View Full Version : No rear brakes and my leg is the enrichment circuit for the carb

02-15-2015, 10:12 PM
well its -50 degrees outside with the wind. dont ask me what I did with my trike today. lol
anyway i checked the rear brake lines for any leaks, nothing. checked caliper ok.
added fluid and pumped it up and bled it several times. its not pressurizing inside line.
however i did notice fluid wicking down the threaded plunger rod under the boot on the rear master cylinder.
see pics and tell me what you think. Is it just an 0 ring or do I have to get a rebuild kit. If so which one should I look for so I dont get ripped off on Egay. Once you get used to fuel injection you realize how much carbs suck with this freakin cornholio fuel we are forced to use,,,,,,, 210335210336210337

02-16-2015, 03:14 AM
You need a rebuild kit. The brake fluid will attack a regular rubber o ring. I'll bet a kit will cost you less than $30

02-16-2015, 07:46 AM
what the heck does fuel injection have to do with your master leaking?

02-16-2015, 08:05 AM
Just get a rebuild kit, and what trike is this on? I just did the one on my 85 250r, ended up being pretty easy. Disassemble it, and clean it with carb cleaner, using a tooth brush to clean out any junk or corrosion.. While its drying unscrew the threaded end of the rod and put the new boot on and then reassemble it. Once it's dry then coat the spring, primary cup(seal), piston, and secondary cup(seal) with brake fluid (only use brake fluid!!!) and install the spring with the primary cup, then the piston with the secondary cup installed, and push the rod in there and lock it in place with the snap ring. The manual will cover this whole process quite well.

Here is the link to pretty much all of the models of Honda ATC's http://www.oscarmayer.net/atc/manuals/

02-18-2015, 11:45 PM
I will go for the kit, its for a 1985 Honda 350X. Rear master cylinder. And I dont know why I was ranting about corn fuelio.... well maybe because its tearing up my carb,,,,,, has anyone ever done a fuel injection mod for the ATC ?

02-18-2015, 11:55 PM
Run premium fuel, the premium up here has no ethanol in it, maybe/probably the same down there

02-19-2015, 12:58 AM
Last I knew you could not buy the kit, anywhere. Lots of models but not the 350X, that may have changed.

I run the YFZ450F rear master I believe. Bolt on and built in resevoir and can be rebuilt......

Let a couple guys concur that model being correct. I can get you a picture Andy.

02-19-2015, 04:48 PM
Last I knew you could not buy the kit, anywhere. Lots of models but not the 350X, that may have changed.

I run the YFZ450F rear master I believe. Bolt on and built in resevoir and can be rebuilt......

Let a couple guys concur that model being correct. I can get you a picture Andy.



just for future reference. i bought the new 350x rear master cylinder and put it on my 200x with no problems