View Full Version : *** Help - My '84 200es is giving me grief ***

10-13-2014, 08:41 PM
Over the last couple of months - my '84 200es has been driving me crazy. Here's what's happening. One day it will start and run with no issues. Cold start with the touch of the electric starter or one slight pull of the starter rope. Runs great all day. The next day it will not start (cold start). After numerous attempts it will finally start. Run great for a long time and then stall out - almost like it is running out of gas. New petcock and filter was installed this spring. Next day - again no issues - will run great all day. For example - yesterday it started fine, went for a 2 mile drive from home. Cruising along about one hour into the ride, in 4th, it stalled out. Started easily - idled great, put it into first, lightly applied throttle and it would stall. Over and over again, this happened. It would only keep running and move if I did not get on the trike. Therefore to get home I had to walk beside it and feather the throttle. As soon as there was a load (me - :lol:) on the trike - it would stall when trying to go from a stand still. Today went into the garage - bumped the starter button and she fired right up. Drove down the street numerous times and you guessed it - no problems.

Your opinions appreciated. Is this a carb or electrical issue??? Maybe the clutch??? (I have it adjusted as per the owner's manual) Could there be a problem with the coil?? I have been stranded a couple of times because of this intermittent problem - but I will never get rid of her.. Anyone else had similar problems with their Honda ATC???

Thanks in advance. BK3

10-13-2014, 09:06 PM
Maybe vapor locking due to a poorly vented gas cap. If it has the stock cdi, that could be the problem, as they weren't good when they were new. Also, check the airbox, and evict Alvin and the Chipmunks, if need be. Just a thought.

10-13-2014, 09:19 PM
Maybe vapor locking due to a poorly vented gas cap. If it has the stock cdi, that could be the problem, as they weren't good when they were new. Also, check the airbox, and evict Alvin and the Chipmunks, if need be. Just a thought.

Thanks Daniel,

I know Alvin and the boys do not reside in the airbox (LOL). Air filter is cleaned and lubed. Going to check the CDI - probably is still original (I am guessing). If the gas cap lever is on "open" I am assuming there should not be vapour lock issues (???) Unless the cap lever is not working correctly.

Regards, BK3

10-13-2014, 09:55 PM
I had a four wheeler that did this. there was a tiny bit of crap floating around in the carb

10-14-2014, 02:30 PM
I suspect if it were a venting issue, the problem would not be intermittent.

Junk in the carb as mentioned or a sticking float needle. Thorough carb clean. Also make sure your slide needle is secured with a" w" clip.

tri again
10-14-2014, 02:48 PM
I sold mine because of that.
It was funky electrical connection that the new kid fixed in
no time.
Could be odd fuel flow as well. Some vibration makes it ok.
when it feels like it.
Sitting on it is the kicker for me. Anything funky wirewise under the seat and fenders?
I forget what they look like.

10-14-2014, 09:24 PM
Pull the float needle and clean it up with the rest of the carb.
Check the thumb on/off switch for proper working order and not to loose as to shut off even though it's not pushed into the off position.

10-15-2014, 08:40 AM
If your thinking the filler cap just take it off when it starts to do it and see if it clears up.

10-15-2014, 02:41 PM
Mine did silly stuff like that after I washed it. Thought it was the cdi box so I off'd it and did a different one. Still no spark. Ended up replacing EVERYTHING :D Fixed it tho. Not 100% sure what it was but it ran.

10-16-2014, 07:44 PM
Mine did silly stuff like that after I washed it. Thought it was the cdi box so I off'd it and did a different one. Still no spark. Ended up replacing EVERYTHING :D Fixed it tho. Not 100% sure what it was but it ran.

Hopefully I don't have to replace everything. This 200es still has its 30 year old original parts on it. With that said - parts are going to start to break down and malfunction. I have an ignition control module (CDI), ignition coil assembly and a pulse generator assembly on order from the local Honda dealership. Hopefully it will cure the problem.

10-16-2014, 08:03 PM
Hey well if you throw enough parts at the wall eventually something will stick. Diagnosis is for suckers.

10-16-2014, 08:54 PM
Hey well if you throw enough parts at the wall eventually something will stick. Diagnosis is for suckers.

Aint that the truth !
Sometimes its easier and faster to change something then screw with trying to figure why its bad.

I tested everything before spending money on mine. Nothing really screamed I'm bad.

10-19-2014, 08:37 PM
Ordered parts are in - picking up on Monday. Cleaned the carb and installed a carb kit. Hopefully this eliminates the problem.

10-19-2014, 08:42 PM
I almost guarantee that its the gas cap not venting. Just fixed my cousins. Sometimes it would do it, sometimes it wouldn't.

10-20-2014, 01:56 AM
I almost guarantee that its the gas cap not venting. Just fixed my cousins. Sometimes it would do it, sometimes it wouldn't.

How did you fix the cap, I have five 200es, and one of them gives trouble especially when the fuel level gets to about half(if the tank is full its fine) but if I undo the cap take it off and put it back on it will be run okay again for a while.
Is it a fairly easy job to take it apart?
Also I see on one of the other 200es I have someone drilled a small hole in the top of the cap.

10-20-2014, 08:02 AM
I had a similar problem with my 200es for months, couldn't figure it out! It would start run good for a while then it would turn off! I would wait few mins then it would start! So I posted it up on here! Everyone said it was the carb, so I brought a new carb and it still did the same thing! Then someone mentioned the gas cap might be block! It wasn't as a brought a new one! Then I thought it was electrical, I looked in the fuse and found out that the connectors were loose and the trike kept turning off when I went over bumps! So after 4 months I figured it out and had no problems since! Maybe try that

10-20-2014, 08:44 PM
I had a similar problem with my 200es for months, couldn't figure it out! It would start run good for a while then it would turn off! I would wait few mins then it would start! So I posted it up on here! Everyone said it was the carb, so I brought a new carb and it still did the same thing! Then someone mentioned the gas cap might be block! It wasn't as a brought a new one! Then I thought it was electrical, I looked in the fuse and found out that the connectors were loose and the trike kept turning off when I went over bumps! So after 4 months I figured it out and had no problems since! Maybe try that

Thank - you, mate. I will remember that. Something so simple can cause so much grief. With my luck - it could be something small like that. I went the other route. Swapping out parts - never thought to check the simple stuff.

10-20-2014, 08:49 PM
Well, just in from the garage installing new OEM parts (CDI unit, ignition coil with wire and noise suppressor cap, pulse generator assembly). Disassembled the carb, clean it and installed a carb kit. Not able to take it for a rip tonight - hopefully on the weekend to see if any difference. Maybe now it will keep up to the R. :lol:

http://i961.photobucket.com/albums/ae98/bkvette3/HPIM1364_zps07b92484.jpg (http://s961.photobucket.com/user/bkvette3/media/HPIM1364_zps07b92484.jpg.html)

10-20-2014, 10:32 PM
I brought a new petcock, new ignition coil, new carb and new gas cap and it still kept turning off. As i said before it was just the smallest problem. The fuse conectors were loose. So i bent them and the fuse was nice and tight. Now it starts straight away and have had no problems. Hopefully it is something small. Best of luck.

10-21-2014, 01:33 AM
I have a similar problem with my TRX125, probably the CDI. I just pushed it back into the barn and forgot about it, lol.

10-23-2014, 09:49 PM
Also picked up a spark advance assembly (30220-VM3-000) and installed it tonight. Noticed the old one had some missing e clips and the 2 small springs looked "overstretched". Can't purchase clips and springs separately - only as a complete assembly. Another 100.00 dollars. Fired up on the first push of the starter button. Adjusted the carb. Sounds and runs great. Ran it up and down the street for about a 1/2 hour. Smooth acceleration and response from the throttle. Idles nice. More responsive throttle than before. So far - so good. Bigger test will be this weekend. Planning on a long ride (2 - 3 hours) out in the country with my son. Sure hope I don't have to push it home again.

Hope you guys are able to put some ride time on your trikes this weekend. If you are going to be out there this weekend - enjoy and be safe.


10-26-2014, 07:32 AM
Yesterday, I took the 200es for a 4 hour ride. Performed flawlessly with no starting or stalling issues. Not sure what the stalling/starting problem that I was having was but having cleaned, replaced and adjusted just about everything - looks like the problem is gone. Knock on wood. Out on the trail again today. BK3

11-04-2014, 10:15 AM
Great news

11-05-2014, 06:39 AM
Great news

Thanks - rode it a few more times without any problems.