View Full Version : Is it work or play? Sometimes I wonder!

08-19-2014, 01:43 AM
Have been using a couple of my favorites quite a bit lately! Honestly It is mostly work, but I enjoy it :rolleyes:
http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/aldochina/20140805_142911_zpsf818b3bf.jpg (http://s674.photobucket.com/user/aldochina/media/20140805_142911_zpsf818b3bf.jpg.html)
http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/aldochina/20140805_142704_zps42888af5.jpg (http://s674.photobucket.com/user/aldochina/media/20140805_142704_zps42888af5.jpg.html)
http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/aldochina/20140805_142624_zpsaac93d3d.jpg (http://s674.photobucket.com/user/aldochina/media/20140805_142624_zpsaac93d3d.jpg.html)
http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/aldochina/20140805_142014_zps7881c3c3.jpg (http://s674.photobucket.com/user/aldochina/media/20140805_142014_zps7881c3c3.jpg.html)
http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/aldochina/20140805_141945_zpsf67fdda9.jpg (http://s674.photobucket.com/user/aldochina/media/20140805_141945_zpsf67fdda9.jpg.html)
This is about half of what I have dragged out of the woods around my house. Amazing how much wood you can pull off 5-8 acres without even taking anything alive other than some leaners and widow makers!! Lots more to pull out yet. Gonna drop the log splitter ram off tomorow for a rebuild. Was leaking like a siv last time I used it!

08-19-2014, 01:50 AM
Putting that big red to work!:cool:

08-19-2014, 02:04 AM
Why is it some of the most labor intensive, back breaking work can be the most relaxing and therapeutic and the most mundane uninteresting can wear you out like no other?

The older I get the more I realize the old saying " if you truly love what you're doing, you'll never work a day in your life".

08-19-2014, 02:05 AM
I stumbled across these while cutting some wood!! Not sure if your into foraging, or mushrooms for that fact lol. They are chanterelles, and they were delicious!! I scored about 4.5 lbs, and ate just about all of them myself in about 3 days lol!! Believe me I was 99% sure when I ate them what they were, but I still wouldnt let the boys try them until the next day lol!! Sauteed with some butter and garlic, add a little chicken stock and reduce it down! Man wish I had some more!
http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/aldochina/DSCN3903_zps2a171373.jpg (http://s674.photobucket.com/user/aldochina/media/DSCN3903_zps2a171373.jpg.html)

08-19-2014, 02:12 AM
Work for "me" is always more enjoyable than work for "the man"!! Alot of times I just look at it as productive excersise as I have no time for the gym anymore. Makes me laugh and think back when I was a kid and living home and my dad would ask me "where you going"? I would say "I'm going to work out" he would say "I got plenty of work to do around here"!! I sure know what he means now!!

08-19-2014, 02:28 AM
was glad to get this down from over my trail! Was like that for a year anyway.
http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/aldochina/20140713_122717_zps50c9dbf0.jpg (http://s674.photobucket.com/user/aldochina/media/20140713_122717_zps50c9dbf0.jpg.html)
http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/aldochina/20140713_123144_zps09c332a3.jpg (http://s674.photobucket.com/user/aldochina/media/20140713_123144_zps09c332a3.jpg.html)
http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/aldochina/20140713_123220_zpsd14f4c96.jpg (http://s674.photobucket.com/user/aldochina/media/20140713_123220_zpsd14f4c96.jpg.html)

08-19-2014, 02:58 AM
Yea the bush provides some treats now and then... around my place I collect Mint leaves and berries to make tea or just something to chew on for a bit.

08-19-2014, 08:44 AM
Why is it some of the most labor intensive, back breaking work can be the most relaxing and therapeutic and the most mundane uninteresting can wear you out like no other?

The older I get the more I realize the old saying " if you truly love what you're doing, you'll never work a day in your life".

A good friend of mine. DR. Charles Thornton. He is from Rochester NY,and he literally holds all of the cards of the rest of my life in his hands,well,his teams hands. He is a researcher at Strong Memorial in Rochester,he is literally on the cutting edge of curing Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy. Myself,My Wife,and my girls who have it,have volunteered for his research for the last 4 years. Muscle biopsies,blood labs all that. He has developed a drug which is starting in Europe as we speak,and we now have Pharmaceutical behind us!! Anhyow,He almost tears up when he listens to us talk of home. He is stuck in the lab and concrete jungle. He would give ANYTHING to come down here and cut and split wood,and any other job you could throw at him. Not too mention ,,,a ride :) :)I have all but drug him down,but it is just too far for him to wrap his head around with the WORLD of responsibilities on his shoulders.. To answer your question Bryan. Because it is how God made us. We were designed to pretty much work our asses off day in and day out hunting and gathering. It's our natural demeanor to look at a job well done and be proud. An art obviously almost extinct today. Your town as a shining example...

08-19-2014, 08:52 AM
Not to steer off topic, but aldochina, what model is your Stihl? It looks like a monster, a serious logger's saw. I like it!

08-19-2014, 09:45 AM
Wow aldo that's a nice set up you have there; a BR and a Stihl, like peanut butter and jam! I sure miss Eastern hardwoods, nothing like it for heating a home. You're right, I've never dreaded cutting wood or considered it a job. It just needed to get done. In this life when it's tough to judge what you've accomplished in a day because it's stored on a server, a big pile of cut wood gives a tangible meaning to a hard days work. Good job on the mushrooms. You obviously know what's safe to eat. I rely on the cans label to know what type to forage, lol. Bravo!

08-19-2014, 10:08 AM
Work for "me" is always more enjoyable than work for "the man"!! Alot of times I just look at it as productive excersise as I have no time for the gym anymore. Makes me laugh and think back when I was a kid and living home and my dad would ask me "where you going"? I would say "I'm going to work out" he would say "I got plenty of work to do around here"!! I sure know what he means now!!

Man, I totally agree with that! This summer, the 250SX and I have done more work than any year prior, and there's more to come! It's also kind of amusing to see the SX pulling my 5x8 utility trailer piled with wood, when most people think you've got to have an 800cc quad to do that kind of work. I have quite a lot of trees to cut up this year, but I'm hyper sensitive to poison ivy, so at the height of summer I tend to avoid trail maintenance. I will get started on that again in a couple months. And you're right, even though it's hard work, it's very satisfying, and way better than going to the gym!

Aldochina, I'd never heard of chanterelles, but I think maybe I've seen them. Here in Iowa we get Morels, which are incredible, but they only grow for about 3 weeks in the spring, and then they're gone.

08-19-2014, 06:04 PM
Saw is an MS460. A recomendation from a friend in the business(thanks Jeff) Cut most with a 20" bar set up, threw the 25 on for a few larger trees, and to slice through that shag bark hickory! Just picked it up in June, sick of farting around with saws, wanted one that would handle anything that I will ever throw at it. A bit overkill for a homeowner cutting firewood, but I love it, and have used it a ton since purchase. I take real good care of her, so hopefully she will last!!
My dad always had cool books lying around when we were kids, one was a mushroom feild guide, me and my brother would flip through and look at all the pics, and the acompanying plate and fork symbol, or the scull and crossbones!! That book is now on my shelf. I think its cool how much you can forage right in the back yard. Just discovered you can eat stinging nettle and aslo the red fuzzy flower clusters atop sumac!!
Frankencelery I am also highly susceptable to poison ivy! I neve had it until about early 20's, but now that stuff just grazes me and its on! Of course the woods around here are LOADED with it! I have been pretty good this year about staying fully clothed and aware! Still always end up with a bit on my forearms from hugging logs! Not the same as tree hugging lol!!

08-19-2014, 07:24 PM
Love the Stihl, my dad has around 5 different ones, but he hulls wood with a 450 foreman, 4x4 can be useful in our area.

Talking about our area, we get morels and beafsteaks, morels are hard to find, but the beafsteaks are everywhere. I'm not big on them, but my dad loves them.


08-19-2014, 07:35 PM
Funny you posted this. I just bought a big red, own 5 ms660's, sold the 460's (too small), and was researching chantrelle today. The job we are cutting is loaded with them.

The 25" bar is just right for me for firewood. I dont like to have to bend over to cut stuff that's lying on the ground.

08-19-2014, 09:00 PM
That MS460 is a beast! I bought a new MS362 about 2 months ago and I absolutely love it. I have already cut over 10 full cord with it. I take it apart to clean and service it after every use. I think it will likely outlast me (don't know if that's good or bad). A bit small for a lot of you guys, but it is perfect for me. I don't drop a lot of trees... I clean up the remnants left behind by those that do. Your 250ES looks almost TOO nice to use, but it is nice to see that you are. AWESOME pics, BTW!

08-19-2014, 09:13 PM
Gotta love the mundane tasks like cutting wood. Feels so good to see the finished product, and now that you actually did something. I need to get busy around my place. TIMEN TIME TIME!!!!