View Full Version : Are ATC's allowed?

12-01-2014, 10:54 PM
My son and I are thinking about going to a DNR ATV riding park. I've looked through some info and I can't find anything that specifically calls out number of wheels allowed. Are three wheelers allowed in such parks?

Louis Mielke
12-01-2014, 11:14 PM
Unfortunately it's hard to give you a good answer as it varies wildly from state to state. I would just make sure your bikes are registered to go on DNR trails and go until told otherwise.

My son and I are thinking about going to a DNR ATV riding park. I've looked through some info and I can't find anything that specifically calls out number of wheels allowed. Are three wheelers allowed in such parks?

12-02-2014, 12:37 AM
In Minnesota if the ATV is over 25 years old it is considered a collector and you do not have to register it. We were pulled over on the trails this summer and I explained to them that my 200x was over 25 years old and did not need to be registered. I had to take the ATV safety training. It was on a CD and it had a brief section about the history of ATV's in there and it talked a little bit about 3 wheelers and had a picture of a blue US90 and a 1st generation 250R, not saying anything bad about them or anything.

Definition of class 1 ATV in MN: Motorized vehicles with AT LEAST THREE, but no more then six, low pressure or non pneumatic tires.... Then it says some stuff about weight and cc.

So if the DNR park says that class 1 ATV's are allowed. Then it is legal to ride your 3 wheeler there.

12-02-2014, 10:38 AM
I have never had any issues riding my trike in MN or WI. Most DNR guys want you to stop so the can look at the trikes.

12-02-2014, 11:15 AM
When I was pulled over it was by 2 police officers.. They said they pulled us over because of my friends raptor having registration and my trike and then another friends vintage 4 wheeler not having registration, they didn't know the ATV laws so I was able to explain it to them. After we were done talking about the laws and what not they were talking about the 3 wheelers they had when they were growing up and how cool they were.

I feel like most places in MN are 3 wheeler friendly.

We were riding by Moose lake this late summer/fall, the group consisted of an 86 250r, 83 200x, 85 350x and 85 200x. And we came up on a large group of 4 wheelers and side by sides and one of the dudes as we drove by gave us all high fives and said thats how you do it boys!!!! Or something along those lines... It was pretty cool to see that.

We were in the cafe the next day and this dude came in and asked if we were the ones with the 3 wheelers and said that they were in pretty nice shape... Then talked about that he had a 185s growing up.