View Full Version : waking up the 185s

05-26-2014, 12:41 AM
Ok I have been doing some searching about overboring my 1981 Honda 185s. who's done it and has any tips or tricks? How big can I go? Most of what I found was to basically convert it to a 200X engine. What is the diff in my head and the 200X head? Pros/cons to the wiseco 10.25 dome piston besides feeling like your deadlifting a cow when you yank it?

YTZ drew
05-26-2014, 01:40 PM
The only difference between 185 and 200X heads are the shape of the fins, and lack of decompressor mechanism on the 200x. Everyone says the fins are bigger on an X, but only the jug has bigger fins. The X fins curve just a little different in one spot, its almost unnoticeable. Valves and ports are the same. 185 jugs can be bored to 200 size + 2mm, or you can use a 200S/M/XR/XL cylinder off ebay, they're cheap (except X cylinders, they're hard to find). If you want high compression, keep your stock head for the decomp. mechanism.

05-26-2014, 02:07 PM
remove the air box lid and rejet

05-26-2014, 05:47 PM
I was thinking of going all out and getting a webcams cam and valve spring kit. Put a dome piston in and open air filter element. I figure if I'm gonna do it I may as well do it right. Anyone ever use any of the webcams racing stuff. I wonder how long it will last? More to the point how strong is my transmission. Think it will hold the found power?

05-27-2014, 07:48 PM
i used the 65mm 10.25-1 wiesco piston and 200x carb, cam, exhaust with no problem at all. motor holds up fine. do the friction plates in the clutch why your there. i used the air box sealed up and all, the motor is in a 200x though so 200x air box.

05-27-2014, 10:37 PM
i used the 65mm 10.25-1 wiesco piston and 200x carb, cam, exhaust with no problem at all. motor holds up fine. do the friction plates in the clutch why your there. i used the air box sealed up and all, the motor is in a 200x though so 200x air box.

How much power did that add. Was it a huge diff or just a little?

05-28-2014, 01:54 PM
You can add alot of power, but the clutches kind of limit yoiu. Why would you want big power with the auto shift anyways? Just install a 200x top end and cam, run a 200x pipe, better air filter and make sure all your clutches are up to snuff and not all worn out and have fun. Make sure your decomp system is hooked up and working though. LOL

05-28-2014, 04:01 PM
I have a web 89a cam in my 200x with the performance spring kit, also have a cobra pipe on it and it wakens it up quite a bit. Web makes good stuff.

05-28-2014, 07:25 PM
it woke it up enough that if i put 93 pump gas mixed with 104 octane boost it will take my sx by the front wheel lol. runs great for the dollar amount. can't see putting alot of money into these auto motors. 160 for the piston kit, 60 for machine service, 45 for gaskets and seals, 12 for friction plates, 8 for oil, 6 for metal tooth brush to spend 9 hours cleaning whole motor, letting your friend think he's gonna beat you cause he has a bigger motor on the sx, priceless.

05-28-2014, 08:16 PM
i also ride in an area thats part woods, field, drainage area, and dirt pit all in one and an auto motor is perfect as you can stop, still be in gear while using gas and brake all at the same time. are buddies with full clutches don't have as much fun due to stalling and kickin. they take turns borrowing my other autos lol. but its all in where you ride. we rarely see 4th gear let alone 5th, until you hit the road. i had the 200x cam laying around so i used that. if i was going to buy one might as well get the webcam. depending on how much you wanna spend of coarse. let us know how you make out.