View Full Version : Add Left master cylinder to Auto-X

10-16-2015, 03:59 PM
Cant seem to find the info I am looking for, I am building an Auto-x and am thinking that I would rather not deal with the right-foot brake mod (I don't use the foot brake on my other Trikes) and just put a master cylinder on the left hand in place of the (No longer needed) Clutch lever and get a custom braided brake line to run to the back caliper. Any reason not to do this?

10-16-2015, 05:00 PM
I really dont see a down side on your auto-x... Thats exactly what I did a couple yrs ago but on my ATC 185S (converted to rear disc brake). Anyway, I used a left-hand master cyl. simply because it was gonna be tricky (for me) to make the stock 185S foot brakepedal work with a rear master cyl.-
I would definatly use a lefthand master cyl. vs. a righthand master cyl. You dont want throttle & brake using the same hand obviously. That being said-
Whats YOUR reason for doing this though????What right-footbrake mod are you talking about???? A 200X is already set up for disc brake-im confused...?

10-16-2015, 05:05 PM
PM me if you want to buy a new mastercylinder. I sell them left and right side.

10-16-2015, 05:05 PM
After thinking about it-I assume the stock brake pedal needs to be removed to fit 185/200 motor-correct???

YTZ drew
10-16-2015, 05:53 PM
After thinking about it-I assume the stock brake pedal needs to be removed to fit 185/200 motor-correct???
The stock 200X brake pedal uses the clutch cover as its mounting point. Once you go to an auto-clutch engine, the cover no longer has that provision and a custom pedal setup has to be fabbed, or change to a handbrake. I have read that 350X pedals fit onto the 200X footpeg boss with basically no fab work needed to keep the rear brake foot-activated. If you search, there's a thread on here somewhere.

10-16-2015, 06:46 PM
I used a 86 200x foot brake and used a piece of black sheet metal to move the rear master cylinder left a couple inches to meet up. I do need to also weld a small ber to adjust the foot action further out.

10-16-2015, 07:29 PM
After thinking about it-I assume the stock brake pedal needs to be removed to fit 185/200 motor-correct???
Correct, I just grew up on an atc110 and never used the foot brake, always the left hand. I am going to try out the left master cylinder for the rear and keep the right master cylinder for the front to see how it plays out. I was also considering running just the right master cylinder with a "T" to run both front and rear but did not want to have all controls on one hand like you had stated.

10-16-2015, 08:08 PM
I have 2 hand brakes on my super x and they work great. Controlling wheelies is a little tricky at first. Getting back on a bike with conventional brakes you have to remind yourself of the foot pedal.

10-16-2015, 09:55 PM
You could run a double stack banjo bolt and have a left handed brake & rear brake pedal at the same time.

10-16-2015, 10:56 PM
You could run a double stack banjo bolt and have a left handed brake & rear brake pedal at the same time.

I did think about doing that and I had all of the quad front brake parts but sleezbay was running deals on the set of masters...