View Full Version : 250r throttle sticks and WRECK video

12-16-2014, 10:52 PM

So picked up a 250r that was in a lot of pieces, got it put together and went for the first ride. It ran great, it smoked pretty bad at first and now its not bad the only problem is I am pretty sure is the throttle stuck and caused me to wreak. The wreck happens at approx 3:40 ish. Watch closely I turn off the kill switch, and my thumb is off the throttle then pull the clutch in and it revs up real high then I think when I wreak maybe it continues to run because until I lift up the bike and release the clutch cause I think it was pulled against the ground. Let me know what you guys think could have caused this probly a bad cable would be my guess. When I pulled it out and hit the throttle it felt a little binded and then broke free and was fine.

12-16-2014, 11:06 PM
That must've been quite the ride! Bike all good? And throttle cable routed properly?

12-16-2014, 11:45 PM
Check for frays in the cable... If nothing seems wrong with the cable pull out your carb slide and check for marks where the slide may have jumped out of its track

12-17-2014, 12:48 AM
Yes quite the ride, pretty damn helpless feeling!!! Pretty sure it is routed as per the manual, but haven't looked at it scene the incident had to work and my left leg was pretty sore so washed it and put away. And she seems to be all good started back up and rode very carefully back to the truck.

12-17-2014, 12:55 AM
Check for frays in the cable... If nothing seems wrong with the cable pull out your carb slide and check for marks where the slide may have jumped out of its track

Will replace the cable just cause, and will check the slide. this happened once when I first started it went into hi rev in neutral and the kill switch wouldn't kill it, pulled the coil wire and still going then hit the throttle and it died. This I figured was from the reed gasket bolts not tightened and the gaskets leaking, replaced and ran real good always start on the 2nd kick, and idles great.

12-17-2014, 12:13 PM
Hope your leg is OK. Trikes can be fixed

12-17-2014, 03:36 PM
Man that engine redlined hard. That engine took some abuse. Might want to check your top end. I was riding around after i ran mine hard in powder dirt. I had a little loss of power and noticed i had a cracked piston skirt when i took top end apart. No doubt in my mind over revving caused this.

El Camexican
12-17-2014, 07:41 PM
Wow! Dude, you are soooo lucky you weren't in the woods, or mountains when that happened. If it ever happens again pull the clutch in and f**k what happens to the engine.

Be sure to check EVERYTHING including the throttle assembly.

Be safe!

12-17-2014, 07:50 PM
rebuilding a motor is better than having to have someone else rebuild a limb

12-17-2014, 07:56 PM
Hope your leg is OK. Trikes can be fixed


here is a pic of the worst bruise on my leg from the handle bars, it was pretty swollen at first, then this is 3 days after and starting to bruise. Pretty sure the trike is all good, if not got lots of spare parts!!

12-17-2014, 08:02 PM
Man that engine redlined hard. That engine took some abuse. Might want to check your top end. I was riding around after i ran mine hard in powder dirt. I had a little loss of power and noticed i had a cracked piston skirt when i took top end apart. No doubt in my mind over revving caused this.

I hope it didn't mess up the top end, It started rite back up, and idled it back to the truck scared to touch that throttle.

12-17-2014, 08:08 PM
Wow! Dude, you are soooo lucky you weren't in the woods, or mountains when that happened. If it ever happens again pull the clutch in and f**k what happens to the engine.

Be sure to check EVERYTHING including the throttle assembly.

Be safe!

yea I'm sure the way it happened was the best way possible, either that or threw a barb wire fence, parked car, tree etc... THANK GOD I GOT THE MUD PUDDLE!!!!!!

12-17-2014, 08:11 PM
rebuilding a motor is better than having to have someone else rebuild a limb

Neither I would prefer, but defiantly motor before and limb, lol by the way I like your Signature "Full throttle or no throttle" this case no throttle please!!!!

12-17-2014, 08:23 PM
Hahaha full throttle is fun while your in control! Not so fun when it leads to crashing or blowing a top end in my case, currently under rebuild

El Camexican
12-17-2014, 09:38 PM
Make sure to look in the carb throat and be certain that no one put some sort of mismatched needle in it that can come out of the tube at WOT and get stuck. Odds are its a frayed cable, but don't leave anything to chance.

12-17-2014, 09:44 PM
Finding the problem isn't too bad, but trusting that 2 stroke again is what got me outta them!

6th gear pinned down my road, downshifted but it was on and I nailed the front bucket of my backhoe.

Must have flew 30'. It's very hard to pull in the clutch, nail the brakes and dump the clutch when your brain is thinking "WTF??". And, sometimes even that isn't enough!!

12-17-2014, 11:27 PM
Come on bretheren, I expect more from you. He hit the kill switch and it continued to run. This has nothing to do with the carb or throttle cable, you have an air leak.

12-18-2014, 03:11 AM
if its running with kill switch off, and coil wire off, its dieseling. and dieseling happens when you have a air leak. same thing happened to my banshee when i got it. went into the death rev, and nothing i could do but let it blow up

12-18-2014, 08:57 AM
if its running with kill switch off, and coil wire off, its dieseling. and dieseling happens when you have a air leak. same thing happened to my banshee when i got it. went into the death rev, and nothing i could do but let it blow up

So this may be a dumb question but what keeps it running the heat from the combustion chamber is enough to keep burning fuel? and how does it keep getting enough fuel shouldnt it empty the carb bowls pretty quick? did ya banshee end up blowin?

El Camexican
12-18-2014, 09:14 AM
Good read:

12-18-2014, 09:16 AM
So this may be a dumb question but what keeps it running the heat from the combustion chamber is enough to keep burning fuel? and how does it keep getting enough fuel shouldnt it empty the carb bowls pretty quick? did ya banshee end up blowin?

yes dieseling is combusting off of heat and compression. its dieseling because the fuel mixture is so lean at that point that it doesnt need an external ignition source. doesnt take much to ignite when that lean. which is scary on a 2 stroke. shutting off the kill switch doesnt shut off fuel flow to the carb, so itll keep doing it untill it cools down, runs out of fuel, or grenades.

yes my banshee blew. shattered the left piston, and threw the rod. tore it down to rebuild and saw the left crank case seal behind the flywheel was torn, so thats where it was sucking air

it would be very wise for you to do a leak down test before you go ride it again. you can make a really simple tester for around 10-15 bucks. seal the exhaust and do the test. that will tell you right now if you have a seal or gasket gone as you can watch if it holds or loses pressure via the tester

12-18-2014, 06:08 PM
Man.what a ride!! Not that it would help in that situation with dieseling....but a tether switch can be priceless! Glad you came out in one piece bro...

12-18-2014, 06:20 PM
Sounds like dieseling to me also. Had it happen to an 84 cr250 I was working on. Second start on break in and it just took off. So I leak down tested it and got it together and sold it before I would deal with the fact I was scared to start it.

12-18-2014, 08:20 PM
Sounds like dieseling to me also. Had it happen to an 84 cr250 I was working on. Second start on break in and it just took off. So I leak down tested it and got it together and sold it before I would deal with the fact I was scared to start it.

Just a hair off topic but I had a 1994 CR250 and it was the carb slide sticking. The local dealer said they stretched the return springs on both the 93 and 94 CR250; That was the fix. I stretched it and it never did it again but I was always on my mind. Oddly enough, I feel safer on 3 wheels :lol:

El Camexican
12-18-2014, 08:35 PM
Just a hair off topic but I had a 1994 CR250 and it was the carb slide sticking. The local dealer said they stretched the return springs on both the 93 and 94 CR250; That was the fix. I stretched it and it never did it again but I was always on my mind. Oddly enough, I feel safer on 3 wheels :lol:

It must be that dumb luck of mine, but any time I've ever had a 2 stroke with a bad seal or gasket it just ran like crap, never a death rev. As far as carbs hanging open I love push/pull throttles. I've had a bank of single cable Amals hang open for a few split seconds on the strip and scare the heck out of me. The fix was like you said, stretch the springs out.

This thread has made me think about the what if's if it ever happens to me on the trail. I guess it's clutch in, lock rear brake, stop and dump clutch or open the throttle:wondering. I don't think I'd have the presence of mind or the guts to just open the throttle to kill it if I was still moving.