View Full Version : 200x kick start gears weak ??

01-15-2004, 10:23 AM
I read some where that they are weak, cause the 200x dont have a decompressiom lever.. Are they weak? couldn't you just use the xr200 decompression set up?

what about if I run like a 12:1 isn't that going to F up the gears?

01-15-2004, 10:46 AM
I read some where that they are weak, cause the 200x dont have a decompressiom lever.. Are they weak? couldn't you just use the xr200 decompression set up?

what about if I run like a 12:1 isn't that going to F up the gears?

The weakest link is in the ratched set up for the kickstarter. Honda had a fix for it years ago. They added / replaced the one spring. This took care of 80% of the failers. Back in the day Honda paid for fixing this problem. The dealer I learned this info from told me they stopped paying for them in 1987 though.
