View Full Version : Installing clutch cover gasket

01-06-2015, 02:25 AM
I'm replacing a clutch cover gasket and recall reading here awhile back about how to install it such that you can more easily remove the cover later without destroying it...basically so I can clean the oil rotor more frequently without needing a new clutch cover gasket every time.

I thought it was something like putting sealant on one side of the gasket only, but can't recall. Thanks.

01-21-2015, 08:20 AM
I think if you install dry but it gets a little oily it comes off easier. Ive done installs and reused gaskets within months and they have been fine. They have always gotten soaked with oil when reinstalling. I doubt using sealant will work. Ive always used a light touch on the cover and checked all the way around to see if it is free from one side when removing.