View Full Version : Utilization of items for unintended purposes

09-05-2014, 02:01 PM
couple of recent items I happened upon. Grabbed a salon chair from by the dumpster at my wifes work. with a few tweaks it should make a fine lift. Gotta love honda's. Pulled the 200e out of the shed for the first time in 2 yrs. drained some fresh gas through the carb and it fired 2 pulls. Had to put a new tire on as the orig succumed to dryrot. Refreshed this back in 08! still havnt gotten the racks on.
http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/aldochina/DSCN3928_zps3f89b8e2.jpg (http://s674.photobucket.com/user/aldochina/media/DSCN3928_zps3f89b8e2.jpg.html)
http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/aldochina/DSCN3932_zpsd2feed35.jpg (http://s674.photobucket.com/user/aldochina/media/DSCN3932_zpsd2feed35.jpg.html)
http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/aldochina/DSCN3933_zpsbd893589.jpg (http://s674.photobucket.com/user/aldochina/media/DSCN3933_zpsbd893589.jpg.html)

Picked up this old wood lathe the other day. 80 bucks, came with set of chisels, bunch of gauges and a very sturdy bench. Put some new plugs and cords on it. I decieded to fab up a few pieces to try something out. block is threaded for m20 1.5, and bolted to the bowl turning piece that came with the lathe. machined down a piece of 5/8" rod with a grinder to fit in the other end. Surprisingly no heat builds up there with a puff of wd. Seams to work great. Tried a bunch of different items. I think once i come up with good routine it should work sweet. Side i did was worse than the left. Still has scratches, but I bet if you spent the time you could get a nice finish. Think I will be turning bowls for christmas this year! lol. Thanks for looking
http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/aldochina/20140905_124654_zps91888985.jpg (http://s674.photobucket.com/user/aldochina/media/20140905_124654_zps91888985.jpg.html)
http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/aldochina/20140905_124731_zps7bb5dea4.jpg (http://s674.photobucket.com/user/aldochina/media/20140905_124731_zps7bb5dea4.jpg.html)
http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/aldochina/20140905_124804_zps9bb99fdf.jpg (http://s674.photobucket.com/user/aldochina/media/20140905_124804_zps9bb99fdf.jpg.html)
http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/aldochina/20140905_124749_zps8e235505.jpg (http://s674.photobucket.com/user/aldochina/media/20140905_124749_zps8e235505.jpg.html)
http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/aldochina/20140905_125338_zpsc0dbb597.jpg (http://s674.photobucket.com/user/aldochina/media/20140905_125338_zpsc0dbb597.jpg.html)

09-05-2014, 02:10 PM
Ahhhh fellow wood turner?
I use my lathe for stuff like this too... it comes in handy for cleaning up things like axles and old rusty drill press poles and rifle barrels and such! And I use it to turn the occosaional Bowl or box or pen...lol or making tool handles.

09-05-2014, 05:10 PM
I like that lift!Going to be on the hunt for one of those.One tool you should purchase is a electric band file.That will make your axle clean up really fast.The Harbor Freight ones actually work very well.

09-07-2014, 05:11 AM
That chair lift is awesome. What did you attach to the piston to support the trike?

09-07-2014, 10:14 AM
In the pic there is just a 3/4 plywood square sitting atop what the chair used to mount to. I need to fab up a platform for it. you still have to pick the machine up to set it on, as it clearly wont go low enough to slide underneath. I also need to rig up some kind of pin to hold it from turning. if you sneeze on it it will spin. Be real cool for display!!

09-07-2014, 10:24 AM
I was amazed at the stuff you've yanked from the trash after having been to your place Rory. You've got an eye for that stuff man!