View Full Version : KROIL OIL, Thank You Guys!

08-24-2015, 02:49 AM
KROIL OIL, Thank You Guys! I am not sure who told me about it, but I found out about it on this forum for sure, so to anyone who has talked about it...Please take a bow or 2 or 3.

I live in Arizona we don't have rust per say, I left a 2" X 4" X 24" piece of mild steel tubing in my backyard, unpainted for 10 years you could clean off the surface rust by licking your finger!

Here's the story-

Used shock from the East Coast, looks pretty nice on the outside, oh boy! I tried to take it apart- rusted, grimy, nasty, weld together,,,,,RUST WELDED TOGETHER!!!, everything's bad like a brick, so I get out my trusty Arizona/California WD-40- nothing, up next Liquid Wrench, Nope, PB Blaster, hey Jim Rome says it the best, NADA! 6 hours later I stop.

I remembered the KROIL OIL that I read about on here and ordered up a can when it came in I gave everything a nice coat 30 mins later it was all soaked in, so a second coat I waited a hour then I gave it a try,,,, the think fell apart!

This stuff is expensive, but totally worth every cent and you don't need much of it, I read up on it and it has 150 ingredients, well at least one if not all work! It smells great too, it's not a Hoppe's #9 great but good (That's my favorite men's cologne BTW)

Anyway, Thank You guys, I learned something new, something I never needed before, but I differently needed it this time and for that I am appreciative.

08-24-2015, 07:18 AM
Kroil is the #1 rusty nut buster for the oilfield worker in louisiana. With that being said, this advice sounds like a page out of the mechanical engineers bible. Barnett 3:68 "Thou shalt use only Kroil oil" (even as cologne) I'm glad it worked out for you Mil. :D

08-24-2015, 07:35 AM
Trust us. When us East coast guys get into a west coast bike or part. We 're looking over our shoulder waiting for the big surprise. Yes, most everything up here is literally welded with rust :( It is not uncommon to spend more time in dis assembly/repairing threads/damage etc, than it takes to restore/repair the part or bike. Having said all of that ,I've never used Kroil! Or acetone/tranny fluid.Off to amazon I go :)

08-24-2015, 07:37 AM
Kroil rocks!

08-24-2015, 11:16 AM
Great stuff......also sold under the trade name "Aero Kroil" made in Nashville, TN so you know it has to be good to work for the "good old boys" back east.

"HJ" 220483 :beer

08-24-2015, 02:23 PM
I had never used Kroil in till my next door neighbor gave me a can to use on my stuck pivot bolt and it worked like a charm. I went on to use it on all the linkage and stuff and everything slide right out. Now if a bolt even looks like it might be stuck i hit it with Kroil and let it soak a while.


08-24-2015, 02:34 PM
I am using the KROIL that comes in a can now I am going to get the spray I am thinking it's a bit thinner so I will have two different ammos when I have to go into a rust battle.

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08-24-2015, 03:44 PM
I am using the KROIL that comes in a can now I am going to get the spray I am thinking it's a bit thinner so I will have two different ammos when I have to go into a rust battle.

Double fisted and ready for war!!!!

08-24-2015, 04:59 PM

I am using the KROIL that comes in a can now I am going to get the spray I am thinking it's a bit thinner so I will have two different ammos when I have to go into a rust battle.

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According to the MSDS for both products which are available online, there is actually only one viscosity and one chemical content . . The reason it may appear thinner is simply because the fluid, which contains nano sized particles of prefabulated amulite and other "stuff", becomes “atomized” as the pressure from the carbon dioxide propellant, which in contrast to the nitrous oxide propellant propellant that is used all brands of arerosol whipped cream, is not as pleasurable to inhale, forces it thru the nozzle.

The MSDS’s and list of other fine products like PYROLUBE [don’t ask] made by the mfg’s of Kroil are in the link below.


Barnett 3:69

“Thou shalt use no other whipped cream in place of Redi Whip”

.................................................. ................................ This is my [and my misses] favorite brand.


08-24-2015, 05:13 PM
Hoppe #9 does smell good. On the can of kroon it mentions about the space it penetrate(really really small). I e heard if you put orioles in a mason jar and put the lid on with the seal and turn it upside down it will leak out

08-24-2015, 08:55 PM
It has very many uses.Use it all the time.

big specht
08-24-2015, 09:31 PM
I work for Odot ( Ohio dept of transportation ) and the trucks are covered with salt and calcium all winter so these trucks are covered in rust and we use that stuff all the time it works good.

08-24-2015, 10:50 PM
Hoppe #9 does smell good. On the can of kroon it mentions about the space it penetrate(really really small). I e heard if you put orioles in a mason jar and put the lid on with the seal and turn it upside down it will leak out

Could you translate this to English?

FFS, doesn't anyone on the internet proofread their posts before they hit "post reply"

08-24-2015, 11:29 PM
Could you translate this to English?

FFS, doesn't anyone on the internet proofread their posts before they hit "post reply"
FFS......I have both loved and used this phrase for two decades now and it never fails to amuse ppl.

You know Scooter, FFS is the new FTW . Especially since the sissy metrosexual crowd decided that FTW now means "For The Win".

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08-25-2015, 12:02 AM
Oilfield approved in Alberta! Rock on Kroil! Seems to be only available through industrial dealers here though? PB Blaster is $15 a can. Can't imagine what Kroil costs? Our Millwrights gave me a sample can of $40 stuff that was supposed to be the shiite. Nope, Kroil was better.

08-25-2015, 12:12 AM
It has very many uses.Use it all the time.

Any hints?, spill the beans.

08-25-2015, 08:00 AM
Hand cleaner, insect repellent, mouthwash????

08-25-2015, 10:35 AM
KROIL is great stuff..too bad it is not the easiest stuff to buy, no stores I know of carry it on the shelf. Only option I know is to purchase directly from manufacturer.

08-25-2015, 12:06 PM
Amazon, too.

08-25-2015, 11:05 PM
KROIL is great stuff..too bad it is not the easiest stuff to buy, no stores I know of carry it on the shelf. Only option I know is to purchase directly from manufacturer.

I bought mine from EBAY, I don't think anyone sells it in Arizona,,, unfortunately.

08-26-2015, 05:35 PM
It's great stuff! Works good for cleaning guns up also. I have gotten a sweet deal online before, but I usually buy it at a machine shop between my house and work. I don't like waiting.

08-26-2015, 06:19 PM
Ordered 2 cans today from the manufacturers site on special. I have a great test candidate waiting for it have used pbblaster, 50/50 atf acetone heat and a puller and marvel mystery oil plus any other stuff I had to loosen a comet type drive clutch from an 8hp Tecumseh this has gone on for at least 3 weeks so I will give the kroil a chance

08-26-2015, 07:44 PM
Could you translate this to English?

FFS, doesn't anyone on the internet proofread their posts before they hit "post reply"

I understood CTK's posting with out any trouble. FFS ? What is FFS ?

08-26-2015, 08:08 PM
I understood CTK's posting with out any trouble. FFS ? What is FFS ?

I figured "For Fock Sakes" ..... not exact but you get the point right? :D

To keep on topic, yes Kroil is the best, PB Blaster my 2nd favorite oil.

08-26-2015, 08:28 PM
oh okay, kinda like the English fook. Took me awhile to catch on to that in readings from clubatcUK (simply mad about trikes they are :) )
I purchased a frozen up field find 185-S quite a number of years ago and the tranny fluid/fuel oil mix wasn't working at all. Topped it off with kroil and tried kicking it over a couple days later and sprayed the concoction mix all over the side of the house.
If the shop down the road from work has it on hand (normally dose) I'm going to try the sealed mason jar test CTK spoke of.
I'll keep you all posted in this thread.

08-26-2015, 09:37 PM
Used kroil on this rust bucket, only had to get the, torch out once!

08-26-2015, 10:33 PM
Used kroil on this rust bucket, only had to get the, torch out once!

Okay Cody, I'm hoping to see a upcoming thread on what ever the heck that thing is. MattO our resident 6 + 8 wheeler guy and a darn good friend that lives between you and I may have some input but definitely no clue on my end.

08-27-2015, 08:42 AM
A thread will be created when I make some progress on it. Defiantly a project, and a prety big one at that. But to answer your question, it is a coot amphibious atv. Look em up, it's one of the coolest things I've stumbled across I'm a long time. And I did literally run into it out in a field last fall!

08-27-2015, 04:53 PM
Nano is running a special guys. { The makers of Kroil}. 2 cans for $22 shipped. I also tried out there engine cleaner. Not sure which candidate I will choose to test that on.. They also have a degreaser that's guaranteed to be the best. She said they carry 20 products. Shipping is Monday ?? Oh well, Can't wait to try it out.

08-27-2015, 05:10 PM
My local one man cycle shop is closed for 2 weeks. That's the only place for me to get locally.
I'll wait for him to return.

08-28-2015, 01:33 AM
Anyone hear try a KROIL bucket? Like the CLR bucket.

08-28-2015, 11:33 AM
Anyone hear try a KROIL bucket? Like the CLR bucket.

I'll bite. Is it a 1/2/5 gallon bucket of Kroil to submerge parts in? Now that would be awesome!

08-28-2015, 02:11 PM
I have not tried it yet, curious if anyone else has, I do use a 3 gallon CLR bucket.

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09-11-2015, 08:18 PM
Kroil is great stuff. Used it aircraft field for many years. Dont need to dip it at all just spray it on. Advertised to "kreep" into anywhere. It does. Close tolerance hardware in aircraft field like bolts collars sleeves wont move without it. Yes i know most aircraft hardware is very very corrosion resistant. Look for the 2 for $22 or so deal. Also BG products such as In-Force & HCF for protection from day 1 corrosion, plus other products Free-it, 44K, EPC, MOA are all great. You dont need to use much of any of these products just wait a few minutes or maybe over nite for really bad things.

09-12-2015, 08:14 AM
Nano is running a special guys. { The makers of Kroil}. 2 cans for $22 shipped. I also tried out there engine cleaner. Not sure which candidate I will choose to test that on.. They also have a degreaser that's guaranteed to be the best. She said they carry 20 products. Shipping is Monday ?? Oh well, Can't wait to try it out.

Is there an offer code to enter to get this deal? Just went on their site to re-up and do not see the 2 for $22 shipped. I remember that is what I bought the last time I ordered Kroil.

09-12-2015, 11:07 AM
Give this a shot:


I ordered using the above link last week.

09-12-2015, 11:15 AM
My first time using Kroil was a few years ago. I needed to get the dual wheels off the rear axle of my F350 Super Duty and as expected they were frozen on there. The 8lb sledge did nothing so the lugs went back on as I contemplated my next move. The next day at work one of my favorite customers came in with a can of Kroil (I'm assuming I must have posted my quandary on Facebook the evening before) and told me to spray it down a couple of times during the day and the wheels would fall right off the next day. I did that and he was exactly right, they literally came right off with no persuading whatsoever. I've seen guys bend wheels forcing them off with a porta-power, they pretty much weld themselves to the axle. So I was impressed.

That being said, I found Freeze Off after I found Kroil and I've been equally impressed with that product. It works as well as Kroil if not better but it has its place.

09-14-2015, 09:01 PM
I use Kroil all the time, great stuff.

I was led to a new product of the Sea Foam family called S F Deep Creep, so far it has been very impressive.

09-14-2015, 09:32 PM
I have tried the Sea Foam stuff and all their products are excellent.

I give the lean toward KROIL on pure rust.

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09-15-2015, 12:46 AM
going to have to try this KROIL.

Is it highly flammable?

09-15-2015, 03:23 PM
It has very many uses.Use it all the time.

sooo many wrong ideas pop into my head right now. :D

09-15-2015, 06:44 PM
I wouldn't say it's highly flammable, I soaked the crap out of a big part over and over then still had to heat it up with the torch to get it freed up. Smoked to high heaven but never really flamed up. I'll see if I have,a picture of said parts.

09-15-2015, 07:17 PM
I think the best way to buy it is direct. That was the best deal I found, like cbx1170 said, buy them two at once. A side note, I refuse to use pb blaster anymore. I like cleaning my guns with ballistol and things that do not require gloves / hazmat suit haha. The other weekend I helped my son work on a old gt bmx bike. Some idiot had used white lithium grease on the bottom bracket / crank bearings and they were nice and crusty and there was no easy way to get the stuff off. I found some pb blaster in the shop, and filled up a soap dish, soaked them awhile. It melted the lithium grease...as well as the soap dish, I barely dug the bearings out in time before they molded themselves into it haha. The stuff smells like pure death. I am sure kroil is not safe to drink like ballistol is, but it certainly doesn't melt plastic and give you headaches either.

09-15-2015, 08:02 PM
1st job for my Kroil was a 2006 Case 850K Dozer, one track adjuster is rusted,was HOPING,,it would free it. Well, the 2 bolts holding the outside access cover in place stopped kroil in it's tracks. Both bolts snapped loose for me with a cordless impact,about a 1/8 th turn. They then both stopped. I have soaked both bolts for days, nothing. I wasn't expecting it to be a life changer,and it surely wasn't. It does a nice job on door hinges:) But so does oil, wd and pb... hopefully someday it will prove to be a good investment for me :)

09-15-2015, 08:44 PM
1st job for my Kroil was a 2006 Case 850K Dozer, one track adjuster is rusted,was HOPING,,it would free it. Well, the 2 bolts holding the outside access cover in place stopped kroil in it's tracks. Both bolts snapped loose for me with a cordless impact,about a 1/8 th turn. They then both stopped. I have soaked both bolts for days, nothing. I wasn't expecting it to be a life changer,and it surely wasn't. It does a nice job on door hinges:) But so does oil, wd and pb... hopefully someday it will prove to be a good investment for me :)

Sorry, Bill I guess everything has it's limitations.