View Full Version : Dirt Wheels September 2014 issue is full of trikes!

07-31-2014, 08:23 AM
Goes to show that interest is gaining in our 3 wheeler sport! I never thought I'd see a 350x on the cover of a Dirt Wheels Magazine but there it is a 350x! The whole magazine has a lot of 3 wheelers in it so be sure to get your copy!

07-31-2014, 10:18 AM
Mine should hopefully be in the mail box when I get home!

07-31-2014, 01:24 PM
Im not a subscriber so I can't wait for it to hit stores I already went to seven different stores yesterday looking for it.

07-31-2014, 02:40 PM
We've been wondering when it was coming out, and I've been looking for it. I'm really curious which pictures they used

07-31-2014, 06:19 PM
I jumped on the bandwagon back when someone posted about a free giftcard to RMATV with sub. Its been about 10 weeks, and I just recieved my 25.00 card and first issue! I was like wow! trike on the cover, and littered throughout the whole issue are shots of others! what a first issue! some good shots of chickenhawk of that badass 350!!

07-31-2014, 07:03 PM
Did they put the group picture In from trikefest?

07-31-2014, 07:10 PM
September is not the next month?

Red Rider
07-31-2014, 07:17 PM
September is not the next month?

Come on bad_boy, maybe you need a refresher course in magazine publishing practices. Magazines (especially Dirt Wheels) frequently hit the news stands about 1 month prior to the issue date on the cover of the magazine. And subscribers will get their issues about a week sooner than the news stands.

07-31-2014, 07:37 PM
Mine didn't come today :( Super anxious to see some real machines in the mag!

big specht
07-31-2014, 09:28 PM
I was just a the grocery store and seen it, I seen the 350 on the cover and thru it in the cart. THAT was a long ride home LOL

07-31-2014, 09:45 PM
God I so hope mine is in the mail box tomorrow!

07-31-2014, 09:46 PM
I jumped on the bandwagon back when someone posted about a free giftcard to RMATV with sub. Its been about 10 weeks, and I just recieved my 25.00 card and first issue! I was like wow! trike on the cover, and littered throughout the whole issue are shots of others! what a first issue! some good shots of chickenhawk of that badass 350!!

Lol, I just renewed my subscription a couple of months ago, and they sent me the $25 gift card. I took that, went to RM's website, ordered a gallon jug of Honda GN4 10w40, and only paid $2 and change after the shipping!

07-31-2014, 10:07 PM
This issue was my first issue as well. It took about 7 weeks for me to get mine, (I ordered my 2 year subscription early June)

07-31-2014, 10:11 PM
Really? Nice, I'll have to head over to Wegmans in the morning to see if they have it yet.

07-31-2014, 11:10 PM
I drove all over town looking for one, but they haven't arrived yet. Joe found one in Cinci and sent me one of the pics. I am just too excited to have an issue!!!!!! He said it's his favorite issue yet. Maybe DW will be generous and one will be in the mail shortly :wondering

07-31-2014, 11:54 PM
Interestingly, I see people liking this thread that just a few weeks ago claimed to dislike the recent popularity of trikes.

I'm clearly all for it.

08-01-2014, 05:55 AM
you guys are lucky I will get mine halfway through this month!!

08-01-2014, 06:12 AM
Yea really hope all this attention doesn't start driving the prices of stuff real high!

08-01-2014, 07:26 AM
Law of supply and demand.

More attention equals more demand. More demand equals more supply. More supply equals better prices.

The more attention three wheelers get, the more products become available as well.

In my opinion.

08-01-2014, 07:55 AM
Really? Nice, I'll have to head over to Wegmans in the morning to see if they have it yet.

It is still FREE to have a sub !! a 1 year sub to Dirt Wheels and Atv Action is $38 I think?? And you get $50 in gift cards... Seems a no brainer to me!!! Granted,to get the current issue,you probably will have to get it off the stands. I can't find it atm,but I think last Months DW,or was it Utv? Had a Dream camp article in it. For those that don't know. It is a ATV racers 1 week camp put on by Breezewood. Top pro racers stay with, and train you for a week. Jon and Michelle Natalie are 2 instructors. Michelle grew up weekends learning to ride right here on this hill. I am extremely proud of what she has accomplished. She was the 1st female to get a full factory ride. Anyway,,Regina,3queen on here,has a full color pic in that issue on her pink Z.

EDIT,It is $31.99 for a 1 year sub to BOTH mags. 24 issues. And you get a $50 gift card.

08-01-2014, 06:07 PM
Interestingly, I see people liking this thread that just a few weeks ago claimed to dislike the recent popularity of trikes.

I'm clearly all for it.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed. You're absolutely right about the laws of supply and demand as well.

Funny how when a trike hit the cover of DW for the first time in decades everyone is suddenly cool with them being popular again...

08-01-2014, 06:29 PM
It is still FREE to have a sub !! a 1 year sub to Dirt Wheels and Atv Action is $38 I think?? And you get $50 in gift cards... Seems a no brainer to me!!! Granted,to get the current issue,you probably will have to get it off the stands. I can't find it atm,but I think last Months DW,or was it Utv? Had a Dream camp article in it. For those that don't know. It is a ATV racers 1 week camp put on by Breezewood. Top pro racers stay with, and train you for a week. Jon and Michelle Natalie are 2 instructors. Michelle grew up weekends learning to ride right here on this hill. I am extremely proud of what she has accomplished. She was the 1st female to get a full factory ride. Anyway,,Regina,3queen on here,has a full color pic in that issue on her pink Z.

I have that issue. I was wondering who's Z that was at the camp!

08-01-2014, 06:59 PM
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed. You're absolutely right about the laws of supply and demand as well.

Funny how when a trike hit the cover of DW for the first time in decades everyone is suddenly cool with them being popular again...

I have no problem with Dirt Wheels doing an issue with trikes in it. That was never part of that conversation. The conversation was about the popularity of trikes as it pertains to the market. I am leery of the popularity of trikes as it pertains to the market from experience in the Chop/bob building industry.

Just because somebody "liked" a Dirt Wheel issue when "not liking" everyone and their brother buying a trike does not a hypocrite make....Nice try though, you`re getting better so don`t stop trying :)

08-01-2014, 09:59 PM
I just looked at one in the store and it says display until August 7th. So next week they should be out.

08-01-2014, 10:14 PM
Picked it up at Wegman's tonight. Nice issue and a nice write up on the 350x.

It was good to see all the trikes in there.

08-01-2014, 10:55 PM
Gah, I wish mine would come in!!!

08-01-2014, 11:08 PM
I Still cant find one maybe next week

08-01-2014, 11:11 PM
sound cool,i cant find one yet either.

08-01-2014, 11:23 PM
i got mine in the mail wednesday

08-02-2014, 12:01 AM
Looks like they just put them out today by me. One of the better issues I have seen in a while.

08-02-2014, 09:05 AM
Lucky. Im not even sure what stores would sell it around me I havent boughten an issue in years mostly because I dont care for quads.

08-02-2014, 11:15 AM
I think the magazine has done a good job over the years with supporting three wheelers. I'm sure most people on this site had a subscription in the 80's. I remember impatiently waiting for the next issue to come out! It's good that the paper magazine can still survive in a mostly electronic environment these days. There is still a special charm about seeing this stuff in print.

08-02-2014, 05:01 PM
It's good that Dirtwheels is showing a renewed interest in 3 wheelers, but if memory serves I don't remember them putting up an aggressive defense of 3 wheelers back in the 80s when they were being attacked by the media and trial lawyers. I've been collecting quite a few issues from the mid 80s--one's that I stupidly through out back then--and I have yet to read a strongly worded editorial defending them. They wrote as if the death of 3 wheelers was a done deal and celebrated the rise of the quad. I like quads too but it would have been nice to see a more strenuous defense of trikes. It may not have have stopped the consent decree but it is a matter of principle. Imagine what kind of machines we would be seeing today if 3 wheelers had continued to evolve for 30 years.

08-02-2014, 10:23 PM
Anyone "in the know" by spring 85,,knew what was soon to be inevitable. The teams, the racers and obviously the press.The tide was too strong.I'm not defending DW .. But there was simply no other way to calm the media frenzy against 3 wheelers :( Sad times for sure..

08-03-2014, 01:59 AM
Got mine today :)

ATV On Demand
08-04-2014, 09:51 AM
Another thing we " LIKE "....is free sh!t so scan that rag and post the trike pic`s pronto !! Who buy`s rags now ? I "like" the popularity of penis pumps but i`m afraid it might make my balls ache ! I don`t "like" the popularity of anything cause it faacks it up !

While I in no way represent Dirt Wheels Magazine, or Hi-Torque publications, it seems that the magazines have been very kind to the three-wheeler community, allowing us to scan and share old issues from the 80s. Make no mistake about it though, They would not tolerate people scanning and posting current issues to the internet.

As a content producer I can tell you that what you asking for breaks copyright laws and is illegal period!

We all like free stuff but that is stealing. Would you mind if someone just went in your garage and borrowed one of your machines and just took it for a ride since they didn't want to pay for their own?

08-04-2014, 12:55 PM
While I in no way represent Dirt Wheels Magazine, or Hi-Torque publications, it seems that the magazines have been very kind to the three-wheeler community, allowing us to scan and share old issues from the 80s. Make no mistake about it though, They would not tolerate people scanning and posting current issues to the internet.

As a content producer I can tell you that what you asking for breaks copyright laws and is illegal period!

We all like free stuff but that is stealing. Would you mind if someone just went in your garage and borrowed one of your machines and just took it for a ride since they didn't want to pay for their own?

You are right, I have removed the post of my picture in the magazine.

08-04-2014, 01:04 PM
Wow, I'm glad to see some positive posts about Dirt Wheels on the web forums! I've held a subscription to the magazine since 1982 and have enjoyed every issue. Most of the negitive stuff I see about this magazine is the same stuff I see about other magazines I also subscribe to: not enough coverage of this or how come you don't put any of this brand/type/year (insert your favorite atv here). That is not what these magazines are about. They are about what is going on in the hobby- atv life style! I was getting sick of reading negitive comments about UTV's in DW. Well, wake up and smell the coffee, UTV's are what is booming in the ATV industry right now! Likewise, the market for sport quads has all but fallen-off again, so DW went looking for what is going on in the hobby and found that people are buying and restoring/building older stuff. So far this year DW has had articles on 2-stroke quads- builds as well as 2 vs. 4 stroke! Now this issue- look, they dug around and found that the 3-wheeler community is thriving and they have some cool stuff going on! DW has never abandoned 3-wheelers, it's just that the magazine is kind of the "pulse" of the atv hobby and 4-wheelers and now UTV's are the "hot" thing. There may not be great coverage of 3-wheelers in the mag year-round, but I bet if I went back through all my issues over the last few years, I bet I can find at least 4 issues a year that mention 3-wheelers in them. May not be articles, but a editorial, reader's letter, parting shot or over-the-bars will make reference to them!

08-04-2014, 03:23 PM
You are right, I have removed the post of my picture in the magazine.

I don't think they would say anything about the cover, just the content inside. The cover is on display, which draws you in to see the rest.

08-04-2014, 07:45 PM
Another thing we " LIKE "....is free sh!t so scan that rag and post the trike pic`s pronto !! Who buy`s rags now ? I "like" the popularity of penis pumps but i`m afraid it might make my balls ache ! I don`t "like" the popularity of anything cause it faacks it up !

You friggin crack me up..Not in a good way.
You piss and moan about Obama giving certain ethnic groups hand outs all over the place...piss and moan that tracks letting trikes race are only in it for profitability.... Then make snide remarks about what people have poured their heart and soul into to give back to the forum , by putting their name or stickers on a machine , product or service to give to members...then turn around and piss and moan about nobody uploading pics of a 4.50$ issue of dirt wheels so you can view for it for free while you pump your penis....
Quite frankly , I find it conviently ironic that not one word of this forum was mentioned in all the positive coverage in the last issue...well maybe not...since most of the sick trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro you post on this forum would barely make a readers letter in Hustler magazine.....

08-04-2014, 10:06 PM
Got my issue today, and I'm in love with all the 3 wheelers!!! So many in the Reader's Rides section! Used to be a lot of 3 wheelers in the Reader's Rides section about 12 years ago.

08-05-2014, 12:04 AM
I am going to hunt one down. probably make it up this way in Neveruary, lol. Anyone happen to spy my camo US90 in there somewhere? I did send them a pic. It was a long shot?

08-05-2014, 02:46 PM
Three different pharmacies and a news stand and no luck yet. What the crap...

08-05-2014, 03:03 PM
Three different pharmacies and a news stand and no luck yet. What the crap...

Don't feel bad… I have a subscription and mine hasn't showed up yet.

08-05-2014, 06:22 PM
Three different pharmacies and a news stand and no luck yet. What the crap...

I found several at my local SuperWalmart

Red Rider
08-05-2014, 09:48 PM
No dice at my local grocery store. They still have the August issues up.

08-06-2014, 11:44 AM
i have gone to three different supermarkets, multiple gas stations and over a dozen convience stores/pharmacies and have had no luck. good idea on walmart I didn't think about that at all. now I have another 3 stores I can check haha. I have never gone this crazy over anything since the day grand theft auto 5 came out haha

08-06-2014, 12:09 PM
My town still doesn't have them out yet, but I picked up mine at Kroger in Cincinnati this weekend!! I was hoping they would have said something about my hair :( I need to get another one so I can cut out the spread and hang it in the garage!!!!!

08-07-2014, 10:50 AM
Picked one up at an out of the way truck stop today. Spent some time proving to my co-workers that I'm not the only off kilter person who rides three wheelers. They smile to amuse me I think. Kudus to the publisher; think I'll order a subsciption if this is a sign of things to come.

08-07-2014, 11:16 AM
Still haven't received mine in the mail yet grrr..... Been a subscriber for years


08-07-2014, 02:44 PM
think I'll order a subsciption if this is a sign of things to come.

Just wait a few more months ;)

08-08-2014, 05:00 AM
woohoo I got mine today....i'm surprised that they posted it to oz faster than to you american subscribers!!

08-10-2014, 11:19 PM
Just received my dirt wheels mag and my pink trike made it in the reader's rides so cool

08-10-2014, 11:48 PM
I must be in the dumb part of MO because i cant find it lol

08-11-2014, 12:17 AM
Just received my dirt wheels mag and my pink trike made it in the reader's rides so coolWanna click ten likes for this post!!!!

Roll call... Who's been in?

08-11-2014, 01:47 AM
Page 60 3wheeledfanatic its the pink one

08-12-2014, 04:44 PM
3 pharmacies, a news stand, 1 Walmart, and 1 Target... Nothing yet.

08-12-2014, 07:41 PM
Notice his seat? haha

08-12-2014, 09:52 PM
There's a video somewhere on the site about this. I tried looking for it but couldn't find it. Great video

08-13-2014, 09:17 PM
Grabbed the last 4 from Walmart...one for the magazine rack in each bathroom, one for the living room bookshelf, and one next to the vaseline in the nightstand;)

08-13-2014, 09:24 PM
, and one next to the vaseline in the nightstand;)

Too much information!! But, understandable.

08-15-2014, 02:05 PM
In July 14 dirtwheels, there is a pink tri-z that attended John Natalies ATV dream training camp, page 56. At first I thought it was the member "oile"

08-15-2014, 11:32 PM
199012 this is my little lady's pink z

08-16-2014, 09:28 PM
I got a copy at Barnes and noble. Can't believe all the trikes this is great

08-16-2014, 11:26 PM
So you are saying that Joe's 350X is junk?

08-16-2014, 11:31 PM
Would have been better without that fugly janked up zilla right next to Oile's bike. That things 10-new-ways to screwed up and dude acts like he's the know all of all knows. Just waiting on one of his ball joints to bust because of his over-cambered crap 87 spindles on 88+ arms.....

I did get my issue a couple weeks ago and LOVED all the trikes in it!! The 350X article was pretty sweet also!

One of these days,,, we ALL need to line ALL our trikes up and schedule a single day to blow their email up with trike pics. Just try and take over a complete issue. How cool would that be?

08-17-2014, 08:34 AM
Well I wanna see some badass action shots of the infamous glamy in that san dank sugar.
Bowl carving, roost throwing, whoop blitzing pics on his 250r. Not trike pics setting in the sand at glamis..we have enough poser shots of trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro looking pretty in the magazines...so come on glamy....wow us with your epic ride pics just once.

08-17-2014, 10:24 AM
You know Glamy, I'm a very passive guy and I don't get involved in "pissing" matches, but I have this to say. First off, manhood in question? I've seen your posts, and a lot of them mention talk of the male member, so if anyone is in question of their "manhood" it would seem to be you. Second, I'm the test rider in a FEATURE article about a 3-wheeler in the biggest atv magazine in the world, something that hasn't been published since 1988 or 1989(maybe later, I'm not sure because I stopped reading Dirt Wheels when trikes were discontinued), and you dislike the magazine. Is it because you're not in it? Maybe jealousy I'm sensing? Making fun of Moto Tassinari, are you sure they are Japanese, and who made your trike? What's up with me and the Atv on Demand guy? He's been involved with the atv industry for more than 10 years now. I was just a guy that enjoyed riding and posting videos of doing cool stuff. I was discovered by him, and as a result, I have a pro caliber 3-wheeler that was built for FREE!! He was also invited to test the new Polaris ACE before anyone knew it existed, and he took me to be the test rider, I paid nothing. Also, he is legally blind, and for him to do what he does is just amazing!! Maybe what he types isn't exactly what he means to say, I've seen how fast he types. Try reading what you can't see, you will do no better, and by the way, nice grammar. So yeah, I will take up for him, and he for his test rider. Jealous I have sponsors? I consider myself the luckiest person on earth because I get to represent 3-wheelers to the world that thinks they are the devil's spawn, to the world that thinks they are so dangerous because of people's stupidity and bad judgement. I'm the luckiest person because Allen Knowles, owner of CT Racing, who builds motors for professional motocross and supercross racers, has my 3-wheeler as the desktop on his computer at his shop!! I am living a dream that a boy at 12, who started plastering his walls with pictures of the 3-wheelers from these magazines, always wished he could be the guy in those pictures and in the articles, but realized it would never happen. Well, 31 years later, this nobody from Kentucky is living that dream, and I couldn't be more excited!!!!!!!!!!! So I will defend the magazine. If you don't like the magazine, don't post about it and let those who like this enjoy.

08-17-2014, 11:14 AM
Alright, alright ladies.

Can we get a lineup of who's who in the rag? My lovely girlfriend was able to track down a copy for me with her sexy arse.

08-17-2014, 01:52 PM
Well it's obvious Rob Ray is in there! Haha! Fantastic article buddy! Congratulations!

08-17-2014, 05:21 PM
Wow a sedated FC. LOL

08-17-2014, 06:39 PM
Wow as sedated FC. LOL

Say again?

08-18-2014, 01:13 AM
Say again?

Corrected sentence. "FC" = Fight Club Ref post #74 LOL

Well I wanna see some badass action shots of the infamous glamy in that san dank sugar.
Bowl carving, roost throwing, whoop blitzing pics on his 250r. Not trike pics setting in the sand at glamis..we have enough poser shots of trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro looking pretty in the magazines...so come on glamy....wow us with your epic ride pics just once.

Well for those pics of carving in virgin sand, that might have to wait. Only 118 this afternoon, although a night ride is possible :)

BTW the coverage in the mags are awesome, you all rock.

08-18-2014, 02:11 AM
Really wish I had the money to pick up a copy.

08-18-2014, 07:00 AM
Alright, alright ladies.

Can we get a lineup of who's who in the rag? My lovely girlfriend was able to track down a copy for me with her sexy arse.

Hey now!!,:p life is good huh john? Sorry for the hijack fellas

08-18-2014, 09:20 AM
Let me explain Rick......forums are allot like pro wrestling....you got your good guys(antidepressant gen-x) and you got your bad guys (me) ! But whatever you got.... if it`s not entertaining it`s The Big Nothing ( .ORG ) ! Ray says i`m not allowing people to enjoy his pic`s in a magazine that can`t be further from the truth ! I want for everyone to love Ray.....yeaa !.....i was more of a 3 & 4 Wheel Action guy myself.

LOL. .... made my day so far, but it's still early, come down when it's cooler and we'll ride a bit...

only 106 and 30 mph wind

08-18-2014, 09:33 AM
Let me explain Rick......forums are allot like pro wrestling....you got your good guys(antidepressant gen-x) and you got your bad guys (me) ! But whatever you got.... if it`s not entertaining it`s The Big Nothing ( .ORG ) ! Ray says i`m not allowing people to enjoy his pic`s in a magazine that can`t be further from the truth ! I want for everyone to love Ray.....yeaa !.....i was more of a 3 & 4 Wheel Action guy myself.

I'm fairly certain you got Generation X and Generation Y confused in your rant.

Generation X, commonly abbreviated to Gen X, is the generation born after the Western Post–World War II baby boom (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post%E2%80%93World_War_II_baby_boom). Demographers, historians, and commentators use beginning birth dates ranging from the early 1960s to the early 1980s.

Millennials (also known as the Millennial Generation[1] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_Y#cite_note-Horovitz-1) or Generation Y) are the demographic cohort (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cohort_%28statistics%29) following Generation X (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_X). There are no precise dates when the generation starts and ends. Researchers and commentators use birth years ranging from the early 1980s to the early 2000s.

Every Generation Xer I have ever met (with a 3 wheeler addiction) is super cool, and a good guy!

08-18-2014, 10:39 AM
Well, I'm confused. However, I do know people in their late 50's were born in the late 50's. :)

08-18-2014, 01:25 PM
Alright, alright ladies.

Can we get a lineup of who's who in the rag? My lovely girlfriend was able to track down a copy for me with her sexy arse.
Ok buddy! I'm in there with the Trike Circus crew! About 60 of us so they can all name themselves!
I once had a subscription to Dirtwheels that I let run out a longtime ago because I found the magazine boring me with the same repeat "shoot outs " of the same machines over and over. I renewed my subscription recently when I noticed them beginning to like trikes more and more. I hope the trend continues! Regardless of the magazines feature articles I ALWAYS without any doubt go directly to the "readers rides" followed by "parting shots" sections first!

08-19-2014, 05:34 AM
Really wish I had the money to pick up a copy.

aren't they like 6 bux or something??

08-19-2014, 09:44 AM
Picked up a copy in Elmira, NY while on vacation this weekend. Great stuff!

08-19-2014, 12:49 PM
aren't they like 6 bux or something??

More than I have. I have no job, therefore no money. I have maybe like 90 cents in change

08-19-2014, 01:51 PM
More than I have. I have no job, therefore no money. I have maybe like 90 cents in change

Yeah, I don't know why you got "disliked", if your broke your broke; Nothing you can do but try.

I have seen BROKE and it's not fun putting 10$ in your trucks gas tank.....

BOT - I'm gonna write DW and explain that they will get more subscriptions and single purchases if they keep showing the 3 wheelers. Maybe toss up some old hop up articles as well!!

08-19-2014, 03:14 PM
Yeah, I don't know why you got "disliked", if your broke your broke; Nothing you can do but try.

I have seen BROKE and it's not fun putting 10$ in your trucks gas tank.....

BOT - I'm gonna write DW and explain that they will get more subscriptions and single purchases if they keep showing the 3 wheelers. Maybe toss up some old hop up articles as well!!

Well, I have a major family medical situation to deal with at home as well so we are EXTREMELY tight on cash, and as we speak we are fighting to get disability. So unfortunately I can't have everything I want, including why I am on a technical level, trike-less right now.


Looks like a good buddy of mine is going to pick me up a copy and send it my way.

08-19-2014, 06:28 PM
More than I have. I have no job, therefore no money. I have maybe like 90 cents in change

I generally enlist the services of the local neighbor boy to help me do odd jobs in the yard. Things like stack wood shovel dirt haul branches away... etc. I pay them 10$ an hour cash. Maybe someone in your area could use your help and pay you some coin?

08-20-2014, 12:23 AM
I generally enlist the services of the local neighbor boy to help me do odd jobs in the yard. Things like stack wood shovel dirt haul branches away... etc. I pay them 10$ an hour cash. Maybe someone in your area could use your help and pay you some coin?

you must have missed the part where "they" are trying to get disability right now:wondering cant very well be out doing odd jobs. Probably wouldnt look good! Sorry Slash, but confused, is everyone in your house hold disabled?

Sorry to derail the thread, but I know oh too many guys playing, or trying to play the disability card when they never put in a hard days work in their lives! One of the millions of things that steams my blood!

no offense to anyone who truly is unable to work!

08-20-2014, 01:05 AM

I have been looking for some various odd jobs around the neighborhood, but there isn't much around when you live in the middle of nowhere! :lol:

you must have missed the part where "they" are trying to get disability right now:wondering cant very well be out doing odd jobs. Probably wouldnt look good! Sorry Slash, but confused, is everyone in your house hold disabled?

Sorry to derail the thread, but I know oh too many guys playing, or trying to play the disability card when they never put in a hard days work in their lives! One of the millions of things that steams my blood!

no offense to anyone who truly is unable to work!
My dad is a master electrician and electrical supervisor at his work. He brings home barely enough to keep the lights on. My mom has a very rare cancer and various terminal auto immune diseases that are crippling and she cannot work. Chemo treatments are $5,500/month and not covered under our insurance not to mention the 30+ surgeries shes had and will continue to have. Not to mention hundreds and hundreds of doctor visits over the past 5 years, misdiagnosis's and a bunch of other bullcrap I'm not getting into here.

She also owns her own business which over 10 years shes poured everything into only to almost lose it because we can't pay the bills due to the high cost of medical bills piling up.

I am the only one in my house able to work who is old enough and qualified enough. My issue is transportation as I do not have a drivers license right now and I am working to get that far.

Until that gets resolved I stay at home until next month when I take my road test.

08-20-2014, 08:32 AM
Email me Slash. Lets see what we can come up with.

08-20-2014, 11:29 AM
Email me Slash. Lets see what we can come up with.

I'll get ahold of you when I get the chance. A few guys have been very generous to me off the site and the FB group page. I'm forever in their debt. Especially Damon.

08-26-2014, 04:32 PM
To somewhat bring this back on topic, DW posted that KTM trike conversion on their FB page today. I thought that was neat, but what really threw me for a loop was the caption under it.

First lines, directly copy-pasted.

Yeah right, wouldn't that be something? They could really corner the market.

That last sentence. Interesting thought...

Red Rider
08-26-2014, 07:35 PM
I finally saw the September issue about a week ago. Other than the 350X test & a small photo of it on the cover, it was the same old Dirt Wheels as before, dominated by utility quads as usual, which do nothing for me. It was kind of cool to read a test article on a 3-wheeler once again, but not nearly as cool as reading the first ride report on a brand new race/sport 3-wheeler.

09-02-2014, 10:09 PM
PLEASE tell me that someone from Dirt Wheels is watching this thread!!! Hell, even my friends that rock the "training wheel" have called me about this issue and are stoked to see trikes. Most quad guys and gals I know respect the trike and like to see them in the mags.

Thunder God
09-03-2014, 11:46 PM
Great article on the 350 X in there even I who am somewhat of a local 350X legend, learned a few things I didn't know. I bought 2 issues, 1 to read one to preserve.

09-03-2014, 11:53 PM
I finally saw the September issue about a week ago. Other than the 350X test & a small photo of it on the cover, it was the same old Dirt Wheels as before, dominated by utility quads as usual, which do nothing for me. It was kind of cool to read a test article on a 3-wheeler once again, but not nearly as cool as reading the first ride report on a brand new race/sport 3-wheeler.

Unfortantely, those days are behind us. The only way I could see that happening is if a new company was formed and built new machines here in the US, which is pretty much almost never going to happen.

PLEASE tell me that someone from Dirt Wheels is watching this thread!!! Hell, even my friends that rock the "training wheel" have called me about this issue and are stoked to see trikes. Most quad guys and gals I know respect the trike and like to see them in the mags.

Given that ATV on Demand has frequent contact with them, Rob has hinted that we will be seeing lots more action in the future.

A lot of my quad friends know about trikes, respect them for what they are and what they can ddo as well. Always nice to see them get the respect they deserve.

09-04-2014, 10:13 AM
first of all i am glad dirt wheels is showing a little love to the trikes again but we will never see another company build trikes in a large scale again although small companies are building conversion trikes, the risk of being sued into bankruptcy is too high in this day and age of suing and hitting the lottery if you get into a traffic acccident with a big rig. i am just gratefull that my states whore political family the gores didnt get there way and actually ban three wheelers and outlaw the sales of used trikes by dealers and consumers, and make them financially responsible if the person that bought it hurt themselves on it. now that would have sucked and tipper gore was really pushing for that.

roostin atc
09-04-2014, 12:32 PM
I'm so passed I never received my September issue. I've already gotten my October issue but the September never showed. I'm gonna have to call them.

09-04-2014, 08:24 PM
They sold out,,,quick. Hopefully they "find" you one..

09-05-2014, 09:15 AM
They were out of them within a week of going on sale. 4 days so I heard.

09-06-2014, 06:27 AM
would I get in trouble if I scanned the mag and uploaded it??

09-06-2014, 06:54 AM
would I get in trouble if I scanned the mag and uploaded it??No. In my opinion.

The days of new sport trikes are NOT behind us. In my opinion.

Slash, if three wheeler enthusiasts keep saying it wont happen then it might not. Explain why you think it wont happen...

It's no accident that the mag instantly sold out. Again, where there is a consumer market, there will soon be a producer of goods.

The larger any potential market gets, the less likely big manufacturers are to leave that money on the table.

"Oh but it hurt somebody and they will never make them again!!!!"

Let me check the U.S. and it's history for giving an actual sh!t whether we live or die... HMmmmm, Yep, still making guns, still brewing alcohol, still growing tobacco. Still sending 18 year olds to die in order to steal land and resources from others. But for pete's sake, please god no more trikes, lol.

09-06-2014, 07:33 AM
No. In my opinion.

The days of new sport trikes are NOT behind us. In my opinion.

Slash, if three wheeler enthusiasts keep saying it wont happen then it might not. Explain why you think it wont happen...

It's no accident that the mag instantly sold out. Again, where there is a consumer market, there will soon be a producer of goods.

The larger any potential market gets, the less likely big manufacturers are to leave that money on the table.

"Oh but it hurt somebody and they will never make them again!!!!"

Let me check the U.S. and it's history for giving an actual sh!t whether we live or die... HMmmmm, Yep, still making guns, still brewing alcohol, still growing tobacco. Still sending 18 year olds to die in order to steal land and resources from others. But for pete's sake, please god no more trikes, lol.

I could be mistaken, but didn't the last go around when the Chinese manufacturers tried to import a kids 3 wheeler, the Government actually banned all importation and domestic manufacturing of 3 wheelers? I think this was during the whole "Lead Paint" deal on the import mini quads??????

09-06-2014, 09:31 AM
Ok when I get a chance I will scan it and upload it here!!

El Camexican
09-06-2014, 09:43 AM
Ok when I get a chance I will scan it and upload it here!!

That would be illegal and I would think the mods would take it down.

09-06-2014, 11:41 AM
I agree with El Camexican. What you asked is would you get in trouble. I don't think dirt wheels would hunt you down in Oz for uploading some three wheeler articles on a three wheeler site. I don't know why you would scan the whole thing, and I can't think of a single way DW would be losing anything if you posted a few pages of an outdated copy of a magazine. In my opinion.

09-06-2014, 05:47 PM
I could be mistaken, but didn't the last go around when the Chinese manufacturers tried to import a kids 3 wheeler, the Government actually banned all importation and domestic manufacturing of 3 wheelers? I think this was during the whole "Lead Paint" deal on the import mini quads??????
They snuck it in. The ban was on importation only, not domestic manufacturing. This was done through attachments onto bill HR4040.

However, there's nothing stopping them from banning domestic manufacturing should it start up again.

That would be illegal and I would think the mods would take it down.

This. We got away with it on the front page due to a loophole in terms of use on both ends.

The days of new sport trikes are NOT behind us. In my opinion.

Slash, if three wheeler enthusiasts keep saying it wont happen then it might not. Explain why you think it wont happen...

It's no accident that the mag instantly sold out. Again, where there is a consumer market, there will soon be a producer of goods.

You are absolutely correct. All it takes is one good look on the internet to see "I wish they would make those things again" all over the place. I see that much more than people calling them death traps. The days of sport trikes are never going to entirely go away; it just might make a shift into a new direction.

The larger any potential market gets, the less likely big manufacturers are to leave that money on the table.

"Oh but it hurt somebody and they will never make them again!!!!"

Let me check the U.S. and it's history for giving an actual sh!t whether we live or die... HMmmmm, Yep, still making guns, still brewing alcohol, still growing tobacco. Still sending 18 year olds to die in order to steal land and resources from others. But for pete's sake, please god no more trikes, lol.

Excellent point.

Red Rider
09-06-2014, 06:03 PM
I went to my local grocery store today with the intent to buy the remaining copies of the September issue of Dirt Wheels, and send them out to those of you who never got one, or couldn't find one. Unfortunately, there were none left, and the October issue was already on the stands. Back in August, I couldn't find a September issue until midway through the month, now within the first week of September, they already have the October issue out. What's up with that?

09-06-2014, 07:42 PM
I went to my local grocery store today with the intent to buy the remaining copies of the September issue of Dirt Wheels, and send them out to those of you who never got one, or couldn't find one. Unfortunately, there were none left, and the October issue was already on the stands. Back in August, I couldn't find a September issue until midway through the month, now within the first week of September, they already have the October issue out. What's up with that?

I'm not sure, but I know everyone who didn't get one is chewing them out.

09-06-2014, 07:59 PM
My October came early last week. There are 2 minis,a Zinger and 70 n the readers rides, A 350X and some more I don't recall. The writing is on the wall..

09-24-2014, 04:17 PM
I cant find one in my area either got a few more places to hit, one that still had august's issue out on saturday...

09-27-2014, 11:11 PM
Ok fellow Trikers, I have a copy of this Sept 2014 issue I bought. Have looked thru it a few times and I am ready to let it go. Truth be told its just going to get torn, ripped, crinkled, or just outright trashed, bouncing around in the cab of my truck. So if anyone wants my copy, shoot me a PM and I will pick out someones name at random on Oct 1st.

Note it will be Mid October before I get home to mail it out.

10-01-2014, 01:44 AM
Well alrighty then. The big winner of this September issue is ..... ..... .... Nobody!
Color me suprised as I figured someone would have wanted a free copy of it. But with not a single request for it, I will find a place on the shelf for it when I get back home. My offer to give someone this issue is no longer valid. Have a great day!

10-02-2014, 01:42 PM
WoW wish I had ! I would love to see this issue! Just figured someone would had already snatched it up.
Well alrighty then. The big winner of this September issue is ..... ..... .... Nobody!
Color me suprised as I figured someone would have wanted a free copy of it. But with not a single request for it, I will find a place on the shelf for it when I get back home. My offer to give someone this issue is no longer valid. Have a great day!

10-04-2014, 11:37 PM
Alright, alright ladies.

Can we get a lineup of who's who in the rag? My lovely girlfriend was able to track down a copy for me with her sexy arse.

Mine made it in, although they misspelled my name, still pretty cool !

Red Rider
10-05-2014, 01:43 AM
Mine made it in, although they misspelled my name, still pretty cool !I had to ask the judges on that one, and I'm sorry, but if the name printed in the magazine doesn't match your actual name, then we can't give you credit, or kudos, for making it into said magazine. Thanks for playing. We do have some lovely parting gifts for you though. Johnny, tell him what he's won. Well Eric, we have a brand new pair of Trail Pro tires! These beautiful tires are the total package, because they come pre-mounted on rugged steel rims, and are complete with valve stems and air! It's everything you need to be envied by everyone out on the trails!

11-02-2014, 04:12 AM
Ha ha made it in December too!
Well, kind of.....
The original picture with me in it:

And what they published:

Lol! Does that count??? You can see my cheek and top of my shoulder!

11-02-2014, 11:12 AM
Awesome picture! Too bad they cut you out.