View Full Version : Use the "search" feature!!! That's why it's there...
01-03-2014, 01:10 AM
I am noticing an alarming amount of people looking for help and complaining about
issues that either:
A - Have already been addressed...
B - Already have fixes...
Save yourself some time and others the headache by USING the
"SEARCH" feature in the top right of your webpage.
Some INCREADIBLY COMMON post that you WILL find an ANSWER for
with the search feature are:
- Engine Smoking
- TOP END rebuilds
- Tire options and people preferences...
- GEAR ratios
- POINT ISSUES!!!! <--- one extra there and yall know why...
- Welded parts that should not be... actually, post those... with pics. We all need a good laugh at another's expense. :)
So yea... use key words, try non specific and you will most likely find what you are looking for.
Hoosier Daddy
01-03-2014, 01:13 AM
Hoosier Daddy? The fawk you been?
01-03-2014, 01:17 AM
Hoosier Daddy? The fawk you been?
Around... I start my day with a read over the latest posts... then idiots happen. :P
tri again
01-03-2014, 02:19 AM
Tanks mang.
I DO have nothig better to do but have noticed that I often
offer the same advice to a couple different people on the same day.
or within days.
If I have a 'no spark' condition, I'll search 'no spark' and read every godbless'ed post about no spark I can find, even if it's not my trike model.
Search key gives us every post about whatever so instantly get tons of pages ever written about said subject.
01-03-2014, 02:30 AM
And here we have Dr Joe. Two aliases in one thread. Where's Chris Crash?
01-03-2014, 02:32 AM
You should of posted this in the new member areas since well, this is mainly directed at new people and the new people cannot even post here.
Not saying i dont agree with you, because i do, but what you are telling people is to stop posting thread after thread asking for things that have been addressed previously. So in theory, pretty much every problem has been answered on this forum at one time or another. So if most questions have been answered, then there is no need to post. Which would drastically reduce new threads/posts per day then resulting in the decline of activity of this site. So these new members and their problems are what keep this forum alive. Just something to think about, dont dislike this because i am not by any means trying to start sh*t. :lol:
tri again
01-03-2014, 02:56 AM
You should of posted this in the new member areas since well, this is mainly directed at new people and the new people cannot even post here.
Not saying i dont agree with you, because i do, but what you are telling people is to stop posting thread after thread asking for things that have been addressed previously. So in theory, pretty much every problem has been answered on this forum at one time or another. So if most questions have been answered, then there is no need to post. Which would drastically reduce new threads/posts per day then resulting in the decline of activity of this site. So these new members and their problems are what keep this forum alive. Just something to think about, dont dislike this because i am not by any means trying to start sh*t. :lol:
I agree wholeheartedly.
Terms of use suggest / require that posts remain active no matter how old they are.
So, in theory, there should only be 100 or so topics.
This last 250es fuse issue has me baffled and I've been through it a few times.
Good to get new fresh perspectives on old thoughts and topics.
A few of us went through sx shift linkage problems at the same time last year and some new info and tricks popped up, and I had read everything I could get my hands on.
125m shift drum boss fracture is now considered common but when I 'searched' it was all about bent shift drum stoppers and bent bolts.
Always seems to be new info around some corner, new insights and fresh perspectives.
But seriously, if I need answers, I'll read everything I can get my eyes on before I ask, yet, another silly question, unless it's like tires or oils with TOO much info., and then I'll ask again.
Excellent point ghostv2
82 250r
01-03-2014, 03:23 AM
Perhaps this will help...
01-03-2014, 03:58 AM
Perhaps this will help...
lol, classic... yea, I think I am just getting frustrated with reading the same stuff all the time.
Not to bash on 3ww, but I don't find it as orderly as 3wo (before it went down due to a upgrade issue which is being worked on...)
And from what I am reading you guys are right, old topics might not solve issues that are current...
BUT, I do still think that the search button isn't being used as much as it should...
it's almost invisible sitting there nice and cozy in the corner there.
I am hoping thought that in the new members area (which should probably have a copy of this thread in it, or moved to...)
and in other parts of the forums that the constant stream of no spark, smoking, carb issues, etc... will slowly
calm down so that actual contributions on the site can be noticed.
Most issues with the basics of the trikes can be answered by simply opening the manuals.
But it seems like more people are posting the redundant questions here instead of buying
or downloading a copy of the manuals that are readily available by many of
our very own members that took the time to make those copies available to everyone.
I know that the forums here on 3ww are meant to get as many eyes on the same topics
at once by grouping the posts... but maybe it's time to elect a group of people that can
create new and sub categories to clean things up and allow for better/easier searches
on the topics and models. Just saying...
01-03-2014, 04:38 AM
As many times as there's a repetative question there is also someone to complain about newbies not using the search bar.its not that it doesn't work but some people just simply want a fresh response.doesn't matter how many hundreds of times a question is asked as a part of this group you should be encouraging anyone who will take the time to listen.leave people alone and don't worry about it or start your own site and call it "I'm too cool to ask or answer any newbies questions but I will take the time to read everyone of"
01-03-2014, 06:17 AM
Bash me all you want, I don't mind helping out people with their problems, it's why we are here.
But, after a while, you too will come across a post where you will say "enough".
I love coming across new builds, restorations and mods, to see someone digging in deep and emerging
with a work of riding art. It takes time and patience to understand and do the work right.
Everyone learns at their own pace. But when information becomes diluted with common problem
that are pretty much cookie cutter versions of themselves, then, then you start to loose
the quality of the information.
Anyone who has used the search found themselves overwhelmed with the repetitive question flooding the screen,
to then find in a much dated post the information they wanted. Many newer post linking to the old one.
It's not bad to post in an old thread on the same subject to bring it back to the top for review.
MOST of the info pertaining to issues on the trikes are common and have a thread with a fix or info.
Maybe with time, the best info will bump it's way up and the junk will make it's way to the bottom of the list.
Myself and a few other have talked about the issues with both 3ww and 3wo, and have been sitting back
watching the forums for anything... out of the ordinary that we can actually contribute something new
to the community other than "fill in the blank with the most common answer to the problem at hand
that could have been solved if the user took a few mins and searched it up...".
01-03-2014, 09:15 AM
not to be a dick, but a guy that has 54 posts? dude, you have NO right to say a dam word here. Your post is offensive and not appreciated by people whom have been here for a long time. if you were a site regular then you would have more of a leg to stand on. right now, nearly half your post count is right here...
Billy Golightly
01-03-2014, 09:53 AM
There are two types of people;
More quiet and introverted types that will happily browse and search the forum on their own and most likely find the answers they are looking for without anyone even knowing.
And the more social extroverted types that appreciate and thrive on personal response from people that have more experience and knowledge than them.
The forum is arranged in such a matter that it is functional for both types of people. Do not denigrate one over the other because their methods and preferences of learning are different.
This is, of course, not directed to the people that when you ask them to check the plug, ask you where its at and how to take it out.
01-03-2014, 10:31 AM
My helpful contribution to this thread is to offer another way to search the forum. I find the forum search tools to be just a bit harder to use than this alternative:
Use google to search this site by using this text on the google page: "keyword"
Don't type the double-quotes. Enter whatever terms you want in place of keyword. Searching this way brings up google search results for just this site. I love searching this way.
01-03-2014, 10:38 AM
What pipe should I use for my 250r??
I don't know if it's bored, don't know what size/type carb I have, don't know if it's ported or not...
And how much horsepower will reeds and a spacer add?
And last but not least, my brother's, girlfriend's, uncle's, boss's, wife's, grandmother's, cousin's, son runs 110 octane is his stock 200x and said it showed an increase of 50hp on the dyno-app on his smartphone. I KNOW race fuel makes more power on a, can I "pour in the power" the same way with a 2-stroke???
I just can't figure out why those NHRA guys build those ridiculously expensive engines for their dragsters... Who want's to spend all that money with shiny engine parts when you can just sneak some race fuel in the tank and have a sleeper... Imagine the pinks you could win before anyone caught on!!
:Bounce :w00t: :lol: :naughty: ;) :D
01-03-2014, 12:01 PM
I use the search a lot and find a lot of great info, but then there is also a lot of bad information out there too. I dont mind spending hour going through old post trying to wade through the good and bad information out there trying to find the answer to my questions. Sometimes it would be easier to just post a new thread, but then sometimes I learn answers to questions I didn't even know I had. There is a lot of internet babel from from guys who really do not know the answers, but feel like they need to post to raise there status. When people on eBay claim a 10hp increase from a coil swap then I dont understand how that can be a bad question for someone who doesn't know? I myself never really used a internet forum before and there was definitely a learning curve. I had the luxury of a father that taught me a lot of things growing up, but not everyone had that. For a example my wife will ask questions about trikes and quads that my 12yr daughter will answer, because she has been raised around them and my wife wasn't. Doesn't make it a dumb question, in fact I think it makes it a great question. If she was to get on here and use the search for the same simple question, she may get 10 different answers. Some people will ask the same question over and over till they get the answer they want, but for other looking for the correct answer using the search can be a tedious process.
01-03-2014, 12:44 PM
I imagine almost everything has been addressed on here at one time or another. Would you rather the site go stagnant? With everyone's phone having a camera and email's answers often are much better than the ones posted 10 years ago because helpful members can post a photo of a part or repair. Also, in the spirit of comrodery, maybe a member with a new toy would just like to talk with fellow enthusiast about it. Relax.
01-03-2014, 01:16 PM
I do need to apologize if my comment offended anyone.I have a hair trigger sometimes!we really do need to lighten up on people who don't know much on diagnosing and fixing.I still need lots of info on motors.mainly now I just need to gather up the balls to tear into a bottom end.I have several 350 and 250r bottom ends that need fixing but I don't have tools or know how on doing it.yes I do have a manual but I'm still Leary about it right now.I'm the guy who wants to know motors up and down inside and out.if I knew more I could help more.I surely can't be the only one that can still talk for hours to complete strangers about 3 wheelers.anyways guys let's just give these people some support and help them get their bikes up and running!
01-03-2014, 01:56 PM
Most of the time these youngsters are too lazy to put in any effort. It's a lot easier to run to the internet and have someone answer their questions so they have no work to do. Not all but most are. They want to get something motorized and the trike that's been sitting out in the weeds is pretty cheap. Then when it don't start in two or three pulls, off to the web to see why it won't start. I'm only 36, but I had no internet when I was younger and had to figure things out on my own, and I'm glad I learned the way I did. When I was 12 I was working on all the neighborhood kids quads, bikes, or whatever.
So there's my part. Laziness is overtaking the country, everything is on the internet so there's no need to get your hands dirty to figure things out anymore.
While I'm going. If you want to paint your trike, go ahead, do it what ever color you want. No need to rush to the net and ask what color you should spray paint all of your parts, want someone to come with and hold your hand too. Tires, buy what you want, what difference does it make what everyone else has, google ATV tires and have fun looking. Oil, buy some type of ATV oil and change it, these things been around for 30 years with who knows what kind of oil in it and they are still going.
We'll I need an aspirin now and need to get back to work.
Does anybody know how to change a wheel bearing on my car? Lol
01-03-2014, 02:16 PM
i used the search function for my no spark issue and am considered a newbie here. I waded through post after post with no help other than the same basic replies to no spark issues. So i started my own thread adding to the many no spark threads already there, however i got help with things i didnt know. And yes i even read the manual. They dont tell you everything, alot but not everything.
I just feel that if you see a post labeled as carb issue or what tire the simple solution is to not read it.
01-03-2014, 02:29 PM
I'm only 36, but I had no internet when I was younger and had to figure things out on my own, and I'm glad I learned the way I did. When I was 12 I was working on all the neighborhood kids quads, bikes, or whatever.
I'm the same age as you and remember spending many hours just figuring out by trial and error how to fix my stuff. Of course, my father being a well seasoned machinist and generally very mechanical was there to help me quite alot. IN fact, once my Dad made from scratch a carrier for my 250r. I didn't even have the old carrier for him to measure! He just took a bunch of measurements of the swingarm, axle, sprocket hub, brake hub, etc..and lo and behold, Dad came home with a custom, fully functional in every way, carrier for my R! But I digress... I started off young with my bicycles and as I got older evolved into sleds and wheelers. And most times I didn't have the luxury of a service manual. I could barely afford to keep fuel in my machines as a kid of 12. Breakdowns usually soaked up whatever money I had and often times couldn't afford the service manual.
But I'll tell you one thing, going without a manual more often than not when I was growing up sure makes you appreciate having them...I still do to this day! :D
The internet has proven a HUGE asset to me over the last 6 or 7 years as far as this stuff goes...
01-03-2014, 05:54 PM
I'm the same age as you and remember spending many hours just figuring out by trial and error how to fix my stuff. Of course, my father being a well seasoned machinist and generally very mechanical was there to help me quite alot. IN fact, once my Dad made from scratch a carrier for my 250r. I didn't even have the old carrier for him to measure! He just took a bunch of measurements of the swingarm, axle, sprocket hub, brake hub, etc..and lo and behold, Dad came home with a custom, fully functional in every way, carrier for my R! But I digress... I started off young with my bicycles and as I got older evolved into sleds and wheelers. And most times I didn't have the luxury of a service manual. I could barely afford to keep fuel in my machines as a kid of 12. Breakdowns usually soaked up whatever money I had and often times couldn't afford the service manual.
But I'll tell you one thing, going without a manual more often than not when I was growing up sure makes you appreciate having them...I still do to this day! :D
The internet has proven a HUGE asset to me over the last 6 or 7 years as far as this stuff goes...Yes I agree with you, briano, and joenovosel. When I was a kid I worked on my own $100 dirt bike and barely had money for fuel. My father was my source of knowledge. Run into the house, ask a question and run out to the garage and give it a try. I am now in my 30s and have a 1 year old so I don't have too much time to work on my toys. If it wasn't for the internet and this forum, I would have to buy wheelers that were 100% functioning because I really can't get to the garage much. I just bought a 70 last week and needed some help with troubleshooting the no spark issue. All my other wheelers have had CDI ignition. Anyway I used the search function and found enough info. We all need to understand that there are many kinds of riders on this forum. Some have several thousand dollar builds and like 3 wheels because of nostalgia or because of how they handle. Some ride three wheels because they are cheap and if you buy the right color they run for ever. The reality of this is the ATCs that are on the running forever path are likely rigged, welded and rewired and will need repairs. Give the owners of these rides a break and answer the same old questions for them. This site has been a great help to hundreds. If you have one of those $10000 custom builds that's great. The 14 year old kid with the $100 200S is probably gonna be drooling over your photos and will likely have some tire size or camo paint scheme questions. Maybe in 20 years that kid will have a big boy bike too.
01-03-2014, 06:20 PM
This thread reminds me of the people who make threads complaining about the probation period for new members. It's going to go nowhere. It's a forum, this is how they are. I have ran and owned countless forums with thousands of members just like this one. I love this place, if it's not for you and it upsets anyone, click the logout button. Case closed.
Click the dislike button if you wish, a few more will not hurt. Most of us are here to help people. So stop complaining about them. This is the kind of stuff that deters new members from joining or sticking around. I have yet to find a better community than right here.
01-03-2014, 06:26 PM
I am noticing an alarming amount of people looking for help and complaining about
issues that either:
A - Have already been addressed...
B - Already have fixes...
Save yourself some time and others the headache by USING the
"SEARCH" feature in the top right of your webpage.
Some INCREADIBLY COMMON post that you WILL find an ANSWER for
with the search feature are:
- Engine Smoking
- TOP END rebuilds
- Tire options and people preferences...
- GEAR ratios
- POINT ISSUES!!!! <--- one extra there and yall know why...
- Welded parts that should not be... actually, post those... with pics. We all need a good laugh at another's expense. :)
So yea... use key words, try non specific and you will most likely find what you are looking for.
Hoosier Daddy
Not sure how LONG you have been here but 50 posts is a bit short for this wealth of knowledge you have.
Many posts have gone over this numerous times and we all came to the agreement that using google when searching for threads, include "3WHEELERWORLD" in your search is your best chance at finding the topic.
When you've taught 50 people how to put in a thrust washer on a 250SX countershaft when you removed the shaft the wrong way, then you can point this out; Thanks :D
01-03-2014, 06:29 PM
not to be a dick, but a guy that has 54 posts? dude, you have NO right to say a dam word here. Your post is offensive and not appreciated by people whom have been here for a long time. if you were a site regular then you would have more of a leg to stand on. right now, nearly half your post count is right here...
Yea Oscar, that's right, 54 posts. 54 post on 3ww because when I registered in 2010 the site generated an error
that messed up my registration and didn't let me log in... after multiple requests to fix the issue and with
no response I gave up on 3ww and stayed with 3wo. It took a fellow member with a little pull to get the admin
to allow my email to re-register so that I can use the forums.
Out of those 54 post, most are contributions that either give info that was missing or elaborated on a subject that had
merit of further explanation. Some posts are for fun, some to comment, but all in their respective contexts.
If you are measuring a user via their post count... then you are misleading yourself in the worth of an individual to the community.
A new member can show up, have 30 years under his belt in experience and knowledge and only have posted 10 times.
Where as another might show up, have 100 posts, but all pertain to just repeating themselves, posting for the sake of posting
and posting about every little thing they are doing because they don't want to explore and try to figure it out by them selves.
There are a lot of people on the forums that have the time and are willing to help others when ever possible.
Not everyone has that time, I work nightshift which is over 12 hours from the moment
I walk out the door until I get home and I try to use my couple of hours spare time to work on my builds.
My title might be "new to the board" and "Arm chair racer" but that's because the forums are designed that
way... the titles should say "Around" and "Busy getting things done...".
And to be clear, you might think I am being offensive to long time posters, but I am willing to bet that most of them
when they come across another "Help me! No spark!" post... the sudden thought of pulling out a shotgun and shooting the screen
come to mind.
01-03-2014, 06:38 PM
Yeah, you're right about the title thing. Also the post count seems irrelevant to me too. I noticed you have many nice machines and I'm sure you know a thing or two. As for new threads, I just skip over the ones that don't interest me. No matter how many times I see a new thread that says "What model ATC is this?", I always open it. Anyway, it seems now we are again beating a dead horse.
01-03-2014, 06:40 PM
This thread reminds me of the people who make threads complaining about the probation period for new members. It's going to go nowhere. It's a forum, this is how they are. I have ran and owned countless forums with thousands of members just like this one. I love this place, if it's not for you and it upsets anyone, click the logout button. Case closed.
Click the dislike button if you wish, a few more will not hurt. Most of us are here to help people. So stop complaining about them. This is the kind of stuff that deters new members from joining or sticking around. I have yet to find a better community than right here.
Yea, maybe you are right Ghost... I like helping out people, but I think I might just do like a few other fellow trikers and just walk away.
I think the thing that upset me the most is that 3wo was a nice well organized forums and that sense the "shut down until further notice"
happened I have only had this place to read and post as much as a mash up as it is...
01-03-2014, 07:05 PM
If you are measuring a user via their post count... then you are misleading yourself in the worth of an individual to the community.
A new member can show up, have 30 years under his belt in experience and knowledge and only have posted 10 times.
Where as another might show up, have 100 posts, but all pertain to just repeating themselves, posting for the sake of posting
and posting about every little thing they are doing because they don't want to explore and try to figure it out by them selves.
My title might be "new to the board" and "Arm chair racer" but that's because the forums are designed that
This needed to be said, thank you.
But to throw another wrench in the salad.... isn't this more of an open forum topic?
01-04-2014, 12:30 AM
Just back up your opinions, show your knowledge and then people won't ASSUME that you were being a pissy pants.
I myself do not like the 3WW search option because plenty gets lost in the search.
Which is why I suggested the "How do I mount a tire 3WHEELER WORLD" and such as an option.
Many of us know that our 3WW search button is not the best, but it's the software that does this, maybe even .orgs for free with such an abundance of information/upgrades/incredible builds which are sometimes hard to find.
Try to find my "20 day build" which worded that way should show right up?? In google it does..........
01-04-2014, 04:37 AM
Yea it's not the best, but it should be the first stop.
As for the open forum comment above, the main thing was to get awareness on the subject.
Which it has. The comments are clear and show that yes, people are noticing the revolving door
of questions, but are saying that they are willing to take their time to repeat their answers
as many times as they pop up. That's fine, but it won't teach the newer generations about
R&D. Like stated before, it's easier to start a new thread and have someone answer it eventually then
it is to use the search feature. But the quick way out for one person makes it time consuming for others
and just adds to the soup. To answer the problem of the search feature being filled with repeated questions
that make it hard to find certain threads... Adding more to the soup won't help.
Maybe that is something that some moderators can be picked to do... Go through the posts and delete those
that are outdated or no longer needed. I don't mean builds, but rather the "junk" threads that have a better version.
Anyways, enough said on the matter, thanks for your comments. See you around the forums. :)
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