View Full Version : Big Red Plastic

01-09-2004, 10:28 AM

This is my first time to deal with plastic. Seems there is a lot of it on ATCs and ATVs.

I went on one web site that said you can "weld" the plastic on these things.
It went on to discribe how to determine which type of plastic you have. It was interesting.

I am including some picks of the rear plastic that was cleaned up last night.

Again, I did it the kitchen. Do I have a garage ? Yes. Do I say no to free motorcycles and cars ? NO ! Damn garage is full now.

My neighbors love me . NOT!


01-09-2004, 11:05 PM
yes you can weld the plastics, but you can also can use a soldering iron and melt the crack from the INSIDE of the fender and seal it together, it has worked for me but it depends where the crack is. You seem like you are best off trying to find new plastics that are in better condition unless you dont care about the looks of your red.

my 2 cents,


01-10-2004, 02:22 AM

I was thinking about just taking a soldering iron to it.

It's late and I just got through getting the black paint off. It looks a lot better.

The goal is to get it going for as litttle money as possible. I can get new plastic later.

Thanks for the reply,


01-10-2004, 02:46 AM
Yes Vance that is a very good idea (getting plastic later) afterall its a bigred, its a utility, as long as the mud is kept of you thats the main thing.
