View Full Version : need 350x advice and opionions

05-05-2014, 09:55 PM
Going threw cl today I found a 350x.I tex the guy he sends pics and its got a 185-200 enginge in the cradle.so we tex few times and he asked what I would offer him,I popped out $100 and he agreed.supposed he's moving and can't take with him.he says it runs with pop start,and its missing few parts.with that said I need your advice and honest opinions.I can't get pics to load on phone,so if you can tex me ill send pics.thanks all 903-830-2422.

05-05-2014, 11:12 PM
Is that what you do in Texas, you tex? I would say any running trike is worth $100.

05-05-2014, 11:33 PM

Are you sure its not a 200x?

Either way, $100. No brainer captain. TeX him back and tell him done deal:D

05-06-2014, 08:15 AM
Lol.ya I tex when I'm busy doing stuff.its got the atc350x stickers on the plastics..I told the guy its basicly a done deal,hopefully ill end up with it.I was going to get a hard tail from my buddy couple weeks ago and he sold it from under me.

05-06-2014, 10:36 AM
Going threw cl today I found a 350x.

... it runs with pop start,and its missing few parts.

...he asked what I would offer him,I popped out $100 and he agreed.

...I told the guy its basicly a done deal,hopefully ill end up with it.

...with that said I need your advice and honest opinions.

captain2207 Location whitehouse tx.

Hello captain2207

1. Ok cap'n...Sorry to break this to you but you do NOT live in "THE" White House, nor is "THE" White House in Texas. FYI - It is in Washington D.C.

2. If you have to ask someone if a nearly complete AND running Honda ATC of ANY size, is worth $100.00, and/or you think "THE" White House is in Texas, you are either making a joke, or...you must be a Texan. http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-laughing013.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

3. Unfortunately, the deal is NOT done because he's gonna take money from the first guy that shows up at his door with a wad full of cash, and if he won't, then I can assure his old lady will.

I was going to get a hard tail from my buddy couple weeks ago...

if you can tex me ill send pics.
I should also inform you, that we have been informed, that this IS a "Family Friendly" site, and I also doubt anyone [well maybe one person] will be "texing" you for those but thanks for sharing.

PS - Since you ARE in Texas, and we ALL know that EVERYTHING is bigger and better in Texas...can you please look at the photo below and tell us just exactly what type of beef the restaurants are servin up in your state?

A L L L S O...Just what is up with that odd look on his face? It reminds me of some mountain camping movie I unfortunately watched a while back.....On second thought, I don't think we want to know.

OMG...I think I just got a hernia!
http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-laughing025.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)



05-06-2014, 01:20 PM
Ahh Captain..their having fun with you for your use the word 'tex'..it's TEXT!!

But I guess since you're in Texas it may be acceptable to do some Texan!! To each his own, not judging here!!


05-06-2014, 01:26 PM
Ahh Captain..their having fun with you for your use the word 'tex'..it's TEXT!!

But I guess since you're in Texas it may be acceptable to do some Texan!! To each his own, not judging here!!

:DTrue enough...... but they're soon to be having fun with your use of their.......so there.:D

05-06-2014, 01:55 PM
True enough...... but they're soon to be having fun with your use of their.......so there.:D"their" ain't enough Yen in China for ME to touch that one.

OMG Barn...where'd your ca_ones go?
http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-laughing025.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

05-06-2014, 02:08 PM
Seems that lately when having fun at anothers expense here, the defensive sensitivity has been turned down a notch...thank goodness!!! Almost like theres some grown adults here that can take a joke or realize that they also make mistakes...what a concept:D

05-06-2014, 03:13 PM
Yeah, but anyway Captain..be it 200x or 350x??

If it's a 350x with a 200 engine in it..weird, but great score. If it's a 200x with a 185-200semi-auto stuck in it..still a good deal.

Go get it and post some pics..figure it out later.

05-07-2014, 11:11 AM
Ehh...no hard feelings,I guess that's Yankee lingo there.yes it definitely is a 185/200s motor on it.I didn't see any id tags on neck and that's why I asked.maybe a 200x?I should find out later today.

05-07-2014, 03:28 PM
Pop starting is usually low compression, but at that price, GRAB IT!

05-07-2014, 08:17 PM
Too bad you could not find you a real 350x complete running with paperwork, theres a mean machine right there. The smaller ones are ok, but I love the grunt and midrange of my 350x.

05-07-2014, 09:02 PM
No go.called the guy and its gone.sucks.and yes I'd want a true 350 over all others.ill get my hands on one.