View Full Version : Kawasaki Differential

01-07-2004, 07:04 PM
I remember reading somewhere that the Kawasaki trikes (klt's) had a differential that you could lock and unlock with the flick of a lever. Does anyone have any idea of hopw it worked?

I think that is a really good idea to have on a utility trike because as anyone would know, with a fair load on the back, or a trailer you tend to slide insted of turn because of the lock diff. Kawasaki did indeed have a good idea there.

Does anyone own a klt with this feature? Can you snap a few pics of it maybe?



01-07-2004, 09:57 PM
My trike i picked up for 100 bucks had that, but i sold it so cant get any pics, back on the side road here they have that on there 86 kawi 300 quad, its a red lever type deal right on the diff, seems to work alright, i would get some pics but after they trashed my 9 miles of trails, and call the cops every time i do donuts on there lawn i refuse to talk to them

01-07-2004, 11:38 PM
i have a 84 klt with the lock unlock feature. it works just like a four wheel drive hub. when you have it unlocked you can make real tight turns. also it wont tear up the grass or turf when unlocked