View Full Version : Opinion on replacement tires

10-20-2014, 10:16 PM
Looking to replace the rear tires on my 85 ATC 250R. The tires I am looking at are the STI Tech 4XC (which I already have on a quad and think they are great), and the Tusk Voltage. Has anybody tried the Tusk Voltage tire or even been able to compare it to the STI? They are both 6 ply rated and cost the same. I would kind of like something different, but would like to have some feedback from people that have used both of these tires. Thanks for any responses.

10-21-2014, 07:02 AM
Without being able to see those tires right now, 6 ply sounds like a lot to me. That's enough rotational mass to sop some serious horsepower.

10-21-2014, 07:41 AM
I have not used either tire but after reading lots of reviews on both. Of the choices given, I'd choose the tire you already know you like.

The tusk tire reviews use words like 'stiff', 'hard', and 'heavy' numerous times to describe the performance.

The STI carries rave reviews despite the 6 ply rating. Toughness is touted repeatedly with nary a mention of weight or stiffness, in fact I saw no complaints of either.

Buuut, I'm with fabiodriven. Unless you ride a lot of sharp rock or thorny areas, 6 ply is way overkill for a sport trike, and will no doubt cost you some noticeable bottom end on a 2 stroke.

I like Fast Trekkers.

10-21-2014, 09:02 AM
I run the tech 4's on my 250R and I'm real happy with them. I think they are much better than the stock 250R tire that everyone raves about. They are the right size with a nice rounded edge on the outside and work well on varied terrain.

10-21-2014, 10:26 AM
Get the sit tech 4, I've run both and like the sti better, plus they look really sharp, they remind me of fast trackers