View Full Version : who has a tube bender whom would like to help me with a project?

12-16-2013, 11:25 PM
who here has a tube bender and wants to help me with a special custom project?
I need to make a custom nerf bar for a custom build mini-quad. I need the tubing bent. 1.25" alloy so not hard to do just need tight bends.

the great gazoo
12-17-2013, 07:22 PM
Tube benders aren't that expensive & are easy to use, you might want to do a little research & buy one, it'll pay for itself in no time.

whitetail hunter
12-17-2013, 08:29 PM
I have elec/hydraulic tube bender. would be happy to help but shipping would probably not benefit your project. if you don't find one closer I'd be willing to help

12-20-2013, 01:46 AM
thanks white.

gazoo, the issue I have is I cannot afford the $500 needed for a decent manual bender. the cheapo ones will not work on what I need to do. I need to bend chromoly 1.25"-1.5" tubing and also plan to do some alloy. I either put money into a tool and not into my son's engine or into my son's engine for next season. w/o the $ he does not race next year. so his motor wins. :(

02-22-2014, 10:16 PM
Find an electrician on a commercial site and give them a few bucks for a bit of bending......

I'm sure you could rent one as well. And aluminum is NOT so easy to bend versus steel tubing or EMT.

02-23-2014, 08:21 AM
you might check your local muffler shop i've had some stuff bent for a handrail project and didnt charge much