View Full Version : Gotta change rear bearings and shoes 95 110

tri again
12-30-2014, 02:01 PM
Sorry, 85 - 110 cant get to change the title.

Any thoughts?
pop seals, tap out bearings?
Any hidden clips or snap rings?

Neighbor passed away and I need to get this sold for her son.
28 degrees out but sunny.
Just could do nicely without surprizes.
whole axle carrier has to come out of the frame to replace bearings?


12-31-2014, 01:25 AM
Can't say I've done a 110 but 90's should be the same. I've always removed the carrier so I can put some effort into it. They can be tricky if seized in. First, pop out your seals. There should be a floating spacer that should move back and forth when you look inside. Once it's all the way to one side it will expose a tiny portion of the inner bearing ring. There may even be a cast cutout to allow for access? Trying to remember here; having some beers:-) Suspend your carrier on two blocks of wood a hammer on a brass punch downward. The blocks of wood will really come in handy when pounding down on the brake side of the carrier to compensate for the fixed brake shoe mount. You may have to alternate side to side. Let us know how you make out.

12-31-2014, 03:32 AM
Here you go. Hope this helps.


tri again
01-01-2015, 11:15 AM
it got dark and freeeeeZing into the teens so we quit for the day.
Drum's off, new shoes will fit so we made it that far.
My last drum took 3 weeeks to get loose.

When the rear carrier comes off, at least I can bring it in by the woodstove.
sheeze, even the tools were freezing my hands through the gloves.