View Full Version : 200es oil out of timing hole

04-14-2015, 12:00 AM
So i was back to playing with the 200 es I'm trying to work on. I got the bike running and was going to check the timing but when i unscrewed the timing cap while it was running oil shot all over me and my face. I quickly grabbed a rag and put it over the hole. It kept flinging oil. I couldn't tell if there was any "compression" coming out of the hole or if it was just slinging it. Anyhow im assuming this is not good and that i have some seals bad or something, am i correct? But also for all i know someone may have poured oil in there, although i find that unlikely. Is this a common problem and something that i can repair? What special tools am i going to need? I love spending money.... This all started because i went to set the valves. When i took that cdi cap off the engine there was metal spring chunks laying in bottom of it and in cap. I believe this is the "pulse generator". Anyhow i took another one with good springs from a scrap engine and replaced it so now i figured my timings probably off also now. So go to look in the timing hole and about to go look for the tach and get. Eyeful and mouthful of flying oil. Sometimes i regret my willingness to learn. Im not rich but i know i can afford to just buy a bike like this in good running shape but then i will not have been the "one" to have fixed it and i will have learned nothing. I have learned that there is a reason that everyone selling a bike says "the carb just needs cleaned".

04-14-2015, 01:48 AM
More than likely the seal in the left crank case cover is leaking. There is also a large oring on the inboard part of the outside edge of the left crank case cover but it seals the cover to the inner cases but the seal is your focus.

04-14-2015, 01:49 AM
This is a 185S motor but the design is the same. Order a seal kit for your trike.

04-14-2015, 07:57 AM
Ok. Will try to look into it more. First i have to try to figure out how to take it apart. Luckily i have the clymer manual. Then again its easy taking stuff apart , its another getting it back together. Thats why the bikes i have bought in the past all come with a box of gears, pinions, and whatnot. ,

04-14-2015, 09:10 AM
yea i would look at getting a complete bottom end rebuild kit as well as oil seal kit. not saying to rebuild it completely, but it has the o-rings and gaskets you will need to replace. i would replace all seals and gaskets up to splitting the case. will take you a day if your not used to doing this type of stuff on these engines, but well worth it. will stop all oil leaks.
also while you got the sub trans off, replace that front sprocket. they have always been bad unless very recently replaced. for $35 it is cheap insurance of not breaking a tooth in a bad spot and damaging the case when chain comes off.

if your concerned about doing it yourself, you can ship me the motor. I will do it for cost of parts + $50 labor i'll replace all the stuff for ya. I'm in Texas. i can have ti done over a weekend. I actually have some hard to find gaskets so that will save some time and $.

04-14-2015, 10:07 AM
185 s and 200ES are completely different animals. You have a oil bathed ignition. The oil is supposed to be there. There is nothing wrong. Just don't put your eye down there while it's running lol. :)

04-17-2015, 12:17 AM
If theres supposed to be oil in there than how do you set timing with a light, or dont you?