View Full Version : sx down again

02-01-2014, 09:46 AM
Went to go ice fishing last night. When I got there I backed the big sexy off the trailer and turned her around. Went to put her into reverse to back up to sleigh and had no reverse. Then tried sl and no gear. Will go into a gear with a big clunk but nothing else and feels like it slips out again. When in neutral (if you find it) the light keeps going on and off unless you keep shifter in right spot. Hope its the infamous pin 21. Unfortunately the previous owners of the house I bought turned the garage into an apartment, so no where to tear into it until spring. Missing her already. If anybody has any suggestions as to what else it might be I would appreciate the help , thanks

02-01-2014, 09:54 AM
Sad news about the SX. Did you still get to go fishing at least?

02-01-2014, 10:11 AM
Well after that I decided I would walk out. Spent a couple hours moving hut by hand as it was frozen in,got it all set up finally when the wife called. She was stuck in her truck a couple hundred yards off the boat launch in a deep drift. So I packed up and went and dug her out. So no , no fishing but am walking out today. The crappie are hitting good so at least I should get a fish fry.

tri again
02-01-2014, 01:58 PM
Hopefully ice jammed in the reverse shifter or similar.

A few of us dug into the shift linkage of those ath the same time
a while back.
Maybe search key for "sx shift' and read it all.
GREAT pix too.
I had mine dead level, shift side up and off with the cover.
Someone fixed his without draining the oil but I did.

1 threaded pin under the shift shaft and mine was a bent threaded pin
in the end of the shift drum.
Sure didn't look bent but I spun it slowly in a drill and it had a .020" wobble.

try to find the posts, side cover gasket, and I just bought the 2 pins
before I went in.

Not hard, just frustrating and I might have given up if it wasn't for 3ww.

I did mine outside under a tarp, if that helps.
Again, my vote is for ice in the wrong place and it may just fix itself when the weather warms up.

02-01-2014, 02:08 PM
Shifter side right. I changed the shift locater pin a couple years ago, hope its the same one. Was your bent pin on the same side? Ya hope its just frozen up. If my doors were wide enough she would be in the house. Mind ya the wife would probably throw me out.She wasn't happy when I fired the two smoke up inside a few years ago ha ha

tri again
02-01-2014, 02:28 PM
yupp, all the cool stuff is on the same side, shifter side but that shift shaft goes all the way to the other side with a thin spacer washer inside the opposite cover.
If you're careful, it will stay there due to oil stickiness so be gentle if you pull out the shift shaft and back in.

'shift side right"? is yours european shift? just kidding, shift side is left, right?
now I'M confused.

so your first fix was the threaded pin under the shift shaft bracket that is straddled by the spring and bracket on the shaft?
Mine...that one, was ok.
There is a threaded pin in the end of the shift drum that had walked out and compressed against everything so it wouldn't shift.
I spent 2 days fooling with it and then decided that pin was the only thing I hadn't addresses.
Pulled it out and it looked good.
Scratched my head, yelled at the dog and spilled my coffee and the cat knocked over my surgical tools and tiny parts in the eggcrate.
all while the phone wouldn't stop ringing.

A few light breezes raising dust, you know the story...oh and the wife?
I swear she filed for divorce, but htat was because I had a carb boiling in the kitchen.

where was i?

Oh, yeah, the pin in the end of the shift drum was bent but I could only tell by spinning it slowly in a drill to see the wobble.

Hopefully you don't have to go that deep but we'll get you through it.

I'll post part numbers after I get back later for the 2 pins and bracket and spring.
I just got them all before I went in since I have a few of these 250 models.

keep the wife happy, first and formost or you'll both be outside lookin' in.

02-01-2014, 02:33 PM
Thanks man, I appreciate it

03-21-2014, 01:58 PM
Well I dug into the sx today. Both the pins were loose not much but a little. The one in the shifter drum was loose enough that the center shift drum was wobbling because it had come off the little keyway at the bottom that keeps it in place. I tightened everything down and tried shifting but would shift a couple then hang up in between. She is on her side so I couldn't rock it to see if that would help. I guess ill just order both pins to be safe and a gasket and see if that fixes it. It did look like the pin in the end of the shift drum had a slight wobble when I spun it in my drill, but hell it could be the drill.

tri again
03-22-2014, 11:16 PM
If you can find the 'sx shift' post . there are GREAT pictures.
Some say to check the straightness of the shift shaft itself,
the bracket can crack too but is still avail.
Breaks my heart when I see people stomping on those poor little shifters
and picture those little parts screaming out loud.

Let me know if you can't find the old posts.

03-22-2014, 11:25 PM
Sure will, I think this will get it though. My parts should be in monday, so I'll get her together and post the results. Thanks again

03-30-2014, 04:51 PM
Got her put back together today, and she is shifting again.I replaced both pins just because I was in there but am pretty sure it was the center drum pin being loose that allowed it to spin that was the problem. Thanks again for the help.