View Full Version : 350x low profile fenders in stock!

Mickey Dunlap
03-31-2015, 01:16 PM
Well kind of, I remembered I ran a set of 200x fenders on my Powroll bike. With a little trimming up front they can be made to match up to the tank .


04-01-2015, 06:48 AM
I love all the little tips and tricks I have learned from reading your posts over the years, Thanks for being so helpful.

04-01-2015, 03:49 PM
I thought you bit the bullet and made a new mold to help out Dirtcrasher LOL

Those seem to fit a 350X fine.

Mickey Dunlap
04-01-2015, 03:57 PM
I thought you bit the bullet and made a new mold to help out Dirtcrasher LOL

Those seem to fit a 350X fine.

Didn't get enough orders. I not going to make something if no one wants them. This will work or we still might do the 350x with the 85'250r low profile style that I already make. Most of the orders come from everyone on Face book so some new orders came in this morning.

04-01-2015, 06:39 PM
With all the mounting and grommets being different, how much work are they gonna be to fit?

Do I gamble and find a mounting plate is not in a strong area??

Can ya show us some mounting? Some stuff that lines up with little work underneath?

It's only gonna boost your sales by convincing us we can make them fit and secure and solid on the frame with grommets.

04-01-2015, 07:43 PM
I'm sure it wouldn't take much for them to fit the 2nd gen 200x. What do you think Mickey?

04-01-2015, 08:14 PM
^ IMHO, the 86/87X is quite a bit different than the 85 200X or 350X. But I don't have them side by side....

I just don't want to be out 400$ and have something that ends up failing somewhere and not everyone has the skills to relocate the latch, the rectangular frame grommets (that's what keeps the middle strong) and the front mounts.

I just want Mickey can take a small amount of time to convince the 350X owners that with A B and C and trimming the front, were happy with the fender.

I know he doesn't make money on this stuff and it's just helping us out and that means a ton to me and I believe it means allot to other members/customers.

And if we can satisfy that, he won't need 20 guys asking for a true graft of 350X to low pro 200X or 250R.

04-01-2015, 11:28 PM
Well everyone knows where I stand, Mickey, I'm in for a white set of 350x low pros. 2 sets if necessary, if that's what it takes to get these made.

Mickey Dunlap
04-02-2015, 01:00 PM
With all the mounting and grommets being different, how much work are they gonna be to fit?

Do I gamble and find a mounting plate is not in a strong area??

Can ya show us some mounting? Some stuff that lines up with little work underneath?

It's only gonna boost your sales by convincing us we can make them fit and secure and solid on the frame with grommets.

It must have not been to hard I did it 30 years ago, and I said I would do all the work on the first one for free and then take pics for any others that want them. It's no big deal if you drilled the holes wrong, they are under the seat where you can't see.

Mickey Dunlap
04-02-2015, 01:03 PM
I'm sure it wouldn't take much for them to fit the 2nd gen 200x. What do you think Mickey?

I think some one is bringing a 86' 200x to the Breezwood race to set a set on to see what they would need but it won't fit up to the gas tank I know that so the 250r fenders might look better plus the stock fenders are like the 200x in some ways.

Mickey Dunlap
04-02-2015, 01:08 PM
few posts off FB.

The 200x 83'-85' and the 250r 85'-86' fenders sold great, but you are right I didn't make money, money was no the driving force to bring these back to life. It was the 83'-84' 250r I only got a few orders on, about the same as these 350x's. Truth is it's a lot of work to put the 350x into production and I will never cover the cost of doing them. It would take over 20 orders before I would cover the cost of building the first one. Then there's the big hidden cost that I don't even like to think about, and that is the time I take away from fourstroketech.net, that probably hurts my busness more then just putting out the $2000 to get the first fender made. After saying all that, it's still not up to me it's in you guys hands because I have already done the work to make it happen, you just have to buy the product, that's what it comes down to, pretty simple.

Mickey Dunlap I'll have the 350x here for a few more weeks because I'm building him a free motor for the use of his bike for this project, but after that I'm done if no one wants these.