View Full Version : 225 DR Clutch Noise Help

05-20-2015, 09:42 PM
I was hoping someone could help me figure out what is making this noise.

Heres the info I can give you:

1) This is definitely coming from the clutch region, it is not a valve tick, I just checked the valves and had them set when I did a valve job.
2) The clutch is in perfect running condition, Takes off right away, Never slips, Wheelies very easily even with the big junk tires, and it is adjusted properly.
3) From what I can tell, the one way bearing is good, there is no winding down and then a clunk when turning off the machine
4) When I replaced the clutch in my brothers YTM 200 it made a similar noise, now with the new clutch it is no longer making that noise.
5) According to a guy on a different Youtube video, when he replaced his clutches it took the noise away.

The only three things I've been able to think of/find would be:
1) Lose clutch nut (my brothers was hand tight when we removed it)
2) Bad one way bearing
3) Worn clutch springs

Here is a video of it, I think you can hear it best at 0.07 seconds when I let off the throttle.

If this is not a good enough video I can get a longer one tomorrow

Hoping someone here has an idea on what it could be, Thanks for any help.