View Full Version : Well... !@#$%^... this Tecate.. wow.... Some people....

04-13-2015, 01:15 AM
I was out Having a Blast!
and boom. stops.. dead in its tracks...
Im thinking...I messed up the jetting and just blew it up and siezed the motor.... lots of bad words uttered. and a long push back to load up....

SO.... Top end off... so much silicone from the Previous owner, just wow. reused gaskets....ewww....
but... everything looks perfect... still stuck, cant turn it over...


What now i think!
Stuck in two gears??? something with the kicker? Crap i think! thats gonna suck!
Then i think wait, and pull the pistion up, its goes a stroke then stops. hit the kicker. back down and. boom stops... sweet not the kicker/trans... what is it....

then it dawns, whats going under that stator cover

whats this little guy....

Oh....welllllll found the answer....

Something let loose...and its all shot..... well CRAP!!!
Well anyone got any ideas for replacement?
I see Ricky has a flywheel. and Ricks and Ricky both have completer coils and plates...
any other suggestions?

04-13-2015, 01:39 AM
Hmm...a Tecate stator where the magnets flew off...go figure. Add another to the long list of victims of the #1 T3 failure.

Did the flywheel bolt break off in the crank half?

Bummer dude.

Other options involve no headlights off stator power.

04-13-2015, 01:55 AM
No. Lucky me. had to make a fly wheel puller HA

I'm happy I tore down the top end... I don't know what he used to seal it... but it was staring to crystallize. I found it all over and had to flush the water jackets to get it out. I was really half a$$ed.

I have looked to far into it. But is there a way to look at the power valves to see if they are working properly?

I don't think the magnets were the culprit... Looks like a bolt backed out to me and caught... and then...all hell broke loose.

3 Wheel Drive
04-13-2015, 02:41 AM
You can contact jesweinhart here on the forums, he makes a lot of plastic parts & does flywheel service. He encapsuls the flywheel magnets so they don't break apart like yours did.

You can see the flywheel & a few other parts he makes for the Tecate:
He even makes the tool box for the 86 Tecate among other things. He's not hard to find around here.

04-13-2015, 03:27 PM
Been there done that. Sucks but its not that expensive like it was when I first started with tecates. Thank god for ricky stators or i would still owm my tecate for 15 years now.

04-13-2015, 06:58 PM
You can check the power valves by taking the cover off and moving the rod in and out with a screw driver. Or since you already have the cylinder off, they should turn by hand or with a screw driver from the bottom side.

04-13-2015, 08:21 PM
Wow, what destruction!! Time to throw it together: "Ran great all last season, no idea what happened and no time or $$ to fix it." :lol: