View Full Version : Selecting an epoxy for encapsulation of electric components on a tecate

01-26-2014, 01:26 PM
As my name implies I own a Tecate. After sending my flywheel to Jeswinehart to have the magnets glued to the flywheel I started thinking about the rest of the electrical system on the Tecate and how they've been known to fail. I've not had any problems but also change my stator about every year as I notice a lot of corrosion forming from water that gets trapped behind the stator cover. I just bought a new stator from Ricks and want to encapsulate the wiring and magnets in an epoxy similar to the way John glues the magnets to the flywheel. My thought is that if the components are completely sealed then there is no way for them rust, rot, or vibrate apart? I know John has experiance with selecting epoxies but wanted to see if there was any other input out there

01-26-2014, 03:30 PM
Hello TecateDan;

Are you looking for thin liquid electrical sealer that dries hard?

If so, two types are called shellac or epoxy insulating varnish. You often see the shellac on armatures but it's often baked on.

Here’s some serious stuff.



Here’s stuff for other apps.

Hard epoxy electronic component sealer for coating coils or potting/sealing cdi's etc.


I’ve used this stuff like this before, its soft rubber. Call for temp range, this brand might not take high heat. It’s like the rubber dip for tool handles.


Permatex silicone clear RTV [good to 400] or black [good to 450 deg]


If coating [not potting] parts with the silicone or epoxy, squirt it on or in a pile then apply with cheap small paint brush. Parts can be dipped in the rubber coating if desired.

01-26-2014, 06:31 PM
I like the rtv idea !!! Might give that a try

01-26-2014, 06:34 PM
Perhaps https://www.google.com/search?q=liquid+tape&rlz=1T4GGNI_enUS526US526&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=LI3lUvCEAYP42QXX8IHYDQ&ved=0CEcQsAQ&biw=944&bih=443&dpr=2

??? john

* easy cleaning method of area to be applied is rubbing alcohol + a bunch of Q-Tips ~ very inexpensive + effective (it is the last thing I do in preparing flywheels for encapsulation

01-26-2014, 06:47 PM
Not a bad idea john. I'm hoping to prevent the vibration from fatiguing the metal as we'll so I'd like something that prevents corirosion and provides some mechanical strength