appreciate his humor and intelligence. Plus last time I checked the Kalashnikov wasn't designed or made in the USA…but it seems you got the "kid" part right...
A word of friendly advice: Don't show up at TF with that attitude. We may disagree at times, but we're [mostly] all friends here. Also, don't talk like you're hot trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro because you have a gun…because I guarantee you're on the low end of the pecking order on here when it comes to armament, training, experience, and hand-to-hand combat.
That being said, no hard feelings and let's be a little better than this.
Did I say I didn't like products from foreign countries? I got 200es 2x 225dx (along with 3x parts 225 bikes) 200x banshee virago....ect ect ect. (Although I do have a Polaris made I canada) I don't have a problem where most of my stuff comes from. (Ecept china). Now as far as the boarder. Build that wall, stop the illegal immigrants and drugs and guns and human trafficking
Omg! Here we go.avaun with "stop bragging about you having a gun" I didn't brag. I was saying I didn't bring a pea shooter to a gun fight. Not gunna brag. Only time I brag is when I get flung dung or when there is a thread about reloading or about hunting or guns. And even then I don't brag. Btw have you served? How would you know what and how I train? I'm asking... how would you know?
Here we go with the inner circle.
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
10-09-2016, 10:59 PM
LOL! Will somebody pleases show this kid how to use Google?
PS. The server is safe and sound in Hillary's basement.
C'mon prove me wrong
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
10-09-2016, 11:46 PM
Tim Warburton R.I.P. I believe he was from Ontario Canada, It's this whole other country that you can find on a globe (funny looking blue thing your folks gave you when you were younger that you likely mistook for a basketball, or shot up sighting in your AK)
Now that I have completed your request please do two things for me:
1. Learn how to use the search feature and Google, it's not just for porn
2. Please STFU, you're embarrassing all my American friends
I just search Ontario's obituary data base nothing about tim. And again. Blowing the "AK47" out of proportion
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
10-09-2016, 11:54 PM
PS. The server is safe and sound in Hillary's basement.[/QUOTE]
Spoken as though you know a thing or two about living in a basement.
10-09-2016, 11:57 PM
PS. The server is safe and sound in Hillary's basement.
Spoken as though you know a thing or two about living in a basement.[/QUOTE]
Quote fail !
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
10-10-2016, 12:04 AM
Point taken. I'll just wait for you to learn how to spell the word "border" correctly...
10-10-2016, 12:08 AM
Given your inability to use the Internet to find simple answers to the simple questions that seem to perplex you with alarming frequency should I be surprised?
Turns out he was from Quebec. Are we done here now, or do I have to send you ketchup for the foot your attempting to chew off your leg?
Wow you finally came up with some hard evidence.
He wasn't the only contributer to 3ww.
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
10-10-2016, 12:17 AM
[QUOTE=AK47KID;1429951]Wow you finally came up with some hard evidence.
You shouldn't "engorge" in such conversation.
10-10-2016, 12:18 AM
[QUOTE=AK47KID;1429951]Wow you finally came up with some hard evidence.
You shouldn't engorge in such conversation.
Another fail
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
10-10-2016, 12:23 AM
No kidding. Did you read the links I provided? No you didn't. If you had you wouldn't have made yet another asinine statement. When I asked you to STFU it wasn't because I don't enjoy laughing at your ignorance, it was to protect you for making yourself look like a fool for all the world to see.
What you're posting on the Internet is forever. This is it, your IQ or lack of is now public record for the ages. Think about that as you watch Trump's 2005 hot mic moment play over and over on the news. If you want your ignorance to be digitally recorded for ever please continue. Just remember you've already made reference to using a weapon in anger. 20 years from now that alone might get it taken away for you.
Use your little mind to look at the big picture before you spout off again.
When have I referenced to using a gun in anger? What thread and post number?
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
10-10-2016, 12:28 AM
What are you doing posting on a Canadian formed website IDK?
How is it Canadian formed when it took not just him but other people? If he formed it then why is the server located in the US when he lived in Quebec????
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
10-10-2016, 12:37 AM
The Crapxican wins... and the crowd goes WILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
10-10-2016, 12:49 AM
Your Doctor called. He says you tested positive for chronic stupid. No further action is required on your part as it's not treatable at this time.
Hey, my Hommie Esé wats my docs name? it's past your bed time. You better get to bed before you bump your head and can't get up in the the morning.
Have a question for you... why are you so interested in American politics and when your country has its own problems like
1 drug smuggling
2 Gun smuggling
3 Using innocent people as blind mules
4 Mexico's south border that's being built
5 Human trafficking of young women. (Sometimes girls that are 12 Y/O)
6 Mexico's disease infested water
I could go on more but I have a life. It amazes me that you are more worried about a country's presidency that you aren't even a citizen of. I mean why would you waste your time with watching trump's speech or Hillary's speech. Or keep up with accusations on both parties...
10-10-2016, 01:14 AM
10-10-2016, 09:47 AM
Well for all the naysayers, Trump didn't implode last night. Lame stream media was already to cover the corpse, but the Donald had HillBill stuttering for a couple replies!
Was nice to see HRC on the defensive a little for a change.
10-10-2016, 10:13 AM
The mexican-american war aside, I think Trump did very well last night. I was drunk when i watched it, but he seemed to really rebound. I know there are a big portion of you that are of the "there is no difference" mindset. I can't say i absolutely disagree. But, please consider something here. The democrats hate trump. The republicans hate trump. MSNBC hates him. Fox news hates him. CNN hates him. Maybe he's doing something right? Maybe he is different. I don't know. I do know that she's bad news. I'm more voting against her than i am voting for him. Is it naive of me to be hopeful?
10-10-2016, 12:32 PM
In my field of work, I have learned that when someone cannot be talked down and is irrationally escalating they are best diffused by being ignored…and if that doesn't work, then they either get ejected or get a "B-52". Obviously someone who normally posts sensible stuff is having a bad day and decided to pick on someone on an internet forum because of their place of birth. His age makes him unwise to the ways of the world and he is as full of himself as I was at 16. No hate here, just some advice from forum members older than him who have seen/done more in this life. He'll figure things out eventually.
Back to the issue that created this thread…
Anyone have any guesses as to what "mysterious" evidence Assange has? Is it a bluff? Will his embassy be blown up by a drone strike? Will he die of "natural causes" before it is released? Who knows? Hopefully he has something good:)
10-10-2016, 12:40 PM
I think what gets me excited is that this election is a battle of ideologies… the "better to give up more freedoms and pay more taxes for stability" vs "better to take a gamble than lose anymore ground". I feel that most DT supporters aren't voting for "The Don", but for what he stands for…aka sticking it to the establishment and righting the wrongs brought on by both parties. For a long time I felt very alone with my views and goals…but seeing almost every home and business in my town with a Trump/Pence sign lets me know that we still have a chance to turn this place around…and if he sucks then at least we will still have the power to stand and fight.
10-13-2016, 09:44 PM
Too much drama surrounding this election.
10-19-2016, 06:43 PM
<<< We'll be watching a pair of master debaters, that much is certain.
10-19-2016, 07:35 PM
im excited to watch this thing. it may not matter,, but i hope it does.
10-19-2016, 10:20 PM
At the risk of repeating myself;
im excited to watch this thing. it may not matter,, but i hope it does.
I was a little disapointed. I wanted to hear him to slam her on Benghazi and slam her a little harder on the Haiti deal. Thought he did better the 2nd debate.It was very difficult to listen to that witch,everything out of her mouth is a lie. This election should be a landslide for Trump. In my opionion if they cant steal this election for hitlary im still convinced that a "situation" will arise that keeps Bozo in. This pokin the bear(Russia) deal aint cool and could turn into a real shiet show here real quick
10-20-2016, 01:46 PM
PA may be a big state in this thing. He have any chance down there?
PA may be a big state in this thing. He have any chance down there?
I traveled to Harrisburg, Pittsburg State College and other places in the state. I have talked to alot of people and havent found not one Hitlary supporter. Trump signs are everywhere,ive seen maybe 6-8 hitlary signs in my tri county area. Its usually Filthadelphia and Pittsburg(last election for burg was a lil different)that goes demoncrap. Unless they bus in hitlary voters and dead people vote, going red...speaking of red,i highly suggest everyone voting for the Don wear red. Aint sayin im totally for Trump, dam sure aint for that witch,he has to earn trust by action if he gets in
10-20-2016, 08:43 PM
its blue up here. insanity at its finest. but i gotta tell ya, this guy has a base up here. for whatever reason, we elect republican governors up here. there are republicans somewhere. I see tons of signs. tons of bumper stickers. my neighbor is a union painter. blue collar hero. not political. never been political. he's very vocal pro trump. people that don't vote are going to vote trump. its like a little ground swell going. people are fed up. these polls are calling the election already, but nobody ever polled me. i heard someone say that maybe they only poll during work hours, so working people don't get polled. i don't know. i'd vote glamy before i voted for HER.
10-20-2016, 11:07 PM
Leftist media propaganda machine trying to convince people that Hildebeast has won already.
Last night she basically admitted the wikileaks emails are true by trying to blame Russia for hacking servers.
Best part about it? Anon is using the wikileaks to try to make sure the beast doesn't get elected. Even tho some claim that Anon is the savior of the free world and, somehow, not politically motivated. What in the world could an anarchist group's end game be? :wondering
wiki has almost always held the belief that she will win.
i'd vote glamy before i voted for HER. Heck yea!!!!! Me too.....dont know glamy,but i feel that would be very intresting....GLAMY for PREZ!!!!!!
10-21-2016, 05:51 AM
It seems that a bush in the hand is worth a lot of press for Trump.
I approve this message do you think she`ll nitt us all some sweaters ? .......i mean WTF else could she do ? It`s such an embarrassment least with Trump we could get Melania to mash his balls with a rubber mallet if he steps out of line ! And now ........Melania will mash the Presidential balls and run off with Vladimir !!! .......oh there`s gonna be trouble !
Wait...WTF.....You.....actually endorsing a LAW & ORDER guy? No way....You have to have leadershit, rules, and enforce them, for law and order to prevail. You gonna be okay wit dat shiz?
May be hope for you yet. Now get down and give me 20 slapnuts...
I`ll see you the streets of ......FILTHADELPIA ! ......objection your honor ....... Mosh and Scootertrash!t are badgering the glamy ........oh no report them to Yeagermeister he said filth flarmin filth ........and the da boss comes in slowly with in the streets of Filthadelpia ........i`m pretty sure Trump had no chance of winning this election before it started put that on the end of your corncobb and enforce it !!!! One thing i will say if you wanna know how facked up it is in other countries get the cable network VICELAND i`ve learned a lot from that including how to do bong loads ......Mosh !!!
spin the bong...rodham will take your guns and let the tweakers twerk in glamy's front yard...pump the guv mental pills fo free...
trump is gonna have a panty raid and take your bongs..which will it be?
10-21-2016, 11:07 AM
:Bounce:Bounce:BounceGlamy please call the VICELAND hotline and leave them tons of messages.....maybe they will run one of your voice mails as an advertisement for the network:crazy:.....That would be trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro awesome:lol:
BTW for shame thinking Trump won't pull this off, stop sending out bad vibes, talk it into existence. In Communist Connecticut where I travel there are zero HRC signs but Trump/Pence are on a lot of front lawns.
10-21-2016, 11:08 AM
we got more Arabs then Detroit right here in El Cajon Ca ..... !
It really is a shame how much it has changed since......say 2000
It really is a shame how much it has changed since......say 2000
crap..I remember when my old man and his brother would load us 6-8 year olds up in the back of a chevy pickup, with beer in their lap drive downtown to the drive through, order 2 more cases and the drive through attendant would hand the beer to the kids in the back and we would go bouncing around in the bed back home. Now, it is illegal to smoke a cig in a car if there is a minor as a passenger in some states.. But text away at 70mph.....
When you acted up in a store and got the trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro knocked out of you by your mom or dad in front of everyone and nobody gave a crap, cuz they was doin the right thing, when the kid wanted the gi-joe with a kung fu grip, and threw a fit in the check out lane, and got a kung fu ass whoopin like they should have..
Then oprah and Donahue, and sally jesse started the "don't spank your kids campaign in the late 80's " and now anarchy is rewarded and everyone is owed something for NOTHING.. In just 35 years, it is a whole different planet...
10-21-2016, 11:42 AM
PA may be a big state in this thing. He have any chance down there?
Funny story of the week:
I'm getting coffee at the local shopping center and see an older lady in a long denim skirt and no shoes on the corner holding a 4'x4' red, white, and blue printed sign that read "Our daughters deserve better, VOTE HILLARY". Annoyed, I got my coffee and bagel and drove off. As I was exiting the shopping center I glanced back, and standing on the retaining wall behind her were 2 guys holding up with a spray painted sheet that read ""Our Country deserves better, TRUMP". Obviously they saw her and ran into the Walmart next door for supplies to do this. I laughed, nobody at my job in Baltimore did.
10-21-2016, 11:50 AM
Anybody see 13 hrs? Watched it last night and was impressed. Those guys were some bad mofos…and "Rone" was a Navy Seal and a Nurse, so I'll surely be bringing that up the next time someone makes fun of me for my profession…
I read the CNN and MSNBC versions of everything, and it seems they've consistently refused to connect the dots and make the obvious assumptions with her (even though they constantly do it with DT). I read a lot of "there's really no hard evidence" excuses…obviously not, since they're dealing with someone who has her staff delete tens of thousands of emails even after they are instructed by the investigators not to touch them (the excuse was that a "Clinton staffer missed the notice" and "accidentally" deleted them the following day). Trump may be a dick, but at least he's being himself and not putting on some BS act for the sake of political correctness.
10-21-2016, 11:52 AM
Oh, and now the DNC is saying the emails are fakes made up by the Russians…and Assange's internet access was mysteriously cut off at his embassy. Pretty convenient timing, huh?
10-21-2016, 11:54 AM
10-21-2016, 11:56 AM
10-21-2016, 12:00 PM
This thread is rigged, folks.
10-21-2016, 12:08 PM
I think we're "fair and balanced" around here...
10-21-2016, 12:12 PM
if it rains on election day in a few swing states, trump will win.
10-21-2016, 12:17 PM
These are scary times, people. Mosh has actually become fluent in Glamese.
10-21-2016, 12:58 PM
I think we're "fair and balanced" around here...
You're a puppet :lol:
We are Glamese if you please ......we are glamese if you don`t please !
We may...may be the only 2 turds old enough to remember seeing that at the actual movie theater left on this website...
But overall, I think preperation H feels good on the hole.
Speaking of turds...Did anyone else see the H rod tour bus dumping the shitter on the sidewalk last week?
10-21-2016, 08:57 PM
sniff... no... wrong... sniff... no... sniff... not true...
No, YOU'RE the puppet... and the worst player EVER in the history of the game Tic Tac DOH!
10-22-2016, 01:12 AM
Couldn't resist :lol:
10-22-2016, 09:58 AM
[QUOTE=El Camexican;1431638]
Does that sh*t rhyme? I can't tell yet, I'm still hungover.
Too bad you can't be Downold's running mate. The Combover, Talkover, Hangover ticket...
10-23-2016, 03:20 PM
Finally getting some meat and potatoes from this election.
Billy Golightly
10-24-2016, 05:01 PM
For anyone that likes to put their money where their mouths are;
10-27-2016, 11:37 AM
its gunna be uuuugggeeeetrump train or get rolled over
Billy Golightly
10-29-2016, 09:12 AM
45% return in 2 days aint bad.....:lol:
10-29-2016, 01:35 PM
God forbid.........if Clinton wins......the only good thing that would come of it is more Huma.
She's Flippin .......... H......O.......T............HOT.
She gives me an Anthony
10-29-2016, 03:58 PM'd go where The Weiner has been???
roostin atc
10-29-2016, 04:24 PM
Carlos Danger zone :banned:
roostin atc
10-29-2016, 04:27 PM
Carlos Danger zone :banned:
Sorry wrong emogy. I choose not to edit. Hurting Hillary is done.:beer
10-29-2016, 07:28 PM'd go where The Weiner has been???
Aw....... c'mon man............don't ruin my little fantasy with the thoughts of Carlos-My dick is hard next to my little boy-Danger..........geez.
They crucified Trump for talking man and brushing up on a tit............
I wonder if C Danger is going to get time in the pokie for showing his pee pee to a little girl?
10-29-2016, 08:21 PM
Haven't you guys seen the latest news about Mr Danger, Huma, and Hillary?
10-29-2016, 09:16 PM
Apparently Huma has a personal Yahoo account shared with her estranged husband. FBI has possession of his computers and that could have implications for HRC.
10-30-2016, 07:09 AM
Apparently Huma has a personal Yahoo account shared with her estranged husband. FBI has possession of his computers and that could have implications for HRC.
Here ya go:
10-30-2016, 08:29 AM
I wonder if C Danger is going to get time in the pokie for showing his pee pee to a little girl?
He will probably be charged with "Carlos Endangering the welfare of a child".
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