View Full Version : Dirt Wheels has a project 350X??

10-13-2014, 03:51 PM
They posted this on their Facebook:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/1604900_687807937963858_2337542283625283798_n.jpg? oh=9716781754d52beaabd5f984c005ed56&oe=54C10628&__gda__=1420881528_66af713b0897f14b472b7504ef4a1c4 f

And this caption:

Here's a member of the Dirt Wheels crew pitching it sideways on our project ATC350X. Oh what fun it is to ride. You can find out what all was involved in the restoration of this classic machine at www.dirtwheelsmag.com [insert name of rider here]

Looks an awful lot like that on ATV on Demand built. Interesting. Thoughts?

Mickey Dunlap
10-13-2014, 04:12 PM
I think that just some other pics they didn't print from the article. They have yet to give me the final numbers if that out sold last year for the same month as that was in.

10-13-2014, 04:14 PM
That is the same photo they used in the Dirt Wheels September 2014 magazine issue.202858

10-13-2014, 04:21 PM
here is a full write up in the september issue

10-13-2014, 04:43 PM
I think it's great that they are getting positive exposure. It shows there is still interest in these old things to the masses.

10-13-2014, 06:04 PM
Thanks for clearing that up. Still interesting that they called it "theirs" and that "their guy" was testing it.

10-13-2014, 11:25 PM
The world famous Chicken Hawk !!!

10-14-2014, 06:25 PM
The world famous Chicken Hawk !!!

:p awesome!!!!!!!!!! I do like how they said that they wouldn't jump it as high as I did!!! All I know is that there is a much COOLER picture coming up for the issue with my R!!!!!

10-15-2014, 04:40 AM
:p awesome!!!!!!!!!! I do like how they said that they wouldn't jump it as high as I did!!! All I know is that there is a much COOLER picture coming up for the issue with my R!!!!!

Are you the guy that is riding this??

Mickey Dunlap
10-15-2014, 11:24 AM
:p awesome!!!!!!!!!! I do like how they said that they wouldn't jump it as high as I did!!! All I know is that there is a much COOLER picture coming up for the issue with my R!!!!!

We will see how you do when we get you on the 200x, then you will see why I got mad at Honda for putting that 200cc 2 stroke rocket motor in the 200x frame!:lol:

10-15-2014, 12:28 PM
Are you the guy that is riding this??

Yes that's me, it's truly a dream come true!!!

We will see how you do when we get you on the 200x, then you will see why I got mad at Honda for putting that 200cc 2 stroke rocket motor in the 200x frame!:lol:

Mickey, sir, I am really anxious to get to the 200x. Joe called yesterday and we were ordering the parts it needs for the stock test. I can't wait for when we finish the project build. I think we are going to do my SX test first, but we have to get on the ball. I actually feel more comfortable on Joe's 350x than my R. Since I've been mainly riding a crf450 I've grown accustom to the 4 stroke. I have a hard time adjusting when I get back on that beastly R.

Mickey Dunlap
10-15-2014, 12:38 PM
Yes that's me, it's truly a dream come true!!!

Mickey, sir, I am really anxious to get to the 200x. Joe called yesterday and we were ordering the parts it needs for the stock test. I can't wait for when we finish the project build. I think we are going to do my SX test first, but we have to get on the ball. I actually feel more comfortable on Joe's 350x than my R. Since I've been mainly riding a crf450 I've grown accustom to the 4 stroke. I have a hard time adjusting when I get back on that beastly R.

I didn't know you were doing a SX250. I would build a mild 317cc kit with a cam and valve spring and maybe port & flow job on that too!

We did talk about that fact that you like the 350x better, but wouldn't you like the R better if you put a CRF450 in that frame?

10-15-2014, 03:05 PM
Yes sir, I would love the R with the 450 motor in it (don't tell Joe). The chassis and suspension are incredible, just gets me on the power delivery. That 4 stroke has made it almost too easy to ride. The 2 stroke never bothered me while I owned my CR500, but since the acquisition of the CRF and my TRX450r they have made me lazy. The last go around with my R with the CR ignition and Al's pure race mod, it's much better, but I still catch myself trying to ride it like the 450s.
Yes sir, we are doing the SX, but it's just a stock classics test.

Mickey Dunlap
10-15-2014, 03:34 PM
Yes sir, I would love the R with the 450 motor in it (don't tell Joe). The chassis and suspension are incredible, just gets me on the power delivery. That 4 stroke has made it almost too easy to ride. The 2 stroke never bothered me while I owned my CR500, but since the acquisition of the CRF and my TRX450r they have made me lazy. The last go around with my R with the CR ignition and Al's pure race mod, it's much better, but I still catch myself trying to ride it like the 450s.
Yes sir, we are doing the SX, but it's just a stock classics test.

Too late we already talked about putting the 450 in the R, but he wants a new frame made for the 450 motor so it doesn't hack up the R frame.

That's OK about the SX 250 I wanted to do everything to a Big Red anyway because it's longer to handle the power better. That way I can put a big valve 4 valve head on it and get it up over 400cc.

Oh and quite calling me Sir! LOL

10-15-2014, 03:49 PM
Yes sir, I would love the R with the 450 motor in it (don't tell Joe). The chassis and suspension are incredible, just gets me on the power delivery. That 4 stroke has made it almost too easy to ride. The 2 stroke never bothered me while I owned my CR500, but since the acquisition of the CRF and my TRX450r they have made me lazy. The last go around with my R with the CR ignition and Al's pure race mod, it's much better, but I still catch myself trying to ride it like the 450s.
Yes sir, we are doing the SX, but it's just a stock classics test.

That's too bad. I'd really like to see a resto-mod on the sx as well. 350x front end anybody?

10-16-2014, 04:53 AM
Yes that's me, it's truly a dream come true!!!

Thats amazing you are a very talented rider!!....when you retire and they are looking for a new rider can you let them know I will gladly fill your spot lol

10-16-2014, 03:09 PM
Thats amazing you are a very talented rider!!....when you retire and they are looking for a new rider can you let them know I will gladly fill your spot lol

Thank you very much, retirement may not be too far away, I am 42 :cry:

10-17-2014, 04:46 AM
Thank you very much, retirement may not be too far away, I am 42 :cry:

you've still got a while to go haha my dad is 52 and after every ride he comes back aching and I can still run circles around him :)

10-17-2014, 03:12 PM
Rob, when can we expect some of those videos to go up?

And if you could, tell Joe to check ATV on Demands FB page, I sent you guys a message. Not sure if you guys got it yet.

10-17-2014, 06:23 PM
We got all the parts lined up to order for the 200x, just stuff to freshen it up to stock form. I think he sent the order in already. I'm stripping the SX for a thorough cleaning as we speak. When the X parts come in, he's going to try to bring down the bike as soon as possible for me to install them. I think he wants to film then. He has to finish some Yamaha vids right now, but he wants to do them both before it gets cold. We were talking yesterday and he said that he really enjoys filming the trikes, the whole experience is so much more enjoyable than the quads.

10-18-2014, 07:43 PM
We got all the parts lined up to order for the 200x, just stuff to freshen it up to stock form. I think he sent the order in already. I'm stripping the SX for a thorough cleaning as we speak. When the X parts come in, he's going to try to bring down the bike as soon as possible for me to install them. I think he wants to film then. He has to finish some Yamaha vids right now, but he wants to do them both before it gets cold. We were talking yesterday and he said that he really enjoys filming the trikes, the whole experience is so much more enjoyable than the quads.

That sounds great man, I am really excited to see this stuff go up. Thanks for the update.