View Full Version : Praying for a speedy recovery

01-15-2014, 11:14 AM
my son had his first tumble on his zinger on Monday. no swelling or bruising but leg was hurting pretty bad. kept it elevated with ice on it all night. no better in the morning. Went and got an x-ray = spiral fracture ( from being twisted and the zinger running over his leg). He is now in a splint up to his hip, going to get a cast on Monday. he is really good on the zinger, but for some reason the past couple weeks he has really gottin comfy and going a little bit faster. I watched the whole thing, for some reason he took a turn without slowing down at all. he has learned a lesson for sure. I just wish it wasn't this bad. kinda my fault too, I should have governed it a little more.

kids will be kids though right? im sure this wont be his last wreck.

I thank the good Lord, cause it could have been worse.

im sure the helmet helped. he also got a little road rash on his back


and this one must of been after the pain meds

remember kids, always wear you helmets!!!!

Outlaw #24
01-15-2014, 11:43 AM
What does he think about what happened? Does he know that it was operator error? Poor little guy!

01-15-2014, 11:47 AM
Poor kid, how old is he? I see he is wearing a Mario shirt. My daughters are huge Mario fans


01-15-2014, 12:18 PM
Get well soon little one!!

01-15-2014, 12:19 PM
he knows it was his fault. he was very sorry, he kept apologizing , saying he should have listened to me. he just turned 5. I'm sure he learned something here and will be more aware. when the nurses and doctors asked him what he did he said "I was going too fast on my 3wheeler and wrecked and it ran over me"

you mention the word 3wheeler in a hospital and you get "the look" - "bad parents, what's wrong with you"

"aren't those things illegal?"

01-15-2014, 01:02 PM
Sounds like the little guy has a good head on his shoulders, rider accountability is one of the best lessons to learn early on imo.

Best wishes for a fast and full recovery buddy:Bounce

01-15-2014, 01:04 PM
I hope the little guy is doing good. It will be just another war story to tell his buddies soon. I too worry when my boy is riding. He will be 7 in Feb and has been riding since he was 4. He is pretty good but his confidence I am afraid will get the best of him someday soon. It is blast to watch him shooting roosters and spinning donuts, but at the same time I worry about the possibilities. So long as they are having fun and are willing to get back on it, then I think all in all it will be a lesson learned. Hope to see some pictures soon (after the cast comes off of course) of him ripping around. Heal up well little buddy!

01-15-2014, 02:53 PM
Glad he's OK. Youth is on his side and will heal quick. Just think of all the cool attention he'll get now. If the significant other is still cool with him riding then you're good to go! How's the zinger?

01-15-2014, 04:03 PM
didn't hurt the zinger any.

tri again
01-15-2014, 04:51 PM
Spirals heal much nicer than others.
Even if it looks bad, gravity and pressure on the bones with almost make
it disappear over the years and the matrix realigns itself.

Just make sure to LISTEN to the docs, IF they know what they're doing.
Some like a walking cast at some point in time and if they say NO walking.
let it heal.
a few weeks or month now means nothing relative to the next 80 + years.

I've hurt myself doing waaay stoopider stuff than that.
Left one idle in gear and hit the throttle with my foot as I got off and ran myself over, for instance.

01-15-2014, 07:09 PM
learning to fall and get back up is the most important lesson there is. hope he gets better soon.

01-15-2014, 07:51 PM
You need to get him a 3ww shirt to wear as a trophy of his 1st crash!

Tell him us here on 3ww are hoping for a quick recovery and that we will see him out on the trails!

trike savior
01-15-2014, 11:10 PM
sorry to hear. glad he is ok. he is young and will bounce back fast. you will be reminding him soon to take it easy on it. As others have said better he learns now when they heal quick and the bike is small. as for the snotty doctors, tell them to shut it. seen a lot worse happen on a bicycle. Hope mama ain't too mad.

Funny how when they are really hurt and all you are worried about is making sure they are ok, all they think is they are in trouble and keep apologizing.

01-16-2014, 09:42 AM
you need to get him a 3ww shirt to wear as a trophy of his 1st crash!

Tell him us here on 3ww are hoping for a quick recovery and that we will see him out on the trails!

you know i was wishing i could find him alittle shirt that said "tri-zinger"

thanks everybody

01-16-2014, 12:38 PM
Sorry to hear the little guy got banged up, but he should heal up good from the way it sounds.

Plenty of places to make T-Shirts online. Find a good picture of a Tri-Zinger and add the text.

01-16-2014, 01:01 PM
sorry to hear, get well soon little guy.

01-16-2014, 05:20 PM
Best wishes for s speedy recovery. Like Tri said,these are not too bad to heal up. But make sure he LETS it heal!!!

04-12-2015, 06:38 PM
I'm sure he'll be fine. Little kids that age are made of rubber. Although there's nothing good about taking a spill, its better to learn these lessons at a young age and at a low speed than to learn them later in life on a faster and heavier machine. Learning that same lesson as an unexperienced teenager or adult on a big bike could be bad news. Get well little guy!

04-13-2015, 03:16 PM
A three-wheeler?! Don't you know those things are extremely dangerous???!!!

Sorry the little guy was injured, but it could have been worse, he can now learn from it and be a smarter rider in the future.

I learned to ride on Zinger myself. My cousin and I used to beat that poor thing to death. I hope he has many more hours on that thing!