View Full Version : 185s lower timing gear

10-08-2014, 09:24 AM
Ok so im rebuilding my 185s motor, got it all apart to find the tensioner was split at the bottom, and the timing gear on the crank is bad, or i assume it is anyway because the teeth are square. My clymer manual says replacement should be entrusted to a competent shop or dealer, the honda shop manual says line up the bottom between teeth with the keyway on the flywheel and install it. No removal/install procedure really. Do i heat it up and knock it off, and heat it up and press it on? how do i make sure the keyway ends up lined up between two teeth? and how do i know when its in line with the cam sprocket? Hoping someone with experience will chime in, thanks!

10-08-2014, 12:03 PM
You need a split bearing tool to pull it off. To install, freeze the crank and heat the new gear to about 300deg for about 1 hour. The gear will slid right on. This is the way I did my 185 a few years back.

10-08-2014, 12:20 PM
So this requires crank removal, no way to replace the gear with it still in the motor?

10-08-2014, 12:33 PM
nope...you aren't going to be getting a split bearing tool in there with the crank still installed. So yes, removal of the crank is necessary.

10-08-2014, 01:07 PM
Thanks guys, i've never split a case before, a little discouraging, but i need to learn sometime. I've got a shot bottom end i can pull apart first and see how it all goes together, any tips or tricks that would be helpful? Honestly I'm glad of this, the crank bearings had a very small amount of side play that i was going to let go. Not bad at all, but it is there. Wouldn't hurt to completely go through it and have another 30 year motor when I'm done.

10-08-2014, 01:59 PM
I've used a small dermal cut off wheel to remove them and once you cut 3/4 way threw use a gear puller and it will slide off .
To reinstall just use a deep well socket and tap it in place , it will go on a lot easier than you think .

If you were planning on reusing it I would defiantly say use the bearing puller .

10-08-2014, 02:49 PM
A new gear is 30 dollars and the one i've got is in awful shape, stripped out where it jumped time in the past. I'm going with a completely fresh top end and the thought of all this time and money riding on a stripped gear makes me cringe. Shortline i like that idea, it would keep me from splitting the case although now i'm thinking about those crank bearings. There's a hardly noticeable amount of side play and i don't know how long it'll go before it gets worse or bad enough to start causing real trouble. As for now its still in spec the only way to tell is if you try to wiggle it back and forth you can feel a slight tap. I might need to sleep on that. Id really rather not tear the whole thing down if i don't have to, but i'm set on doing this right, one time.

10-08-2014, 03:53 PM
Not sure if you seen this thread I did a while back ? http://www.3wheelerworld.com/showthread.php/169333-86-87-200x-crank-rebuild
This is the correct way if the crank is removed but also requires special tools .

10-08-2014, 04:27 PM
Pretty awesome work you do! I worry enough about about my own stuff i couldn't imagine doing it for someone else. :beer:

I'll probably try what you did when i go put my mind at ease about those bearings.

10-08-2014, 07:13 PM
Slight side to side play is ok and normal as long as theirs no up and down play .

10-09-2014, 09:04 AM
there is no up and down play at all. I'm going with it. Now the long wait for parts begins. Thanks for your help! Ill be sure to check back in with results and hopefully some pictures

11-07-2014, 02:16 PM
Well I've got most of the parts in, the old sprocket looks IDENTICAL to the brand new Honda one. So I'm going to run it. Ready to get this thing together now, my girlfriend really wants to go riding with me.