View Full Version : Another 230cc/ATC70 ride video

10-14-2014, 09:12 AM
This is a ride spot about 1 minutes ride from behind my house.


Joseph Farrow
10-14-2014, 10:21 AM
Again that thing is Bad A&&!
You can tell it has a lot of Tork. :drool:

10-14-2014, 09:19 PM
That thing sounds like an animal!!!

Kickstand 1
10-15-2014, 10:54 PM
Ah- HELL YEA! Fun......

10-16-2014, 03:38 AM
So is that thing still 70 based? I've seen some BIG 70's in the past week and just wondering if it's still 50/70 based

10-16-2014, 04:27 AM
Everything is 70 except the rear axle and engine. It is a CRF230 engine modded to fit the 70 frame.
It is by far the best Project X engine yet. Big torque and mid range punch. The way its geared I reckon it would do over 70mph. The videos do not do it justice. It is constantly roosting out sand all the time.

Billy Golightly
10-16-2014, 03:11 PM
That thing looks like all motor in the picture - Love it!

10-17-2014, 10:36 AM
Yes, it's a motor with a 70 wrapped around it.
I wish I was 26 again instead of 56 so I could really get into it.
