View Full Version : Can't help myself

12-21-2014, 10:31 PM
Its been quite a little Sunday. Ive had a weird week. i screwed up a deal for a big red (my fault), got boned on a deal for a Yamaha Big Wheel (his fault) and just generally lost faith in craigslist. on friday, before the Big Wheel deal fell on its face, i texted a guy from craigslist. he was very local, and was selling a yamaha 200 for a hundred bucks. it was apart, but mostly there, and it had three good wheels and tires. good plastics. pretty complete. i have a 225dx in need of some rubber so i haggled with the guy and came to an agreed price under a hundo. we couldn't agree on a time to meet, so the deal went into the waiting room. i was in no rush to buy and he seemed in no rush to sell. fast forward to today. i was surfing the list and i see a 225dx with a silly quad conversion nearby. i begin to send a text and i realize its the same guy that had the 200. i ask a few questions and its clear that the conversion is permanent, as he cut the gooseneck off. i tell him I'm not a quad guy and I'm not interested. he chimes in with, "i have another three wheeler i'll sell" i ask what model and he says "225Y" which turns out to be a 225dx. i ask a price, as it was not even posted on c-list. he comes back with 375 for both machines. i went over thinking i was picking up two dumpsters and i see this yellow 225dx in GREAT SHAPE. i need these like a hole in my head, but i could't pass em' up. i'll part the 200 and probably ride the dx a little. it needs a bath, and a starter, but starts on one pull. idles nice. no smoke, brakes work, thing seems tight and solid. i'll post some pics soon. anyone know if there is a new (chinese) starter option for these babies? i've bought a few SX starters on eBay with good results. Everytime i try to downsize the fleet, these things show up. man.. i have a problem..

12-21-2014, 11:25 PM
thata boy! theres always room for one more...even a yamahaha:cool:

12-22-2014, 06:01 PM
If ya have one, it needs many brothers and sisters to live with :D

12-22-2014, 08:49 PM
anyone have any experience with these babies?


the rebuild kit is like 30 bucks

12-22-2014, 10:12 PM
Yep, put one on my yamahauler, it has worked good for about 6 months now. Buy it!!!

12-22-2014, 10:17 PM
Where are the picts?? It didn't happen unless there are picts! Lmfao!

12-22-2014, 10:30 PM
Yep, put one on my yamahauler, it has worked good for about 6 months now. Buy it!!!

boom... thats what i was looking for. thanks.

Where are the picts?? It didn't happen unless there are picts! Lmfao!

gotta wash it. its been raining. soon, mi amigo, soon.

12-23-2014, 02:14 AM
It only starts with one 3 wheeler......

I bought a 70 for my kid for christmas last year.

Now I cant figure out why Ive had 8 and the years not over yet? :confused:

12-23-2014, 11:15 AM
... I Everytime i try to downsize the fleet, these things show up. man.. i have a problem..

Amen Brother.

I downsized and only have 3 runners and 3 projects now. My name is John and I'm an addict...

The problem I have is I don't know when seller's remorse will kick in. Fortunately, I only regret selling my first Tecate (http://www.3wheelerworld.com/showthread.php/153975-Picked-up-a-Tecate-on-Vacation)I bought in CA a couple of years ago. And maybe the first Potty Quad (http://www.3wheelerworld.com/showthread.php/145802-New-ATC-70-Project-For-Me?p=1210826#post1210826).

01-30-2015, 02:49 PM
When I bought my dx, sometime pre-9/11 if memory serves, the guy tried to sell us an '83 zuki quad. Like you I said I simply am not a quad guy so no thanks. He begged and groveled and ended up loading it up for the change that was in my pocket (well actually the change in the wife's purse)...... I have been tripping over that damn Suzuki ever since.

01-30-2015, 03:16 PM
I have one of those '83 suzuki things too. It came witha wife and I have been tripping over it too.

01-30-2015, 11:21 PM
I could use a few Yamaha 200 parts if your gonna part that thing out there Mr sox.