View Full Version : I need help with my 200x

01-11-2015, 03:18 AM
I was wondering :wondering if anybody could tell me how to use the timing chain tensioner.
Once it is back together and runing I will have pictures posted of the trike back together.

01-11-2015, 07:01 AM
Service manual is a free download

YTZ drew
01-11-2015, 09:15 AM
Are you talking about checking / adjusting the tension on an engine thats all together, or setting the tension during chain installation?

01-11-2015, 11:47 PM
I have a real service manual and me and my dad just do not understand what it is telling us to do and my dad is a mechanic. But we are trying to do it during a chain install.

01-12-2015, 07:36 AM
there is a bolt on the end if im not mistaken take that out then get a small flat head screwdriver poke it down the hole and go counter clockwise and it will retract!

YTZ drew
01-14-2015, 11:17 PM
Make sure that all the slack is on the tensioner-side of the chain when you slip it over the sprockets and line up the marks. Then, what the manual is probably failing to explain is that the tensioner is spring loaded, it will apply tension automatically as long as you "unlocked" it by loosening the bolt in the center. It will tighten the chain a little more if you do it again while the engine is running.