View Full Version : 250es Centrifugal clutch lock nut – need loctite?

01-24-2014, 12:43 AM
I had to replace the one-way clutch on the kicker side.
All went well using all the good advice on this site I could find.
The impact wrench worked and did not need to use a holder (great tip!)
All went well and I reassembled everything and now about to add oil.
Took one more look through the service manual and that is when I read :
“Apply thread locking agent to the centrifugal clutch lock nut”

I did not do that.!

Question do I open it back up?
I did hit it good a few times with the impact... following the manuals instructions to do it once with just the nut then take it off and add the lock washer then tighten it up again.

Nowhere on this site when I read the how to's about this did locking agent come up.
Maybe that should be obvious to people that know (but I didn't).
So... is it necessary?

It is a backward threaded nut... and anything that I ever played with that has one of those just got tighter during use.

Anyway what you all think.... open her back up?


01-24-2014, 01:56 AM
I never use thread locker on that nut. I just hammer it real good and move on.

01-24-2014, 02:41 AM
Ya my 87 has the type of nut that you indent into the crank to lock it

tri again
01-26-2014, 04:14 AM
Sounds like it spins to tighten and has lock tab?
so loctite would be 3rd?

There are different kinds.
red never comes apart, blue is ok for bolts into aluminum once or twice and green wick n' lock can be dripped on after assembly and soaks into the threads.

I'm sure there are more types by now.
I use nailpolish because it drives my gf Nuts to see it in my toolbox and it fractures nice to come apart.

Sounds like a coin toss at this point.
Whatever helps you sleep better, I guess.
How can connecting rod nuts hold for years at 18-20 ft lbs?
Any way to check with torque wrench? or is that major disassembly?

so to review, reverse thread, and disassemblred with 1/2" gun?
I think I may be next in line for that project.