View Full Version : Taking a Stand on Trikes

05-18-2014, 01:22 AM
Trike popularity is exploding right now. So why not spread the word? It's the perfect time.

We all want the same thing (well most of us do). We want more trikes, trike parts, places to ride and people to ride with. Now is the perfect time. Why? Because in my other thread, we explained that there is definitely a resurgence in popularity. It's time to take a stand on those naysayers and get the word out there to the public that these machines are back, and they mean business.

So how do we do this, you might ask. Right now, the goal is simple. Just make a mention every now and then.

However, for those of you that are more enthusiastic about this, you may be willing to put in more time, effort, and possibly money. For those that are interested, here's some ideas I've thought out below.

- Buy that extra tee shirt or hoodie you might have been contemplating on. The large print logos and simple text stand out in a crowd.
- I'll be making up a simple flyer (and posted here) that you can print out off your computer and post it up around your neighborhood. It will contain info about the new resurgence, basic info and debunks of common myths, and where to go for more information. And of course, a picture of an ATC!
- Make a mention to a friend about it sometime. Who knows, maybe you'll peak their interst.
- Post up an extra photo or two to any social media page you might be on.
- Make a video of your trike and put it up on YouTube. It doesn't even need to be fancy.
- Aftermarket product and other companies, make a mention every now and then, spread the word!
- Take people riding! Don't be afraid to share you bikes with someone for an afternoon. Let them get a feel for it! There is absolutely no better feeling in the world than swinging your leg over an ATC for the first time. Remember your first experience? Make it special for them.

Of course, these are just simple things right now.

The goals:

- To raise public awareness of these machines
- Provide factual information and the truth behind common myths
- To raise the level of appeal to the next generation riders
- To show the generation that "used to have one" that they can once again relive their youth and revisit old memories
- To revive more machines
- To raise awareness to aftermarket companies who may see a market for these machines, which in turn could mean new parts being reproduced
- To increase attendance at Trikefest
- To potential have more places to ride (parks opening up to them, etc)
- To increase popularity in vintage trike racing, even further
- To have more people to share the trails with
- To have larger, more frequent and more local events across the country, accesible to anyone with a three wheeler interest
- More barn finds!
- To show people what these things are made of
- To show the appeal of a vintage machine. Not everyone has one, so it's time to buy something not everyone has. They are the muscle cars of the ATV world; conversation starters and classic pieces of history.

The list can go on further, but I think that's a good start for now. As we get the ball rolling, we can expand as needed.

If you are interested in participating, just leave a reply below. I would really like to get these flyers out and all across the country to raise awareness.

It starts with us. We have to band together if this is going to work. The more support we have, the better the outcome, for us all.

I'll get started on the flyer soon, and when done, I will release it here for anyone who wishes to post them up around town.

05-18-2014, 03:57 AM
Im in total agreement with you, the more we inform people about trikes and that they ARE their own class of machine and should not be compared to a two or four wheeled machine, hopefully the general public will be more accepting.
On the other hand, I like the lack of popularity. Why? Because I like the low prices and how people easily sell or even give away to anyone wanting.

Pete and myself have in our way been doing a small part of raising awareness. I speak to people everyday about trikes. The responce I get from most is "arn't those things illigal / dangerous / banned?" Then I usually go on informing them about the true history.
Some leave with a different view on the matter, others just say " well there is a reason why they aren't sold anymore" or something to that affect.

The way I see it, those who it sparks interest will with time, grow.
And with that growth, and hopefully with minimal stupidity and accident, the general popularity will grow along with it.
The novelty is a booster at the moment. I do think that with enough people involved, things will change and possibly... Just possibly you might see companies bring them back. :)

The one thing i would love to do is try to get a few events going accross Canada. Right now most are in the states.

05-18-2014, 04:15 AM
Im in total agreement with you, the more we inform people about trikes and that they ARE their own class of machine and should not be compared to a two or four wheeled machine, hopefully the general public will be more accepting.
On the other hand, I like the lack of popularity. Why? Because I like the low prices and how people easily sell or even give away to anyone wanting.
There is good and bad sides to it either way you look at it. Everyone has their opinion wether they like the popularity or lack of.

Keeping the prices down may work out in our favor if things take off. I wouldn't worry about it. If companies see a market, parts will come. Market gets flooded with parts, prices stay low.

Pete and myself have in our way been doing a small part of raising awareness. I speak to people everyday about trikes. The responce I get from most is "arn't those things illigal / dangerous / banned?" Then I usually go on informing them about the true history.
Some leave with a different view on the matter, others just say " well there is a reason why they aren't sold anymore" or something to that affect.

As do I, already. But I plan to even more so now, especially when I start taking action like I suggested in the OP, which is why it would be much appreciated if you wanted to join in and post up some of these future flyers I'll be making. I would really appreciate it. Anything helps.

The more correct info gets out there, the more people will become more accepting of them.

I want to get the main points across on the flyer, but not so much that they are standing there all day. I want them to take the initiative to seek out further information. So any input from you or anyone else would also be greatly appreciated. This, if you guys are willing to go through a few minutes of tacking one up at your local super market, will be popping up all over the country. And possibly elsewhere, like Canada and whatnot.

The way I see it, those who it sparks interest will with time, grow.
And with that growth, and hopefully with minimal stupidity and accident, the general popularity will grow along with it.
The novelty is a booster at the moment. I do think that with enough people involved, things will change and possibly... Just possibly you might see companies bring them back. :)

The one thing i would love to do is try to get a few events going accross Canada. Right now most are in the states.
Exactly. The stupidity and accident thing will never go away. That happens with any project or machine, no matter what it is.

The goal here is to educate the public, and try and get the bad reputation out of their minds. I know it won't ever go completely away, but most people haven't even seen a three wheeler since the 80s if not at all, so a nice large image on a board somewhere might peak there interest and go, "wow what is that", or "I haven't seen one of those things in forever!"

That's why I'm asking for your help and support.

If we can get these things global, that would be fanastic.

I might be part of the next gen. Because of my enthusiasm I have gotten at least 10 of my friends interested in them. At least.

And most of them were die hard quad guys.

I'm not really asking for much, just print off a few here and there, and stick them up where you see fit. That's all :)

05-18-2014, 04:29 AM
I'm definitly in I will post up a flyer in every town supermarket school newsagent in Australia as I am sick of racing myself up and down the road and I want racing to take off across oz.....and where can I buy one of these trike hoodies???

05-18-2014, 05:06 AM
I am glad you are in!!! This great guys! Ill have the flyer up at some point during the dy but I would like to get Billy's permission to use the 3WW logo and links on it.

Ill see if I can source down a hoodie. Someone was making them not that long ago.

05-18-2014, 05:10 AM
Yea, I would post some here and there, keep some in the truck for when I travel.

05-18-2014, 05:16 AM
If I had the money for card stock I would consider doing a run of mini business style cards but flyers are going to have to sufice for now.

I've got a basic layout kinda worked out in my head. I want something like:


[Picture of a 250R brochure image or something]

Information discussed in OP "

Don't worry about sizing or all that. I have that taken care of. Simply right click on the image and click on print. The image is formatted to print perfectly on a standard size piece of printer paper. It will be done in color so it pops against anything else around it but if you only have black and white ink that is fine.

05-18-2014, 02:11 PM
Good for you slash! Even if people dont agree, at least you are making YOUR stand on the issue. You're already aware that ill do what I can to help your cause, I think it is a good one.

Business Cards....Vista Print. $10 for 250 cards.

- Buy that extra tee shirt or hoodie you might have been contemplating on. The large print logos and simple text stand out in a crowd.
- I'll be making up a simple flyer (and posted here) that you can print out off your computer and post it up around your neighborhood. It will contain info about the new resurgence, basic info and debunks of common myths, and where to go for more information. And of course, a picture of an ATC!
- Make a mention to a friend about it sometime. Who knows, maybe you'll peak their interst.
- Post up an extra photo or two to any social media page you might be on.
- Make a video of your trike and put it up on YouTube. It doesn't even need to be fancy.
- Aftermarket product and other companies, make a mention every now and then, spread the word!

Of course, these are just simple things right now.

Great ideas, I would just add one more for now.....

Take People Riding!!!

05-18-2014, 02:14 PM
Awesome bud, glad I have your support! (I figured I would hear some input from you at some point anyways ;))

I'll definitely keep Vista Print in mind. I think my local Office Max does them, I'll have to check in but right now I've got to save up money for, um, I think you know what :D

I'll add that to the list in the OP. I have no idea how the hell I forgot that. That's a big one. Probably because it was like 3 AM and when I typed this :lol:

05-18-2014, 02:28 PM
You go littering neighborhoods with trike propaganda and you'll be sure to pisse off people who don't give a damn about atv's or trikes. Not to mention people who thought they were outlawed completely will be looking to maybe finish the job this time around.

Grassroots level at a local track or ORV areas are the best place to promote trikes and responsible riders. This subject has been beaten to death so don't think for a second any manufacturers, outside of the guys who make the conversions, will ever touch anything related to three wheelers or parts. That ship sailed almost 30 years ago and its not coming back, as a matter of fact, it disappeared somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle.

05-18-2014, 02:36 PM
Well it wouldn't be all over the place to begin with. I can see the concern, but I would think after 30 years and the popularity surrounding them these days that we will probably be ok. These days most people probably simply don't give a crap. Personally I don't see hardly any chance of any action being taken. They got their wish when King Obama made it illegal to import and new three wheelers. That's about as far as I see it going personally. I want to be a part of making a change, and I'll do what I can to do it. It's clear you want no part in this, and that's ok to. I agree the best places to post this stuff is ORV areas and whatnot. I don't think one piece of paper stuck up somewhere is really propaganda. I'm not making some giant ass sign to stick up on main street or on the interstate saying bring them back. But I don't agree that manufacturers won't touch them for parts. There's more aftermarket now than there has been since the 80s and arguably even more. Anyone who can't see that is blind. I'll be happy if we meet one goal, and that's raising awareness. You're either with me or against me at this point, and that's your opinion. I'm not going to try and swing you one way or another on this matter. :beer

05-18-2014, 02:43 PM
Yeah you're right, I clearly want no part in the promotion of three wheelers or three wheeler racing.lol I applaud your enthusiasm, but you need to open up your eyes to the real world.

Mr. Clean
05-18-2014, 03:14 PM
I challenge the folks who want to grow the sport of trikes or make it more accepted like your other thread to ACTUALLY show up at a race, ride or event related to trikes.

We can barely get 4 or 5 racers to the race in Buckeye AZ yet I know there are more than that many enthusiasts online in AZ.

I do not even ask that people race or ride, just show up to provide support but I already know there will be more excuses than people showing up, and that is the reality.

05-18-2014, 03:26 PM
Racing is cool and I also hope more people go but its not the only aspect of the industry. There are lots of people that own dirt bikes which have never seen a track. In fact...some of the BEST riders in the world do not participate in sanctioned events.

You dont have to be into racing to enjoy a trike. The market is much wider.

05-18-2014, 03:31 PM
Attendance to events is one of the goals *thumbs up*

Mr. Clean
05-18-2014, 03:57 PM
Racing is cool and I also hope more people go but its not the only aspect of the industry. There are lots of people that own dirt bikes which have never seen a track. In fact...some of the BEST riders in the world do not participate in sanctioned events.

You dont have to be into racing to enjoy a trike. The market is much wider.

I wrote ride, race or event. I asked people to just show up in support.

05-18-2014, 04:34 PM
I would gladly hang flyers. I don't care about racing trikes. I did that when I was younger, my true passion came from riding in the Everglades as a kid with a huge group of trail riders. Riding across fire ruts and over fallen trees. Getting stuck in the mud and getting pulled out. Riding at night in the woods with your headlights on. Stopping to camp and sitting back on your trike looking up at the stars. That's the stuff I'm all about. The fun, the friends...the trike is like family to me. I do enjoy four wheels too, but given the choice of a 500cc 4x4 or my 250ES. I'll take the 250ES in a second, ever try to turn that 500cc 700lb monster around in a tight spot? Anyway, I'm in for flyers. I think the past is in the past. People have their own selfish reasons for wanting parts production, races, events, websites, marketing, just to name a few. You can talk bad about Obama and all that lame crap. The bottom line is what the bike does for you and how it will improve the overall experience of riding. The new generation of riders should have the same choices we have. Most people are in awe of my BR. They shake my hand they smile, they ask if it's for sale. They want to know how much $$$$$$ I've spent on it. There's interest out there. We can do it!!

Billy Golightly
05-18-2014, 04:53 PM
Gentleman - the enthusiasm is applauded, but you're going about this the wrong way.This is a country of people who'd rather watch American Idol and dancing with the stars than care or know about what is going on around them...:lol:

The best way to "positively" promote three-wheelers is from within the industry and niche itself and let things naturally expand out.

I mean this in the nicest way possible, but the whole statement of " end three-wheeler racism become and atc activist" is pretty cringe worthy and shows how little you've really thought about this or understand it...

05-18-2014, 04:55 PM
The title was meant to be catchy :lol:

I've since changed it to be more subtle. We want to promote positive thinking on the good 'ol ATC's.

05-18-2014, 05:25 PM
I wrote ride, race or event. I asked people to just show up in support.
Yes sir I read it clearly. And my reply was that some of the best riders do not participate in sanctioned events.....

I do agree with you, and I love to race stuff. I havent raced a sanctioned event on a dirt track. I want more time to make it to events as well and I hope others do the same when they have the opportunity.

Your challenge to show up at a ride is being met on a daily basis.

A group of 20 riders on a free ride is much more likely for me to attend. Gila river is packed with people on a regular basis. It doesn't cost to participate, and no schedule. Just fun trail or desert riding is a huge market that can be advertised to, because there are masses of people doing it just for the thrill!!

El Camexican
05-18-2014, 05:40 PM
Anyone who really wants to promote our sport can embrace a few simple rules of conduct
- Don’t ride on private land without permission
- Don’t make unnecessary noise
- Wear proper riding gear
- Don’t ride with faulty equipment
- If you see someone stopped on a trail stop and make sure no one is hurt, or in need of help
- Don’t play your stereo too loud when unloading in public areas, or at gas stations and car washes with your trike
- Never liter and don’t be afraid to pick up other people's trash if its near your pit or parking area
- Slow down when passing hikers, or people on horseback
- Don’t use vulgar language in front of children
And the list goes on. If we don’t act like trailer trash when out and about on our trikes people MIGHT respect our right to enjoy our sport, but if we act like self-absorbed pricks we can be sure people will view us as such.

05-18-2014, 05:42 PM
Awesome guidelines El Camexican. I like them. I think those should be added to the OP.

I don't think ill have room for those of the flyer but I might be able to squeak a few on there. Awesome awesome post.

05-18-2014, 06:48 PM
Obviously the title was not meant to be taken literally... It was meant to inspire and it just mirrors my own passion for the love riding. It's not nice to undermine this discussion with negativity. Onward to victory! All we can do is try.

05-18-2014, 08:16 PM
What is your goal with this one? Put two trikes in every garage? Trikes are under the radar and to be honest with you, most of us like it that way. We're allowed to race, we're allowed to ride at a lot of parks and are being allowed at more every year. What more can you ask for? Im not trying to be a jerk but i think you need to spend less time on a computer talking about trikes and more time on one.

05-18-2014, 09:29 PM
Yeah book reports are great and all, but I prefer to ride three wheelers. That's why I own them and ride them. I like that people think I'm nuts for riding them and it's the best reason to not let people ride your stuff. If they can ride a trike, I know we'll more than likely get along really well. If they can't it's never an argument to tell them they can't ride my stuff. Even most dumb people are afraid to ride trikes if they don't know how. Speaking in good grammar is great and I don't applaud you for that. I expect more people to use it. However that does not make you an authority. I consider myself a fairly involved member of the community, but in no stretch of the imagination do I consider myself an authority amongst the community. Personally at this point I have been on three wheels for about 24-ish years. I've owned many, many trikes. I've dabbled in some racing here and there but not much comparatively. I ride in extreme trails in the mountains in NH multiple times yearly with groups of about 6 to 10 people usually, all trikes. I'm going to my 4th Trikefest in a row this year (you're still coming right?), I ride a trike on the street, and everyone in the area knows I'm a trike guy. Yet in spite of all this, there are people who have much more time and many more machines than I do. They've been doing it longer and know more than I. Maybe some just have more money or time than I do. Either way I consider myself part of the community, but there others who have the bug worse than I. Those in the know, those with the experience and knowledge I will gladly listen to. They have earned my respect and deserve it. You are just spending too much time on the keyboard. If these things you so truly care about, you will go make them happen instead of telling other people what they should think. If some lady came over and started jamming poodles down my throat you better believe I'm gonna tell her where she can put them. And congratulations at being the second member to have made my blocked user list. You've earned it buddy!

05-18-2014, 09:41 PM
Yeah you're right, I clearly want no part in the promotion of three wheelers or three wheeler racing.lol I applaud your enthusiasm, but you need to open up your eyes to the real world.

Well said , and I agree . More harm than good in my opinion .

05-18-2014, 11:06 PM
Yeah book reports are great and all, but I prefer to ride three wheelers. That's why I own them and ride them. I like that people think I'm nuts for riding them and it's the best reason to not let people ride your stuff. If they can ride a trike, I know we'll more than likely get along really well. If they can't it's never an argument to tell them they can't ride my stuff. Even most dumb people are afraid to ride trikes if they don't know how. Speaking in good grammar is great and I don't applaud you for that. I expect more people to use it. However that does not make you an authority. I consider myself a fairly involved member of the community, but in no stretch of the imagination do I consider myself an authority amongst the community. Personally at this point I have been on three wheels for about 24-ish years. I've owned many, many trikes. I've dabbled in some racing here and there but not much comparatively. I ride in extreme trails in the mountains in NH multiple times yearly with groups of about 6 to 10 people usually, all trikes. I'm going to my 4th Trikefest in a row this year (you're still coming right?), I ride a trike on the street, and everyone in the area knows I'm a trike guy. Yet in spite of all this, there are people who have much more time and many more machines than I do. They've been doing it longer and know more than I. Maybe some just have more money or time than I do. Either way I consider myself part of the community, but there others who have the bug worse than I. Those in the know, those with the experience and knowledge I will gladly listen to. They have earned my respect and deserve it. You are just spending too much time on the keyboard. If these things you so truly care about, you will go make them happen instead of telling other people what they should think. If some lady came over and started jamming poodles down my throat you better believe I'm gonna tell her where she can put them. And congratulations at being the second member to have made my blocked user list. You've earned it buddy!

Dude what is this guy talking about? I know I shouldn't ask because I'm sure he'll continue.

05-19-2014, 12:01 AM
Wow Slash!! What a hot button topic you seem to have brought up, the promotion of trike riding. Obviously some members are so passionately opposed to the idea that they want to make this about you and your seat time, or your ability to have owned and ridden umpteen hundred and sixtytwelve trikes, in an attempt to curb a sensible discussion. Ive got a couple things to say too, anybody surprised?

So what are we talking about here, forcing people to ride trikes? I didnt get that from your post, but it does seem that some did. I completely agree that you should follow up, get out there and do it, not just say it, but at the same time, I appreciate it. I certainly stand to benefit from increased ridership, as do MANY other members of this site.

If you are saying what I think you are saying, which is that its best to project a positive image from the triking community which you are a part of, on whatever level of aforementioned imaginary heirarchy, then i completely agree and personally cant understand why there would be a negative reaction to that sentiment.

Noone here knows the future for certain.

Three wheeled vehicles in the single front wheel configuration are being manufactured on a huge scale already. Brand New, 150-300cc Street Legal trikes. You think its a complete impossibility that someone could make the gigantic leap from on-road to off road with these bikes? I don't, as mentioned, there are several members here that have prepared, or are preparing three wheeled atv's to be run on the street. Why is it so hard to imagine the opposite?? Not to mention, to all the people that say Honda will never make another ATC, yep its not probable, but how the hell do you know?! You don't.

Check this out. Granted its not a genuine Honda, but its built just like a Ruckus with three wheels. These are readily available from an american retailer who procures them from an overseas manufacturer, kinda like honda dealerships do...


Heres a Ruckus as well, with more aggressive tires.


So, is it a stretch to imagine oh i dont know, maybe 2 or three more inches of travel, maybe some bigger tires, longer front forks? Is it such a stretch to imagine that Honda might be watching to see how these three wheeled Ruckus clones sell?

Shoot, just some knobbies on the one above, some engine upgrades.....got myself thinking now. Dont forget, they make these up to 300cc.

Since we are handing out challenges, how bout someone here buy one of these? Ive seen dozens of people express their desire to have a street legal trike unlike the big choppers you see. Well there it is. Think its ugly, change it.(i actully think its totally rad already) Put some knobbies on it. Oh but boo its CHINESE!!! Well get a load of this one folks... people werent so hot on Japanese vehicles in 1974. Learn to fix stuff and it wont matter. Hop em up. Find matching Honda parts, I can assure you this wont be tough.

The more widespread these small cc Street 3 Wheeler's become, the more people will become comfortable and familiar with the single front wheel configuration. Hell, it might even spark a memory or two, and inside there's an ATC addict that was chained up by society's opinion until these became commonplace, just waiting to re-emerge.

I think a lot of the backlash here stems from people being proud to be part of a secret society or something. Thats understandable. Its nice to be exclusive, cant argue with that.

Now, I seem to remember a high schooler's paper on the cspc ban being highlighted and celebrated somewhere on this site. Granted i know nothing of the member but I dont see anyone chastizing him, and he certainly provided his views and opinions in a promotional manner in his little "book report"...

Some of your goals in the original post could be perceived as a bit pretentious, but i dont think it was intentional. Do you consider yourself an authority? One thing i would highly recommend is to continue to research the history of the 3 wheelers of the past. But it is very refreshing to have a discussion about promoting the love of the trike to others, to keep the fire going for the next generation, maybe even stoke it up, because some people still think there are new off road trikes to come in the future. Just be mindful that you dont spread the wrong message, and that information isnt confused with pressure.

El Camexican, you nailed the virtues of a thoughtful and supportive off road rider to the wall, Thank You.

05-19-2014, 12:07 AM
I agree with this 150%. ... and I won't crush you for having good grammar skills or promoting a sport that we already support just by being members. Someone had this idea already and they created 3wheelerworld. Duh...

05-19-2014, 05:30 AM
Dude what is this guy talking about? I know I shouldn't ask because I'm sure he'll continue.

Yeah trust me, you wouldn't know.

05-19-2014, 06:59 AM
Anyone who really wants to promote our sport can embrace a few simple rules of conduct
- Don’t ride on private land without permission
- Don’t make unnecessary noise
- Wear proper riding gear
- Don’t ride with faulty equipment
- If you see someone stopped on a trail stop and make sure no one is hurt, or in need of help
- Don’t play your stereo too loud when unloading in public areas, or at gas stations and car washes with your trike
- Never liter and don’t be afraid to pick up other people's trash if its near your pit or parking area
- Slow down when passing hikers, or people on horseback
- Don’t use vulgar language in front of children
And the list goes on. If we don’t act like trailer trash when out and about on our trikes people MIGHT respect our right to enjoy our sport, but if we act like self-absorbed pricks we can be sure people will view us as such. What???? BLASPHEMY!!!!!

Seeing how many get ostracized for speaking such craziness.....Boy you are in trouble now....

05-19-2014, 09:38 AM
Anyone who really wants to promote our sport can embrace a few simple rules of conduct

Wear proper riding gear.

Shorts, tennies and head protection!


Don’t ride on private land without permission.

Unless you think you won’t get caught!

Don’t make unnecessary noise.

Unless there is someone around that it will annoy!

Don’t ride with faulty equipment.

Yeah…cuz the liquor store might close before you get back if your bike breaks!

If you see someone stopped on a trail stop and make sure no one is hurt, or in need of help.

And if their unconscious, siphon the gas outa their tanks first cuz they won't be needin it fer awhile!

Don’t play your stereo too loud when unloading in public areas, or at gas stations and car washes with your trike.

Yeah…at least wait until yer bike is out of yer vehicle!

Never liter and don’t be afraid to pick up other people's trash if its near your pit or parking area.

Yeah…cuz ya never know if ya might find some free food!

Slow down when passing hikers, or people on horseback.

So you can dump yer clutch and roost em after you pass!

Don’t use vulgar language in front of children.

Unless they use it first!

This has been a public parody announcement!

I like the pink one. Ahhhh, ha, ha.
http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-laughing025.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

05-19-2014, 10:08 AM
ya know it`s nice and all that other people share the same interest in trikes that I do and it has helped me tremendously to have a place like this to network and learn things. Everything I know about trikes mechanical workings, and production numbers, history, and availability came to me through this very forum. My only knowledge about trikes beforehand was riding them nearly every damn day in the Eighties and reading 3&4 wheeler action or dirt wheels or whatever the name of the rags back then were titled.

I`m forty-damn-three years old now and I could NOT care less about being cool, hip, cutting edge, progressive, rebellious, in-the-fold, outside-the-lines, or against-the-law.

I like trikes and ride them. I like riding with other guys who also ride trikes and like them. There are already plenty of opportunities for me to ride trikes with guys who like and have them. My kids love trikes and even my wife sneaks in a ride or two while outwardly acting aloof and uninterested about them.

I just don`t care to go out pushing a Trike Agenda while I could be pushing my Durablue into a righteous slide while throwing a wicked rooster.

I just don`t and never will care if anyone else likes trikes or sees the Beacon of Acceptance for all things ATC, admires my supposed "courage" in owning/riding them, or wants to be cool like me. I consider it part of being an adult to just not live my life trying to pickup hitch hikers on the Ironchop Bandwagon. This was all done by me and for me and never did it occur to me to promote the popularity of trikes. I have WAY too much goin on in my life to pickup THAT ball and run with it.

If you want to promote new racing venues, then perhaps you should talk to Clean and the OTC guys on how they did it. A lot of work went into the Ohio racing scene for sure and it does seem a tad dismissive to pretend like nobody else is out there pounding the bricks to open up new places to trike enthusiasts

05-19-2014, 11:17 AM
First of all, it appears to me as though this thread is a call for people that ride trikes to support the new following and keep people informed about the truths and myths that still linger. I knew as soon as i read Slash's first post that there would be a bunch of haters coming in here telling him hes a stupid doody head for wanting people to know more about trikes. Gimme a break.

If you dont wanna help, OK! Then dont. Just remember that you are on a website that is doing exactly what hes suggesting every single day

Did he say somewhere that you HAVE to participate? I must have missed that.Some people have really latched on to the idea that Slash is "pushing an agenda". Sure does make it easy to argue if you make him look like a villain....

Some here mentioned Slashfans keyboard time, some quick math should reveal who's really spending time posting. Not that im a conservative poster, but im also not calling anyone out for spending too much time on here....

Theres a big difference between pushing an agenda, and informing people. He has a right to promotion, including spend time on his keyboard talking about it, regardless of whether other people think its a good idea, or are willing to support it. It sure would be dismissive to think noone else is out there pounding the bricks to open up new places to trike enthusiasts.;)

Theres some missteps in his theories, but then you all must be perfect. How about using that perfection to make some constructive suggestions instead of pointing out flaws in character or some other nonsense. This teenager is extremely passionate about trikes and triking. If you knew more about him you would know why he doesnt currently have a trike to ride. But dont you worry folks, he will soon. He's been a member of 3 Wheeler World since he was 14. By the time he's 34, or 43, who knows what he will have done for this sport, as long as he doesnt get ran off.

To all those that agree with Slash, or at least some of what hes saying lol....:beer

:TrikesOwn :TrikesOwn :TrikesOwn

And again from someone thats not just a consumer, but makes a living from this industry, I THANK YOU SLASH.

Billy Golightly
05-19-2014, 11:24 AM
Like I said in my earlier post - I applaud both of you guys' enthusiasm, but really...just go out and ride some and make a good impression on people by actually riding and being responsible. Handing out fliers around the neighborhood isn't going to do anything but give old ladies drinking tea something to trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro about the next time they are playing shuffle board.

Both of you guys seem like you're pretty young (I was there once too, duh) and you're full of enthusiasm, thats great - just direct it and use it usefully. I'm not discouraging you from talking good about three-wheelers and educating people, but keyboarding here on the internet hours upon hours a day isn't accomplishing that. I've been doing it 15 years, I should know...

05-19-2014, 11:27 AM
Personally i think paper fliers are a terrible idea but focused marketing and e-fliers are a different story. Everyone is focusing on these stupid fliers, he said a lot more than that.

Im 34 Billy. I work in the industry. I ride more than most people on this site. I dont even own a car. I ride a Honda ATC as my daily driver. Often im working on bikes as well as speaking posts to my tablet. Its very efficient, lol. I am working on a parts shipment right now with an extra window open to 3WW, because i am addicted to it like crack. Well done by the way.

Is there anyone out there that could photoshop this trike into an off road version?


It aint perfect but it IS a mass manufactured, domestically available trike. I would figure it would be a slippery slope to a full off road version if people started modifying them and showing them off. Soon after, new designs, new models, etc!!

05-19-2014, 11:58 AM
I never said anyone told me I had to participate.

This is an internet forum. Slash offered his ideas and opinions and we offered either our support or dissent.

Simple as that. I don`t know why anyone feels like dissent means raining on someone`s parade. Maybe you watch way too much MSNBC or FOX or whatever but there`s a disease in this country where people get all in a twist if anyone offers even a hint of dissent.

You know when I was young the phrase "sticks and stones" was the Rule of the Day.

Now everyone gets butthurt if you don`t agree with them wholeheartedly.

You mentioned the forum.......yep, we are on a forum which promotes everything trike..........that much is true.....but that does NOT mean everyone has to agree.

you keep spouting off about his rights to post while apparently nobody has the right to voice dissent lest feelings get hurt.

I`m going to the garage......in my garage there is nobody to get hurt or upset and nobody who expects me to impress them or to stifle my opinion in order to spread the love and boost the ego.

and you can take your passive-aggressive post whoring and shove it.......its that simple, Chief

These are opinions......plain and simple. I don`t get why opinions are so offensive to people.

05-19-2014, 12:49 PM
This is an internet forum.Yes I am aware.

Now everyone gets butthurt if you don`t agree with them wholeheartedly.
Kinda like you are right now because i dont agree with you?

that does NOT mean everyone has to agree. I agree.

you keep spouting off about his rights to post while apparently nobody has the right to voice dissent lest feelings get hurt.I said one thing about his right to promote what he likes. Seems your feelings are hurt.

and you can take your passive-aggressive post whoring and shove it.......its that simple, ChiefDitto.

These are opinions.... :beer

Sorry I was late to reply, im in the garage now doing some welding. Im not trying to argue. Im not being passive aggressive, or aggressive at all. If i were being passive aggressive, at times id probably fit in better here.

Just stating my opinion on an internet forum. I would like more people to know about trikes, simple as that.

I dont know why slash's opinion was so offensive to people either.

05-19-2014, 02:10 PM

05-19-2014, 03:19 PM
Some of your goals in the original post could be perceived as a bit pretentious, but i dont think it was intentional. Do you consider yourself an authority? One thing i would highly recommend is to continue to research the history of the 3 wheelers of the past. But it is very refreshing to have a discussion about promoting the love of the trike to others, to keep the fire going for the next generation, maybe even stoke it up, because some people still think there are new off road trikes to come in the future. Just be mindful that you dont spread the wrong message, and that information isnt confused with pressure.

I don't think I have any auothorty over anyone :lol: I'm just a teenager looking to bring about some new life.

Did he say somewhere that you HAVE to participate? I must have missed that.Some people have really latched on to the idea that Slash is "pushing an agenda". Sure does make it easy to argue if you make him look like a villain....

This. No one says you have to help.

Theres a big difference between pushing an agenda, and informing people. He has a right to promotion, including spend time on his keyboard talking about it, regardless of whether other people think its a good idea, or are willing to support it. It sure would be dismissive to think noone else is out there pounding the bricks to open up new places to trike enthusiasts.;)

You're damn right I do:

Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the
free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of
the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of


If you are going to sit there and write this off because you don't want to help, fine, that's ok, as I mentioned in the OP, but please please please lets not turn this into a fight. All I want to do is spread a positive message and having this get cluttered with people telling me I'm wasting my time is not going to help.

Theres some missteps in his theories, but then you all must be perfect. How about using that perfection to make some constructive suggestions instead of pointing out flaws in character or some other nonsense. This teenager is extremely passionate about trikes and triking. If you knew more about him you would know why he doesnt currently have a trike to ride. But dont you worry folks, he will soon. He's been a member of 3 Wheeler World since he was 14. By the time he's 34, or 43, who knows what he will have done for this sport, as long as he doesnt get ran off.

To all those that agree with Slash, or at least some of what hes saying lol....:beer

:TrikesOwn :TrikesOwn :TrikesOwn

And again from someone thats not just a consumer, but makes a living from this industry, I THANK YOU SLASH.

I am not perfect, I don't claim to be perfect and I don't want to be perfect. I just want to help. Thanks for your support. That's all I ask.

05-19-2014, 06:50 PM
I'll tell you there are parts of this that do bother me slightly, yes. I'll attempt the abridged version (that means shorter) for all you Facebook flunkies smart phone addicts that don't have the attention span to listen to an entire sentence, never mind attempt to understand English.

Is this ruining my day? Far from it. I'd just prefer to see someone know their role (go ahead and start getting offended now if you weren't already). I can appreciate the enthusiasm, I can totally relate. I have been there. I started here in 08 and that was my first social media experience ever. It shows. I was on here a lot, but I was a lot more entertaining than you bozos;). I had no idea there were so many people in the world that thought about trikes like I did. It wasn't the internet or a flyer that told me to be that way, that's just how I was. I had them all, bikes, quads, and of course trikes. I never wanted to ride anything but a trike. When I started riding we didn't even have pagers so my influence was far less than people receive today. It just happened organically. It wasn't because "trikes are cool" and nobody gave me a flyer. I said a bit about my experience in an earlier post and that's important. The OP's thimble of experience next to my gallon is next to nothing, but there are people out there that have experience by the drum. And guess what? Many of them are not on here. I think you should channel your excitement into a ride, race, or build. See if this is really for you. All I know is I didn't ask for a cheerleader but if someone did I'd like a vote. You're not what I picture for a cheerleader.

A big part of the word "activist" is the word "active". I'm not perfect, maybe I've missed something, but I've seen as many photos of the OP sitting on a trike as I have of Barnett back in the glory days of Kawi R&D and racing. And he wants to speak in behalf of the community that I hold dear. Well go for it I guess. Just don't do it here (near me). Our opinions differ greatly so just don't speak in my behalf. You must learn before you teach. I don't know about the rest of the country, but when the 'Hova's come knocking on my door I take the pamphlet and toss it in the trash. It's not because of what they stand for, it's because I don't care what they stand for. I know what I stand for and I'm happy they know what they're standing for as well, but I surer 'n shite ain't telling them what I think they should like.

In my opinion, Facebook and many other forms of social media are all around bad news. This place not excluded if you spend too much time on here. Just look at what's happening to DOHC:lol:. Facebook and the like do not help us in many ways IMO. There are thousands of groups on there and every one of them is all third hand information at best, or stuff regurgitated from here. Plus a good portion of them are jagoffs that don't know their arse from their elbows. I know a lot of the people on here. You need to realize that as well, a lot of us know each other. The last time I did anything trikewise on Facebook was when someone sent me a link to a picture of my Tecate that I built on my first 3ww ride in '08. It was on some ghetto podunk page. They got the year wrong. I then went to the page it was on and it was a joke. The post that was put up before mine had errors as well. Call me uptight if you want but that bothers me. You want to be an activist in the community do this. Get the hell off Facebook and get in the garage or the woods.

05-19-2014, 07:08 PM
I was going to join in, but I think I'm going to crawl back into my fox hole, put my helmet on, and listen to the gunfire...

05-19-2014, 07:10 PM
The reason you haven't seen picture of me with one is because I don't have any picture of me with them, nor do I have anything to take a picture with because my dad is a hog with his and won't ever let me use it. So basically I have nothing at the moment. That doesn't make me a newb to the scene. Granted, I'm not as experienced as say someone like yourself, but that's not the point here. You don't know my situation at home, me personally or anything that I am going through right now so you can't really judge me based on all that. It's not my fault. The internet is my only escape right now.

Personally, I think social media is a good thing because it spreads information around. Going out in the woods and showing up locally is only going to help things in the small scale IMO. Social media expands worldwide, which indeed helps I think.

I don't disagree with you completely though.

05-19-2014, 07:17 PM

I've seen as many photos of the OP sitting on a trike as I have of Barnett back in the glory days of Kawi R&D and racing.
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQxr9P5OYMQvRhaWZ5QfBVTS7isj4zCS JQ6Ku1TmxO1HY-ScDvHod7NuYM

Here ya go!


05-19-2014, 07:20 PM

Oops…I forgot to photo shop it.

I have no edit button.

OMG…There goes my spleen!
http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-laughing025.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

05-19-2014, 07:39 PM
Dude Fabio! I like it. I see you now. The world was a different place indeed. The old rule was wrong, "those who can't; teach" the truth is those who do it best, teach! I understand what it was like to want to ride so bad. When I was a kid we were so poor or my dad was so cheap, he wouldn't even try to get me one. I dreamt, I read Dirt Wheels and I cried some more after the damn Barbara Walters special. It was enough my Dad would say to get to ride my family's or cousins bikes. I'm glad I did. Slash, man hang in there buddy.

05-19-2014, 07:41 PM
I specifically have knowledge of so-called trike enthusiasts playing a game on facebook that includes posting pictures and video of tossing back beers while sitting on their trikes. I don't even have facebook and if that bullshiat is getting back to me imagine who else sees it and thinks " what a bunch of tools".

Facebook sucks. I am not a nazi but the minute things go unmonitored in a forum that should be policed at least somewhat' is the very same minute 10-20 idiots ruin it for the rest of us.

There is nothing new here. Nothing is groundbreaking. As I stated in the comeback thread there has been a resurgence going for sometime. I feel fo Mr.Clean and other responsible people trying to draw positive attention to trikes. People like that are in the trenches fighting th good fight. Not talking about fighting the good fight.

05-19-2014, 07:41 PM

I was on here a lot, but I was a lot more entertaining than you bozos ;).


OMG…There goes my other spleen!
http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-laughing025.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

05-19-2014, 08:21 PM
I specifically have knowledge of so-called trike enthusiasts playing a game on facebook that includes posting pictures and video of tossing back beers while sitting on their trikes. I don't even have facebook and if that bullshiat is getting back to me imagine who else sees it and thinks " what a bunch of tools".

Facebook sucks. I am not a nazi but the minute things go unmonitored in a forum that should be policed at least somewhat' is the very same minute 10-20 idiots ruin it for the rest of us.

Well that shows how much you've actually seen what goes on there then. It's not as bad as you might imagine.


For anyone that wants to step up and help, let it be heard. The last thing we need here is extreme negativity. Ironchop hit the nail on the head with everyone getting butt hurt because you don't agree with me. So I will politely ask, for those of you who want to sit here and beat around the bush because you don't agree, please stay out of the thread. Thanks.

05-19-2014, 09:13 PM
You guys are liking and thanking something that I'm guessing you have no idea about. Either that or I missed something.

05-19-2014, 09:17 PM
Either that or I missed something.You must have.

05-19-2014, 09:22 PM
Man that's tough things are gettin a bit sloppy me thinks.

05-19-2014, 09:24 PM

05-19-2014, 09:37 PM

just ben
05-19-2014, 11:07 PM
I specifically have knowledge of so-called trike enthusiasts playing a game on facebook that includes posting pictures and video of tossing back beers while sitting on their trikes. I don't even have facebook and if that bullshiat is getting back to me imagine who else sees it and thinks " what a bunch of tools".

Facebook sucks. I am not a nazi but the minute things go unmonitored in a forum that should be policed at least somewhat' is the very same minute 10-20 idiots ruin it for the rest of us.

There is nothing new here. Nothing is groundbreaking. As I stated in the comeback thread there has been a resurgence going for sometime. I feel fo Mr.Clean and other responsible people trying to draw positive attention to trikes. People like that are in the trenches fighting th good fight. Not talking about fighting the good fight.Well since your not on facebook and havnt seen the videos you speak of I think you should police yourself and not comment on something you know nothing about beyond what SR. told you or posted on the otc forum.

82 250r
05-20-2014, 03:22 AM
Everyone on this board enjoys trikes because trikes are cool and fun to ride. IMO, The best way to promote trikes, is for people to see them, hear them and ride them. Any REAL rider will then be persuaded for the same reasons we were.

When i'm on a trail, people take notice because trikes are rare and different. If i ride like a jack azz, then people will easily fall for the stereotypes, myths and assumptions that are already out there.
We need to promote our niche by being good examples.

Like many riders, I enjoy motorcycles, quads, and snowmobiles in addition to trikes. Falling into the "trikes or die" argument with a fellow rider is divisive and does not help promote our position. If I let a quad owner know how much I love riding my own quad, he is then left wondering why I'm always riding my trike.

I ride with three different groups and i'm the only one with a trike. Every riding trip they have more and more questions about three wheelers. They can see how much fun trikes are without me handing them a flier. It becomes a matter of respect and curiosity.

Youtube videos are another way to create excitement about our trikes. I had a friend (quad owner) send me a youtube of three wheelers on a frozen river doing drifts and wheelies etc.
He was obviously searching for it out of curiosity and thought i'd enjoy it as much as he did.

Mosh is right...there has been a resurgence happening for a while and we can't beat others over the head trying to convince them of the obvious. Be cool and a good example and they will take notice.

Trikes sell themselves. Trikes are cool. Sometimes we can't get out of our own way.


Billy Golightly
05-20-2014, 08:21 AM
OKay, this is going to be my last post on this topic for a while -

If you have nothing of VALUE to add to this thread (or other threads on the forum) than click the mother'fing back button. This is not a stupid meme page, or the SomethingAwful forums. This is suppose to be quality over quantity in posts and content. There are times and places for trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro like that (In the open forum, mostly) but this isn't one of them.

If you have meaningful intelligent value to add (That exceeds an image, or 2-3 lines of text, please continue :)

05-20-2014, 10:50 AM
Slash, good job buddy. You managed to ruffle some feathers on these old birds and that right there is quality entertainment.

As for anyone saying stop with all of this and get some seat time, some of us can't. We can't afford these $2,500 250r's, we can't afford to buy that stator to get the old big red going, we can't ride. We are young, we don't have our life's set up. Most of us don't have savings accounts! It does not mean we are not passionate about it. So let us waste our time on here and dream about what could be of the future.

I would love to moan and gripe with the rest of you but I have to put on my business casual attire and go to work.

Mr. Clean
05-20-2014, 11:47 AM
Do not fret my good man, under the new Obummercare law those who are willing to pay to race will subsidize those who do not want to pay. You can race for FREE!! We do not want anyone making money, must redistribute wealth and do it NOW!!!

So it`s ok to make money on us but then you want to POLICE what we say ? Sounds a little anal to me.......i`m not from the Prozac generation ! What good fight........putting my money in your pocket or a racing promoters pocket i`ll pass thank you ! No more police or rules or do this don`t do BS please !

You have a job but do not have money to buy or keep your machines running? Do not fret my good man, all of us trikers who do have the money to buy and maintain our trikes will subsidize you and your trike!! It is the future of our country!!

I would love to moan and gripe with the rest of you but I have to put on my business casual attire and go to work.

05-20-2014, 12:25 PM
Jesus, I just lost 15 minutes of my life that I will never get back.....

Well, back to the garage to tune the 85R and get ready for this summers racing at Sikeston Racing Park. Hope to see some midwest folks out there to promote the sport!

05-20-2014, 12:40 PM
If you have nothing of VALUE to add to this thread (or other threads on the forum) than click the mother'fing back button.

If you have meaningful intelligent value to add (That exceeds an image, or 2-3 lines of text, please continue :)

Sorry for the short post Billy, but i think some may have missed this.

Ill be sure to gather more useful information before posting here again.:D

05-20-2014, 03:32 PM
Is there anyone out there that could photoshop this trike into an off road version?


It aint perfect but it IS a mass manufactured, domestically available trike. I would figure it would be a slippery slope to a full off road version if people started modifying them and showing them off. Soon after, new designs, new models, etc!!

the link isn't working...

05-20-2014, 04:41 PM
You have a job but do not have money to buy or keep your machines running? Do not fret my good man, all of us trikers who do have the money to buy and maintain our trikes will subsidize you and your trike!! It is the future of our country!!

Nope. I use to make close to $1,000 every two weeks working in a warehouse at 18. Then I got back surgery and had to lay in bed for 6 months and sit on this wonderful site. For the last year I had no job, I mean who would hire someone with a bad back right? Then finally an amusement park hired me. I work 5am-10:30pm every day, then go home and put on my fancy clothes and get ready for my other job which could be anywhere in the county. Tomorrow I get to work 45 minutes away, today it was right up the street. I just started this new government job two days ago. I started this amusement park job 3 weeks ago. Right now all of my money goes to gas to get to work and to paying back all the money I owe.

Point being I'm still broke. But I'm trying, I work two jobs and it isn't easy with my body being how it is and the price of gas.

You can find the full details of my sob story in other threads. I even posted pictures of my x-rays, they are fun to look at lol.

By this time next year I hope to have a 250r. After of course paying back all the money I owe , buying a truck, and other things. Then hopefully I can join you guys.

05-20-2014, 05:52 PM
This is an interesting thread, to say the least. Everyone moves at different paces through out life. Some faster than others, some never above a snails pace. Not sure that it really matters. Life, and the quality of it, are not determined by the toys you own, money spent on this or that, etc. Life is short. Enjoy what you have and be happy with it. At some point, we're all going to wind up either scattered on the ground or buried within it. If you're always holding out for tomorrow, you'll miss every today that you have .


05-20-2014, 06:26 PM
the link isn't working...Sorry Craig my computer skills are severely lacking. Let me try again....

I know you do photoshop so thanks in advance if you have the time to mess around with it. My only suggestion is to do at least one version that eliminates the step through design that most people probably wont like. And bigger nastier tires of course :D


I was talking to a manager at a motorcycle and engine manufacturing company in china today. He is ending me a sample engine to test and review. Its a 250cc water cooled 4 valve, similar to the CR250F Unicam engines. With Reverse..... Since ill be first attemting to mount the engine in a Honda 3 Wheeler, if it fits, that will be the test vehicle.

Considering that they already are manufacturing single front wheel trikes from 150 to 300cc for the street, I asked about the idea of them producing an off road version for export to the U.S.... I'm awaiting his response.

05-20-2014, 07:57 PM
Importation on anything new designed for pure off road was banned in '08 by none othre than King Obama himself.

The only way I see that working is for it to be dual sport.

05-20-2014, 08:03 PM
I was talking to a manager at a motorcycle and engine manufacturing company in china today. He is ending me a sample engine to test and review.

Considering that they already are manufacturing single front wheel trikes from 150 to 300cc for the street, I asked about the idea of them producing an off road version for export to the U.S.... I'm awaiting his response.
It will be interesting to see how this pans out. Back in 08 I believe it was, numerous chinese company's were re introducing 3 wheeled mini ATVs at the dealer show. If memory serves me correctly the CPSC got wind and completely reviewed and ultimately banned the import of the new machines. They also slammed a clause in there about lead imports and nearly got all mini atvs banned from a loophole of lead posioning.

There were a few threads on the topic at the time. 3 wheeled street trikes enjoy sucess as they did not get bad raps. Primarily from heavy push in the motorcycle realm and the fact they use a limited slip diff. Many start laws are heavily against live axle o solid axle street vehicles obviously from turning issues. But I guess a guy can hope right?

05-20-2014, 08:24 PM
Its one of the things we have to keep in a mind and work around.

But I am glad that you have a plan buddy. That's more than a lot of people here can say.

And given that you have the willpower to fight it, I can only imagine what lengths you'd go to to make this work. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

I have no doubt in my mind you'll figure something out.

And another thing is that dualsport would be great for those that want to play and have a way to work on the cheap while being different. I for one fuly support it. Especially considering a dual sport model is a loophole. :D

05-20-2014, 08:39 PM
It will be interesting to see how this pans out. Back in 08 I believe it was, numerous chinese company's were re introducing 3 wheeled mini ATVs at the dealer show. If memory serves me correctly the CPSC got wind and completely reviewed and ultimately banned the import of the new machines. They also slammed a clause in there about lead imports and nearly got all mini atvs banned from a loophole of lead posioning.

There were a few threads on the topic at the time. 3 wheeled street trikes enjoy sucess as they did not get bad raps. Primarily from heavy push in the motorcycle realm and the fact they use a limited slip diff. Many start laws are heavily against live axle o solid axle street vehicles obviously from turning issues. But I guess a guy can hope right?
Thanks for that information, it will be helpful in my discussion with him.

This is a post correction...after more research i now know the street trike i posted does have a center differential. This can be replaced with a spool for off road use. I think its goofy that they put the gas tank down low like that (if thats what it is, i dont know for sure) and made it a step through but overall its growing on me. I could definitely imagine some 20x11-10 trekkers, wide frontend, and a bolt-on brace from the neck to the seat support bars. I think it would be pretty capable as a dual sport trike at that point Slash!!

Not sure about the live axle laws, but it seems to me that lots more places are allowing ATV's to be plated for the street, as long as they have the required add-ons, which these trikes already have. {im not sure if this is relevant now that i know they have a differential but ill leave it here:D}

Yes, a guy can hope. :beer

Also what a guy can do try his ass off to get any form of manufactured off road trike allowed for sale in the U.S. If it has to look like a scooter, hey im all in because it gets a small door open.

05-20-2014, 11:37 PM
This is a post correction...after more research i now know the street trike i posted does have a center differential. This can be replaced with a spool for off road use.

That would be perfect.

But then you also have to combat the weight issue. Although obviously this would be figured out over time. Let's just get that far first.

05-21-2014, 05:40 AM
Are you guys seriously talking about a dual sport Gyro now? Yeah then you'd be wicked, wicked cool. I'd totally be seen within a half mile of that.

05-21-2014, 06:17 AM
t When I started riding we didn't even have pagers so my influence was far less than people receive today. It just happened organically. It wasn't because "trikes are cool"
Sooooo youre saying its not because their cool....

Are you guys seriously talking about a dual sport Gyro now? Yeah then you'd be wicked, wicked cool. I'd totally be seen within a half mile of that.Sooooo your saying its not cool enough for you....

I think problem we are having with the differences of opinion, is that many people here say they are 3 wheeler fanatics, but really what they are is vintage honda ATC fanatics, or vintage yamaha 3 wheeler, etc. I think many people here are attempting to regain or hold on to their youth by owning the vehicles they use to own. In that case, i can understand why they would want to stay in the past design wise, and why you dont wanna spread the word. Theres only so many out there for you guys. But one thing is for sure, if youre looking for new model that looks like a 1985 three wheeler, youll need a delorean see another new model like that.

Trust me id like to see a new Model A ford thats just as "cool" as the original too but it aint gonna happen, and its not because people made too many rules, its because along the way, people didn't stand up to the people that made the rules.

Thats why i said its not the best option Fabio, but its a start.

05-21-2014, 07:00 AM
I am absolutely saying that is not cool enough for me, in case you didn't catch the sarcasm. If that's your thing that's great. Grab the nearest fat chick and get her number while you're at it. My love is off road trikes, not scooters. Any comparison of the two borders on insulting to me. A Zinger is the closest comparison I'd make and that ain't no scooter. Climbing mountains, wheelies, jumps, sliding sideways, that's a trike. Fat chicks and Cambridge beatniks that don't own a car, that's scooters.

05-21-2014, 07:10 AM
Trikes- dangerous, powerful, require skill, look cool, are cool. People think they're illegal.

Scooters- slow, ugly, fragile, "alternative transportation", official ride of city folk everywhere.

There is no comparison.

05-21-2014, 08:47 AM
Hi slash;

Well, unfortunately I’m not sure what your thread is really about anymore because it has gone from you wanting to somehow improve some people’s opinion of ATC riders, to picking on your good grammar skills [which you likely have because unlike me and some others, you actually studied while you were in school] with bad grammar, to Obummercare, to Fabio, to Chiefs, to Star Trek, then to Clowns, so I guess I'll just comment on the latest topic if that's ok with you since it is YOUR thread.

Unfortunately, I’m sorry but I actually prefer the subject matter in post #2, to yours, although I did think the Picard head and Clown were pretty funny too. Kinda makes me wish I could have my own Avatar, but I’m actually the only one who can’t cuz apparently I’m “special” which obviously means that everyone else here is NOT! http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-laughing013.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)


Imo, just because someone wouldn’t be seen within 1/2 mile of something, it certainly doesn’t mean it’s bad….unless it’s maybe the plague or Justin Bieber I guess.

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQNY-TXPoqzDfHgvMyc6mT_WFJJbTEqwT_0iBTnnpwTbRWRdwwKr7GQ Lg

Below is a brief chronology of the invention of the “modern” 3 wheeled ATC. The major variant in this incredibly innovative and insightful design since their inception, seems to be a choice of different colors. I prefer green ones.

Even if I might not buy, or want to be within 1/2 mile of one like the one you propose for that matter, I still like to see new and different things even if they are not for me.

This being said, I at least applaud the effort of anyone that tries something that is “out of the box” or not mainstream per se. Imo, my opinion of what anyone wants to do is irrelevant unless they either ask me or are paying me for it.
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTc2xI_RNhPQZbQGKVtv29aedkunSkz4 MHyRr0SYN-Gzqjz6M3UG77VOO6N+ . PLUS . http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSB4kOp8hZ-3_Ajg8kvdq6TuGUw_LC2qg84eM-3rCxLtayO6Fh6mu95UCs . EQUALS . http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQxYH5O6kg5-VmFmI9zcv7Gt6JqIlnTmISYbANeK27FaX3uJIe_lbLu36Wh

NOTICE – The views and opinions expressed on this thread are not necessarily those of the management. This has been a public disservice announcement.

05-21-2014, 08:52 AM

Sorry, I forgot to include this in my previous post and I have no edit button.

Are you guys seriously talking about a dual sport Gyro now? ummm Fabs.…a Gyro is a Greek sandwich.


mmmm, looks yummy….wonder if it tastes like Chicken.

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTDheK_NT7A9cIdJnV_1Pg7lGbLDWNu5 AVQnY60FToKElt_Wip72n1nHA

http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-laughing025.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

05-21-2014, 08:59 AM

1) I had three kids and two adults to buy ATVs for (I wont go into debt buying three overcomplicated, overpriced puddlejumpers)

2) Trikes are almost always way more than affordable used

3) We were trail riders at the time. I hate riding dirtbikes on trails... dirtbikes are for jumping...quads are steadily getting wider and heavier and more awkward to maneuver through tight trails.....Trikes are smaller, lighter, tighter turn radius, better suited for trails than the alternatives

4)Yesterdays four strokes and ALL two strokes aren`t numerous-valved, fuel injected, fickle, with electric fans,cupholders, and a darn backrest and spendy to rebuild...more moving parts= more money. That's why I bought a 2stroke this time. I would much rather have an updated machine with something less akin to a prehistoric ATV but you can either build it that way yourself or get a loan to buy one. It`s a lot like cable tv.....paying for a bunch of stuff you`ll never need and could do without.

5)Yes,in my case, it is kind of like a throwback to my childhood. As I mentioned before, I had almost all my off-road experience on trikes with a couple dirtbikes and a quad or two in there. Hands down, I had more triking experience than any other machine and overall, most of those hours of seat time were spent in my youth when I had no responsibilities or family to eat up my free time. Basically, I like to go with what I know and I know how to sling a trike..... I wish I got a little more nostalgic about the whole thing but I don't remember a lot of my youth because The Now has always had my attention (others call it ADD) and it`s done me fairly well. Those days were cool askin Jesus for a 200X and whatnot but even my triking experiences have been much more fulfilling and of greater quality now than then mostly thanks to this place, .org, and the OTC board. Yeah I`ve got a couple interesting memories from BITD but I would never trade those days for these days. Maybe that's why I`m not as reverent as some folks. I`ve tried to be but I didn`t race professionally back then nor did I have a whole barn full of 250r`s.....I just got to ride a whole bunch of OP`s stuff. To try and relive my childhood would SUCK to say the least. I would just walk around asking to ride everyone else`s trikes. LMFAO. I will tip my hat to some of the nostalgia but what I know today is far more interesting than what I did then.

6) you meet the coolest people and you meet the dumbest people with a trike......either some guy sees it in my truck at the gas station and has some cool stories or some idiot comes up and tells me all about how how he knows they are outlawed contraband......either way it`s entertainment for me.

so these are all what I consider Practical reasons to ride ATC. Of course, there are arguments to the contrary but in my humblest of opinions, its Trikes.......hands down......no brainer..... and my wallet thanks me too

Practical.....that's the angle I would use to convince my friends to buy a trike if I were so inclined.

However, if everyone else starts buying trikes, the aforementioned list will mostly be rendered null and void.

05-21-2014, 12:03 PM
Trikes- dangerous, powerful, require skill, look cool, are cool. People think they're illegal.

Scooters- slow, ugly, fragile, "alternative transportation", official ride of city folk everywhere.

There is no comparison.

What's wrong with stuff like that? I own "scooters", but I wouldn't go out and spend $5,000 on one. I got them at yardsales for under $100. I even got a bicycle with a 80cc two stroke engine in it. They are fun to screw around on. I drive through town on that bicycle and I turn just As many heads as I do riding a trike out the mountain.

People buy alt50's because they are 3 wheelers but they are still slow, ugly, fragile, alternative transportation. But they are still fun to screw around on.

It does not need to be big, powerful, and cool to be fun. I like to think I'm pretty fun and I'm not big, powerful, or cool. :)

05-21-2014, 12:09 PM
Sarcasm, yes its my native tongue so it was easy for me to spot.

The only place in my 34 years that I have heard 3 wheelers reffered to as illegal or contraband is on this website. It adds to the controversy. Growing up most people around me just thought they were told to stop making them. Wherever these masses of people are that think they are illegal, I've never met a single one.

The above mentioned and pictured chinese 3 wheeler.... is nothing like a Gyro scooter.

I can tell you from a fabricators standpoint that it has much potential as an off road vehicle. I'm looking forward to a czac photoshop:D

3 Wheel Drive
05-21-2014, 12:25 PM
I was talking to a manager at a motorcycle and engine manufacturing company in china today. He is ending me a sample engine to test and review. Its a 250cc water cooled 4 valve, similar to the CR250F Unicam engines. With Reverse..... Since ill be first attemting to mount the engine in a Honda 3 Wheeler, if it fits, that will be the test vehicle.

Considering that they already are manufacturing single front wheel trikes from 150 to 300cc for the street, I asked about the idea of them producing an off road version for export to the U.S.... I'm awaiting his response.

Would that be the same company that produces these below? My grandpa had one of those Hearld Supertrikes, it actually still runs good today.

05-21-2014, 12:36 PM
No not the same company but a similar one.

I use to own a pair Herald Super Bronc bikes when I was a kid! Awesome with the ski in the snow.....

The Heald Supertrike is a great example of a not so cool looking machine in my opinion, and I would love to own one!

I'm trying to do my part to make things happen, wouldn't want people to think that all I'm doing is sitting here on the keyboard hoping or b!tching about not having trikes available. As mentioned before, some routes have been assessed, traversed and have failed, so its time to look at other routes in my opinion.

Progress takes progressive thinking.

Mr. Clean
05-21-2014, 12:51 PM
.I’m not sure what your thread is really about anymore because it has gone from you wanting to somehow improve some people’s opinion of ATC riders, to picking on your good grammar skills [which you likely have because unlike me and some others, you actually studied while you were in school] with bad grammar, to Obummercare, to Fabio, to Chiefs, to Star Trek, then to Clowns,

You forgot scooters, big chested bouncing Honda girl, Justin Bieber, a Gyro sandwich and a pig.

Here is some good reading, I think this is what Mosh was referring to in his post about three wheelers back in production.


05-21-2014, 01:10 PM

Below is a brief chronology of the invention of the “modern” 3 wheeled ATC. The major variant in this incredibly innovative and insightful design since their inception, seems to be a choice of different colors. I prefer green ones.

See my sig, a quote from my grandfather a few years back when i told him i thought they weren't as dangerous as they were made out to be .

And the problem i see us having with promoting trikes is that 3 wheelers cannot win. Here on the forums, everyone here knows how to ride a 3 wheeler, and knows the limitations of their abilites and their machines. We all know basic maintenance and upkeep to keep our trikes as safe as possible. But give Joe Six Pack and all his kids and buddies three wheelers, and it'll be like 1986 all over again. My opinion is, the more people riding an ATC, the more people that don't actually know what they're doing, the more people that get hurt. And guess what is to blame if someone gets hurt on one? I think we're best left as a group that knows what were doing, no matter how small that group may be.

05-21-2014, 01:32 PM
You forgot scooters, big chested bouncing Honda girl, Justin Bieber, a Gyro sandwich and a pig.

Here is some good reading, I think this is what Mosh was referring to in his post about three wheelers back in production.


That was one thread where the distributor for the Extreme 3 wheeler said "we can't do it anymore."

Then there was this.


Earlier on in this thread, someone implied (Not directed at you Mike) that I did not know what was going on or talking about, If I recall correctly. In the other thread someone said "Maybe if we get someone famous back on a trike things will change" Well, I would say Jackie Meadows, Rath and some other guys are considered "famous" and that has already transpired. These are great things.

I was there in 07 When these new import trikes surfaced. I signed multiple forms and petitions trying to stop the new laws from taking effect.

I don't lie, my information may be skewed at times, and I don't know everything. But I have spent the last 8-10 years in this sport/industry trying to promote positive images, advertisements, and new things happening. We have touched base with some major names in the industry over the years. Bob Hanna, Wes Miller, Mike Metzger, Jimmy White, and Jackie Meadows to name a few.

While I would love to see a mainstream saturation of trikes again, I have also come to the realization, that we are where we are now.I can also be considered as one of those old farts that is more fond of the 3 wheeled sport being " a limited select few". A lot of times, the more people that get involved with something does not mean it gets better. There are many historical lessons that more participants, sometimes brings more and bigger problems than when a group was small and tight knit.

There is a lot of good stuff going on. The best plan of attack is to get out there, increase the numbers of participation at whatever events are here now. Let's keep our money and support in the community. Let's not sell out to some underrated/unknown profit heathens to save 20$. Stay focused on the positive, don't force the issue and keep trying to promote a positive image, and let's not forget or dismiss those that have worked so hard to do so.

05-21-2014, 01:33 PM
83ATC I agree. Those are ALL excellent points.

My interpretation of Slash's post was that he would like to have some of the knowledgeable ambassadors of the sport support him in his effort to inform the uninformed or ignorant. It was completely dismissive for him to not thank those that came before him.

Thank you to everyone that helps make trikes accepted. Thanks to the racers that got them allowed again.

There's starting to be a real feeling here that some enthusiasts on the board here just don't want new trikes to be produced. That's the biggest roadblock imaginable, when the niche doesn't want new machines that they can afford.

I've seen a lot of people on here say that they would like reverse, more power, e-start, etc...so many people love the high end conversions that are showcased here, yet we have this dissent on wanting new machines. Nothing wrong with stable opinions, but it sure does create quite a quandary.

05-21-2014, 01:41 PM
My interpretation of Slash's post was that he would like to have some of the knowledgeable ambassadors of the sport support him in his effort to inform the uninformed or ignorant.

This was all I was trying to accomplish.


Anyways, I'm taking a week off to go build some cabins in the woods because apparently I don't spend enough time out there.

05-21-2014, 02:10 PM
Hahaha, can this site ever have a thread that isn't full of bullshit?