View Full Version : picked up a 350x

11-25-2015, 07:02 PM
Have always had my eyes open for a 350x. I never wanted to pay 1500-2000k for one. im guilty of buying projects that are cheaper upfront and ussualy come out close to the same in the end by the time i stick my money into it. Anyways i got this 350x from a local guy for 450 bucks. Its in alright shape. The fenders are beat but the most important plastic is there and in great shape, the headlight. The guy gave me a set of studded tires and rims along with a dirt set and an extra cobra exhaust. The catch is the motor is locked. According to the guy he had it fully rebuilt, took it out twice and was unloading it from the trailer and was sitting there idling and made a ting ting noise and locked up. He said he was so fustrated about it that it sat for 3 years. I believe his story because he had no reason to lie as it was for sale, i just heard he had one. I wonder if just a ring wasnt seated right and got bound up in there. Itll be awhile before i tear into this one since i just finished the 250r. Heres some pictures. I think i did alright. I know i have atleast double what i paid for this thing in parts.

11-25-2015, 07:23 PM
Yeah I'd say you did good AGAIN on your buy! Your 250R buy was a great one too! You got your money worth just in parts plus some. Seems like there are so many trikes and hell ya good deals up in the northern states.

Hunting Chip
11-25-2015, 10:41 PM
Uh yeah.....I'd say you did alright

11-26-2015, 03:50 AM
Yeah round my way that's a $1200 machine, so everyone thinks lol.

And we have that in common. Feel like I'm getting a deal at $175 then sink 700 into it. But what rises from the ashes is the most beautiful thing on this earth. To me anyway.

Very glad you weren't the one who took it out twice only to have it grenade on you. I know how that feels i rushed a build when I was 16 and my trike jumped time during the annual Christmas parade and had to push it back to his house. Walk of shame.

You never know it might be something simple wrong with it.