View Full Version : 1st Gen 200x vs. 2nd Gen 200x

12-03-2015, 11:09 AM
Seems like the 86-87 200x is the hot ticket right now as they are going for small fortunes on ebay!

My buds and i used to ride a big pack of 200x's only. From our experience the first gen bike was much tougher and more reliable, plus it could be made faster since there was alot more aftermarket upgrades available.
Our only problems with the 1st gen x's was carrier bearings went out once a yr. since we ride dunes mainly. the kicker was a pain in the rear and the rear brakes seemed to never work (none of us had rear brakes on any of ours) they are super tough and have great stock suspension when dialed in to your style and we all picked ours up for 500$ or less each
The 2nd gen x was a little faster and better looking but we had alot more issues w those. cracked frames, swingarm bolt seizures, kickstart gear problems, clutch problems, broken oil pumps, carrier bearings etc. the guy who bought the 2nd gen x sold it and switched back to first gen.
jumpn jon (far right in pic) switched from a 1st gen x to a 350x and quickly did not like the bike saying it had power but was too heavy to jump big gaps and he broke the frame, now he wants a 1st gen x again despite the power loss. reliability counts more if you ride hard!
Not sure why the 2nd gen x is in demand? is it the short 2yr run? not sayn there bad bikes, either way we'd ride 1st gens anyday over the 2nd gen

12-03-2015, 01:01 PM
Owning both at one time I can say the 2nd Gen was simply a superior ride. I was one of those guys that sold my 2nd generation for a good amount of money just recently but kept my 1st Gen because of an attachment to the past. But that aside......both in stock form and all things equal and you come to the realization that the 2nd generation was simply better. It really felt like a modern machine. If trikes were being manufactured today it would feel like the 2nd gen.

I would completely agree that there are a vast array of aftermarket stuff available for the 1st gen and honestly much cheaper. But like I said....both in completely stock form.......there's no comparison.

12-03-2015, 01:13 PM
Owning both at one time I can say the 2nd Gen was simply a superior ride. I was one of those guys that sold my 2nd generation for a good amount of money just recently but kept my 1st Gen because of an attachment to the past. But that aside......both in stock form and all things equal and you come to the realization that the 2nd generation was simply better. It really felt like a modern machine. If trikes were being manufactured today it would feel like the 2nd gen.

I would completely agree that there are a vast array of aftermarket stuff available for the 1st gen and honestly much cheaper. But like I said....both in completely stock form.......there's no comparison.

agreed, until the 2nd gen breaks and it will!! kept the first gen, dont blame ya :)

12-03-2015, 01:51 PM
didn't we learn this 29 years ago?

12-03-2015, 02:16 PM
didn't we learn this 29 years ago?

If history has shown anything, people don't learn from past mistakes. :lol:

12-03-2015, 06:15 PM
Seems like the 86-87 200x is the hot ticket right now as they are going for small fortunes on ebay!

My buds and i used to ride a big pack of 200x's only. From our experience the first gen bike was much tougher and more reliable, plus it could be made faster since there was alot more aftermarket upgrades available.
Our only problems with the 1st gen x's was carrier bearings went out once a yr. since we ride dunes mainly. the kicker was a pain in the rear and the rear brakes seemed to never work (none of us had rear brakes on any of ours) they are super tough and have great stock suspension when dialed in to your style and we all picked ours up for 500$ or less each
The 2nd gen x was a little faster and better looking but we had alot more issues w those. cracked frames, swingarm bolt seizures, kickstart gear problems, clutch problems, broken oil pumps, carrier bearings etc. the guy who bought the 2nd gen x sold it and switched back to first gen.
jumpn jon (far right in pic) switched from a 1st gen x to a 350x and quickly did not like the bike saying it had power but was too heavy to jump big gaps and he broke the frame, now he wants a 1st gen x again despite the power loss. reliability counts more if you ride hard!
Not sure why the 2nd gen x is in demand? is it the short 2yr run? not sayn there bad bikes, either way we'd ride 1st gens anyday over the 2nd gen

I couldn't disagree with you more. There is a reason that honda made changes to this model when they did and it wasn't for a sales pitch, it was for reliability issues. '86 suspension is miles ahead '85. I will just assume that you and your friends had a bad batch of machines. The numbers don't lie. You and only a handful of other people have had bad experiences with 2nd gen x. Majority of riders would agree that 86 takes the 85 a shootout.

12-03-2015, 06:38 PM
we had 5 1st gens and 3 2nd gens, the 2nd gens were broke most of the time and hard to get parts for! the 1st gens suspension was top notch, jumpn jon is 200lbs and sailed the hell out of his lil x with no issues, he said all he did was set the comp/reboun/damping for his weight. the 2nd gens frame broke (cracked) on the identical doubles as the 1st gen. we used to all ride real hard and the old x stood up the newer one just flat out didnt, sorry man just telling our experiences. the 86 did have longer susp and handle better it just wasnt a worthy trade off for reliability.
no one will talk us out of the old x's we have the vids of it jumping and new x breaking lol

12-04-2015, 12:25 AM
we have the vids of it jumping and new x breaking lol

I respect your experience. Mine differ... Maybe post the vid so everyone else can see.

12-04-2015, 07:16 PM
I'd love to see the video, I can't break/crack mine.....

12-04-2015, 09:36 PM
You are dealing with 30 year old machines.

12-05-2015, 12:58 AM
I'd love to see the video, I can't break/crack mine.....

Got a few Q' s for you DC:

Are you a slim fella? 165lbs or less?
Do you jump your 2nd gen?
Do you own a homemade track on your property with mounds of dirt in which you catch air off of?

I may know the answers to these questions but let's act like I don't. 2nd gen 200x all the way!!!

12-05-2015, 02:48 AM

Maybe this will help?

12-05-2015, 03:51 AM
I was born on an '83 200x.... did they make more?

12-07-2015, 12:56 PM
heres a vid of jumpn jon on his 85 200x, 6ft1 200lbs, stone stock worn out x tapped in 4th, missed the landing rode it out w no breaks to the 85, the 86 frame cracked on the same jump. the square frame just wasnt as tough, neither was the motor

12-07-2015, 01:36 PM
So you don't have a vid of the 2nd gen cracking???

12-07-2015, 01:51 PM
It puts the lotion on it's skin.....it does what it's told.

12-07-2015, 02:15 PM
So you don't have a vid of the 2nd gen cracking???

no vid i looked for it, we didnt know it was cracked until we had swingarm issues and noticed it had cracks. not sure why your questioning ? hey man it broke lol nuff said... we didnt like our 2nd gen bikes, they didnt take the beatings we dished, the 1st did

12-07-2015, 07:28 PM
Only reason I'm questioning is to get to discuss why/how it cracked. I'm building on my second '86 frame and just wanted to know if I was missing something. You did post this thread to discuss frame issues, right??? Not trying to argue, just trying to debate.;)

Where did jumpn johns frame crack?
Have you ever owned a second gen frame? If so, did you damage it? If so, where was it damaged?

12-07-2015, 09:02 PM
Only reason I'm questioning is to get to discuss why/how it cracked. I'm building on my second '86 frame and just wanted to know if I was missing something. You did post this thread to discuss frame issues, right??? Not trying to argue, just trying to debate.;)

Where did jumpn johns frame crack?
Have you ever owned a second gen frame? If so, did you damage it? If so, where was it damaged?

johns 85x had no problems it was the first gen 200x in the video i posted, the 2nd gen frame was weak, the swingarm had cracks, shock mounts, and behind the engine where your ankle would rest cracked bad.
tom was the guy who had it, he got rid of it, i got rid of my 2nd gen x too we both switched back to first gen's and had no problems. all 3 2nd gen x's also had the kickstart/clutch/oilshaft seizure problem.. was a real nightmare to fix them! like i said and by watchin the vid we really rode these trikes hard, harder than the average guy for sure.
in my opinion i could buy a 1st gen 200x off local craigslist in great shape for around 500$ and know i have a stone reliable trike, a 2nd gen on ebay in the same shape is 5-6 times as much and gaurenteed trouble.

12-07-2015, 09:36 PM
I'm not sure if I would say guaranteed. From what I gather in the story, you and 2-3 of your friends had 3 86 200x between y'all and one of them had issues. So, you guys got rid of the other 2 to avoid future problems. I just don't know if that's worth insinuating to an entire forum that owning a rare IMO reliable trike is a bad idea. Oh well, I'll move on, thanks for the discussion. :beer

12-08-2015, 02:34 AM
I have a 2nd gen I bought and the frames cracked in atleast 10 spots.

tri again
12-08-2015, 06:04 AM
Nice to know of design issues for sure.
I have 2 x's for sale right now, so...? 2nd gen are what years?
square tube frame as opposed to round?

I'm more of a semi auto 250 sx / es geezer and rarely get out of 2nd gear.

Didn't the 350x models have some sort of frame issues as well?
dirtcrasher has the gusset design fix for those?

I've seen a few models with weak frames.
Most notably, trikes that were run in the salt water or mud and not cleaned
so they held moisture and mud / sand under the engines and kinda rotted out.
Very sad to see.
Not so bad on an older machine that leaks a little oil. Seems to keep them from rotting out.

Didn't the Kawasaki road bike triples crack frames simply due to the outrageous torque?

12-08-2015, 10:48 AM
All 3 of our 2nd gen trikes had problems, thats 3 out of 3 with bad frames and all had the kickstart/clutch/oilshaft nightmare as well thats why i dont understand why the bring big money on ebay, not a great long term trike imo.

Yes the 350x frame cracked as well from jumping but in its defense its a big heavy trike, more of a cruiser not meant for big gaps, the motor alone on that bike weighed ALOT!!

As far as troublefree bikes go the first gen 200x has ben the best ive seen. they didnt make so many variations of it for nothin

12-08-2015, 11:16 AM
I'm not sure if I would say guaranteed. From what I gather in the story, you and 2-3 of your friends had 3 86 200x between y'all and one of them had issues. So, you guys got rid of the other 2 to avoid future problems. I just don't know if that's worth insinuating to an entire forum that owning a rare IMO reliable trike is a bad idea. Oh well, I'll move on, thanks for the discussion. :beer

I have owned both styles. I like the 86-7 better.....My only question to Hawaiirider is which one of your crew bought a second gen new from the dealer?

Otherwise who the trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro knows what 'POS' you guys ended up with or what the previous owners did to abuse them or maintain them.:wondering

I bet you might hold a better opinion of them if you rode one from new and not something second hand

12-08-2015, 11:25 AM
I have owned both styles. I like the 86-7 better.....My only question to Hawaiirider is which one of your crew bought a second gen new from the dealer?

Otherwise who the trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro knows what 'POS' you guys ended up with or what the previous owners did to abuse them or maintain them.:wondering

I bet you might hold a better opinion of them if you rode one from new and not something second hand

OWNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh Hello Remember me!


83-85 ATC200X are the god of all trikes...everyone knows this...They are such utter DOG fecal matter they are a joke. Everyone knows a 2nd Gen is better. is a 1979 F150 better then a 2016...OH wait let me ask you...Did I hear yes...holly crap bat man I think I this nickel rock I got at the corner of 5th and lemon street had something else in it.


83-85 for the win.

Seriouly dood...stop freaking posting that all your toys are so grand. Freaking they are old 10th hand bikes beat abused road...its a toy. They make newer ones always better then then older ones.

I think someone likes me and me alone.

and remember kids...

It puts the lotion on its skin....it does what its told.

I've had enough...I just went trump on your hinnie

12-08-2015, 01:07 PM
I have owned both styles. I like the 86-7 better.....My only question to Hawaiirider is which one of your crew bought a second gen new from the dealer?

Otherwise who the trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro knows what 'POS' you guys ended up with or what the previous owners did to abuse them or maintain them.:wondering

I bet you might hold a better opinion of them if you rode one from new and not something second hand

I play baseball and 3 stikes (tirkes in this case) and your out! thats all 3 out of 3 86-87 200xs w cracked frames and the right side motor nightmare
all 4 out of 4 1st gen 200x's had no frame or motor problems at all.
i think yall just dont ride (or jump) as big as us duners do, maybe thats all.
i do like the newer 200x just not as much as the older and tougher model, in my perspective you can spend 5-600$ and get a great shape first gen or spend 2-4000$ for a second gen, those guys are getting owned!

12-08-2015, 01:44 PM
Gotta love going big at the dunes!! We still need to hook up and ride when I'm down at Coos Bay!


12-08-2015, 02:18 PM
OWNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh Hello Remember me!


83-85 ATC200X are the god of all trikes...everyone knows this...They are such utter DOG fecal matter they are a joke. Everyone knows a 2nd Gen is better. is a 1979 F150 better then a 2016...OH wait let me ask you...Did I hear yes...holly crap bat man I think I this nickel rock I got at the corner of 5th and lemon street had something else in it.


83-85 for the win.

Seriouly dood...stop freaking posting that all your toys are so grand. Freaking they are old 10th hand bikes beat abused road...its a toy. They make newer ones always better then then older ones.

I think someone likes me and me alone.

and remember kids...

It puts the lotion on its skin....it does what its told.

I've had enough...I just went trump on your hinnie

wow, my discussion was on which gen trike is better and why is the 2nd gen going for so much on ebay, no insults were made by me towards anyone. never said my toys were so grand, heck i dont even own a honda anymore, i ride zukis, we all know hondas are better!
(dood) ^ youll never be as tall or good looking as me, trump someones elses hinnie, u have to put lotion on your skin, get back to me when you can ride like this:
until then your owned bud

12-08-2015, 02:33 PM
facebook is for fools...and tools

12-08-2015, 03:36 PM
facebook is for fools...and tools

good one man^.. hey im a decent guy, you win new 200x is better. no animosity here. just tellin yall how us oregon duners had bad experiences w the newer ones. peace man.
either way im missn my 200x!!

12-08-2015, 04:40 PM
That's why you gusset stock frames, every stock frame will crack over time...remember they rust inside out also. Every bike I build gets frame help. Things are not meant to last. Welding is cheap.

12-08-2015, 05:54 PM
get back to me when you can ride like this:
until then your owned bud

Was that jumpn Jon, or Tom??? I couldn't tell...:lol:

12-08-2015, 06:03 PM
was me im dirtbikedan

12-08-2015, 08:37 PM
wow, my discussion was on which gen trike is better and why is the 2nd gen going for so much on ebay, no insults were made by me towards anyone. never said my toys were so grand, heck i dont even own a honda anymore, i ride zukis, we all know hondas are better!
(dood) ^ youll never be as tall or good looking as me, trump someones elses hinnie, u have to put lotion on your skin, get back to me when you can ride like this:
until then your owned bud

That's how you broke your frame/frames?

12-08-2015, 09:06 PM
That's how you broke your frame/frames?


the 1st gen held up

12-08-2015, 09:14 PM

the 1st gen held up

Sorry, I was watching the wrong video.

12-27-2015, 03:42 AM
Most 1st gens Ive seen crack are by the front motor mounts.