View Full Version : The Misadventures of Cap'n Weezy and JasonB

10-27-2014, 09:11 PM
The day is friday the 24th. Some human being is texting me about going riding on monday and my simple response is that i have no time off left for such a week day event. Several texts later i am being told that i cannot work because of diarrhea and that its just going to happen. Fast forward to Sunday morning; with the help of My brother ATC-ERIC we strip the front and rear wheels from my atc500R in order to give the 1986 350x its own legs to ride on because I'm still in need of a new 10" front wheel. Monday morning, 7am, bike is ready and my tubs are loaded. CAPTAIN WEEZY swoops in and grabs the 350x and I. We lock and load for the infamous ST JOE.

First time I have hit the trails and did a legit ride since March when i wrecked the ATC500R. For those if you that don't know or haven't seen the video here it is

So 7 months later I'm riding again and its the first time i'm on a machine i feel remotely comfortable on. My 1986 350X from Mr Clean out west, the bike was delivered 3 days after i had reconstructive surgery on my ankle. bad timing. I had not been on 350x yet, it was new bike to me in march when it was delivered and i had not experienced it. it sat for 7 months in my garage waiting for some abuse.

So we hit the trails hard. Those trails didn't see us coming. CAPN WEEZY MEIST and JB.


http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y42/sleepin-mr2/MAS%20CACA/88590718-C105-48E2-8481-71061B2956AB_zpskcfyguc7.jpg (http://s2.photobucket.com/user/sleepin-mr2/media/MAS%20CACA/88590718-C105-48E2-8481-71061B2956AB_zpskcfyguc7.jpg.html)

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y42/sleepin-mr2/MAS%20CACA/623EB305-3E79-4736-9AEE-725AF30FF801_zpse2zu1wf1.jpg (http://s2.photobucket.com/user/sleepin-mr2/media/MAS%20CACA/623EB305-3E79-4736-9AEE-725AF30FF801_zpse2zu1wf1.jpg.html)

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y42/sleepin-mr2/MAS%20CACA/D3F229C1-6206-4D1F-8B19-B2C4D0252F9D_zpsnwffhi12.jpg (http://s2.photobucket.com/user/sleepin-mr2/media/MAS%20CACA/D3F229C1-6206-4D1F-8B19-B2C4D0252F9D_zpsnwffhi12.jpg.html)

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y42/sleepin-mr2/MAS%20CACA/E11F4E68-8E8C-4F91-AE6E-961C54BCAA1C_zpscwaiqbhg.jpg (http://s2.photobucket.com/user/sleepin-mr2/media/MAS%20CACA/E11F4E68-8E8C-4F91-AE6E-961C54BCAA1C_zpscwaiqbhg.jpg.html)

SO I am hauling the mail up this trail behind Colonel Weeze Busket and I notice a nice fat line about 4 inches wide in the dirt trail and my initial thoughts include something about coolant. I follow it further and realize he's dumping oil from some main part on the motor and it turns into an MX event to not only catch him but threaten him to turn it off. After a half dozen "trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro ER DOWN" throat motions i end up pointing at the super soaker oil squirter his motor has turned into. We walk back down the trail in true sherlock holmes fashio looking for the oil drain plug which is MIA. Shane is 30 feet down the trail from where it started leaking looking for the plug. I went right to where it started dumping oil and picked up the plug, it was standing upright like it shot out of of the motor where the oil trail started. i should have been a detective lol

Yes this is me with a drain plug in my hand. i found it. deal with it.

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y42/sleepin-mr2/MAS%20CACA/B8D11A65-4383-415B-8DF4-C519886C673B_zpslzpugaoi.jpg (http://s2.photobucket.com/user/sleepin-mr2/media/MAS%20CACA/B8D11A65-4383-415B-8DF4-C519886C673B_zpslzpugaoi.jpg.html)

Shane's bike dumping the last ounces of oil after i stopped him

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y42/sleepin-mr2/MAS%20CACA/1F5FB9FB-FC85-4FC5-BE8D-089EC54990E2_zpsyf9jh35o.jpg (http://s2.photobucket.com/user/sleepin-mr2/media/MAS%20CACA/1F5FB9FB-FC85-4FC5-BE8D-089EC54990E2_zpsyf9jh35o.jpg.html)

Shane putting the drain plug back in that i found. Magically he had 5 quarts of oil with him. we fixed it and refilled and went on with the day, it was amazing

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y42/sleepin-mr2/MAS%20CACA/D1AE561A-B743-4D98-BD00-493B79EC13B8_zpsprwyoqg1.jpg (http://s2.photobucket.com/user/sleepin-mr2/media/MAS%20CACA/D1AE561A-B743-4D98-BD00-493B79EC13B8_zpsprwyoqg1.jpg.html)
had a great day riding with the Cap'n! Shane is awesome, he's a great guy. Thanks again for convincing me it was ok to call in sick t

Riding and riding all day after the oil plug incident. we rode for hours it was a blast. We rolled back in from the incident without having an oil drain plug and ran across YeagerB (Brendon and his buddy) there doing a test and tune. They called in sick to work too!!

10-27-2014, 09:15 PM
after his oil plug came out we rode for hours. it was a blast! he rolled past a red tailed hawk in the trail with a cotton mouth wrapped around it and i couldn't help but stop and screw with natures path.

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y42/sleepin-mr2/MAS%20CACA/489B1125-A52C-44D3-ADA2-672DDEFAAF4B_zpsszhsxena.jpg (http://s2.photobucket.com/user/sleepin-mr2/media/MAS%20CACA/489B1125-A52C-44D3-ADA2-672DDEFAAF4B_zpsszhsxena.jpg.html)

This was a cotton mouth snake from what i know, and it was between 3 and 4 feet long from what i experienced pulling it off the hawk. i stopped because i saw the hawk blinking and still alive so i knocked the snake off with a big stick. the snake showed its fangs and was pretty angry that i disrupted what it was up to.

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y42/sleepin-mr2/MAS%20CACA/DB95D440-80E4-4784-A886-B1A61A7C21F3_zps972dlwjj.jpg (http://s2.photobucket.com/user/sleepin-mr2/media/MAS%20CACA/DB95D440-80E4-4784-A886-B1A61A7C21F3_zps972dlwjj.jpg.html)

I hit it with a few rocks and got it off the hawk and grabbed it with a huge stick and threw it into the woods. Less than 20 seconds after i tossed the snake the hawk was on its feet and took off! pretty cool stuff but the hawk was off the ground and back at it.

10-27-2014, 09:31 PM
That video is awful! Only video of my wrecks are hitting a tree, which wasn't that bad once I stopped being sore. Thankfully you can still ride with 3 broken ribs :)

Looks like a good ride, Really nice X!

10-27-2014, 10:07 PM
Nice job finding the drain plug.

Cottonmouth is bad news...

10-27-2014, 10:21 PM
Dang good eyes you have to have spotted that drain plug! It's surprising the washer was still on it. Was it by the way?? Anymore when we hit the trails I carry two quarts of oil with us in a heavy duty plastic tool box.

I'm jonesing for a ride and wish I could call in sick :( Meant to fire my 350x up this weekend and it never happened. BTW, all that white on your X is to die for!

10-28-2014, 12:11 AM
What caused you to wreck? Looked like your throttle stuck or something?

Glad you are able to get out and ride again!

El Camexican
10-28-2014, 12:37 AM
Good to see you back here Jason!:beer

10-28-2014, 03:22 AM
if you watch closely when he grabs the front brakes looks like it doesnt engage, just my guess

10-28-2014, 07:02 AM
Fuuuuucckkkkk I could feel that crash man, damn...Cool riding pictures though, and crazy luck finding the drain plug.

10-28-2014, 09:51 AM
my brakes went out and I death griped the bars, unfortunately i got some of the thumb throttle too. It was a raw experience, i think about it everyday. Accidents happen though.

thanks for the compliments on the 350X! Its a rad bike, the motor has real good compression and it rips. The pipe on it sounds great too. I have a set of 10" ITP's at home that BKM powdered up for me in gold that will be wrapped in a pair of 20" fast trekkers. Riding on the 18's yesterday was rough, cant wait to get the matching gold rears on there with a proper set of tires. I love all the white on that bike, i thnk gold wheels will really set the look of the bike apart from others

feeling a little sore today, Shane just texted me saying his thighs were burning from the ride hahah! I had a blast, already planning for the Invasion this coming March and cant wait

10-28-2014, 10:40 AM
Ouch! Glad your back in the saddle Jason. How much damage was done to the machine? Cool find with the hawk and snake. I always thought cotton mouths were strikers and not constrictors? Wonder if that hawk lived? Think the hawk went after the snake and shiite went wrong for the bird?

10-28-2014, 11:42 AM
Haha sounds like Shane is pretty good at doing a little bit of convincing. Looks like it was a fun time. Now I need to get down to that area! haha!

10-28-2014, 02:13 PM
We pretty much had the entire place to ourselves. I think the most trucks I saw in the lot was about 7.

10-28-2014, 06:18 PM
Gold rims look good on just about any wheeler, in my opinion. 18's would leave a lot to be desired for a trail machine. Heck, 20"s on my 350x is a little rough. Really need to upgrade that rear shock :/ Want to get the desert seat first. Some more foam beneath the butt should make for a better ride.

10-28-2014, 08:16 PM
I would have helped the hawk too. Love birds of prey...snakes, not so much...

Good to see you back on 3 after that wreck Jason!

10-29-2014, 09:30 AM
Ouch! Glad your back in the saddle Jason. How much damage was done to the machine? Cool find with the hawk and snake. I always thought cotton mouths were strikers and not constrictors? Wonder if that hawk lived? Think the hawk went after the snake and shiite went wrong for the bird?

I believe the hawk tried to make a meal out of the snake and got more than it bargained for! it was wrapped all around the bird but it was biting the body under its wing. When it came up at me after i started poking it i seriously thought i was going to bit! From what i understand hawks eat poisonous snakes and have some type of tolerance to the venom so they can get bit and live. Sounds correct but i could be wrong. Weird coincidence, but I saw this video a few weeks ago and it occurred to me i could get the snake off the bird and save it:


And the 18's were what i had available to use on the 350x. They belong to the 500R but i needed something to ride that day so I grabbed the 18's. I have a set of 10" wheels and 20" tires in the garage i just need to put together so the 350X can finally have its own wheels. I agree though, 20's are even a little short for certain trails. I hate rocks!

02-25-2015, 11:49 PM
Just told this whole story a couple days ago.

02-27-2015, 11:21 PM
Where has Jason been, I really enjoyed watching his builds

09-15-2020, 08:18 PM
Where has Jason been, I really enjoyed watching his builds

Word has it he went to the dark side..... the dark side of..... side by sides.

09-15-2020, 09:40 PM
Word has it he went to the dark side..... the dark side of..... side by sides.


09-18-2020, 10:14 AM
Word has it he went to the dark side..... the dark side of..... side by sides.

Lol after he took a dip into the quad pond. He had a really nice banshee for a bit, then moved towards a Yamaha YXZ 1000. Did a bunch of work to it, 200hp turbo kit, forged internals, his usual MO. Lots of mods, and stupid fast.

He just sold it like a month ago. Guy from Miami bought it, and shipped it down to Porto Rico.