View Full Version : Here's why periodic maintainance is improtant.......

06-15-2014, 08:58 AM
Backstory: I got this 85 250ES last fall to use for dimensions and test fitting of one of my ski kits. The front axle was rusted into the hub solid. I was able to get the wheel off of the machine, but getting the hub off of the axle was a bear. I ended up with one inner bearing race and the collar/bearing spacer locked onto the axle tighter that a nuns..... Well, the wife was restructured out of her job, so my focus switched to making up the difference in income by working my gonads off till she can find something else. The axle has been in the freezer since about December :I So I got a little break this weekend and focused on some projects that had been collecting dust and grabbed the axle out of the freezer. Here's what transpired.....

This axle had never been off this machine since new.
I mounted the front axle in the vise and used a 4 inch grinder to cut 2 grooves into the collar approx 180 degrees apart


I then clamped the axle vertically in the vise and drove a chisel into the slots I cut to break the collar halves free of the axle


One half came of fairly easily, the other half need a little more persuasion


I used a dremel to cut a little deeper on the bearing race, then used a chisel to split the race. Interestingly, the axle spacer just required heating and broke loose nicely, so I was able to salvage the spacer along with the axle.:beer:Bounce:beer:Bounce


06-15-2014, 11:30 AM
GREAT post ...I never took this kind of time to see what I was up against!! Just replaced w used...Great post.

06-15-2014, 11:33 AM
wow. good job, looks like the axle is still salvageable.

06-15-2014, 01:27 PM
That's wtf I'm talkin bout scooter:beer

Now that there, is a real mechanic.

06-15-2014, 02:09 PM
wow. good job, looks like the axle is still salvageable.

Coupla minor scrapes to the axle with the grinder but nothing that will compromise the structural integrity of the aforementioned axle.

06-15-2014, 02:23 PM
When I built this bike 195480 the rear mechanical disk was fused to the rear axle. I ended up having to cut the disc from the hub, then split the collar it left behind. The two halves still did not release until I made a couple relief cuts.

Had to dig these outta the scrap pile and take a pic to let ya know you're not alone:D


This was the result


06-15-2014, 08:06 PM
Never-seize is your best friend!

06-16-2014, 06:59 PM
When I built this bike 195480 the rear mechanical disk was fused to the rear axle. I ended up having to cut the disc from the hub, then split the collar it left behind. The two halves still did not release until I made a couple relief cuts.

Had to dig these outta the scrap pile and take a pic to let ya know you're not alone:D


This was the result


It's nice to see others who won't be defeated by the results of crappy maintenance by others. I had to try, but you already know what I mean. :)

06-16-2014, 07:03 PM
Never-seize is your best friend!

Any lubricant will degrade over time. I don't think never seize would hold out much better without being refreshed a time or two over almost thirty years. If you read my OP it says the axle had never been off the machine since new.

06-18-2014, 08:16 AM
When I built this bike 195480 the rear mechanical disk was fused to the rear axle. I ended up having to cut the disc from the hub, then split the collar it left behind. The two halves still did not release until I made a couple relief cuts.

Nice... and I cant keep my Break Disc still, damn thing sounds like bells are coming out of my butt when I ride!!
Hey, at least you didn't almost smash a finger beyond hope trying to get your rear shock off....lol driving out that Pin was like something I had never experienced before, usually you give it a good whack and they slide out, I think this one was welded in! lol