View Full Version : Banned off facebook trike site

09-24-2015, 03:14 AM
I recently joined a facebook thingy called ATC70 honda trikes and parts. Someone posted a video of himself and three friends racing around a dirt track on 140cc 70's. The fella in front was not wearing a helmet and his mullet was flapping in the wind. I made the first comment being "No helmet?"
Well, the s*it hit the fan. Goddam Bob's land and goddam Bob can do whatever he goddam wants, this is Merica, Go Bob, F*ck off you helmet nazi etc etc. I commented maybe Bob's family might not want to spend the next 20 years feeding him pureed vegetables and changing his dirty nappies after he receives his head injury and his behaviour is one of the reasons for the three wheeler ban.
I got banned and kicked off.
Am I being silly saying anything in the first place or should I not comment and let these hillbillies continue ruining trike riding?

09-24-2015, 06:26 AM
Just let Darwinism run its course.

09-24-2015, 06:38 AM
People like this make the mullet look bad :p I mean sure to each his own, if you wanna go helmet less(though not the smartest) it's up to you. But at least you were being respectful about it. Not like the majority of the Facebook milita on those 3 wheeler pages

09-24-2015, 07:34 AM
After spending 5 years on a forum as a moderator trying to enforce the same policy met with heavy resistance, and lack of fellow policy enforcement, and backbone of appointed policy enforcers I am here to tell you to let it go. The "hillbillies" as you stated have already damaged the sport's image and that is why there are less places to ride, and support for them. The kids of today think they are making progression, but to the people that have been around for awhile, we know that we were much more free 30 years ago, than these kids think they are now.

When that shithole of a site facebook started, I saw a sway in peoples attitudes brought on by the childeren of disobedience, and self entitlements. That eventually even overwhelmed the people of sound thinking and logic and has now spread like a disease, to where virtually everyone on this planet has a "special" need, want, condition, or outlook, that SHALL trump all others rights to opinions or sound advice, even if the opposition has nothing but the best intentions in their advice or warning, and DAMN anyone else for trying to teach them something, set forth rules for safety, or warn them for their stupidity.

It is not worth the blood pressure trying to undo years worth of piss poor parenting at a global level, unless it directly concerns the well being of your immediate self or safety of you or your family.

The beauty of transgression of the law, either man made, Murphys or scientific, is eventually the law does win and typically with disatererous results.

09-24-2015, 07:44 AM
kids are dumb, facebook was designed by a kid who is now an adult. being banned from facebook is the best thing that can happen to anyone. Go ride your toy and let others kill them selves off...gas prices will go down then with less kids buying it and being dumb.

09-24-2015, 07:57 AM
Facebook blows!!!!! Mullets are awesome!!!

09-24-2015, 08:36 AM
Here in Florida, you can ride a street bike without a helmet. You only need glasses. It's showing kids it's OK to ride anything without a helmet. Very dumb.

09-24-2015, 09:08 AM
Same in PA, but I use to wear a full face on my sportster anyway. I like my mind too much. It makes me money and money buys high octane gasoline and pizza.

09-24-2015, 09:34 AM
Am I being silly saying anything in the first place or should I not comment and let these hillbillies continue ruining trike riding?


Not even sure why their "hillbillies" because they choose to not wear a helmet.

09-24-2015, 10:17 AM
People who "think" they don't need helmets, most likely have nothing to protect anyway.

09-24-2015, 10:25 AM
This would prop be why....1st vid on Youtube searching atc riding.

2 bubbas out riding. Deer shirt hunter little bubba on his 350x.


I do not care who I offend either because I am not offended when people call me a redneck.

Queef Chief
09-24-2015, 10:49 AM
Facebook blows!!!!! Mullets are awesome!!!

Jmoozy27 Presidential nominee 2016

09-24-2015, 11:34 AM
I see this turning into another thread about how much Facebook sucks.

09-24-2015, 11:40 AM
Facebook does suck but it also blows lol.

Mickey Dunlap
09-24-2015, 12:25 PM
You can't force people to wear helmets. I spoke out on here when Curtis Sparks and Dean Sundal rode around a MX track with out helmet and got yelled at on here. When I told Wes McCoy our boss at Honda what they did and he couldn't believe they did such a stupid things as ambassadors of the sport. As far a Face Book it's been nothing but positive for me and I don't understand what's so bad about it. So to each their own, I'll always wear a helmet any time I get of something faster then a wheel chair, and I might wear one then because if I ever end up in one it won't be stock. lol

09-24-2015, 12:58 PM
Facebook is positive for you MD because your using it to make money. 90% of us are not.

09-24-2015, 03:42 PM

Not even sure why their "hillbillies" because they choose to not wear a helmet.

They are not Hillbilly's because they don't wear a helmet . . They are identified as Hillbilly's because when they don't wear a helmet you can see their Mullett.

09-24-2015, 03:44 PM
I see this turning into another thread about how much Facebook sucks.

Is that good or bad?

09-24-2015, 04:26 PM
Am I being silly saying anything in the first place...

Well if they are over the age of around 12, they are quite aware that wearing a helmet is safer than not wearing one so mentioning it will not help . . Also, after around that age, people don't want anyone to tell them what to do anymore, ESPECIALLY if it is not their parents.

Also, if they are under 16, they are most likely still living with at least one parent, and that parent certainly knows that wearing a helmet is safer than not wearing one, therefore, they either choose to let the kids do what they want, or they are simply unaware they are riding without one, so my short answer to this question is, imo, Yes . . This is mainly because it will do absolutely no good.

. . Basically, if you do tell anyone on a site that they should wear a helmet, I would anticipate an amusing, and less than positive reaction from somebody, which imo, makes doing so worthwhile.


09-24-2015, 04:35 PM
For some reason most of the 3 wheeler videos i click on youtube seem to be of kids trashing 185s and 200s, and that's harder to watch than them not wearing a helmet. But i figure their head is hard enough.
I normally don't let that get to me, there was one time though i met someone in a curve on a dirt road in the forest pegged out on a Honda Foreman with no helmet and a small child(also no helmet of course) sitting in his lap with his free(sorta?) arm holding the kid. If i could've caught him i probably would've killed him. I probably should've tried harder.

09-24-2015, 05:36 PM
I didn't know it was even possible to get banned from Facebook . . I would think someone would have a better chance of getting expelled from Kindergarten . . Personally, if I got banned from Facebook, I would certainly never admit it . :lol:

09-24-2015, 06:15 PM
I'm not banned from facebook just this particular ATC70 facebook page. In the video they were "adults" and I called him a hillbilly because all he was missing was a banjo and his mates doing a little dance in the dust.
I think back to Bob "Ace" Williams who used to make my Pauter engine parts back in the day. He tested a trike without a helmet and was left comatose for over twenty years before dying. I suppose I am just used to being around thinking trike riders.

09-24-2015, 06:44 PM
I'm not banned from facebook just this particular ATC70 facebook page. In the video they were "adults" and I called him a hillbilly because all he was missing was a banjo and his mates doing a little dance in the dust.

Hey, I wonder if they'll ban me if I tell em they look like "Tards" cuz the mullet fad died out over 20 years ago along with Billy Ray Cyrus's career.

09-24-2015, 07:06 PM
I know where you are coming from Greenhuman. Facebook does suck if you let it get to you. And the FB trike groups tend to have alot more mouthy kids doing what mouthy kids do than there are in places like this (3WW).

Here is my take on it: I do believe that adults have the right to make the choice of wearing safety gear for themselves. What I do not like is the image it puts out for the public, and the example it sets for the younguns whom I do not feel should be given a choice until they are of age. And seeing kids riding with no gear of any kind is akin to criminal in my opinion. This is the position of many states with helmet laws for streetbikes and I think it is reasonable.

Now based on what I said above, I understand and completely agree with the rules of this site as pertaining to pics and vids that depict helmetless riding. I'm pretty sure the owner, admins, and mods of this site would agree that adults can make the choice for themselves, foolhardy as it may be. But be that as it may, let's not be part of the problem and let's put forth a good example.

And all of this being the case, no.. I do not think YOU are the one being "silly" for saying what needed to be said... Quite frankly, the idiots giving you a hard time about it are the ones being silly, juvenile, immature..pic your adjective.

FB can be a cool place to connect with old friends, new friends, and other people with whom common interests are shared. But like many things in life, you have to take the bad with the good... And the bad is that some of these groups are infested with ignorant people. Example: A few other gents and I got into a heated debate with a teenager who was passing some grossly incorrect information about the Honda Big Reds. This kid wasn't even an itch in his daddies dungarees yet when the trike in question rolled off the assembly line. But the long and short of it is, this kid was the one who resorted to childish name calling, profanity and a plethora of insults. The adults in the conversation largely kept cool heads about it... FB is full of keyboard tough guys. And this is why I don't comment too much on things I know are wrong, because it's just not worth the investment of time and effort to cast pearls before swine. Speak your piece, but don't get sucked into a childish urinating contest... It's all nothing but barge-rope...

09-24-2015, 08:59 PM
Welcome to Facebook, you must be new here haha. Every Facebook group is the same. I'm on the Honda ATC page, and it's basically the same, seems like I see at least 1 post daily that turns into a 200+ comments fight. I've begun to learn to just scroll past a post sometimes, to save the argument. More than once I've typed up a post just to decide no and delete it.

09-24-2015, 10:05 PM
Yes......only a Mr. Bungle would not be wearing a helmet over his mullet while getting banned from facefack !

Perhaps Mr. Bungle (or Bob/Bubba) could create a new website if he
were to crash on video. It could be called "Face Plant" or "Face Transplant"; according to the severity of the crash.

09-25-2015, 11:32 AM
I`m a hillbilly and can also play the banjo just not very good.

My family on both sides were hillbillies of Scot and Scot-Irish origin. Were were also deep southerners until three generations ago when some of them moved up into KY and IN to find work. I don't do white guilt. I am no more a bigoted slave owner than my black neighbor is a cotton picker. Oddly, it`s southerners who get that. Lost on the rest.

I`m proud of my southern heritage, Scot-Irish heritage, and of being banjo-playing hillbillys. We can also play the mandolin, guitar, and fiddle so be sure to include that in your next Stereotyping Expedition.

I wear a helmet off road. All the time. It`s sad how some "non-hillbillies" like to find ways to bash something they will never understand just because you aren't capabe of thinking for yourself but rather whatever North Eastern Liberal celebrity who thinks they know something about persecution likes to say to vilify the rural American population in the geographic location east of the Mississippi and south of the Ohio river.

I would like to say I`m offended but that isn't really true. I don`t believe in political correctness but I do believe in correcting someone. I just feel bad that you are that narrow minded.

Perhaps "hillbillies" just act unintelligent so that people don`t want to move here.

Tri-Z 250
09-25-2015, 12:27 PM
Here at 3WW Hillbilly is an endearing term like yuppie, or collector (a hoarder who never rides). It's the class of standards set up long ago to seperate Us from Them people who ride without helmets. I myself have ridden thousands of miles without a helmet but agree to the standards set at this site. Off-road is dangerous and icons of such sports have lost and should know better than some kid on FB with a bad hair cut. I don't mind not seeing these helmet less videos and pics let FB have all of them along with YouTube. Let's educate our own and let FB and YT figure it out for themselves. Life is not going to stop stupid people from reproducing more stupid people. We as a group can do our best to remind and educate those around us of our ways.

09-25-2015, 07:48 PM
It looks like these numb nuts are coming to TF16. Good luck with that.

09-25-2015, 08:54 PM
It looks like these numb nuts are coming to TF16. Good luck with that.

Hillbillies at TF16, oh no, what are we gonna do???:rolleyes: If God is willing, there will be at least one COONASS Cajun catfish frying bayou trike riding nutjob there too.;) good luck with that!!!!

09-25-2015, 10:10 PM
I feel offended. How come hillbilly isn't a slur, everything else is. Does this mean we can have a national football team named the Beverly hills hillbillies?
We could have the fools and the jerks and rednecks too, that's all fine......never mind.
I think we are all one national disaster away from hillbilly.

09-25-2015, 10:57 PM
This is a great thread . . It kinda reminds me of "Deliverance" . . I haven't laughed this hard since the last "oil" thread I was on . . I think that's about all I am allowed to say .

Hey Barn...pass me the Wesson!


09-25-2015, 11:09 PM
As a person who's life was probably saved by a helmet, I can't imagine riding without one. I was coming around a blind corner in the desert and a sand rail was coming the opposite direction. We met at the corner and I flew over the bars and I hit my head on one of the roll cage bars. Judging by the damage to my helmet, I doubt I would have survived had I not had one on. When I see someone riding a motorcycle or quad without a helmet I just think "idiot, you must not value your life very much."

09-25-2015, 11:16 PM

Does this mean we can have a national football team named the Beverly hills hillbillies?

How bouts we calls em The Beverly Hills "Billys" , , And the band could play banjos...and a kettle drum...and a fiddle......and a washboard........and some spoons....and... http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-laughing013.gif

09-25-2015, 11:20 PM
This here's the story bout a man named Bob
Didn't wear a helmet and he cracked his stupid knob
Used to know his name and he didn't fill his pants
Now he's nice and quiet with no helmet nazi rants.

09-26-2015, 07:30 AM
This here's the story bout a man named Bob
Didn't wear a helmet and he cracked his stupid knob
Used to know his name and he didn't fill his pants
Now he's nice and quiet with no helmet nazi rants.

LO F'N L. :lol::Bounce

09-26-2015, 03:16 PM
Come and listen to a story about a man named Jed
A helmetless mountaineer, barely kept his family fed,
And then one day he was 3wheelin looking some food,
And all over the ground spilled a bubblin crude.

Brains that is, Pink gold, Cerebral tea.

Well the first thing you know ol Jed's a vegetative millionaire,
Kinfolk said "Jed should'a wore'a helmet out'a there"
Said "Kentucky is the place you ought to be"
So they loaded up the truck and moved to Waverly

Hills. Sanitarium, that is. Padded rooms, movie stars.

Well now its time to say good by to Jed and all his kin.
And they would like to thank you folks fer kindly droppin in.
You're all invited back a gain to this locality
To have a heapin helpin of their hospitality

Hillybilly that is. Set a spell, Take your shoes off.

Y'all come back now, y'hear?.

09-26-2015, 06:38 PM
C'mon fellas. That's junior varsity stuff.

The best slurs start with sister-poking, roadkill eatin, bisexual chicken F@#$ers who prey on Yankee canoers....talk like Slingblade, too, that helps.

The question remains, why do hillbillies get the blame because you're offended for being kicked off a social media site designed for teens, teens, and millenials who only want happy-shiny people type interactions akin to an ego-stroke orgy? The proof is in the fact that there's yet to be a dislike button on there. FB is where you go to get agreed with and liked as far as some ppl are concerned and when they feel slighted they will say something you probably won't like. They ban photos and video here for no helmets and those ppl ban over there if you like helmets and defend their use. Different strokes. You can't save everyone's life or singlehandedly defend trikes. The government will take away whatever they want and it isn't going to be because of Hillbilly Inc ® ruining it all and neither are they responsible for your anger over some petty Facebook page. Make your own 70 pg. and f#$k those dudes. It isn't worth hating banjo pickin hillbillies.

So somebody come up with a good chicken F%$Ker joke. That's good stuff!

Sent from my Z998 using Tapatalk

09-26-2015, 08:51 PM
Why did the sexual deviant cross the road?
Because his d**k was stuck in the chicken.

I don't hate hillbillies. Just trike riders with no helmets in internet videos for all the world to see.
Apparently Hillbilly is a slur. My hillbilly education comes from watching THAT TV show as a kid in Australia. I see comparisons with Jethro and Bob, that's all. If a person chooses to ride with their little bit of brains blowing in the wind, the only people who see them are the people they bother or the ER staff. Stick the video on the internet and all of a sudden the whole world can see what a bunch of irresponsible nitwits trike riders are and no wonder them things were banned.
Now I get a threatening PM to come and see the helmetless wonder at TF on the 70 camping down by the lake and sing my song. It appears the petty Facebook teens lurk in the background here as well.

09-26-2015, 09:09 PM
^^^ Regardless of the fact that the chicken was violated, it must have appeared to be poultry in motion.

09-26-2015, 09:19 PM
I hope I didn't offend the chicken's of the world as well.

09-26-2015, 10:18 PM
God, again...this is a great friggen thread...and nobody's even told anyone to go piss up a rope yet....so there's STILL more to look forward to. :lol:

I'm kinda hopin El Camexican joins the fun.

09-26-2015, 10:24 PM
^^^ Regardless of the fact that the chicken was violated, it must have appeared to be poultry in motion.

Is this supposed to be some kind of yolk?

09-26-2015, 10:27 PM
C'mon fellas. That's junior varsity stuff.

The best slurs start with sister-poking, roadkill eatin, bisexual chicken F@#$ers who prey on Yankee canoers....talk like Slingblade, too, that helps.

So somebody come up with a good chicken F%$Ker joke. That's good stuff!

OK, how bouts this un.

Why did the Hillbilly poke the chiken?

Cuz is brother wuz already pokin his mom and his cuzin wuz pokin his pig.

09-26-2015, 10:31 PM
I hope I didn't offend the chicken's of the world as well.
Just hope there are no animal rights people on here.
Well, John, I'm a hillbilly and I'm not offended. Actually I can relate to what you are saying even better because of it.
As far as Facebook goes. I personally don't see anything wrong with it. You actually have a little more control over that than you do on this site, because you are your own moderator there. If you don't like someone there, block them! I'm from a large family that likes to stay in touch. For many years before the internet, we had a monthly newsletter. Several of my Aunts were in charge of it and we all loved it. As my aunts got older it became harder for them to get the newsletter out every month. Then one of my cousins started a private group on Facebook that eventually took the place of our newsletter. Now we all keep in touch there. It's even better than a monthly publication. It's instant news and info.
I used to follow this forum a lot closer than I do now. It's almost as bad as some of the groups on Facebook. There is always gonna be someone everywhere that is offended by something you say or take issue with it. Just try asking a serious technical question on here. You'll get bombarded by a hundred self proclaimed experts and there will only be a few people that can actually help you. Trying to sift through all of that garbage just to pick out a few pieces of good info is a pain in the posterior.
Keep up the good work and don't be offended by the naysayers.

09-26-2015, 11:00 PM
So somebody come up with a good chicken F%$Ker joke. That's good stuff!

Here's some more additional Beverly Hillbilly's lyrics from the extended play version.

A young Hillbilly was a huntin fer some food,
then along came a chicken and it new it would be screwed,
and then next day when Dad went to chop its head,
he looked in his bed and he found the chicken dead.

So he warmed it up so that it would not be cold,
and then proceeded to poke that chickens hole,
and when he was done he turned to Jed and said,
hey a chickens not to bad bad when it is dead.

So the moral of the story that really should be told,
is that no chickens bad as long as it is warm,
so stoke that oven and make the fire hot,
cuz I got a chicken that I kinda like a lot.

09-26-2015, 11:06 PM
I forgot you lived overseas, greenhuman

Yeah its a slur here and currently in the US anyone southern, redneck, or hillbilly is bashed in the media as the scourge and cause of all racism and oppression because a few thousand people like a certain flag. There's a witch hunt of sorts here. Mostly its by design as our leadership senses we are all on to them so they wanted us to be divided with racism. Their efforts lately to stir it up have been successful and southern rednecks and hillbillies are the whipping boy. The racist enemy.
A lot of us are sick of it and don't nor have ever supported racism, incest, public shootings, hate groups or speech, or bestiality we have been blamed for in the media lately.

I guess context is important

The media has never been kind to Appalachian and sometimes southern culture and while ugly stuff happened at one point in history it is no longer tolerated by us despite popular opinion.

I remember my grandma's aunt lived in Eastern Ky and she would tell us stories about news crews filming them because they were shockingly poor. It upset them that strangers thought of them as a public exhibit in Pity on national TV. They didn't realize how bad off they were because everyone else they knew were poor too. Most of the reason is because self-reliance has always been more important than shiny things for a lot of them so they tend to have interesting junk all about their yards and no indoor plumbing but that's by no means the norm geographically speaking.
Naturally some are very defensive of their culture and people just as other ethnic groups would be.

I don't want to keep crappin on your thread. I did agree the ban was petty.

Find a way to look at this like a badge of courage. You were too mature for a Facebook page and it pissed them off so bad they banned ya. I don't understand the venom either. I ride a Road King and folks always get on me about wearing a helmet and it never pisses me off. I could see it if you said 'what's wrong with you, trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro?' ....but just a 'No helmet?' isnt disrespectful IMO. I don't understand their reaction either. I think they did you a favor.

Sent from my Z998 using Tapatalk

El Camexican
09-26-2015, 11:07 PM
Wow! Best thread in a long time, look at the traffic on here!

"Got a $10 head? Buy a $10 helmet" Anyone else on here old enough to remember that ad?

09-26-2015, 11:15 PM
Wow! Best thread in a long time, look at the traffic on here!

"Got a $10 head? Wear a $10 helmet" Anyone else on here old enough to remember that ad?

All the major tags are involved.
Trike fest
NO Helmet
2 former super trike racers

1 washed up shithead ex moderator

09-26-2015, 11:32 PM
Wow! Best thread in a long time, look at the traffic on here!

"Got a $10 head? Buy a $10 helmet" Anyone else on here old enough to remember that ad?

I sure do, Bell Helmets.222137

09-26-2015, 11:43 PM
Wow! Best thread in a long time, look at the traffic on here!

Yeah, this rates right up there with some of Fabios previous posts. :lol:

"Got a $10 head? Buy a $10 helmet" Anyone else on here old enough to remember that ad?

Yup, I think that ad was out when I worked in the parts department at Norm Reeves Motorcycles around 1975 . . We sold Bell and another popular budget brand . . The budget ones had the sparkles all over and were around $20.00.

Here's Bell's newer twist on that old ad.


09-27-2015, 01:17 AM
My father always made us wear full gear at all times, no gear, no ride so for me it is just natural.

I have ridden my whole life and have seen many people killed or seriously injured all were not wearing a helmet. (This is just my personal experience)

I have always tried to get people to wear at least a helmet sometimes they listen, sometimes they don't here's a story about one that didn't-

In 1987 our whole riding crew went up to the Coral Pink Sand Dunes in the southern part of Utah for a week of fun, if you never been there it is awesome- great dunes, friendly people and Rangers, pink colored sand with trees, great camp grounds, ETC.

I was riding around with a couple of buddies we had a spotter and everything, I saw a young woman riding a Honda 250SX on a large concave dune on the left side and when she couldn't go any further she would turn around, almost flipping every time. We all rode over and stopped at the bottom, took off the gloves and helmet and waved her over, she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in person, Wow!!!

The problem was she couldn't ride well and was only wearing a G-string, bikini top, flip flops and a 35mm camera around her neck. We gave here a cold water and I told her she needs a helmet and some gear and to practice on some smaller dunes, she said that's what my friends tell me, but I want to get a tan and not mess up my hair. Trying to help I told her you don't need a tan and you would look great bald (My attempt to convince) She said thank you very much and took off on the same dune, at some of the dunes there they have large slabs of red rock poking through the sand which is fun if you can ride because on the way down you hit them and jump down the dune.

NOTE********** Do not read on if you have a soft stomach....

She rode up the dune pretty far, bogged down and turned to the right, out of control pointing right toward the first rock slab, she hit it very fast and with a full mid air endo drilled the second rock slab with the trike pushing her in the the rock. I sent a buddy back to the rangers office for help and ran up the dune to help and it all seemed like I was in slow motion, passing parts of trike and camera I finally got there and it was bad, very very bad, blood everywhere I grab her and held her head together the best I could until the Rangers got there in their buggy they put here on a board and brought her down the dune where she was Medi-Vac'd out. The Rangers found me later that day and said she was DOA to the hospital.

Would a full faced helmet and gear saved her?, I don't know, but I would have liked to find out.

Til this day every time I seen a Honda 250SX I think about her...

09-27-2015, 08:05 AM
OK, one last hillbilly joke........

What do hillbillies do on Halloween?

Pump kin. :naughty::lol:

Fer what it's worth, there's bad examples of every group of people. I poke fun at all of them equally.

"I won't be wronged, I won't be lied to, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same in return"

Words to live by right there kids. ;)

09-27-2015, 08:47 AM
Lyrics by lyricists and no music videos. Wha?

09-27-2015, 02:46 PM
Lyrics by lyricists and no music videos. Wha?

I wood uf made un butt I had two trade mu banjo fer a chicken so wheeze cood have sum eggs cuz the last un kilt itself.

09-27-2015, 02:48 PM
butt Pa's gunna warm the ded un up fur us...

09-27-2015, 09:59 PM
222167 :naughty: :lol:

09-27-2015, 11:12 PM
Sea mee plaay muh bandjoe wile unkel billy jo bob billy does the krawdad dance.


...........Forward to 3 minute mark.


El Camexican
09-28-2015, 06:23 AM
All the major tags are involved.
Trike fest
NO Helmet
2 former super trike racers

1 washed up shithead ex moderator

Don't be so hard on yourself, you're not washed up;)

09-28-2015, 06:58 AM
Don't be so hard on yourself, you're not washed up;)

I am sure the 23 regular site visitors would disagree with you.

09-28-2015, 11:37 AM
^^^^^Omg I got tears from laughin so hard

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09-28-2015, 11:39 AM
OK, one last hillbilly joke........

What do hillbillies do on Halloween?

Pump kin. :naughty:[emoji38]

Fer what it's worth, there's bad examples of every group of people. I poke fun at all of them equally.

"I won't be wronged, I won't be lied to, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same in return"

Words to live by right there kids. ;)
I don't know. What do y'all have planned?


Sent from my Z998 using Tapatalk

09-28-2015, 10:38 PM
I think it's funny, the day after I saw this thread, on the Honda ATC facebook page, up popped a picture of a father doing a wheelie on a 110, daughter standing on the back rack hands on his shoulders, and the son was standing on pegs on the front forks, holding onto the bars.
None of them had helmets on, and the caption said something like "just because the helmet Nazi's have been quiet recently"

09-29-2015, 11:22 AM
I think it's funny, the day after I saw this thread, on the Honda ATC facebook page, up popped a picture of a father doing a wheelie on a 110, daughter standing on the back rack hands on his shoulders, and the son was standing on pegs on the front forks, holding onto the bars.
None of them had helmets on, and the caption said something like "just because the helmet Nazi's have been quiet recently"

I seen that, and was waiting.

And it happened.

09-29-2015, 05:46 PM
I think a helmet causing a broken neck is about the same as people saying a seat belt does more damage than good in a car crash. 99.9% of the time, that helmet or seat belt will save your life. Maybe in that 0.01% you would have been better off without, but I'd rather take the higher percentage and wear damn helmet.

09-30-2015, 08:28 AM
Hell wearing a helmet can be fun too. Here's me on my bike a few days ago. LS2 stream helmet under the cover. Works on atv helmets too. Heck yea !

06-30-2016, 06:03 PM
And in the end this is supposed to be a free society where everyone should be allowed the right to decide how they want to live their life. If wearing a helmet is a requirement for your safety then so should government issued GPS Monitors and thought control devices implanted in your brain.

I just wonder why so many believe that everyone should be forced to live a full life span. If someone wants to smoke, let them. If they want to bungie jump from a plane at 30000 feet, who cares? I think if they are consenting adults then they should be at liberty to kill themselves if they please.

Hail Facebook! Hail Obama! Hail Queen Killary! Long may they rule us!

06-30-2016, 07:16 PM
Do what you like, I T-boned a truck doing 60mph on a Katana on 10/07/98. I was young and dumb but I was wearing a full face street bike helmet. Spent some time is the hospital but I am alive b/c of it.

06-30-2016, 07:53 PM
I'm guilty of not wearing a helmet at times. Nowadays I know what kinda trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro I plan to do if I put a helmet on so I'm sorta safer without. Crashed a 400ex when the throttle got stuck WFO once. Left side went up right side went down, my hip hurt pretty bad after, I realized I should probably wear a helmet if I'm doing anything more than strict transportation. I'll chew people out for it too.

Facebook actually banned me from posting for a bit. I guess saying we should just nuke the Middle East isn't politically correct, who woulda thought.

06-30-2016, 08:50 PM
and here we have it! 233054

06-30-2016, 08:52 PM
^^^^^ LMFAO

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06-30-2016, 09:25 PM
And end the end this is supposed to be a free society where everyone should be allowed the right to decide how they want to live their life. If wearing a helmet is a requirement for your safety then so should government issued GPS Monitors and thought control devices implanted in your brain.

I just wonder why so many believe that everyone should be forced to live a full life span. If someone wants to smoke, let them. If they want to bungie jump from a plane at 30000 feet, who cares? I think if they are consenting adults then they should be at liberty to kill themselves if they please.

Hail Facebook! Hail Obama! Hail Queen Killary! Long may they rule us!

Because as Trikers we are tasked to set an example for youth. If your being dangerous and not being smart and arguing over being safe the sorry you deserved it. Stop thinking about yourself. Trikes are in the spot light. You know this. To play the game of I want to be a irresponsible rebel is not an acceptable practice among most of the community.
The reason why we care is if you are being dumb and you die find. Darwin won. But. The family and friends you so selfishly left behind not to include if you have children come first......

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07-01-2016, 12:41 AM
^^^ Darwin? Been flying, ever so slightly, under his radar for decades.

07-01-2016, 01:55 AM
Because as Trikers we are tasked to set an example for youth. If your being dangerous and not being smart and arguing over being safe the sorry you deserved it. Stop thinking about yourself. Trikes are in the spot light. You know this. To play the game of I want to be a irresponsible rebel is not an acceptable practice among most of the community.
The reason why we care is if you are being dumb and you die find. Darwin won. But. The family and friends you so selfishly left behind not to include if you have children come first......

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You see sir, this is exactly the attitude that got our favorite pastime banned in the first place. Imposing safety on everyone is essentially stealing away freedom. You give your freedom away at a cost to everyone else. If you want to be safe I can agree with that. I have helmets for my children and don't let them ride unsupervised. I have respectful children that don't lie to me or do bad things. I take their learning and growing process as my job and my responsibility. It is not the government or the communities responsibility. But as they move on into adulthood it becomes their responsibility to choose wisely what actions they take. I trust they make the wise choice but it will no longer be my job to force them to obey. Riding without a helmet is no more dangerous than mountain climbing or surfing. I think that helmet or no helmet the worst aspect of ATVs is operating under influence. This action could more likely cause harm to others while an idiot cracking his head open would not. (Family aside. But again that has nothing to do with the community safety in general)

And as far as being a rebel is concerned, what am I rebelling against? I am merely voicing my opinion that everyone has free will and as long as a person's actions do not violate another person rights then there should no bones about it.

BTW, I'm not promoting riding without a helmet. I'm just stating that there is no freedom if we are prohibited from doing something that will not harm anyone but the individual who chooses freely to do it.

[Food for thought - did you know that when congress was deciding whether three wheelers should be banned only one senator voted no ~ Ron Paul. He said the free market would decide by people choosing not to buy them if they felt they where dangerous.]

07-01-2016, 10:53 AM
I don't agree. What got it banned was morons riding helmet less with flip flops no safety and being drunk.
I understand what your saying but that was not a correct statement. You can search here on 3ww and get links to the exact articles publish from back in the day along with safety reports and see for yourself.

Why are you do hell bent on being unsafe and displaying it? What is your purpose? Your reflecting on all trike community people not just yourself. I promise when (notice I did not say if) you wreck w/o a helmet and if you happen to live. You will wish you had. We cannot stop you from doing it, but we can express our dislike and distrust of what your doing.

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07-01-2016, 10:56 AM
BTW. I am the guy that nearly died in an ATC accident back in 2010. My helmet saved my head and face from being caved in by my big red on an endo backwards flip down very steep embankment.
So your never going to convince me it is ok to not ride with one. Putting very slowly in the pits at a race on across the lawn is one thing. Going fairly quick needs a helmet minimum. I wish I had had s chest plate that day. I would not have shattered 4 ribs and bruised my internals.

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07-01-2016, 12:21 PM
I don't agree. What got it banned was morons riding helmet less with flip flops no safety and being drunk.
I understand what your saying but that was not a correct statement. You can search here on 3ww and get links to the exact articles publish from back in the day along with safety reports and see for yourself.

Why are you do hell bent on being unsafe and displaying it? What is your purpose? Your reflecting on all trike community people not just yourself. I promise when (notice I did not say if) you wreck w/o a helmet and if you happen to live. You will wish you had. We cannot stop you from doing it, but we can express our dislike and distrust of what your doing.

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I am not displaying a lack of safety. I don't disparage anyone from promoting safety. By all means I think people should wear helmets, drive slow near others and avoid alcohol. I have a helmet and I love it. That's not my intent. What I am saying is that someone choosing according to their liberty to be unsafe without causing a menace or a hazard to others is, and should never be, anyone else's concern.

People riding in flip flops and no helmet did not get trikes banned. Falsified evidence showing that a hardtail with underinflated tires could be flipped over by a professional stuntman. Look this up. Honda backed out of the industry due to unrelenting law suits from people blaming the machines for their children's injuries, when it was an obvious lack of parenting.

No inherent design flaw was found on ATCs. Since the ban, a higher percentage of injuries has occurred from using four wheeled ATVs than ever occurred on three wheeled.

I fear that the last hundred years of government progressivism has polluted free thought in this country. Why do people think that the government has authority to regulate thought. This whole conversation is analogous to the argument of gun control, and should gun manufacturers get sued when someone is a victim of a shooting. Like the gun stood up and chose to shoot someone.

And in case you are not aware, when government authorities target someone or an industry the published documents enforcing their position is always skewed toward the unwritten goal.

But by all means give up your freedom for a false sense of security and safety. We will all be sorry.

07-01-2016, 01:08 PM
freedom has nothing do to with atc's. riding like a morron is not freedom related...its retarded related.

Gear is cool and fun....a lid, boots and gloves go along way.

I hit a oddlay shaped rock on a 50" wide atc 2 weeks ago...my foot slipped of the peg caught the rear tire which tried to pull me under at about 45mph. i didnt get pulled off but my ankle got under the axle and boots toe got stick in rear wheel.

knee was starting to separate and foot felt like it want to split at above ankle. I got back on it after muddy ripped fenders off so i could get off the bike as i was stuck sitting on the bike with a leg in a position it should not bend. It was my kicker foot too.

I road 15 miles back to the truck later....can tank boots. Had nothing to do with an ATC could of happened on a ATV also.

I walked it off to only be sore a few days later but still hit the gym. Gear is cool, it is cheaper then beer and cheaper then being called stupid and retarted or R-Tard since retard word was banned as of 3 years ago.

07-01-2016, 02:01 PM
freedom has nothing do to with atc's. riding like a morron is not freedom related...its retarded related.

Gear is cool and fun....a lid, boots and gloves go along way.

I hit a oddlay shaped rock on a 50" wide atc 2 weeks ago...my foot slipped of the peg caught the rear tire which tried to pull me under at about 45mph. i didnt get pulled off but my ankle got under the axle and boots toe got stick in rear wheel.

knee was starting to separate and foot felt like it want to split at above ankle. I got back on it after muddy ripped fenders off so i could get off the bike as i was stuck sitting on the bike with a leg in a position it should not bend. It was my kicker foot too.

I road 15 miles back to the truck later....can tank boots. Had nothing to do with an ATC could of happened on a ATV also.

I walked it off to only be sore a few days later but still hit the gym. Gear is cool, it is cheaper then beer and cheaper then being called stupid and retarted or R-Tard since retard word was banned as of 3 years ago.

Sorry to hear about you accident. Sounds like you where lucky to have not been injured worse. I totally agree about safety gear. But I am arguing on the sake of principle. Freedom has absolutely everything to do with ATV's. Freedom is the reason you and I can have this discussion. Never forget than my friend.

I can assure you that Chairman Maou of the people's republic of China, and President Putin of the Russian Federation would have different ideas about what we are allowed to do.

07-01-2016, 05:32 PM
I also agree that one should be able to do as he wishes as long as nobody else is affected. Trikes are hardly in any spotlight these days and very few people care about them at all. And Oldstool you are free to stop by anytime and tell me what a moron and retard i am for riding my big red around my trails with no helmet or boots on. We would find out real fast who gets injured that day. I'm all for safety and responsible riding but freedom is also a very important thing. I wear safety gear when i know i should and do as i wish at my place. I also mow the yard with the plastic guard up and no helmet with a beer in my hand, i think we need more laws to stop that.

07-02-2016, 12:29 AM
I couldn't really care less if someone stupid enough not to think about consequences hurts or kills themselves because of some ridiculous sense of their freedom being violated. I do object to their total disregard of how their decision affects everyone around them from the medical people wasting time and resources to their relatives having to spoon feed them and change their crappy nappies for possibly years into the future and having to look at them slowly fade away and wonder how could they have been so dumb and pig headed about something that is so plainly obvious. Don't go on about doing as one wishes as long as nobody is affected. Many people will be affected. You just won't know as you will most likely be in lalaland.

07-02-2016, 04:46 AM
That's like saying medical people waste time on car accident patients because we all know cars are so deadly. Guns should be banned so no chance a mistake can happen. This freedom lets me go on about whatever the fvck i want Mr greenhuman. How about you keep your ass off trikes so you don't fracture your neck or back? They need to ban these things to keep us safe. You live in lalaland already

07-02-2016, 10:25 AM
Hit a nerve did I? Spill some of your brains on the ground or against one of your trees and your so called freedom is all gone. Having to depend on others to keep you alive don't sound real free to me. If helmetless goofs were banned we could still buy new factory trikes. Think about that MR scientist, I mean MR atc12

07-02-2016, 10:37 AM
And Oldstool you are free to stop by anytime and tell me what a moron and retard i am for riding my big red around my trails with no helmet or boots on. We would find out real fast who gets injured that day. 1.Name calling is childish and against the rules here.

2. The second part of your statement is similar and even more direct than a statement that got me banned from here for six months. Fair warning.

More time outs need given around here. There's getting to be almost no moderation here whatsoever, unless the mods have a personal issue with a member which is obviously the case with me, and i'm fine with that because I earned it. I've been banned 3 times, all for less than what happens on a regular basis now. In addition, my technical contributions here have been much more abundant and appreciated than many of the people that have offended more often and more severely than myself. I guess I just don't get it.

07-02-2016, 10:51 AM
Hit a nerve did I? Spill some of your brains on the ground or against one of your trees and your so called freedom is all gone. Having to depend on others to keep you alive don't sound real free to me. If helmetless goofs were banned we could still buy new factory trikes. Think about that MR scientist, I mean MR atc12

The thing about freedom is that you are free to die. It's not your job to make sure no one dies or get badly injured. This is a matter of principle not common sense. You are free to voice your opinion, and to advertise the use of helmets. But you shouldn't try to impose it.

Also, the banning of three wheeled ATVs and helmets really do not have any relation. You see if it were then all ATVs and motorcycles would be banned. (Bicycles, cars and horses. Hell we would have to all wear boy in the bubble suits to get anywhere.)

This is America . We are supposed to take self responsibility and not be forced to do things. I heard a comment about Darwin, I assume referring to survival of the fittest, and I agree with that to an extent. less people making poor decisions equates to less stupid people being represented by our government. You see, it's a catch 22. Dumb guy makes bad decision, gets injured and then he and his family stirs up trouble and takes everyone else's freedom to make bad decisions. Let's stop THAT! If you feck up, then man up and take responsibility for it. What happened to society people?where is honor hiding? Live by that and there is nothing to ever be ashamed of. Mistakes and all.

07-02-2016, 11:18 AM
How is this even an argument? Why do people take so much offense to being called an idiot for not wearing a helmet? Yeah I'll ride around without a helmet sometimes, and if you call me out and say I'm a trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro I'll agree with you, because it's stupid as hell to do any real riding without at least a helmet on.

This is America and you are free to be an idiot, but you better damn well accept the fact that you are an idiot, and take responsibility for your own stupidity.

07-02-2016, 11:59 AM
This is America and you are free to be an idiot, but you better damn well accept the fact that you are an idiot, and take responsibility for your own stupidity.

Are you familiar with the concept of irony?

And it has absolutely nothing to do with one of these:


07-02-2016, 01:05 PM
I'm all for Natural Selection.

Now we can argue with RamsesRib about freedom and you can counter with "but it makes us all look bad"

The truth is NO, it doesn't. Petty people who's vaginas do all their thinking for them like to stereotype others. Doesnt matter wtf machine, tool, skin color, political beliefs, or whatever a group of people want to use to stereotype folks they don't like.

Saying one or two trikers splitting open their skulls with no helmet makes us all look bad is like saying one or two white guys shooting up a church and a school makes all white folks look bad. Or makes all gun owners look bad. Absurd. The people that use the personal choices of an individual to generalize ALL people are dickheads. I agree with RamsesRib that we shouldn't keep trying to please these morons because we aren't doing it to "be responsible", we are only doing to keep our hobby safe from the ban hammer. That means the milquetoast banners win. Thinking they won't keep trying to move the goalposts every time they get compliance is also dangerous.

Now I raised my kids to wear safety gear. It's the rule on my property for everyone who rides and I use gear most of the time unless I cruise at a safe speed across the yard to go find the dog.

It's a very slippery slope to expect to comply with every stupid intrusion into the lives and choices of other people by psychopathic altruists out to make themselves feel morally superior to others. I prefer to not give anymore quarter to those people.

My safety and my family's safety are my responsibility. Not the government or the CPSC or some friend of mine who's afraid his trike will banned because sissies used my wreck as an excuse to leverage power over all trikers. Doesnt matter if we all ride covered in inner tubes and airbags. Folks like these will find a new reason to try and take away our fun up to and including inventing statistics and events.

You aren't mad at your buddy for wrecking his trike drunk in flip-flops with no helmet on......you are mad that there are some pansies out there whom wield power over you using your buddy as an excuse to take away your fun but instead of blaming pathological altruists responsible, you blame your buddy.....just like they want you to. Assimilate.

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