View Full Version : It's true...

Louis Mielke
05-06-2015, 06:46 PM
I'm very happy to be able to tell everyone I had an opportunity to buy back the 2014 fundraiser atc70 build. It's finally safe and sound back in my garage and I feel confident posting up that it's now in my possession again.

Truthfully when you build something like this you tell yourself over and over that it's purpose is for it to be someone else's but it's very hard not to become attached to a build like this. For the past month or so I've kept referring to it as the fundraiser bike but I've finally dubbed it the "Piranha 150", well because that's what it is. lol.

When I built this machine I really built it exactly the way I would have wanted it to be if I had kept it. Due to time constraints a few decisions were made to save time but now that I own it again I'll be taking the time to finish a few details the way I wish I could have the first time around.

It has been rumored that this machine may become a fundraiser bike again in the future and to that all I can say is who knows what the future holds but for now I own it and I'm going to be keeping it for a bit.

You can find the original build thread here (http://www.3wheelerworld.com/showthread.php/162876-2014-Trikefest-ATC70-build)
and the completed build post here (http://www.3wheelerworld.com/showthread.php/169584-2014-Trikefest-Fundraiser-Piranaha-ATC150-build)

Here's some pics of it now that it's back in my garage. This little bike has seen some miles, eastcoast, to Indiana, to westcoast and back to eastcoast again! I paid a healthy penny for it but I'm glad I can say I couldn't build it again for what I paid. I'm sure anyone who has built something like this can understand when I say the opportunity to buy it back was a once in a lifetime chance and I decided I had to jump on it.

I'll be cruising around on it at Trikefest 2015, hope to see you all there!

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m254/louis_mielke/projects/raffle%2070/IMG_1916_zpsw06tlqlz.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/louis_mielke/media/projects/raffle%2070/IMG_1916_zpsw06tlqlz.jpg.html)
http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m254/louis_mielke/projects/raffle%2070/IMG_1907_zpsn7nswehu.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/louis_mielke/media/projects/raffle%2070/IMG_1907_zpsn7nswehu.jpg.html)
http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m254/louis_mielke/projects/raffle%2070/IMG_1914_zpst0rq8zrk.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/louis_mielke/media/projects/raffle%2070/IMG_1914_zpst0rq8zrk.jpg.html)
http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m254/louis_mielke/projects/raffle%2070/IMG_1920_zpsvzhxq4an.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/louis_mielke/media/projects/raffle%2070/IMG_1920_zpsvzhxq4an.jpg.html)

05-06-2015, 07:58 PM
Congratulations Louis !!!!

05-06-2015, 10:12 PM
I was just thinking about this trike the other day. I put in multiple times to win this one! So there has to be more to this story...maybe everybody knows it but me! You bought it back from the person who won it?

Louis Mielke
05-06-2015, 11:31 PM
The original winner was someone from out in California. I'm currently looking for the thread/post showing him receiving it and enjoying it for a bit with his kids, I know there is a thread on it but I can't find it at the moment. I'm not 100% sure on the story but at some point he sold it to another gentleman that posted on Facebook about buying it with plans to take it apart for parts for a suspended 70 build he was having built. The news that it may get parted out spread pretty quickly on Facebook and I just so happened to have been put in touch with the guy who was going to be doing the work on the suspended 70 build for the 2nd owner of this machine. I told him I'd possibly be interesting in purchasing it if plans changed.

Well a couple months went by and I got word that the owner (2nd owner) had decided to go a different direction and was putting it back up for sale. He told his builder to notify me because I had shown interest and gave me first chance at purchasing it. Like I said, once in a lifetime opportunity so I jumped on it.

Let's just say I could have bought a showroom condition atc350x/atc250r for what I spent to purchase this machine.

Mr. Clean
05-06-2015, 11:45 PM

Here it is.

Louis Mielke
05-06-2015, 11:51 PM
I found it as well, bslama69 was the original winner!

I think this link will have the page his post was on. page 4 (http://www.3wheelerworld.com/showthread.php/167990-Trikefest-2014-Fundraiser-Build-COMPLETE-Honda-ATC150/page4?highlight=Raffle+trike)

He made a lengthier post on this page (http://www.3wheelerworld.com/showthread.php/167990-Trikefest-2014-Fundraiser-Build-COMPLETE-Honda-ATC150?p=1320047#post1320047)

05-07-2015, 12:42 PM
Glad to see it is in a good home. Enjoy! That is a beautiful trike!!!!

05-07-2015, 08:49 PM
Man I can't remember if I posted anything when I saw it online to be parted out... I was kind of devastated to hear a work of art being torn apart.
You have no idea how happy I am to hear it's back in good hands!

On a side note, I think it should have a branding on the rear right decal that says "Trikefest 2014 Raffle Prize" or something to that effect.
And in addition, I like the idea of 70's being the raffle prizes because pretty much everyone can load it up and take it home.
The Big Red for this year might become an issue. :/