View Full Version : Preseason tinkering

02-11-2015, 12:54 AM
Been fixing a few things on the X so its ready to play hard this summer. My seat was a mess, had a seat foam and cover off something other than a 350, was 4 inches shorter than the pan and then it had a piece of foam added to the front with duct tape around it. I found a seat cover on ebay and had my upholstery friend work her magic on it, turned out pretty good. It has a bad exhaust leak on one pipe where it hooks to the head. After taking it apart, one of the pipes is crooked so I am going to replace the front section with a new pipe from DG. I picked up a manual compression lever from an 80's xr that I want to try, my old TT500 used to be real easy to start with a manual compression release and was nice to use coming down hills too. Got the front forks resealed. Need to check valves, brake fluids, chain adjustment, ect and it should be ready to go. When you take the seat and tank off so you can see the frame and motor, the motor looks huge sittin in the frame.

02-13-2015, 01:19 PM
Looking good, always nice to get something up to snuff for the riding season!:TrikesOwn

02-13-2015, 09:18 PM
Preseason?? Lol
Pensyltucky has come and gone, battle at the barn is already over, there has already been trikes racing at smithroad in ohio, icefest this weekend and invasion very soon..


02-14-2015, 01:53 AM
This winter (such as it has been so far) has sucked. I was looking forward to doing some riding on the lake or at least zipping around on some icy roads and it didnt hardly freeze up enough to do that. We only got a few inches of snow on Christmas eve then the wind blew most of that into the ditches, gutters ect and its been so warm that everything is a muddy mess so its no fun to ride right now, we have gumbo clay here that builds up on everything. It is starting to dry up here some now so I got to putt around the yard some today. Went to the dunes last sat, was hoping the sand was rideable but that area still had snow on the ground and the dunes are not very good yet. You guys in the east got all the good winter weather. I might get to go to Mesquite NV in a few weeks to go riding with friends, so maybe Trike Season for me is getting closer!!

02-14-2015, 10:20 AM
I hear you, planned on doing a bunch of river riding this winter. Haven't made it out once yet. Hasn't been much snow here either, SE South Dakota.