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01-04-2004, 02:26 PM
Oh boy is this going to be a thread.
Ive started dismantling the sx and have painted a couple of parts,cant get the exhaust apart silencer from head pipe is the problem Im going to add some heat next if a no go im cutting.
found a cobra sys.for $100.99 its a megaphone has any one used this sys?
and how is it? I would rather have a DG. speaking of DG another ques.
Im also thinking about doing the 350X at the same time as sx resto.
Ive found at the DG web site a 38mm PE carb kit any one used this ?
also what exhaust to get for big X Krome power or Xccellerater I plan on getting a full sys.also plan on putting a twist kit on it too and the carb mentioned has a cable for just that, Im thinking about the carb for a simplicity and performance stand point this PE (dont know what the PE stands for ?)Is a straight forward type carb (cable through the top cap direct conn. to slide a very larger version of the 200x carb) At this point im not doing a full resto. on big X just a little motor work and frame transfer to see how the motor will do and what else ill have to do to as far as motor mods. or complete rebuild +mods .I plan on taking my time on the sx the 350X will be just a slap together test run test runner for future modification when i first got the big x it was just that slapped together no motor mounts had to be push started ,my slap together will include possibly a top end job, definately kicker shaft and kicker,all motor mounts ,I mean slap together sounds bad when I got it it was slapped together my definition of a slap together will be simply a motor tranfer to another frame but put together right by the book just no stripped to frame restore. may be i should have used another term rathr than slapped together the sound of that really bothers me :rolleyes: